Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, October 26, 1905, Image 7

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    Tited , Netvous Mothers
MaKe Unhappy Homes Their Condition Irritates
Both Husband and Children How Thousands
of Mothers Have Been Saved From Nervous
Prostration and Made Strong and Well.
A nervous , irritable mother , often on
tho verge of hysterics , is unfit to care
for children ; it ruins a child's disposi
tion and reacts upon herself. Tho
trouble between children and their
mothers too often is due to the fact
that the mother has some female weak
ness , and she is entirely nnfit to bear
tho strain upon her nerves that govern
ing children involves ; it is impossible
lor her to do anything calmly.
The ills of women act like a firebrand
upon the nerves , consequently nine-
tenths of the nervous prostration , ner
vous despondency , "the blues , " sleep
lessness , and nervous irritability of
vromen arise from some derangement
of the female organism.
Do you experience fits of depression
with restlessness , alternating with
extreme irritability ? Are your spirits
easily affected , so that one minute you
laugh , and the next minute you feel
like crying ?
Do you feel something like a ball ris
ing in your throat and threatening to
choke you ; all the senses perverted ,
morbidly sensitive to light and sound ;
pain in the ovaries , and especially
between the shoulders ; bearing down
pains ; nervous dyspepsia , and almost
continually cross and snappy ?
If so , your nerves are in a shattered
condition , and you are threatened with
nervous prostration.
Proof is monumental that nothing in
the world is better for nervous prostra
tion than Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege '
table Compound ; thousands and thou-
Bands of women testify to this fact.
Ask R3rs. Pinkham's Advice A Woman Best Understands a Woman's Ills ,
Timely "Warning.
At a certain high school in this city
it is the custom to discuss briefly the
morning's news before taking up the
regular work of the day. In this con
nection an instructor in the school in
question tells of a funny incident.
One day the teacher ascended to her
desk , paper in hand. She spread the
paper on the desk , and glanced at the
r-v- head-lines of the first page. "The first
head that I observe this morning , " said |
she , is , " 'Pool-Room Raided. ' " She
then raised her head and with the ut
most feeling in heV voice said :
"Boys , never , never touch a cue ! "
Harper's Weekly.
Paul Dresser , tlie Popular Composer ,
Cured by'a Kidney Pills.
Paul Dresser of New York , author
of "Banks of the Wabash" and mauy
otner great song hits ,
writes :
Gentlemen : I wish
to recommend Doan's
Kidney Pills , in the
hope that my indorse
ment will be read by
some of the many
thousands of sufferers
from kidney com
plaint. I was so
wretched from this
malady that I could not sleep , rest or
eat , and had a weak and aching back.
Doan's Kidney Pills effectually cured
me , and I wish that others may know.
( Signed ) PAUL DRESSER.
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
Foster-Milburn Co. , Buffalo , N. Y.
Cupid anil Coupons.
"I am very much in love with the
banker's daughter. As soon as I saw
her father's coupon scissors I had palpi
tation of the heart. " Meggendorfer
Blaetter. _
Mischievous Legislation Threatened.
TAfrjKlnHort is . . many
States during this coming whiter for '
the of the so-called "
suppression - "pat- j
ent" medicines. The success of such
legislation would mean the abolition of j
the home medicine chest and would
force persons , no matter hov * remote
their homes from a physician , to call
In a doctor for every minor ailment.
The legislation as proposed would
mean frequent long delays awaiting
thearrival of a physician , when a sim
ple remedy administered by a member
of the household would accomplish the
result desired , or at least give tempo
rary relief.
At the Charity Bazaar.
Lieutenant I shall not pay you for
the two kisses , but I give you permis
sion to use my name as reference.
Mesgendorfer Blaetter.
Mr * . TTluslow't Boo.-umo BTBOT tor OUOdrca
hinc ; softens tho K ° &U > rtdoeos inflammation ,
pain , cores wind colic. 15 c nU a bottl * .
An orchid ( the Crispum Roger San
der ) has been sold at an auction in
London for $4.590. This is believed to
be a record price.
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Mrs. Chester Curry , Leader of tha
Ladies' Symphony Orchestra , 43 Sara
toga Stretil , East Boston , Mass. , writes :
Dear Mrs. Pinkham :
"For eight years Iwas troubled with ex
treme nervousness and hysteria , broughton by
irregularities. I could neither enjoy lifo nor
sleep nights ; I was very irritable , nervous
and despondent.
"Lydia E. Pinkhairfs Vegetable Compound
was recommended and proved to bo the only
remedy that helped me. I have daily
improved in health until I am now strong
and well , and all nervousness has disap
peared. "
Mrs. Charles F. Brown , Vice-Presi
dent of the Mothers' Club , 21 Cedar
Terrace , Hot Springs , Ark. , writes :
Dear Mrs. Pinkham :
" I dragged through nine years of miserabla
existence , vrorn out with pain and nervous
ness , until it seemed as though 1 should fly.
I then noticed a statement of a woman trou
bled as I was , and the wonderful results sho
derived from Lj'dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound , I decided to try it. I < Jid so , and
at the end of three months I was a different
woman. My nervousness was all gone. I was
no longer irritable , and my husband fell in
lovo with me al ) over again. "
Women should remember that Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is
the medicine that holds the record for
the greatest number of actual cures of
female ills , and take no substitute.
Free Advice to Women.
Mrs. Pinkhain , Lynn , Mass. , invites
all sick women to write to her foradvice.
Mrs. Pinkham's vast experience with
female troubles enables her to tell
you just what is best for you , and
she will charge you nothing for her
. (
A well-known Rochester lady f
says : "I stayed in the Adirondacks , (
away from friends and home , two <
winters before I found that by '
taking j
I could subdue the cough that
drove me away from home and
seemed likely to never allow me
to live there in winter. "
Kemp's Balsam will cure any
cough that can be cured by any
Sold by all dealers at 250. and 500.
IV. L. Douglas 54.OO Gilt Edge Line
cannot be equalled at any price.
[ [ Established
$1H fifin REWARD to anycna who can
$ I UjUUU disprove this statement.
W. L. Douglas 53.50 shoes have by their er-
cellent style , easy fitting , end superior wearinR
qualities , achieved the largest sale of any S3.50
shoe in the world. They are just as good as
those that cost you $5.00 to $7.00 the only
difference la tha price. If I could take you into
my factory at Brockton , Mass. , the larcest in
the world under one roof making men's fine
shoes , and show you the care with which every
pair of Douglas shoes Is , youwonfd realize
why W. L. Douilas $3.50 shoes are the best
shoes produced in the world. ,
If I could show you tho difference between the
shoes made in my factory and those of other
makes , you would understand why Douglas
S3.50 shoes cost more to make , why they hold
their shape , fit better , wear longer , and are of
greater intrinsic valuo than any other $3.50
shoe on the market to-day.
tV. L , Douglas Sfrang tiffadc Sftoos for
Menf $2. 0 , $2.GO. Bays' SKhool &
Brass Shoes$2.5B , $2 , & 1.7B$1.5O
CAUTION. Insist upon having W.L.DotiR-
las shoes. T.-iko no substitute. None genuine
without his immo and jirico stamped on bottom.
WANTED. A shoe dealer in every townwhere
"W. L. Douglfts Shoes are not sold. Pull line of
samples sent freo for inspection upon request.
Fast Color Eyelets used ; they will rai wear brassy.
Write for Illustrated' Catalog of Fall Styles.
TV. Ij. DOUGLAS , lirocktoru Mass.
troubled with ills peculiar to _ , „ .
tlieir eel , used ao a douche it marvefously suc
cessful. Thorouchlyclciases , kills disease germs ,
etopa discharges , heals inflammation and local
Paitir.e ia in powder form to be dissolved in pure
vrater , and is far more cleansing , healing , cermicidal
End economical tkm liquid antiseptics for all
For sale at druggists , CO cents a box.
Trial Bar and Book of Instructions Free.
Kills 3 'our PersonBf Injures Thirty-
five and V/recka Sorcnto , 111.
A tornado struck the village of Sor-
cnto , III. , thirty-two miles northeast of
St. Louis , Tuesday night , killing four
persons , injuring thirty-five others , of
whom threewill probably die , and do
ing a great amount of damage to prop
erty. Forty houses were blown to
atoms or carried from their founda
tions. A complete swath was cut
through the town. Everything in the
track of the tornado was reduced to
debris or blown away. The four per
sons killed were in their homes in dif
ferent parts of Sorento. All were bad
ly crushed.
The storm approached from the
southwest and swept through the main
residence portion of the town. The
work of the wind was quickly done
and then followed a heavy downpour
of rain , accompanied by vivid light
ning and deep thunder. Those who es
caped injury were for the time panic-
stricken , but finally rallied and set to
work to rescue the injured.
.So violent was the tornado that
some residences were swept away
completely. Houses that remained
standing were converted into tempor
ary hospitals and refuges and the peo
ple by lantern-light , in 'pouring rain ,
searched through debris and dragged
out the injured , who were immediately
taken in charge by all the doctors in
the vicinity. Tiie population of Soren
to numbers ] ,100 persons.
The storm that wrecked Sorento del
uged Alton , 111. , a few miles south of
Sorento , in the nature of a cloudburst.
St. Louis also suffered the fury of a
terrific thunderstorm. Alton's streets
were turned into temporary rivers.
Fourteen miles distant the village of
Grafton was deluged and the main
street was three feet under water.
Ten miles north of Alton a Chicago ,
Peoria and St. Louis freight train
struck a washout in the storm and
plunged down an embankment into
Branch Creek , containing six feet of
water. Two cars contained cattle and
horses and only a few of the animals
escaped death. Several tramps seen
to swing on the train previously are
believed to have perished. At St. Louis
the lowlands of the River DCS Peres
were flooded.
loosevelt's Southern Trip Includes
a Visit to Georgia.
President Roosevelt's southern tour
has included a visit to Roswell , Ga. ,
where stands the ancestral homestead , on
his mother's side. The latter , whose
maiden name was Bulloch , came of an
aristocratic southern family. Her father ,
.Tames Stephen Bulloch , was a major
of the Chatham artillery , deputy collect
or of the port of Savannah and a
vealtby planter. Here his daughter
mtirried Theodore Roosevelt , Sr. , of New
York , and there ure many still in Georgia
who cherish tender memories of the
President's beautiful , aristocratic moth
er. Throughout her girlhood she was a
noted belle , admired for her beauty , ac
complishments and strong mentality. She
was proud of her southern birth and an
tecedents , one of ner forefathers having
been Governor of Georgia. Her brother
was sailing master of the Alabama when
she fought the Kearsarge , "another was
tho Confederate naval agent abroad and
a third was a major in the army. It is
also a fact that one of President Roose
velt's maternal great-grandfathers was
Kenneth Baillie , a descendant of Robert
Bruce , King of Scotland.
Gen. Booth , head of the Salvation ,
army , is back in London , none the worse
for his recent trip of 30,000 miles.
The late sanitary expert , Dr. Gobun-
rek , left 250,000 marks to be lent without
interest to women who study medicine m
Germany and Austria.
Marshall Field is described by an east
ern writer : "He never borrows money ,
never gives a note or a mortgage , never
deals in margins on stocks or grains ,
si'lls on short time and narrow margins ,
always buys goods for cash , and insists
t the last letter on the fulfillment of
every contract between him and his cus
tomer. "
Mr. Edison lias but one speech to his
credit. Ho was to lecture on electricity
before a girls' seminary and was to be
assisted by a friend named Adams to
work the apparatus. He was so dazed
uhen he arose that he simply said :
"Ladies. Mr. Adams will now address
you on electricity , and I will demonstrate
what he has to say with the apparatus. "
The late C. J. Hamlin of Buffalo ,
X. Y. , the veteran trotting horseman ,
left an estate of $1.543,000 , mostly in
gilt edged bonds , to his wife and three
son .
ISrc-Congrcssrnan L. Cass Carpenter of
Denver owns the first American flag
fired upon in tho Civil War. It is 6x3
foot and was the storm flag of Fort
Gov. Pennypacker of Pennsylvania
oitompla"s the sale of his remarkably
.ine hi.stom-al library this fall , it is said.
It contains some Franklin reprints and
is valued at $10,000.
The GeraiK TOWER'S
It is ntde of the best
materials , in black or .yellow ,
fully guaranteed , and aoJ ! by
The World's Standard
600,000 In Use.
Ten Times
All Others Combined.
3ra Cre
Ererj Yen of Cis
otsr ill
Emit ; Sitting System *
and S5.pir Cow
cm all
Imitating Stptrttcrs. 585 :
il far c w Cttthfai.
Canal & Randolph Els . < 74 Corttondt Ftrost.
OTCR > . < yn * RAro
Au Unique Monument.
Monuments there are , to commem
orate all kinds of sentiments from
those of the greatest splendor and
beauty , to those of the simplest and
humblest , from the glorious Taj Huhal
of India , to the slip of shingle placed
by a little child in its garden , to com
memorate the loss of some little pet.
In the woods , which form part of the
demesne of the Earls of Darnley ;
whose seat is at Cobliam Hall , Kent ,
England , there stands a monument
which perhaps is unique , and is known
localljas the "TotMonument. . " The
present Earl's grout grandfather while
walking in his woods , came across a
wood-chopper at work , on the site of
this strange monument. The Earl
took exception to the way the man
was doing his work , and taking the
ax for the purpose , undertook to show
him tho right way. He made one cut
and severed the big toe from one of
his feet. He was curried with all pos
sible haste to the Hall ; doctors sent
for , but in spite of all aid he died of
lockjaw the next day. The "Toe Mon
ument" was erected by his successor
to mark the site of the fatal accident.
Moral : "Ne sutor ultra cropidam. "
arc made Cxira strong. The soles are seasoned
and tough , and every scam is scwctl lo hold.
Two pair of Mayer School Shoes arc-
in wearing quality to three pair of the usut
kind. You save .one-third. They are tha
strongest school shoes made and
Any reliable shoe dealer will supply you.
If not , write to us. Look for the Mayer
badc-mark on the sole.
We make "Honorbilt" shoes for
men and "Western Lady" and
"Martha Washington Comfort' slices
for women.
f. Kayer Boot & Shoe Co.
" $ * . MHwBukcc , V/Is.
Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year.
PRICE , Cts BBftf
, . . 3 CURE . . . . Ea $ * i
I Tron't sell Ajntl-Orlplnc to a dealer wlm won't CSnj\rinibr BC >
J HO LTORjigl for your IT
Tr.Dieiner.3I.I > . , Manufacturer , Springfield ,
Farm that is a Farm
Vt'bcre and ho\v to secure one from Uncle
Sam , or buy the best for the least money :
irrigated firms. or without irrigation.
Write Bureau of Information , room 113.
corner Third and l.roadwuy , St. 1'aiil ,
, B.C.
. 'Suaces-ifyllv Prosecutes Claims.
L > ato Principal arc&ni&or 0.S. Fcnnton Bureau ,
ivil VJLT ISe itlicsunsclaims.attv ! uu >
uaetho Great English Remedy !
Safe , Sure , Effective. 50c. & SI.
DRUGGISTS , or I > 3 Henry St. , Brooklyn , N. T.
S. C. N. U. No. 4. & 1OOS.
Best Cough Syrup. Tcatcs Good. Use
in t > Tie. Sold by druyuists.
The Genuine is Manufactured by th *
California Fig Syrup Co.
The full name of the company , California Rig Syrup Co. ,
Is printed on the front of every package of the genuine.
The GenuineSyrup of Figsis for Sale , in Original mm . - i. & " * . ? * . : : ? I
Packages Only by Reliable Druggists Everywhere * * " * * * *
, * ' - * " -CIj V"J"r * ! ; * * * * - *
VCV - '
V'V-T-i' . { vPrt.
Knowing the above will enable one to avoid the fraudulent imita < ' 3 X-r / v Z&
tions made by. piratical concerns and sometimes offered by unreliable
dealers. The imitations are known to act injuriously and should K $ : .ti : &
. -2.
therefore be declined. : > < * * v""f:3
/ & & m
Buy the genuine always if you wish to get its beneficial effects. * - & / * mM
It. cleanses the system gently yet effectually , dispels colds and headaches V&te - ' * fff-fe 73
when bilious or constipated , prevents fevers and acts best on the ' --y . * ' 3-fff 5 -
liver stomach and bowels when laxative ff : / .if
kidneys , , , a remedy is needed
by men , women or children. Many millions know of its beneficial * s . . ' . s ? ! - * .TT r II - *
f .V-- * ? r
effects from actual use and of their own personal knowledge. It is the -jm
laxative remedy of the well-informed. sJ&i f - - * I : & r
s ? -J .
Always buy the Genuine Syrup of Figs r * - - f ff _ ; > & * * * - * - - * " . * SSt
- . r/
- + T -J--7J.
' ! Ty. 4
' *
' = * * - - 1& & , |
. fe- * i . . 2fi " *
- - >
y.f xvaf1. . . " "CV-r . y-"V
- ' ' * L - i ? V * * * *
- 'f& Cf
Cofornare o k brfotiter and faster cc-'ors tft gny other dye. Gse lOc packsue colors all fibers. Tteydyein coM water letter tban any ot&er tfye. Yea"cat
my garoMt nllfcat spartVrilt for Jrw taoitet-Uow to Dje , Bleach 3nd U Colors. MOJVRO& VZ. VG CO.Sniom > iste.