Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, October 12, 1905, Image 5

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    Cement Building Blocks
for Foundations , Houses , Barns or Chimneys
The Loup Valley Hereford Ranch
Brownlee.Nebr ,
J'rince lioandel
131693 and Curiy
Cout 1122C1 sit head
of herd The blood
of Fowler. Anxiety
Jx > rd Wilton and Sir
Gladstone predomi
nates in my herd.
I can fill orders foi bulls of all ajes at anj
lime. Ranch feur miles north-west of Brown-
lee , Nebr.
Office over the grocery deparment
of T. C. Hornby's store.
Will be in Rosebud agency July
3rd , Oct. 2nd and Jan. 1 , 1904.
Iliege , Xebr.
Tubular wells and windmills.
First-class Shop in Every Respect
Eau de Quinine Hair Tonic , Golden Star Bair
Tonic , Herpicide and Cokn's Dandruff Cure.
Try Pompeian Face Massage Cream
Physician and Surgeon
Office at Quigley & Chapman's
Drug Store. Nights The Don-
oher residence , Cherry Street.
City Deliyeryman ,
Trunks , valises and packages hauled to and
from the depot and all parts of the City.
Dr. Q. 0. Sturdevant ,
Office over Daventort's Sto-e-Wesl Entrance
Valentine , X
" \Ve are making a specialty of
Carbon Platinos. Order the good
goods and you get them. Remem
ber that our Photos are guaranteed
and that re-sittings are given when
necessary. HALLDOIISOX. 29
FOE , SALE 12 full blood
B. P. It. Cockrells from § 1.00 to
§ 2.00 a piece , one year old.
Rooster for § 2.00 , score card with
him. I have to move them. Come
to R. R. bridge or leave orders at
Stetter's Meat Market.
352 Valentine , Neb.
All cattle branded Q-j or H3
on left side or hip or O
on left side or hip ; also all horses
branded Q on kia' v or m"P >
are the property of the EHICKSON
CATTLE COMPANY and in the cus
tody of the undersigned , as Re
ceiver of said company.
I will be grateful for informa
tion that will lead to the recovery
of any strays , or where a person
has gone to any trouble or expense
in recovering said cattle or horses ,
I will pay a suitable reward for
the return of the same.
| C. H. CORNELL , Receiver ,
i Valentine , Nebr.
. All kinds of chickens for sale ,
i Furnished rooms to rent. House
plants for sale.
Taken Up
By the undersigned on my ranch at McCann.
1 three-year olu red sieer. branded S on left
hip Mid < on light hip.
Bated Sept. 8.1 .
p > aG
AnnuaMy , to fill tl > p new positions cicated l y
Railroad and Telegraph Companies We
want Young Men anu Ladies of no d uab ts to
We furnish 75 per cent of the operators and
Station Agents in Ameiica. Osir MX school *
art1 the largest exc'ii ' ivo Telegraph schools
In The World. Established 20 > ea s ai.d en
dorsed bj all leading Hallway Officials.
We execute aS > 0 bond to vtry student to
furuibb Dim or iier a psition paMijg from
S40 to $00 a month in slates cast of the Rocky
Mountains , or from ? T5 to S100 a month in
states west of the Rockies , immediately up
on graduation.
students e-m ent < > r at any time. No vaca
tions i' r full information regarding any
ofourScho ls write direct 10 our executive
office at Cincinnati , u. Catalogue free.
The Morse School of Telegraphy ,
Cincinnati. O. uffalo , N. V.
Atlanta , Ga. J/iCrosse , Wis.
Texarkana. Tex. San Fraacisco , Cal ,
More Local ,
Everybody is talking Pete Si
mons for sheriff.
When you come to town , stop
at the Chicago House. 88
W. A. Parker , of Woodlake ,
was in town last Saturday on busi
You will find a hearty welcome
at the Chicago House. 38
Milt Latta is in town today haul
ing out a load of well and winter
If you want a real estate loan ,
call on
There is a big republican ma
jority to overcome if people vote
for party instead of for men.
Comfortable rooms , clean beds
and all you want to eat at the Chi
cago House. 38
The ball game between Ains-
worth and Ft. Niobrara at the
post last Monday resulted in a vic
tory for the latter. Score 8 to 7.
P. F. Simons went up to Cody
\Yednesday to attend ther aces
and get acquainted with the
people. He finds friends in every
community who speak encourg-
ingly for his election.
We are prepared to make real
estate loans on Farm and Eanch
properties at a fair and conserva
tive valuation. Call and see us.
32 At First National Bank.
Tuesday's World-Herald states
ihat Edward B. Kelley of South
Dakota has been appointed agent
at llosebud agency vice Charles E.
McChesney who has been appoint
ed special agent of the Indian bu
An interesting game of ball was
played at Crookston last Saturday
Between Arabia Overalls and the
Crookston locals which gave the
atter revenge for the week pre
vious at Arabia , resulting in a
score of 37 to 1 in favor of Crook
We failed to mention last week
the accident happening to Wm.
[ velly at the Arabia ball game. lie
lad his hand split between the lit
tle and ring fingers , about one half
nch or more in catching a curve
3all which struck between the
John Berry called at our office
this morning in company with
Col. Tracewell. Mr. Berry , with
lis family , returned yesterday
from Big Horn Basin , Wyo. ,
where he has been for several
vears , but was one of the early
settlers of this county , living
down the Niobrara river for 20
The democratic party should
lave a share of the offices held in
our county if they nominate men
who are qualified and worthy. It
is but fair to the taxpayers that
worthy candidates be elected to
office representing the different
political parties. Persons who
contrive to prevent the people
from having such representation
may be looked upon as being too
strongly partisan for our county's
best interests.
Grand man Holsclaw happened
to a serious accident yesterday
evening. She was sitting in Kev.
Holsclaw's delivery wagon on a
chair placed in the back end and
tipped out as the wagon went over
the Davenport street crossing ,
falling backward upon the cement
pavement and hard ground be
side it. SliQ was taken to the
home of George Hornby and will
receive every attention possible
for her recovery and to ease her
suffering. This morning it is
learned that a rib was broken by
the wagon wheel passing over her
body. She is in constaat pain and
Dr. Holsclaw , her son , thinks
probably the broken rib has pene
trated the lung.
For Sale Good 6 room house
and lot on Hall street , good stable.
Inquire at this office.
We are prepared to make real
estate loans.
There was a good , jovial crowd
at Simeon last Saturday. The
people met in Mr. Young's grove
Friday and Saturday to enjoy a
picnic after the hay harvest. They
brought dinner and spread it out
here and there , two and three
families joining together in groups.
After dinner a program of singing
and speaking occupied the people
for an hour after which horse' i
races and broncho riding engaged
their attention. Some went home
after this but many stayed for the
platform dance which began as the
races closed. ' i
The Euphonium. Glee Club ,
which appears in Valentine at the
M. 1C. church , Oct. IS , 1905 , has
received much praise from the pa
pers of the state. The members
of the club have been associated
for three years , which speaks well !
for their entertaining powers. If
ihey were not pleasing people ,
some member would be made a '
scape goat and his disappearance
would follow. Our people usually
orefer a male quartet concert to
any other. Backed by the good
"reader , " the Mr. Miehe , the Glee
Club will no doubt give us a very
enjoyable program. As the quar-
; et gives the first number of the
"Lecture Course" it should be !
given a hearty reception.
The U. S. weather bureau re- .
port for the week ending Oct. 11 , '
1905 : The mean .daily tempera-
.ure 55 ° was 3 ° above the nor-
nal. The extreme of temperature
: 'or the week were respectively
91 ° on the 6th and 26 ° on the
llth , a range of 65 ° which is
nuch greater than usual. The' '
tilling frost on the 10th and llth .
was fully 20 days extended be
yond the average for 18 years.
t came in good time to complete
the corn crop while incidently de
stroying the tender vegetation
such as tomatoes. The prccipita- |
tion for the week was .48 of an '
nch , which added to the total gives
! or the season 25.SS inches , close
up to the high water mark of 1892.
The winds have been about the
average , highest velocity being 36
miles on the 10th. -t
Dan Barnes , the democratic
candidate for county commissioner
was in town last Friday visiting
lis son and daughter who are at
tending the Valentine sliool. Mr.
Barnes called at our office and we !
enjoyed a pleasant afternoon with '
lira. If Mr. Barnes is elected to !
the office of commissioner we fe l
sure that it will mean a starting j
u the same direction that Mr.
Sullivan became famous for as
county commissioner. It will
mean a return to economy and '
prudence. The lavish expendi- '
tures in recent years and the little j
good accomplished has again run
the county behind and numerous
demands upon our commissioners
for the county's present needs fall
upon deaf ears for the want of
! unds to expend. Several hun
dreds of dollars have been ex
pended upon roads that are unfit
! or traveling and other roads are
now abandoned for lack of repair.
A good , careful , conservative man
is needed for the office of county ,
commissioner who is large enough j
: or the place. Political faith should ,
not prevent the taxpayers from '
electing the right man for this
Shows Coming.
Oct. 24 "Down on the Farm , "
jy Hartsough & Smith. ;
Nov. 7 "Kip Van Winkle5 by j
Leo Blondin.
All carry their own band and
Contractor and Build
er in Brick or Stone
Valentine Nebr
, - , ,
Voters and taxpayers should be
equally interested in the selection
of county officers this fall. The
democratic party should have some
representation in the court house.
It is but justice to admit this and
' an injustice to deprive any large
body or portion of our citizens the
right of representation. Our Aus-
I tralian ballot system contemplates
the correct idea in apportioning
the judges and clerks of election ,
giving a share of representation to
each party. This avoids trickery
. and gives assurance to the voters
of a correct count of ballots. Such
representation in our county of
fices would be most beneficial and
taxpayers would have the assur
ance that the money paid by them
would be wisely expended and
taxes kept at the minimum instead
of steadily increasing while there
is more taxable property each suc
ceeding year and taxes ought to be
lower. The man who insists on
voters supporting a party ticket
to deprive another party of rep
resentation in the county when
such conditions prevail , is not
working in the interests of the tax
payers , nor for the good of our
county. Such a dictator is work
ing for his own good and the peo
ple are paying the expense.
Clyde Kusky is on the sick list.
J. C. Scott is here visiting his
sister Mrs. D. A. Hancock.
Three of Mr. Aberhardt's chil
dren ford the Niobrara and attend
school in the Hutchison district.
Orvill Connor and wife are mak
ing a weeks visit with Mrs. Con
nor's parents , Theo. Tillson and
Hoy Kusicy has bought Charley
Lower's interest in the threshing
machine. Hamar , Polen & Kusky
are the owners now.
A meeting will be held in Sparks
Oct. lith for the purpose of elect
ing officers in the old settlers as
sociation , for the ensuing year.
The attendance of all old settlers
is equcsted.
An effort is being made to annex
the abandoned school district No.
11 to district Xo. 14. The latter
is so small that taxes to the full
extent of the law will not sustain
a three month's school. As No. 11
lies in a ranchman's pasture he is
strongly opposing the annexation.
It seems to me no American should
refuse to help support our public
schools. Most of us received the
major portion of our education in
the district schools , and we should
willingly insure this'great advant
age to the coming men and worn-
en. EAGI/B.
The following poem is from the !
pen of A. J. Irwin of Thermopolis ,
Wyo. , : ind who is the father of
James Irwin of this city : j
The family home I loved so well
With childhood scenes so bright ,
Has passed far away from home ;
Butvhere are they all tonight.
Yes , where are they tonight ?
A few happy years of time ,
That was pleasant fair and bright ,
And all left their childhood home :
But where are they tonight ,
Yes. where are they tonight ?
The childhood song I sung ,
That made our hearts feel light ,
Has gone bacs : on the roll ot time :
But where are all tonight ?
Yes , where are all tonight ?
I never thought of the days
When the family home so bright ,
Would be broken up by time :
Butvhere are they tonight ?
Yes , where are they tonight ?
They are out in the world
A liying on their right ,
Taking in all the joys of life ;
But where are they tonight ,
Yeshere are they tonight .
Living on homefar * and neai ,
Taking in wealth on sight ,
And practicing lessons learned :
But where are they tonight ,
Yes , where are they tonight ?
Days and years have come and gone , :
And childhood once so bright i
Has grown to man and womanhood : '
But where are they tonight ,
Yes , where are they tonight ?
They're out in the field of time ,
A laboring for their right ,
And at the close of the summer day
They close work for the night ;
But where are they all tonight ,
. Yes , where are all tonight ?
I will sell in front of the barn formerly of JI. K. Brown , deceased , in
ER 1 905 ,
at 1:30 O'clock
the personal property belonging to his estate , consisting of
10 Horses , Marcs , 1 Colt , 3 sets of Ilsrncss , 1 Double Seated Buggy ,
1 Single Seated Buggy , 1 Milch Cow , Blankets , Robes , Halters , some
Household Goods , etc.
Terms of Sale : Cash.
LL Special
, Administrator
G. E. TRACEWELL , Auctioneer.
Cl. 21 , 1905
The postponement of the sale of our Horses was inevitable to admit
of clearing up our cattle in all pastures and adjacent territory.
This will be our final sale and all horses of the company will abso
lutely he cleaned up. This offering of 120 head comprises the tops of
our saddle and work horses and will he sold to the highest bidder for
cash. The horsesill Le given a period of rest before the sale and will
he in good condition for work. On the above date the Company will
make their final clean up hy selling the remainder of their Wagons ,
Harness , Buggies and the like.
Standard Cattle Company
Hecla , Nebraska.
only high grade
Baking Powder sold at a
moderate price. Com
plies with the pure food
laws of all states.
Trust Baking : Powders sell for 45 or
50 cents per pound and may be iden
tified by this exorbitant price.
They are a menace to public health ,
as food prepared from them con *
tains laree quantities o ! Rochello
salts , a dangerous cathartic drug.
you can be relieved
the worst headache.
do the work. Sold in boxes
of twenty-five and guaranteed
Price 25 Cents.
Get I. M. Eice to write up your
An Opportunity
We want a man
in this locality to sell
We can offer ex
ceptional induce
ments to someone
who commands a
horse and wagon and
can devote his time
to advancing the
sales of our product.
Energetic men
find our proposition
a money-maker , ca
pable of development
into a permanent
and profitable
Wheeer&Wilson ! Mfg. Co.
72 and 74 IVa&ash Ave.
Halldorson's photos 1 , 2 , 3 ,
and oth of each month.