Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, September 28, 1905, Image 3

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Mrs. Lena Smith , N. Cherry street ,
cor. Line , Nashville , Teun. , writes :
"I have had poor health for the past
four years , pains in the back and groins ,
'and ' dull , sick headache , with bearing
down pains.
"A friend , who was very enthusiastic
about Peruna insisted that I try it.
"I took it for ten days and Avas sur-
tprised to find that I had so little pain.
"I therefore continued to use it and at
the cud of two months my pains had
totally disappeared.
" / have been in the best of health
since and feel ten years younger. 1
sm very grateful to you. "
Catarrh of the internal organs gradu
ally sa ; > s away tho strength , under-
| mines the A'itahty ami causes nervous
ness. Poruna is the reinedv.
WHS stop any cough Wiat
can be stopped by any
medicine and cure coug2is
IJiat carmot be cured by any
oiher ns dicine.
It is always She best
cough cure. You cannot
afford io take chances on
any oSlier Iclnd.
congas , colds , bronchitis ,
grip , asthma and consump
tion In first stages.
W. L. Douglas $4.00 Gilt Edge Lino
cannot bo equalled at any price.
ill .i.i'yC.lSTS.
$ ; 1 fl flfln REWARD to anyone who can
1 UjUUU disprove this statement.
W. L.Douglas $3.50 shoes Iiave by thcsr ex
cellent style , easy fitting , nnd superiorwcurinpr
qualities , achieved the largest sale of any 53.50
.shoe in the world. They crc < yst as Rood as
those that cost you ? 5.00 to S7.00 the only
difference is the price. H I could take you into
my factory at Brockton , Mass. , the largest In
the world under one roof making men's fine
"Shoes , nnd show you the care with which every
pair of Douglas shoes is made , you would realize
\vhy W. L. Douglas $3.50 shoes are the best
shoes produced in the world.
If I could show you the difference between the
chocs made In my factory and those of other
makes , you would understand why Douglas
$3.50 shoes cost more to make , why they hold
their shape , fit better , wear longer , and are of
greater intrinsic value than any other $3.50
shoe on the market to-day.
W. L. Doufflaa Strong Msda Shoes for
Kan , $2.0 , $2.OO. Boys' School &
Dross Shocs$2.5Oe $2r $1. 5$1.5O
CAUTION. Insist upon havingV.L.Doug -
las shoes. Tako no substitute. None genuine
without his name and price stamped on bottom.
'WA'STKO. A shoe dealer in evory townwhere
"W. L. Douglas Shoes aro not sold. Full lino of
samples sent free for inspection upon request.
fast Color Eyelets used ; they will not wear brassy.
\7rito for Illustrated Catalog of Fall Styles.
.DOUGLAS. Ilrockton. Mass.
Save $ JQ.Per Cow
Over AH Gravity Setting Systems
And S3. to S5. Per Cow
Over All Imitating Separators.
- * - i
Now is tho time to make this most
Important and profitable of dairy farm
investments. Send at once for now 1805
catalogue and name of nearest agent.
tandolph & Canal Sts. 74 Cortlzndt Street
W lay 700 a w tha
iB-v > yE S
Now that harvesting is about over ,
the harvester must mature plans for
getting the grain out o the , fields ,
Stacking the wheat before threshing
and letting the stacks stand from four
to tix weeks is the old way of get
ting the field clear for pasture. The
cradle and harvesting machine left
considerable grain loose in the field ,
and the swine herd was made the
gleaners. The earlier the stubbie
could be pastured , trie more gram
would be saved. There is no better
way to grow young stock hogs than
to give them the range of a stubble
field rich with grain and tender young
clover. Stacking early not only gives
an opportunity to turn on early but
the trouble of keeping the shocks uj.
is saved , and when there is consider
able wind and rain , setting the whea
up is no small item of expense. Again
where stacking tthe grain is practiced
there is much labor saved at thresh
inz time. Stack threshing throws the
work at a very busy time. At a time
when the farmer can not afford to
stay away from his corn , his clover
or his threshing for any reasonable
Stacks will leak unless the work is
well done ; the middle must be kep
full. Should the bundles incline to
ward the center they are sure to car
ry a part of the water into the cen
ter of the stack.
If the middle ofthe stack is not
as full as it should be , oftentimes rak
ing the slopes down well , freeing
them of all loose straws and bending
the butts so as to make the surface
elope downward , will throw the rain
out. Beating the surface with a board
breaking the butts downward wil'
often save a very faulty stack ot
wheat. In parts of Ohio and in man }
other sections of the country large
barns are built for sheltering the
wheat before it is threshed. The ad
vantages of stacking are obtained b >
this method and the danger of loss
through continous rains is entirely eli
minated. Then the straw is placed
near the barn every year , where it
can be used for tho bQdding of live
stock in winter. Stacking the grain
out of doors or threshing from the
shock oftentimes places the strau
> pile far out into the field , occupying
I A great deal of space , and is of no
! value for bedding , because it is too
1 far away.
The company plan of threshing
wneat is quite satisfactory. The
wheat is taken from the stack , the
thresherman furnishing all teams , all
hands , does the cooking , the far'mei
merely takes care of the threshed
grain. This plan could be profitably
followed in other extensive wheat-
growing sections. W. B. Anderson ,
in Indianapolis News.
Men that were raised on New Eng
land farms have memories of great
fat hogs that for months before
slaughter were unable to stand on
their hind legs. The writer has seen
hogs that weighed .almost GOO pounds
that before slaughter had to move
around on their haunclies as on _ a
pivot. They ate and slept in the
same place , turning one way to eat
and the other to sleep. Their owners
thought it nothing unusual , they only
said : "The hog has become so fat
that he can't stand up. " Yet with
more light on the situation we know
that it was not a case of fatness only ,
but a case of constant feeding of
uiich the ani
corn and slop , out of
mal could not manufacture any bone
or muscle that would suustain his
weight. In those days the food of
such ho 3 was corn as largely as it
is now. Had those animals received
a ration composed of ground oats
skim milk and such nitrogen-supply
ing foods tlicy would have 'had ' bone
and muscle that would Tiave carried
about any weight. The same results
come from the same causes now , but
is not so apparent , as the hogs are
marketed at half the weight they
were in the days mentioned. No man
should feed a corn diet exclusively
to his hogs.
Horses , when confined , need good
floors on which to stand and in order
to secure a pitch in them sufficient for
all liquids to drain rearward , a good
way is to have the planks six inches
wide , five inches thick at one end
and two inches thick at the other
end. These should be laid two layers
thick. With the thick end under the
manger , the first or lower layer 'should '
be put down as closely as the planks
can be driven ' = o as to make them
water-tight if possible. Assuming
the foundation is level , this will give
a fall of about five inches to carry
water away. Tio top layer should
then be put on with the thick end
of the planks at the outer end of the
stall , thus bringing the floor up to
a perfect level , the only natural posi
tion for a horse to stand. The top
planks for three feet in the center
of the stall should be three-quarters
of an inch apart. Owing to the slant
of the layer underneath , the urine
then has a chance to run away and
as a consequence the stall is always
dry. Especially is thisi so if , in clean
ing out the stable a small square
hook is used to run down the grooves
in the upper layer , insuring a clear
passage for the liquids at all times ,
The Epitomist.
Those who are "having their first
experience 'with alfalfa are likely to
make the mistake of waiting until
the crop is too far advanced before
cutting it ; a serious mistake , because
it gets woody if allowed to ripen.
The usual plan is to cut itwhen
it is from one-fifth to one-tenth in
bloom , doing the work in the morning
and letting it dry just enough so
that the leaves do not fall. It is then
raked into small windrows and al
lowed to dry some before hauling it
to the barn. How much it should
dry will depend somewhat on the
weather , but with a whole day of
bright sunshine this is sufficient , the
idea being not to let it dry enough
eo that the leaves fall in hanuKng.
The windrows should be turned at
least once so that the alfalfa can dry
some on the underside. Should it
rain while the crop is drying let it
remain out of doors another day , nev
er put it in the barn wet. Each
crop may be cured in the manner
specified , and when housed will keep
in good condition , provided it is not
wet when put in the barn. Indiana ?
olis News.
Articles written by the English
veterinarian , Pately Bridge , are al
ways practical and instructive. In
the London Farm and Home he dis
cusses the watering of a horse , about
which there is so much conflict ol
opinion , as follows :
Writing recently concerning a re
current case of colic in a gelding.
"Potter" said. "I think the driver
gives him water after hisfeed. . " This
suggest the common theory that
when water is given to a horse after
feeding , especially after the consump
tion of grain , the food becomes wash
ed out of the stomach before it has
been properly digested.
Watering horses la a subject of con
siderable importance in connection
with the every day management ol
the animal , and lias a distinct bearing
on the digestion of its food and the
occurance of diseases associated with
failure to do so. There are horse
owners and responsible servants wnc
have got their own ideas as to the
best and proper time to water , and
while a majority believe that horses
should be watered before feeding , and
practice it , there are "some who are
equally certain that feeding should
precede watering. Others there are
who think it does not matter .so that
the watering is regular.
New Source of Starch.
In a bulletin of the Jamaica Depart
ment of Agriculture H. H. Cousins ,
the government chemist , states that
the high percentage of starch in the
cassava makes the latter more valu
able than the potato as a source of
this substance. The cassava is also
not subject to the fungoid diseases
prevalent in the German potato fields ,
from which a large proportion of the
starch now sold in Great Britain is
derived. The cassava season is unre
stricted , and this gives a further im
portant advantage over the one-crop-
a-year potato.Ir. . Cousins apparent
ly believes that the manufacture of
starch from the cassava can be done
so cheaply that the German potato
starch will be driven from the Eng
lish market.
French or Greek ?
[ f French is taught as carefully as
Greek it seems to serve the disciplin
ary purposes which Greek formerly
served. The only difficulty is that
there are as yet relatively few teach
ers who make French a means of
mental discipline , and that those who
think they teach it best are often the
ones wlio really teach it worst , be
cause they let apparent proficiency
in speech conceal the lack of real
training in thought. Wherever the
Did fashioned arguments against
3 reek are regarded as true it will
probably be desirable to study Greek ,
because very few people will teach
anything else properly. But when
Dnce the error of those arguments is
recognized the special need for the
? tudy of Greelc will have gone , and
jther things are likely to be substi-
: uted. President Hadley of Yale in
London Outlook.
Slaughter of the Innocent.
This tale comes from New Gale-
Ionia , where a ship was loading up
with natives to work in Australia :
'There was a man and a girl a
, -oung couple , they seemed. She had
i youngster , who began yelling at
sight of the boat. 'Can't take that
youngster ! ' the boss shouted. The
.vonian said she wanted to come , too.
No , we can't ship that squalling lit-
le beast. Leave him with his aun-
ie. ' There was no auntie in sight.
3o the Kanaka man , after taking a
ook around caught the kiddie by the
icels , swung her round like a rabbit ,
ind dashed her head agin a tree.
She was only a girl anyway , " he
laid , and slung her body into the
icrub. Then they both hopped Into
he oat and were shipped aboard. "
Bad Memories.
Many people complain of having a
bad memory , as if it were something
they could not help , like a headache ,
or some similar ailment ; yet even that
can be helped nowadays by the appli
cation of a little common sense. After
all , there is no reason why anybody
should have a bad memory. It is mere
ly a matter of training and is , more
over , a matter in which it is never too
late to attend to its training. For
grown-ups many methods are advo
cated , all of them , no doubt , based on
the principle of mental concentration.
In a young child the faculty can bo
cultivated by making the child do-
scribe everything it has seen in its
morning walk , taking care that no fact
is exaggerated , but that strict atten
tion is paid to truth in every detail.
In the mutter of memorizing it is an
excellent plan to let the child learn
one line of poetry a day , which it
should repeat the following morning ,
and at the end of a week it will be
able to say the seven linos. The young
brain should not be overloaded with
knowledge , but allowed to assimilate
a fragment each day.
A dire for Stomach Trouble A New
Method , by Abaori > tioii-.No Dru s.
Do You Belch ?
It means u diseased Stomach. Arc you
nfilicted with Short Breath , Gas. Sour
Eructations , Heart Pains , Indigestion ,
Dyspepsia , Burning Pains and Lead
Weight in Pit of Stomach. Acid Stom
ach. Distended Abdomen , Dizziness ,
Colic ?
Bad Breath or Any Other Stomach
Torture ?
Let us send you n box of Mull's Anti-
Belch Wafers free to convince you that
it cures.
Nothing else like it known. It's sure
nnd very pleasant. Cures by absorption.
Harmless. No drugs. Stomach Trouble
can't be cured otherwise so says Medi
cal Science. Drugs won't do they eat
up the Stomach and make you worse.
We know Mull's Anti-Belch Wafers
euro and we want you to know it , hence
this offer.
SPECIAL OFFER. The regular
price of Mull's Anti-Belch Wafers is 50e
n box , but to introduce it to thousands of
sufferers we will send two (2) ( ) boxes upon
receipt of THc and this advertisement ,
or we will send you a sample free for
this coupon.
9305 A FREE BOX 114
Send this coupon withotir name nnd ad
dress and dru 'i t's name who does not sell
it for a free box of Mull's AntiBelchafers
toMULL'S GRAPE TONIC CO. , 21 Third A\e.
Rock Island , 111.
Give Full Address and Write Plainly
Sold at all druggists. 50c per box.
A Supnrlluitv ol' Stars.
A new story of Whistler is recorded.
The artist and a friend went for a
walk along the Embankment one won
derfully starry night. Whistler had
been in a very discontented mood al'
day and inclined to liiul fault witL
everything. Nothing pleased him ttc
houses were ugly , the river was no ;
what it might have been , the light ;
hard and glaring. His friend pointed
outseveral things that appealed to hiir
as beautiful , but the master would no'
give in.
"No , " he said , "Nature is only some
times beautiful only sometimes-
very , very seldom indeed and to-nigh ;
she is , as so often , positively ugly ! ' '
"But the stars ! Surely they are lim
to-night ? " urged the other.
Whistler looked up at the sky.
"Yes , " he draAvIod , "they're not bad
perhaps , but , my dear fellow , there's
too many of them ! "
Have used Piso's Cure for Consump
tion nearly tv < o years , and find nothing
io compare with it. Mrs. Morgan , Berke
ley , Gal. , Sept. 2 , 1901.
Didn't Jjikc a Crowd.
Iliisband During our engagement you
often asked me if I loved you for your
self alone.
Wife Yes , that's right.
Husband And I always said I did.
Wife So you did.
Husband And I do now.
Wife I'm glad you do.
Husband And for that reason I think
it advisable for you politely to request
your mother to terminate her visit and
leave us alone. Chicago News.
"Dr. Dn * Id Kennedy * * Favorite IJcmcily
mylifo ! I had dyppepsiu nnd kidney dibens-e. " Ex-
Sonator Albert ilerntt. Park Place , IN" . Y. SI u bottle.
Sign of tha Three Balls.
The three balls used by pawnbrokers
are the symbol of St. Nicholas. There ia
a legend to the effect that the saint once
offered three purses of gold to three
women to enable them to marry. Tho
purses of those days were small bags ,
which when tied at the top to keep in the
coins somewhat resembled balls.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
THERE 10 <
. -i _ . : . . . -j
TOW ! '
Unqualified Success of Lydia E. . PinKham's
Vegetable Compound in Cases of Mrs. Fox
and Miss Adeons.
& &gszs * *
issLudla Adams ' 29
One of the greatest triumphs of Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is
the conquering' of woman's dread
enemj' , Tumor.
So-called ' * wandering pnins" may
come from its early stages , or the pres
ence of danger may be made manifest
by excessive menstruation accompanied i
by unusual pain extending from the
ovaries down the groin and thighs.
If yon have mysterious pains , if there
are indications of in ( lamination ulcera-
tion or displacement , don't wait for
time to confirm your fears and go
through the horrors of a hospital opera
tion ; secure Lydia K. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound right away and begin
its use and write Mrs. Pinkham of
Lynn , Mass. . for advice.
"Read these strong letters from grate
ful women who have been cured :
Dear Mrs. Pinkham : ( First Letter. )
"In looking over your book I c-ee thur your
medicine cures Tumor of the Uterus. I have ,
been to a doctor and he tells me I have a tu
mor. I will bo more than grateful if you
can help me , as I do so dread an operation. ' '
Fannie D. Fox. 7 Chestnut St.BradfordPa. ,
Dear Mrs. Pinkham : ( Second Letter. )
"I take the liberty to congratulate 3011 on
tho success I have had with your wonderful
" Eighteen months ago my monthlies
stopped. Shortly after I "felt so badlyl sub
mitted to a thorough examination by a phy
sician , nnd was told that I had a tumor ou
the uterus and would have to undurgo an
" I soon aft r road one of your advertise
ments and ' viikd to gi\e Lydia E. Pink-
liatn's Vesri * ablo Couip mnd a trial. Aft * r
caking li\v liottl-N as dircted , tho tumor is
entirely gotn . 1 have again been examined
lydia E. PlnkfcsnTs Ve etab ! ; a Woman's Qcmnrly far Woman's IHs ,
Will You Accept It and Be Cured or Reject It and Be Miserable Unto Death.
Until Mull's Grape Tor.ic was brought to America there was no cure for Con
stipation and Stomach Troubles.
It is now the international'famous remedy for these ills. The world's creat
es ! cure for Constipation and Stomach Troubles , Impure Blood. Run down , and
bad health generally. The Blood , Stomach and Bowels , aie strangely subject to
the curative power of Mull's Grape Tonic.
Mull's Grape Tor ic has cured thousands , not hundreds , my reader , but
thousands of fellow sufferers who now know the pleasures of perfect health.
Men , women and children in every state and neighborhood throughout the
whole country bear willing witness to the marvelous curing qualities of this
sovereign remedy , Mull's Grape Tonic.
Mull's Grape Tonic is in truth a boon to mankind. Mull's Grape Tonic is
peculiarly the relief and cure for decaying intestines and Bowels , Impure Blood ,
Diseased Stomach and digestive organs which afflict nine-tenths of the human race.
Constipation and its attending ills : A run down system and general bad
health. Rheumatism. Colds. Fevers , Stomach. Bowel , Kidney. Lung and Heart
Troubles , Indigestion , Dyspepsia , Diarrhea , loss of sleep and strength , Piles ,
Fistula , Appendicitis , Womanly Troubles , Dizz ness. Impure Blood , Bad Com
plexion , etc. , yield at once to the wondrous cure of Mull's Grape Tonic.
This free bottle offer is made alike to one and all. Fathers. Mothers , Brothers ,
Sisters , Wives and Children , and to every one , to you my suffering reader , and to
the ailing ones of your friends and acquaintances , who will even try , to be well
and strong again.
Nowhere now in all the world can any sufferer say , "I have no hope , no
help , no friend to aid me in my silent misery. " There is a help. There is a cure.
There is a friend. There is a v/ay. The help is Mull's Grape Tonic. Mankind's
best friend , and the way is free. Mull's Grape Tor.ic is free , nothing to psy.
nothing asked , only that you be willing to try to bs yourself again and test for
yourself at our cost , free , the marvelous
merit of this sovereign cure. When you
send your name and address , tell us
simply that you want a bottle of Muli's S""d this c'upTi with ycur name ar.d ad
Grape Tonic , the great Stomach and dress aid yur drj u't's rame. for a freo
brttl" cf Mull's Crape Tone. Stomach Tcr.ic
Bowel remedy , free. You will receive and Cure.
the bottle without cent of cost.
one Every rVIull's Grope Tonic Co. , 21 Third
penny of the expense is ours. .Simply Ave. , Rock Island , Ml.
fill out and mail this counon at once.
i Glee Full A'l-lrt * * and Write Plainly.
The genuine has a cste and numb r stamped on ! ThS1 CO b-tt'e c-iUi-is nearly three times
the label Uke no other from your druggist. the 50c size. At wiuc stores.
Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year.
NV. .lof ti lity p : ies. Con
tents : "Coiidolier.-.MomilKlit , ' "Sliado ol 1
AppleTree. " "Fnelu " "Back to Haiti-
more. " Al o 3i otl.ers. All for 4" cents by
iiKiiljo tpaKt. F. P. DKAV Mil LT .MUi-IC
SToKb , blUl X Cl TIA. .
use the Great English Remedy
Safe , Sure , Effective. 50c. $ cS1.
DRUGGISTS , cr93 Henry St. Brooklyn , X. Y.
bv tho physi < 'iin and hAsnys I hnvo
of a tumor now. It lias also brought
monthlies around onro more ; and I am
ontin'lv .veil , i shall never he wilhnnfra lit
tle of Lydia Pinkluim's Vcrretahlo ComH und
in tho hoiibC. ' ' Funnio D. Fox , Bradford , Pa.
Another Case of Tumor Cured
l > y Liydia K Piiikliam's Vejjeta *
ble Compound.
Dear Mrs. Pinkhntn :
" About three year ? ago I had intensepala
in inj * fctonwu , with cramps and raging
headaches. The doctor prescrilK'd for m&y
but finding that I did not get any better ho
examined me and , to my surprise , declared
I had a tumor in tho uterus.
"I felt sure that it meant mv death warrant , }
and was very disheartened. "I spent hundreds
of dollars in doctoring , but tho tumor kept *
growing , till the doctor said that nothing bui
an operation would save me. Fortunately
corresponded with my aunt in the New Eng-
and States , who advised me to try Lydia S.\ \
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound before sub- * ,
mitting to an operation , and I at once started )
taking a regular treatment , finding to my\ \
great relief that my general health began to
improve , and after three months I noticed/ /
that th > > tumor had reduced in si ? . I kept
on taking the CorujKnind , and in tei : month's
it had entirely disappeared without an oper-l
ation , and using no medicine but Lvdia J2.t
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound , and wordi *
fail to express how grateful I am for the good ,
it has done inc. " Miss Luella Adams , Colon- '
undo Hotel , .Seattle , \ \ ash.
Such unquestionable testimony" ,
proves the value of Lvdii E. Pinlchum's1
Vegetable Compound , nnd should yive >
confidence and hope to every btclc'
Mrs. rinlvhnm invites all uilingl
v.-mucn to write to her at , Lynn , Miss. , .
for advice.
, . .
Prosecutes Claims.
I Late Pttncluel Hxdc LMr U.O. Panilon Burttaa ,
1 3jr luclTlJ war l- > - - , lilCTinafurrn nij i-i
S. C. N. U. - - No. :5O 1OO5
Heat Couyh Syrup. Tastes GoocL Use j
jn tsme. Sold b ? drugsists.
d fa.ttru ° , . 'or ' ! < h , " My otherdveOcc 10c Package colors all fibers. They dve ? n cold water better than any other tfyc. Yea can dyej
apart. Write for free ksoklet-Hiw to Dye , UkacU aad Mix Cubrs. MOSi-RGE 2 > " 2 VC CO. , VnioniiMe. MijJOur #