The Lonp Vallov Iloref < ml Ranch \ \ J'rinc * HiiaiKu 131693 and GUI Coat 112201 at he of herd. The bio of Fowler. Anxie _ - _ Lord Wilton and i I l f * * * " * " Gladstone prcdoti J IVm. „ vZ nates in my Jierd I can nil orders for bulls of all anes at a time , llanch four miles north-west of Brow lee , Nebr. C. II. FAULHAISKU. H.DAILEY , Dentist. Office over the grocery deparmei of T. C. Hornby's store. Will be in Rosebud agency Jul 3rd , Oct. 2nd and Jan. 1 , 1904. JOHN F. POBATH Kiejjje , ] tfebr Tubular wells and windmills. G. H. Hall , M. D. Physician and. Surgeon. All calls promptly attended to da ; or night. Drugs and Phar maceuticals furnished. "Wood Lake , - Nebraska C. M. SAGESEE Barber First-class Shop in Every Kespec Eau de Quinine Hair Tonic , Golden Star Bai Tonic , Herpicide and Coko's Dandruff Gun Try Pompeian Face Massage drear A. N. COMPTON Physician and Surgeoi Office at Quigley & Chapman' Drug Store. Nights The Don oher residence , Cherry Streel Dr. G. 0. Sturdevant , RESIDENT DEXTIST. Office over Daventort's StoreWeal Entranci Valentine , Nebraska. H. M. CRAMER , City Deliveryman , Trunks , valises and packages hauled to an from the depot and all parts of the City. We are making a specialty o Carbon Platinos. Order the goo ( goods and you get them. Eemem ber that our Photos are guaranteec and that re-sittings are given whei necessary. HALLDOKSOX. 2 ! STRAYED With harness , 1 grey mare , weigh 1000 pounds , branded 7 H P I connected on left shoulder. Suit able reward for information o ; delivery. J. M. RALYA , Burge , Nebr. FOR SALE 12 full bloo ( B. P. R. Cockrells from $1.00 t ( § 2.00 a piece , one year old Rooster for § 2.00 , score card will him. I have to move them. Conn to R. R. bridge or leave orders a Stetter's Meat Market. MRS. MAGGIE MAURALL , 352 Valentine , NOTICE. All cattle branded QorH | - on left side or hip or O on left side or hip ; also all horse branded Q on leffc Jaw or lliP are the property of the ERICKSO : CATTLE COMPANY and in the cus tody of the undersigned , as Re ceiver of said company. I will be grateful for informa tion that will lead to the recover ; of any strays , or where a perso ; has gone to any trouble or expens in recovering said cattle or horses I will pay a suitable reward fo the return of the same. C. H. CORNELL , Receiver , Valentine , Kebi All kinds of chickens for sale Furnished rooms to rent. Hous plants for sale. 35 MRS. R. SHORE. Catholic Clinrcli Announce nieiit. On Sunday next , Father Perri of St. Francis Mission will cele brate mass at 10:30 : a. m. Hi Reverence will also hear confess ' ions on Saturday evening an Sunday morning. Holy commur ion can be received on Sunda morning from 7 o'clock. Taken Up By the undersigned on my ranch at McCan 1 three-year old red sieer. branded S on k hip and < i ! on n ht hip. \ Dated Sept. 8.1903. i 355 P. C. GALLOWAl. Moro Local. Jl , \ou v\aia a juud auave go t " Bill & Bill's. " Jake Klien , of Simeon , was i town today. We notice an addition to th home of J. C. Northrop. lion. Frank llothleutner of Kil gore was in town Tuesday. Mrs. C11. . Cornell and son El more are in Omaha this week. Dr. Hall , who has recently sole his drug store at Woodlake , wai up from there Tuesday. Frank Lamberson , of Ho Springs , S. D. spent several day ? in our city the past week. We are prepared to make rea estate loans. WALCOTT & MORRISSEY. Henry Brown , of near Sparks , came up yesterday and stayed ov er night in town. His brother H. K. Brown is very low with ty phoid fever. L. C. Blake and wife of Chicago arrived here Friday and have been visiting with John Slonecker's family the past week. Mrs. Blake will be remembered as Miss Mabel Marsden. We are prepared to make real estate loans on Farm and Ranch properties at a fair and conserva tive valuation. Call and see us. CORNELL & XICHOLSOX. 32 At First National Bank. "W. B. Pugh , a government in spector from Washington , D. C. , has been in the city and in the country the past week and we are informed that he is here for the purpose of looking into the illegal fencing of government land. Ben DcCory's little girl is very sick at the home of J. B. Hull in this city. Charley Tackett and wife and John DeCory came down Tuesday and are with the family helping to take care of her. Mr. and Mrs. DeCory have been in town several days. J. A. Hornback has purchased the Chicago hotel and will take possession Oct. 1st. The deal was consummated last week upon Mr. Hornback's return fromlJushville. Mrs. Sears , who has been conduct ing the hotel will make her home with Mr. Hornback' s folks for the present. Mr. and Mrs. Horn- back formerly conducted the City hotel and are too well known here to need an introduction to Cherry county people. They will be wel comed buck by a host of friends who are glad to see them again become residents of our town. Wrn. Kavanaugh , of Crookston , came down last Saturday with the complaint that two persons had run away with one of his horses. He had hired a saddle horse to a man by the name of Arnold to go np to the Beed place several miles west of Crookston on Wednesday morning. This Mr. Arnold wish ing to stay up in the country de cided upon sending the horse back to Mr. Kavanaugh by two young men who came along about the time he was looking for someone going to Crookston , and thinking of saving himself a trip , he deliv ered the horse to them. These men were in a one horse rig and one of them got onto the saddle horse. By trivial occurrences , seemingly , these men were traced to Long Pine and were there ar rested , after having traded off the saddle or sold it and had traded their shalves for a tongue. After making futile attempts to trade 01 sell the outfit they were relieved of further attempts by the Long Pine marshal who notified them officially that they were wanted al Valentine. They gave their names as Thomas F. Fielding of Alliance. Neb. , and Charles F. Connors , of some town in Wyo. Howard Lay- port is entitled to considerable praise for the capture of these horse thieves who think they arc only up for a breach of trust. Mr. Kavauaugh is glad to get his hors ( back and the saddle being a bor rowed one , he is glad to be able tc return to its ovner. Fielding and Connors aee in the county jail t < await their trial. Rice writos insurance. If you want a rpul i-stab . . call on 35 WALCOTT & MORRISSEY. Judge Walcott went to Siou : City yesterday and expects to b < back to Merriman tomorrow night A. T. Tvistevin returned fron Sioux City last week where he hac been on account of the fatal illncs : of his father. There was a bully scrap ir in front of Sageser's barber shor Tuesday. A native of Africa whc pronounced himself John Thomp son and was joshed considerable by the boys as being a mathema tician , had held the importanl position for some time ( since King resigned ) as shoe shiner and portei for the barber shop. John got crazy gone on F. M. Hickler's daughter and when he delivered the barber towels to be washed , slipped a note in her hand express ing his love and admiration with a request to be answered when they met again , or words to that effect. Frank Sears , an uncle of the girl was given the note and he met the African instead , much to his surprise. Sheriff Lay port got ifter the man of figures when he finally turned to run , and arrested him , but later turned him loose upon his promise to leave town. The 0. S. weather bureau re port for the week ending Sept. 20 , shows that the mean daily tem perature was 63 ° or about 1 ° ibove thenormal. . The highest temperature was 89 ° and the low est 36 ° on the 19th. A light frost Dccurred on the morning of the 19th , but there was no damage lone even in the lower benches of the river bottoms. The record is igain broken in the matter of kill ing frost , which according to the IS years records occurs between the 10th and 18th of September , ind this is the 21st without any damaging frost. This extension } f killing frost period insures the safety of the corn crop. The pre cipitation for the week is O.oS of in inch and gives a total rainfall } f 25.4-5 inches , creeping up close ly to the greatest annual rainfall in IS years. Winds have been the normal. There arc too many strangers in our city who butt in or try to 3pen up a conversation with worn- 2n whom they meet in stores or on the street. There may be no harm meant in many cases but the fact remains that a man offers insult to a woman who is an entire stranger to him by "butting hi" Dr joining in a conversation in which he has no interest , unless [ \e be invited or ine case he be the 3iily person apparently able to furnish the information sought in i question for such information by i lady. Even then , a gentleman should consider whether or not it svould be appropriate for him to ' 'butt in , " depending much upon the gravity of the occasion and the need of his services. There is too much of this being done , even though it may be by some im properly raised person , "who lidn't mean anything , or didn't know any better. " Strangers should keep their places , or sooner ar later they may be sorry. Another Shooting Scrape. Corporal Elijah Custard of M Co. , 25th Infantry , was shot in the top of the head last Sunday eve ning about 4 : o'clock at the Harris sporting house by Wm. Craig who was running the place. We are told that Craig and Custard had engaged in a quarrel over a girl and Craig told the girl to come oul of the room which she occupied with Custard. This was against the wishes of Custard and he re monstrated with Craig who struck him over the head with a revolver and then shot him in the top of the head. Some friends of Custard caught the revolver or Craig's hand as he first leveled it at Cus tard and Wm. Rash , the bar tend er , handed Craig another revolrei and told Craig to shoot him whicl Craig did , according to the reports we got of the trouble. Custarc livod ab'out'an hour and a half af- t r that Craig throwed a revolver down beside Custard as he lay dy ing , evidently to make it appear that Custard was trying to shoot Craig when Craig fired. There were several witnesses to the shooting and the truth will very likely come out in the trial. Craig was arrested on the charge of shooting with felonious intent Wrn. Ivash , the bartender , as an iccornplice and accessory to the [ jrime and they are being held for murder. Craig was formerly a corporal Df M Co. and since his discharge las been running the place where the trouble occurred. Dr. Lewis held another inquest ind decided that Elijaha Custard kvas dead and the jury decided : hat he was shot. Several witnes ses saw the shooting and William Uraig and Wm. Rash were charg- jd with the murder of Elijah Dustard. Reduced Railroad FO.VC to Omaha. September 25th to October Sth ; o attend the Ak-Sar-Ben electric mrades and Street Fair , also Schmoller & Mueller's great re- noval piano sale. Over fifty used md new upright pianos will be ) laced on sale at § 61.00 , § 72.00 , ? SS.OO , § 105.00 , § 122.00 , § 135.00 , o § 190.00. Nearly all the stand- ird makes in this lot. Over sixty ised organs and square pianos re- luccd to § 10.00 , § 12.00 , § 16.00 , 80.00 to § 35.00 , none higher. All guaranteed as represented or noney refunded. New Stein way & Sons , Steger , Emerson , McPhail , Hard man , ilueller and eighteen other famous nakes of the latest improved pianos mown to science will be sold at .stonishing cut prices , saving the myer § 75.00 to § 150.00 and on the lighsr priced instruments over 1200.00. All prices in plain figures , cut > ut this advertisement , bring it nth you. Make our store open day aucl evening ) your head- [ uarters free music all the time. SCIIMOLLKK & MUELLER. Largest music concern in * the vest. Temporary location , 1107 larncy St. , Omaha , Nebr. Sins on News. Hard rain at Simeon. Church Sunday at Simeon. Gordon Lord , of Cody , was here Liiesday. C , Pecldicord and wife visited at Ir. Young's Sunday. Old Settlers Picnic at Simeon , Friday and Saturday , Oct. 6-7. All orne. Mrs. M. Dunham , of Valentine , ms been visiting Mrs. S. Q. Spain ) f Simeon. 2G. B. Ganow and wife just re- urned from Kennedy where they mve been working for the past two nonths. P. H. Young has returned to his anch after being called to Missouri m account of the death of his Brother. What was the attraction at Mr. Bennett's Sunday ? All the boys vere headed that way. Slim Lawless was quite sick last veek. He went to town to see the loctor and is improving. Four new pupils entered school Monday : Ralph and Herbert Peip- jr , Goldie Peddicord and Charlie Spain. SMILES. Crnel Fnte's Favors. The Poet My mail contains nothing but rejected manuscripts ! His Wife And mine nothing but invitations to millinery openings ! Brooklyn Life. On nncl Off. Knobbs They say poverty egged him on to the stage. Snobbs Yes , an 1 the gallery egged him off. Princeton Tiger. "Is the house you now live in your ownr" " . " "Not now. "You have sold It ? " "No ; got married. " e ebr. . , IJESOAY , SEPTEMBER 26 , 1905 , At One O'clock P. M. I will sell to the highest responsible bidder the following property : 50 = HEAD OF HORSES = 50 As follows : 15 Yearling Colts- 15 Two-year Old Colts. 10 Three-year Old Colts. 10 Large Young Mares. Chis stock has been raised by myself on my ranch and sired by pure blood Percheron stallions , gentle and halter broke , and in first class salable condition. TERMS OF SALE : One year's time will be given on notes > earing 10 per cent interest from date with approved security. JOHN H. NEISS. > . E. TRACEWELL , AUCT. W. E. HALEY , CLERK. Cement Building Blocks for Foundations , Houses , Barns or Chimneys WESLEY HOLSCLAW , Syringes. The kind that don't spring a leak every time you use them. They are made of new rubber rubber that has the stretch in it New Para Rubber the best yet. We have these dependable Fountain Syringes at prices from § 1.25 to § 2.00. QUIGLEY & CHAPMAN , DRUGGISTS. J. L. ASHBUBN , i Contractor and Build er in Brick or Stone Work. Valentine , - Nebr , Perfect In quality. Moderate In price. iiiiiMy , to lill the new positions created by r.Kiil and Teleunijih Companies.Ve n.itit Youns Men and Ladies uf uood babitsto LEARN TELEGRAPHY AND R. R. ACCOUNTING. We furnish 7"per cent of the operators and Sttti n Agents i i Aniciica Our six schools ar - tl ' largest exclusive Telegraph Schools In The World. K-tablished 'M years aad en dorse. ! In all leading Railway Officials. We execute ai' > 0 bond to every student to furnish tiim or her a position paying from SI' ) to ? GO a m.MiUi in states cast of the Itockv .Mountains , or from S75 to SlOuaiuonth in statesesCof the Ujckies , immediately up on graduation. biudents can enter at any time. No vaca tions. For full information retarding auy of our Schools write direct to our executive olllce at Cincinnati , O. Catalogue free. The Morse School of Telegraphy , Cincinnati , O. Buffalo , X. V. Atlanta , CJa. LaC'rosse , Wis. Texarkayii. Tex. San I'raaciseo.Cal , An Opportunity We want a man in this locality to sell the WHEELER & WILSON Sewing Machine. We can offer ex ceptional induce ments to someone who commands a horse and wagon and can devote his time to advancing the sales of our product. Energetic men find our proposition a money-maker , ca pable of development into a permanent and profitable business. WRITE AT OX'CE Wheelcr&Wilson Mfg. Co. 72 and 74 Wabash Ave. CHICAGO Ilalldorson's photos 1 , 2 , 3 , and Sth of each month. j