Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, September 07, 1905, Image 5

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    ' *
Thfi Loup Vallflv Tlftrof rrl "Ranch
PrimH iat ' > i
131693 arid Curly
Coat 1122C1 at head
of Uerd. The blood
of Fowler. Anxiety ,
Lord Wilton and air
Gladstone predomi
nates in my herd.
I can fill orders foi bulls of all apes at any
time. Ilancb four miles north-west of Brown-
lee , Nebr.
Office over the grocery deparment
of T. C. Hornby's store.
Will be in Bosebud agency July
3rd , Oct. 2nd and Jan. 1 , 1904.
Riege , Nebr.
Tubular wells and windmills.
G. H. Hall , M. D.
Physician and Surgeon.
All calls promptly attended to day
or night. Drugs and Phar
maceuticals furnished.
\VoodJLake , - Nebraska.
First-class Shop in Every Respect
Eau de Quinine Hair Tonio , Golden Star Balr
Tonic , Herplcide and Coko's Dandruff Cure.
Try Pompeian Face Massage Cream
Physician and Surgeon
Office at Quigley & Chapman's
Drug Store. Nights The Don-
oher residence , Cherry Street.
Dr. Q. 0. Sturdevant ,
Office over DaVentort's Ftore West Entrance
Valentine , Nebraska.
City Delivery man ,
Trunks , valises and packages hauled to and
from the depot aud all parts of the City.
. . - ,
Contractor and Build
er in Brick or Stone
Valentine Nebr.
, - .
More Local.
S. F. Gilmau is in town this
D. A. Piercy drove in from
his ranch Tuesday.
Miss Mary Polen was down
from Cody Monday.
George McFarland was in town
yesterday on business.
W. T. Bullis is assisting in D.
Stinard's store this week.
Miss Frances Harden is work
ing in the postoffice at the fort.
Dan Handy and family moved
into town from the half way house
this week.
Col. Jordan arrived from the
east last night and started for the
agency at once.
Douglas MnChesney , of Kose-
bud , loaded out some freight for
the agency yesterday.
Mrs. George Corbin has return
ed from her trip to Iowa where
she was visiting relatives.
The Misses Stinard , Eva Hard
en and J. 0. Beatty are sojourn
ing in Denver this week.
Bert Hammond is enjoying a
visit from his mother who arrived
last night from Kansas City.
W. E. Efner and wife departed
for Omaha Tuesday morning where
they expect to make their future
The new telephone line to Hoop
ers on the north table is completed.
It is a high line and will give
much better service.
Clarence Sageser has been busy
moving his household goods this
week from the Presbyterian manse
into the Efner property.
Ira Hewitt is now electrician ,
having succeeded Allan Gould.
Frank Hunter takes Mr. Hewitt's
place in the power house.
John Yeast and two boys re
turned from their eastern trip
Friday night. They visited most
of the principal eastern cities.
Work has been steadily pro
gressing on the now depot the past
week. The cellar has been dug
and the stone work commenced.
D. Collett and wife returned
from their Eastern trip Tuesday. .
night. They have spent the past
few months visiting relatives in '
Michigan and Indiana.
i S. A. Lee has" leasedhisbarber
shop to W. A. ICimbell and moved
his family out to the half-way'
house yesterday to take charge of
the same.
Allan Gould departed for Doug
las , Wyo. , Saturday night where
he has secured a good position
with the electric light company of
that place.
Misses Kuth and Dolly Pf under
who have been visiting their aunt
Mrs. George Cyphers returned to
their home in Norfolk yesterday
Miss Dora Pease , sister of Mrs.
George Harden , departed for
Wyncote , Wyo. , last night where
she has accepted a position as
principal of the schools.
Oliver Walcott came down from
Newcastle , Wyo. , this morning
after spending the vacation with a
government surveying outfit. He
intends going away to school this
Will Morrissey , who is collecting
for the International Harvester
Co. , and who has headquarters at
Alliance , spent last Sunday in
town. He says he likes his new
work very well.
The members of the congrega
tion of the Presbyterian church
and its friends are cordially in
vited to meet the Kev. Morgan
and family at the home of Dr.
Dailey , Tuesday evening , Sept.
12 , at 8 o'clock.
Last Sunday nearly everyone
in town went chicken hunting.
All report a scarcity of chickens.
A team driven by Clyde Daven
port and Dick Presho ran some
distance and the buggy tipped ov
er. Neither were hurt.
Last Monday Jake Stetter sold
10 cars of cattle to a Mr. Storey
who shipped them to Sioux City.
Rene Canet shipped 1 car , Frank
Higgius 3 cars and Ted Ormeslier
4 cars to the Omaha mirkefc , Geo.
Camm also shipped a car to Sioux
Wesley Holsclaw has commenc
ed laying the cement blocks for
the addition to the opera house.
Immediately upon the completion
of this job , Mr. Holsclaw will
build a house for J. J. McLean ,
to be built out of cement building
blocks , just north of the school
Eleven miles east of Valentine ,
Sat. Sept. 16 1905
. , . , ,
Beginning at one o'clock P. M.
I will sell to the highest bidder at public sale the following de
scribed property , to-wit.
5 Milch Cows , 3 Wagons , 1 Hay Kake , 1 Corn Sled , 2 Plows ,
3 Listers , 2 Cultivators , 1 Jones Mower , 1 large Iron Kettle , 3 set
Double Harness , 1 Heavy Saddle , Garden Implements , 6 Bed- '
steads and Springs , 2 Child's Beds , 3 Heating Stoves , 2 Cook
Stoves , Chickens , Ducks , Turkeys and other articles too numer
ous to mention , .
M- - -
Tf DMQ' A11 sums under § 10' Cash' Over l0' Ten
1 I L ft IV ! U. months time with approved security. 5 per
cent discount for cash on sums over $10.
J. R Auctioneer. SWAIN , S. Curtis
Those wishing to list stock for this sale , list with auctioneer.
-Rice writes insurance.
' We are prepared to make real
, estate loans on Farm and Kanch
properties at a fair and conserva
tive valuation. Call and see us.
32 At First National Bank.
At a band metting held Tues
day night four directors were
elected to direct and hold together
the band. Those chosen wereLen
Bivens , Clarence Sageser , Wesley
Holsclaw and Floyd Pettycrew.
The band will practice tonight.
Mrs. Woodward , state secretary
of the W. C. T. U. , gave a lecture
at Crookston on Sept. 3nd and or
ganized a union there with Mrs.
Mary Searby as president , Mrs.
Parsons vice president , Mrs. Jes
sie Searby secretary , and Mrs.
Sylvia Wertz treasurer !
Jim Garret had the misfortune
to be carried to Crookston Tuesday
night on the passenger. He board
ed the train here to give a man a
letter , and , the train starting , he
could not get off. He telegraphed
to the operator to make some calls
at the Donoher for the morning
train and he came down on the
About thirty members of the
M. E. church assembled at the
home of Kev. Carpenter Tuesday
night to bid him good bye. Rev.
Carpenter goes to Wood lake for
the ensuing year and it is with re
gret that his many friends see him
leave this charge. The members
present presented him with a sil
ver tea set in token of their esteem
for him. Light refreshments
were served.
The U. S. weather bureau re
port for the week ending Sept. 6 ,
shows highest temperature as 98 °
and lowest 39 ° . The mean daily
tcraprature was 61 ° , which was
dt ° below the normal. Light
frosts occurred on the lower bench
esof the river and the creek but
the damage was very slight. The
precipitation was .03 of and inch ,
which was25 of an inch less than
the normal. The winds have
been slightly below the average ,
highest velocity being 2-i miles
per hour on 1st and 2nd.
When comparisons are made between
America and continental Europe we
can find much of which to be pro-id.
Our growth , ourwealth , our industries ,
our resources , our energy , all make
flattering comparisonvith average Eu
ropean conditions. But I believe in
making such comparisons there is no
one thing of which we have the right
to be more proud than of the congress
of the United States. Better than any
continental parliament , it represents
the people. The cc legislative body of
the world that is in any way compara
ble to ours is the parliament of Great
Britain. In character , intellect , meth
ods , dignity and in the truthfulness
with which each represents the peDple
the British parliament and the United
States congress stand in a class quite
apart and above any of the parliaments
of continent : ' . ! Europe. Frank A. Vau-
derlip in Scrihr.erV.
Half a J ace m
"It is not an uncommon thing. " SHJS
a man who has hunted in central Afri
ca , "to meet a native with half of his
face missing , and when you ask him
how it happened he will tell you that a
hyena snapped at him while he wa-i
asleep. It is marvelous how they re
cover from such wounds , as the teeth
of the animal must be poisonous , and
the natives have no antiseptics and a
very crude way of treating wounds.
When a 'lisi , ' as the natives call it.
comes round the camp howling , the
'boys' shout all sorts of vile names at
it. But very often the animal makes
no noise whatever , and not till next
morning is the loss of something dis
covered. "
Married Anprcln.
A domestic wife is merely a woman.
When we marry for love we don't ruar-
ry a womr-i. We marry an angel , a
'celestial , ethereal being with wings
and a halo. As you value your happi
ness never remove the wings and halo.
-Arthur Law.
Her Vie-iv.
She There is no excuse for a man
dancing badly. lie But if he cannot
tlance otherwise ? She Oh , that mere
ly would be an excuse for not dancing
at all. New York Press.
Cruel Fate's Favors.
The Poet My mail contains nothing
but rejected manuscripts ! His Wife
And mine nothing but invitations to
millinery openings ! Brooklyn Life.
On and Off.
Knobbs They say poverty egged t
him on to the stage. Snobbs Yes , and j
the gallery egged him off. Princeton j
Tiger. I
Valentine Nebr.
, . ,
At One O'clock P. M.
I will sell to the highest responsible bidder the following property :
50 = HEAD OF HORSES = 50
As follows :
15 Yearling Colts.
15 Two-year Old Colts.
10 Three-year Old Colts.
10 Large Young Mares.
This stock has been raised by myself on ray ranch and sired by pure
blood Percheron stallions , gentle and halter broke , " -
and in first class salable condition.
TERMS OF SALE : One year's time will be given on notes
bearing 10 per cent interest from date with approved security.
uilding1 Blocks
for Foundations , Houses , Barns or Chimneys
America's Largest and Most Complete Show
Presenting Many New High Class Features.
200 Performing Horses Dogs and Monkeys. 20D .
50- -Monkey Cornedians- - 0
Special Features this Season :
See the Troupe of Musical Ponies ' '
Only Act of its Kind in the AVorld.
THE NORMAN FAMILY , five in number ,
Acrobats and Indian Club Jugglers.
The Yohasmite Japanese Troupe , seven in number ,
The Highest Salaried Troupe of Japs in This Country.
A Baby Carnei and its Mother
Everything Xew This Your Vothi i r Old Rut Th Title.
Two Performance D.Vily - - Altornon and Night.
Watch for the Grand Free Street Parade.
Daily at 11 A. M. A Brilliant Array of Beautiful Magnificence.