Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, July 27, 1905, Image 5

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    A Irltnd of the horn * .
A fo of th * Trust
with the Pure Food Laws
of all States.
Business Notices.
.Notices under this heading 5 cents per Hm
each Insertion. Among reading matter , 10 cent
P r line each Insertion.
" * *
* s
Halldorson & Barnett , your pho
tographers. Office open the U1
to 6th , inclusive.
FOR SALE ; City Hotel , lot
and building. Price $1000.
18 C. H. CORNELL , Agent.
She-boy-gan Wigwam Hosiery
for boys and girls , ladies and mis
ses at Miss Martins. 22
In posing subjects for a photo ,
the greatest care is necessary , like
wise in finishing. The retouching
ranks next , and the soft lighting.
We employ only experts at all
branches of the photo-making , con
sequently we can give you the best
and the latest. Look for our regu
lar dates.
All cattle branded QorH3 |
on left side or hip or Q
ton left side or hip ; also all horses
branded Q on left jaw or hip ,
are the property of the "EnicicsoN
CATTLE COMPANY and in the cus
tody of the undersigned , as Re
ceiver of said company.
, I will be grateful for informa
tion that will lead to the recovery
of any strays , or where a person
has gone to any trouble or expense
in recovering said cattle or horses ,
I will pay a suitable reward for
the return of the same.
C. H. CORNELL , Eeceiver ,
, _ Valentine , Nebr.
. I have .buyer for Nebraska farms.
If'you'-want to sell , list with me or
write for particulars. 47
Heist Bldg. Kansas City , Mo.
Iow Excursion Hates to Lin *
coin , Nebr. ,
Via the forth-western Line. Ex
cursion tickets will be sold August
1 to 10inclusive , limited to return
until August 11 , inclusive , on ac
count of Nebraska Epworth League.
Apply to agents Chicago & North *
Western By. 274
Special Summer Excursion
Bates to Chicago and Return ,
North-western Line. Ex
Via-tne - . *
cursion tickets will be sold to Chi
cago and return until Sept. 80 ,
1905. limited to return October 81.
Apply to agents Chicago & North *
western R'y * Sept. 2
Hie North-Western lane.
" One of the most interesting ser
ies of articles on the subject of the
great railways of the country that
has appeared recently , is that from
the pen of Frank H. Spearman ,
recently published in the Saturday
Evening Post , and since printed in
book form by Scribners. The
chapter descriptive of the Chicago
& North-western Ey. has been pub
lished by the passenger department
of that line in pamphlet form for
general distribution , and will be
Bent to any address on receipt oT 2
cents for postage.
The Aft of Drnwii "Work.
Perfiludo , or drawn needlework , oc
cupies the same place In Mexico as
lace does in Brussels. The city of
Matnraoros is the center of its pro
duction , and large quantities of this
beautiful work are exported to the
United States. Women and girls are
employed in the manufacture , and
some of it Is very expensive , for a
year may be required to make a single
piece. The linen or silk is placed in a
frame , the threads are drawn out one
way , and with a needle and the finest
spool thread the design is worked.
Perfllado is taught in the public
schools. Among the articles made are
handkerchiefs , tablecloths , bedspreads
and covers for chairs or lounges. The
work is bard and difficult , and the
earnings areon an average less than.
a shilling a day.
Kate Do you think it's true that
people catch anything through kissing ?
.Madge Oh , I don't think so. See how
f'ten you've been kissed and you've
More Loical.
Kice writes insurance.
John Neiss spent several day
in town this week.
Ed Richards is in town toda :
looking for hay men.
A. IL Stees drove in from hi
ranch near Kennedy yesterday.
Nels Rowley was in town yester
day looking for men to help hay.
Claude Jones , the Croofcstoi
landlord , was in town yesterday.
Miss Eva Ashburn is at Cods
spending a few weeks visiting her
Mr. Lovejoy put down a well
for I. H. Emery at the cemetery
last week.
Theo. Tillson and daughter Miss
Laura were up from Penbrook
James Ashburn is building a
new stone house on his farm north
east of Valentine.
Davenport & Thacher and Quig-
ley & Chapman have changes in
their ads this week.
Sam Lee , of Chesterfield , was
in town Tuesday and intended to
go out to Gillaspie's ranch.
The Valentine Concert Band
will give an open air concert to
morrow evening at 3 o'clock.
Born to Pete Galloway and
wife of McCann , Monday night ,
July 24,1905 , a bouncing boy.
Mrs. Gilbert Lefler and two
children of Peoria , 111. , are visit
ing at the home of W. A. Taylor.
A letter from William Leach ,
formerly of this county , asks us
to send his paper to Aurora , Ore.
C. M. Sageser went up to Gor
don Monday night to look after
some property which he possesses
Jim Hunter , who has been
working on the reservation for the
past few months , was hi town this
Geo. Tellier was in town several
lays this week waiting for some
horses to take out to Arkansaw
Bob's ranch.
A Mr. Watson who was here
with his merry-go-round a couple
of years ago , is again located in
our city.
Mrs. J. A. Edward , from the
southern part of the state , is visit
ing her parents James Ashburn
ind wife for a few weeks.
L. E. VanDleck , of Rushville ,
was in our city the first of the
week visiting and called at our
Dffice for a chat with the editor.
T. P. Spratt was in town from
liis herd of 900 cattle , which he is
holding on the military reserve
northeast of town , last Saturday.
George Camm's buggy team ran
iway jTesterday , damaging the
Duggy to some extent. They were
stopped in front of Frank Fisch-
jr's tin shop.
M. Christensen and wife are the
lappy possessors of a baby boy ,
jorn Friday morning , July 14 ,
L905. Through some reason this
tern was overlooked last week.
Dr. Compton took Mrs. W. B.
Hammond to Omaha yesterday
corning for medical attendance.
3he will go to the Methodist hos
pital arid be under the care of Dr.
W. H. Sellers , of Bailey , was in
Lown Monday on business and
made this office a pleasant call.
He brought down with him 20
; oyote scalps which he captured
last winter.
Miss Agnes Piercy brought the
Misses Helen Sparks , Buela Jenks
ind Neil Fountain in from Ken
nedy Tuesday. The young ladies
nave been enjoying ranch life for
several days.
Last Saturday afternoon G. W.
McFarland got into trouble with
some colored soldiers which re
sulted in the former getting de-
3'idedly the worst of it , his head
being pretty badly cut with a
"black jack" or small billy.
' The Ciiristian Endeavor law
social at Miss Hattie Holcomb'
was a success despite the rah :
The tables were moved into th
house and a great number of pa
trons were served.
Mrs. Robert McQuade returns
from Hot Springs Sunday morn
ing where she has been to see he
mother who is quite ill. Mrs. Me
Quade's sister Mrs. Roche , re
mained with her mother.
For feed or livery call on thi
Eagle Livery. Commercial trad <
a specialty. We have some gooc
second hand buggies and harnesi
for sale. Call and see us.
Mrs. Dave Dunn is not improv
very much in health. Dr. Me-
Knight , of Longpine , was callec
in consultation with Dr. Comptor
last Friday. Mrs. Dunn is stay
ing with her daughter Mrs. Frank
Randall in this city.
Yesterday a party of eight ladies
and two gentlemen from Chicago
were in town demonstrating the
merits of Calumet baking powder.
It was their intention to visit ev
ery house in town and convince
the mothers that they should use
the Calumet.
A party consisting of Sheriff
Layport and family , J. T. Keeley
and family , Thomas Watkins and
wife and about 25 young people
went out on the river south of
town last Sunday and spent the
day picnicking. A very pleasant
time is reported.
The Western Rancher , formerly
edited by Otto Mutz at Ainsworth ,
has bsen consolidated with the Ne
braska Farmer , published at Oma
ha. Mr. Mutz is an able writer
and will continue to edit The Wes
tern Rancher department in the
Nebraska Farmer. .
A. E. Fischer , the traveling rep
resentative for Bellevue college ,
was in town Tuesday rustling stu
dents. He says the outlook for
new students this year is better
than ever before. Four graduates
from our high school expect to at
tend Bellevue next year. 4
Tuesday afternoon the marshal
took into custody Harry Thomas
( colored ) , who shot a man at a re
sort on the river some time ago.
Shepard Bros , had went his bond
but , Thomas quitting his job and
having no inducement to stay in
town , they withdrew from his
We received a letter this week
from Albert Nenzel who is run
ning a general merchandise store
it Muenster , Sask. , Canada , say
ing he likes the country and is
jetting along nicely. He says
srops could not be better and ev
erything is booming in that
The game warden has called our
ittention to the fact that many
have been disregarding the game
laws and have been both seining
cjame fish and shooting young
chickens. The hunting law does
not open until September 1st and
steps have been taken to carefully
watch people engaged in unlawful
hunting. It seems that people
would begin to see that game laws
ire for their benefit , rather than
inyone else. The present num
bers of wild game insures continu-
il hunting if the law is but obeyed.
However , if the law is disregarded
ind the young chickens killed off ,
then it will be but a short time
until they become extinct.
Harry Murphy was born June
LO , 1866 , at Montreal , Canada , and
lied June 28 , 1905 , at Banner ,
Neb. , at the age of 37 years and IS
Ilie remains were taken to Brok
en Bow where services were con-
lucted by Rev. Father Daly , and
interred in the Catholic cemetery ,
Friday , June 30. Deceased leaves
m aged father and mother , three
srothers and two sisters to mourn
iiis loss.
--I _ > fv Gomptpn-telegraphed to W
Brti ammond this morning that hi ;
wife had been operated on anc
was getting along nicely. To he :
many friends this is certainly goo (
W. D. Morgareide and hi ;
daughter Mrs. Ella Ellis , and fam
ily are in town expecting to depari
tonight for Moscow , Idaho. Mrs
Ellis received the $2,000 M. W
A. insurance four weeks after Mr. .
Ellis' death , and the § 1,000 in the
New York Life was sent to the
Valentine State bank and she re
ceived it today. Mrs. Ellis has
been quite successful in settling up
theestate and has practically clos
ed up all accounts 'owing to Mr.
Ellis by receipt of cash or notes.
R. L. Hall writes us from O'
Neill , stating that he is preparing
to build a new hotel there and
asks us to send his paper there.
It is a pleasure to know that Mr.
and Mrs. Hall will locate so near
us since we can't have them in
our own town. We bejieve IVtr.
Hall to be a thorough business
man whose friends increase with
acquaintance and is a benefit to the
town in which he locates beyond
the ; expression of price or value.
We congratulate the good people
of O'Neill upon their being able
to attract such good people as Mr.
and Mrs. Hall to their city , and
believe they will "hae nae cause
to rue their bargain. "
The U. S. weather bureau re
port for week ending July 26th ,
shows highest anJ lowest tempera
ture as 79 ° on 20th and 53 ° on
23rd , a range of 26 ° . The mean
temperature for the week was 67 °
and the normal 74 ° , a loss of 7 ° .
The continued low temperature
average will retard crops some
what , especially corn. The pre
cipitation for the period was 1.07
inches and the normal 0.49 of an
inch. The winds have been about
the normal , the highest velocity
was 30 miles per hour from the
SE on the 21st.
The weekly crop bulletin for
the state of Nebraska shows : The
mean daily temperatuae averaged
2 ° below normal. Showers oc
curred in nearly all parts of the
state during the past week. In
bhc southern and western counties
the amount of rainfall was gener
ally between i inch and li inches.
In the northeastern and central
eastern counties the rainfall was
mostly less than i inch. Thrash-
Df winter wheat has progressed
rapidly during the past week and
the reports continue to indicate an
excellent crop. The oat harvest
tias progressed rapidly in southern
Bounties where it is now nearly
completed and thrashing has com
menced. The quality of oats is
jxcellent and the yield fair. The
) at harvest is just beginning in
lorthern counties. Haying i s
generally in progress with a heavy
; rop being secured in good con-
lition. Corn has grown rapidly
md is now beginning to tassel gen
erally. It is about one week later
n tasseling than in an average
fear. Apples are dropping badly.
Potatoes hare been damaged by
Iry weather in some localities. A
ittle plowing has been done.
Apropos of knee breeches a corre
spondent of the London Express quotes
an anecdote from Captain Gronow's
"Recollections" which puts the whole
case in a nutshell. The baillie < le fer-
rette was always dressed in knee
breeches , with a. cocked hat and. a
court sword , the slender proportions
of which greatly resembled those of
his legs. "Do tell me , my dear bail-
lie , " said Moutrond one day , "have you
got three legs or three swords ? " Soon
after which , we should Imaginethe
baillie went home.
There had been a railway collision
near a Scottish country town , and an
astute local attorney had hurried to
the scene of disaster. Noticing an old
man with a badly damaged head lying
on the ground , he approached him with
notebook in hand. "How about dam
ages , my man ? " he began. The in
jured man waved him off with the re
mark : "Na , na ; ye'll get nae damages
fae me. It wasna me that hit yer
bloomin' auld train. "
The Other Klml.
"Do you think there is anything re
markable in love at first sight ? " asked
n romantic youth.
"Not at all , " replied his cynical
friend. "It's when people have been
looking at each other for four or five
years that it becomes remarkable ! "
Cement Building Blocks.
for Foundations , Houses , Barns or Chimneys
The Donoher ,
First class line of Steaks , Roastd ,
Dry Salt Meats Smoke 1
Breakfast Bacon.
Highest Market Price Paid for Hogs.
Horse Shoeliiy a Specialty.
Drank = =
Our Soda.
Choicest materials rightly
used and daintily servred is
the secret.
We use pure fruit juices
and plenty of them. We are
extravagant in the matter of
Cleanliness is our ever
lasting hobby. To drink our
soda is to come again.
An Opportunity
We want a man
in this locality to sell
We can offer ex
ceptional induce
ments to someone
who commands a
horse and wagon and
can devote his time
to advancing the
sales of our product.
Energetic men
find our proposition
a money-maker , ca
pable of development
into a permanent
and profitable
Wheeler & Wilson Mfg. Co.
72 and 74 Wabasli Ave.
The Loup Valley Hereford Ranch.
Brownlee.Nebr ,
Prince Boabdel
131693 and Curly
Coat 112261 at head
of herd. The blood
of Fowler. Anxiety ,
Lord Wilton and Sir
Gladstone predomi
nates to my herd.
I can fill orders foi bulls of all apces at any
lime. Ilauch ftmr miles north-west of Brown-
lee , Nebr.
Office over the grocery deparment
of T. C. Hornby's store.
Will be in Kosebud agency July
3rd , Oct. 2nd and Jan. 1,1904r.
Riege , Xebr.
Tubular wells and windmills.
G. H. Hall , M. D.
Physician ana Surgeon.
All calls promptly attended to day
or night. Drugs and Phar
maceuticals furnished.
Wood JLake , - Nebraska.
First-class Shop in Every Respect
Eau de Quinine Hair Tonic , Golden Star Hair
Tonic , Herpicide and Coko's Dandruff Cure.
Try Tompeian Face Massage Cream
Physician and Surgeon
Office at Quigley & Chapman's
Drug Store. Kights The Don
oher residence , Cherry Street.
Dr. G. 0. Sturdevant ,
Office over Daventort'a Ftore-West Entrance
Valentine , Nebraska.
City Deliyeryman ,
Urunka , valises and packages hauled to and
from the depot and all parts of the City.
Contractor and Build
er in Brick or Stone
Valentine , - Nebr.