Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, July 27, 1905, Image 4

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    * * a .
I. M. RICE - E-liior and Proprietor.
J. C. QUIOLEY - Local Editor.
MARK ZARU - Foreman.
' Nebr. . as Second
count ,
Cherry }
Entered at the postoflice at Valentine ,
Class Matter. e
advance $1.50 when not paid in advance.
Subscription $1.00 per year in ;
Display Advertising 1 inch single column 15caper issue or $6.00 a year.
and Socials for revenue
Local Notices , Obituaries , Lodge Resolutions
5c per line pr issue.
additional $3.00 per
Brands , li inches$4.00 per year in advance * ; space
year ; engraved blocks extra $1.00 each.
10 per cent additional to above rates if-over 6 months in arrears.
are requested to pay in advance.
Parties living outside Cherry county
Notices of losses of stock free to brand advertisers.
THURSDAY , JULY 27 , 1905.
I asked him , a republican ,
name some of the signs of 1
"great prosperity" the Americ
people are enjoying under the n
of his party and he mentioned 1
Standard Oil , the Beef Trust , 1
Steel Trust and a number of otl
trusts and Bigelow the "prosp
ous Milwaukee banker" ! ! ! A
that is really about the size of
Rushville Standard.
Things to be
There ought to be no factions
a country town. The prosper :
of one business affects the pr
perity of evrery individual and <
ery improvement made enhan <
the value of all the property
the corporation. A village is si
ply one big family. When tin
is a united pull for everything ,
accomplishment is made eas
Envy , jealousy and hatred i
things to be depised. Envy i
canker that gnaws at the he !
and makes folks sour , disgruntl
and unhappy. Jealousy warps t
intellect and makes you unfair
passing judgment. Hatred d (
not pay , even from a sordid po :
of view. The man you dislike
the man you don't know. EVT
human being has his good poin
The English sparrow isn't a nig
ingale. But why remind the sp :
row of the fact ? Life is short a
complex at best. AVhy not spe
good instead of evil ? Why i
look for the silver lining in t
cloud ? Why not be fair a
reasonable and just ? And abo
all don't be an idler. Only t
busy man or woman is happy. .
a well known writer has so ap
said , "Do your work as well
you can and be kind. " Muscoi
State Fair News.
The educational exhibit at t
State Fair , September ith to 81
will occupy three times the spi
heretofore allotted to the scho
of the state. Five times the usi
amount is offered in prizes , eij
hundred and twenty dollars wo :
of prizes and ninety-two diaplon
t being offered. Of the total 7
prizes , twenty-six are general , t
hundred and nineteen are for to
and city schools and four hundi
and seventy-six are exclusively :
rural schools. Colleges also coi
. in for prizes , and individual we
| i , i i has not been overlooked.
The schools have a gardeni
department which show school a
home gardening by pupils of t
public schools , and school gardt
ing by teachers in the sumn.
normal schools. An exhibit \ \
be made from the five juni
normal schools.
A modern rural bchool will <
cupy the center space opposite t
south entrance. This will be u
to-date in seating , lighting , he :
ing , blackboards , maps , chart * ,
braries , wall finishing. dt > coratio
fi , desks , etc. Work of pupils w
f j be on exhibition as in an ideal i
i ' | ral school , and in charge of t
, j room will be a model teacher , w
H will explain to visitors any fes
' exhibited.
' . | ures
| A school teacher made of Ro <
f ! county grasses will be in positi
jp ! to keep an eye on all who ente
m and a school boy made of Yoi
county corn products will be pr
ent every day.
Box Butte county will illustrj
her products of horses , cattle a
potatoes by figures made of i
tatoes , and Perkins county will
on hand with the "staff of Hi
represented by the cactus plant
trained in the west to furnish fc
for hogs , cattle and horses. .
The Lincoln city schools v
have in operation a section of th
cooking school , where pupils v
be instructed in and perform i
regular work of the school.
The educational exhibit will
a point of interest for all visito
Wednesday , September 6th , v
be School DayA speaker of i
tional reputation will give an :
dress. Plans will be made to <
tertain ard care for school ct
dren. Excursions will be i
from all localities where a suffici <
number of persons become int
It is urged that the schools
not commence until Monday , S <
11 , in order that both teachers a
children may attend the fair a
take advantage of the educatio :
Deputy Superintendent E.
Bishop , State House , Lincoln , v
have charge-of the exhibit and
rangements. Write to him :
any desired information.
After this week there are 01
two more weeks of normal.
John L. O'Roake , of the no
table , enrolled in the normal M (
State Supt. J. L. McBrien wri
us that on Friday and Saturdj
August 4 and 5 , there will be hi
in Valentine an examination I
such teachers as are working :
professional life certificates. T
is quite an accommodation to c
young people , who other wise woi
be compelled to go to Lincoln
pass such examination.
Do not fail to hear Mclnttf
next Monday night. Get yc
seats reserved at the postoffice 1
tween the hours of four and fi
p. m. , Saturday , July 29 and M (
day , July 31. Read the hand bi
and see what Sam Jones , Gen.
A. Alger , Bill Nye , Gov. II
comb and Robert J. Burdetto ha
to say of this great speaker.
Over one hundred students a
citizens of Valentine spent li
Saturday picnicking at the beau
ful Perry falls , ten miles east
Valentine. It rained * soon af 1
dinner and made the foliage so\\
that the people were unable
wander about and see much of t
beauty of the place , yet ma :
were heard to remark that th
believed it to be the prettiest pla
in Nebraska.
Low Kates to Pittsburgh , P <
Via the North-western Line. I
cursion tickets will be sold Augu
12 and 13 , with favorable retu
limits , on account of Knights
Pythias ( colored ) encampment , A
ply to agents Chicago & Nort
western Ry. 284
Fou SALK : 7 room house. Ac
lot. Nice lawn and fine trees.
Penbroek Qnill § .
Will Seaman is workiiig fc
John Hittle.
Cool enough for a blanket to fei
comfortable these nights.
Mrs. E. L. Hutchison returne
from Rushville Saturday.
A party of Sparks peopl
( Sparkers ? ) picnicked near th
Bruce bridge Sunday. A most ei
joyable time is reported.
Ballard Hutchison took a tumbl
at Penbrook Thursday. A pon
kicked him on the breast , send in
him a rolling. Fortunately n
bones were broken.
Mr. Sorby is catching fish thes
days ; some fi n e channel cafe
weighing from 2 to 5 pounds. H
hooked a big one near three fe (
long but it got away.
Will Dunbar , who has charge (
the Sparks' cattle at the Rak
ranch , went to Cody , Saturday fc
a short visit with his family. I
A. Hancock accompanied him.
A saw mill will be located nea
the Bruce bridge Jan. 1st. Aboi
October it will be on the Sai
Small place , south side of the rh
er opposite Penbrook postoffice.
Frank Kuhre and John Hunger
berg are reducing" their herds
They will sell at public vendu <
August 1 , at Mr. Kuhre's place
about 60 head of cattle and som
( Concluded. )
Phis ancient mule so bold.
Like his unceator of old ,
Like Balaam's beast :
Can voice his master's grief ,
Who mourns without relief ,
With hopes the least.
So ever and again
We catch this plaintive strain ;
This sorrowful refrain ,
Comes stealing o'er the plain ,
[ fain , I fain , I fain ,
Would wed Miss .
A. Haley was in Sparks Thurs
day evening.
Mr. Kuskie went down to Noi
den Monday.
Henry Grooms went to Valei
tine Wednesday.
Next week we are going to tr ,
some poetry ourself.
Clyde Kuskie was in Spark
Monday and Tuesday.
Walter Johnson got cripple
recently while out riding horse
Mr. Callen went to town Tue
day after a load of freight for th
store at Sparks.
Aetna Breachbill , F. Grooms
Deacon Kuskie all were in Spark
first of the week.
Mrs. Minnie Voder and mothe
Mrs. Hahn went down the rive
for a months visit.
Say Eagle , the Porcupine is gc
ing to have his picture taken wit
[ ris mule before he gives him t
ais mother-in-law.
Mr. Geyer and , sons and daugb
; er Miss Ethel went out to Job
Weiss' yesterday. Mr. Gever wil
put up 500 tons of hay for John.
There will be a farmers' meet
ing at Sparks Saturday. We dl
not understand the purpose of thi
neeting or we would give a ful
The rust is injuring hundreds o
icres of oats in this community
ind unless there is a little sunshim
soon the oats will be a failure ii
his locality.
There was a large crowd out t <
he picnic at the Bruce bridge Sun
lay and everybody had a gooc
ime , even the Porcupine ate tw <
lishes of raspberries with suga ;
ind cream. If he had had a littli
iver and baked apples mixed in it
t would have brought back thofe
> f old Missouri.
from-my place near Valentine
tbout middle of May , one 2-yeai
> ld sorrel horso colt , white stripe
n face , branded Ol on left shoul
er. 24 : MARK D. CYPHERS.
I \Ve have just received a full line of the celebrated
Farm Implements ,
I consisting of
Plows , both tiding and walking
Listers " " " "
Harrows , Disks , etc , etc
We have three different
makes of riding Cultivators
and also carry in stock Lister
Carriages suitable for convert
ing any steel beam walking
lister or plow into a riding lis
ter or a riding plow.
Bailey Ifcrief * .
Corn is hustling along nicel
these days.
Geo. Heine was branding h
calves last week.
G. H. Segar hired a man cool
a John Hancock.
Harry Heath was in Valentir
last week on business.
John Seager built a house fc
parties southeast of Cody.
Miss Louie Deaver arrived horn
from the west a few days ago.
Lillie Goodin was home froi
Cody visiting a few days ago.
Lester Goodin arrived hei
from South Dakota last week.
Fred Nelson expects his wif
home from Friend , Neb. , soon.
Charles Cooper has hired t
Wm. Finalyson for the hayin
Put the the hay stacks wher
they will not have wet feet thi
C. A. iCime was freighting met
chandise through here last week t
his store.
A telephone adds enormously t
the desirability of the farm am
ranch home.
The 2nd cutting of alfalfa prom
ises a far heavier crop than tin
first cuttirig.
Mr. and Mrs. Bishop were ou
homesteading a short time ago
Dickey Young accompanied them
Rev. Hunt preached at the Bar
ley school house last Sunday a
which time Mrs. Susan Goodii
was united with the church.
Lightning struck Chas. Sellers
ranch the night of the 18th. I
burnt all the insulated wire anr
split up 8 poles pretty bad. Chun
ranch found 50 poles split anc
slivered up on their line by light-
aing the same night.
From Fort Niobrara , one Englisl
Setter Pup , 9 months old ; color ,
white , black ears with tan mark
ings. Liberal reward for in for-
28 Valentine , Nebr.
Get I. M. Rice to write up youi
Experience has proven that
the JOHN DEERE goods are
the best in the market , and by
buying two car loads we are
enabled to make you very close
prices , Our friends are invited
to call and inspect the goods.
Easy Running , Easy Washing , Clean Skimming ,
Tlie Simplest is tlie Best.
Nothing to get out of order and will last a life time.
Kecommended by all who have used them.
A practical machine sold on easy terms by
16 8 . NBREASKA.
All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes
Valentine , - Nebraska
A. JOHN & CO. ,
Dry Goods g Notions
Complete Line of KEY Brand Shoes
We will find quick buyers for any
Land , Live Stock or
any other property you have ready for market.
Cherry County Land & Live Stock Co
JL Sole Agents for
Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER
Choicest Wines and Cigars ,
Read the Advertisements.