Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, July 27, 1905, Image 2

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    Valentine Democrat
L M. RICE. - Publlahoi
- #
Many Badly Hurt Terrible Scenes
of Suffering-Victims ol the Dis
' .aster Are Burned , Scalded and
Torn Vessel Keeks with Blood.
Broken and blackened , with her flag a
half mast and her hold filled with lifted
feet of water , the United States shij
'Ucnnington ' lies beached on the shore :
of San Diego , Cal. , harbor. Thirty-nil"
of her crew lie dead at city morgues , tin
late of a dozen more is yet undetenniiiei
'and three score are stretched upon bed ;
of pain in various hospitals. This is tlu
( result of the explosion which Avreckei
the trim little naval craft and wrough
Wielv isrrible havoc among her crew a
* ' morning.
JO:30 o'clock Friday
The placid waters of San Diego ba :
'have ' never before been the scene of sucl
a disaster and San Diego city has neve
[ before been stirred by such scenes o :
death and suffering as those witness
Friday night.
Twenty-one dead bodies lie ranged witl
gruesome precision at Davis & Ander
'son's ' morgue. The stark forms were out
jlined in immaculate winding sheets , th <
[ terrible results of scalding steam upoi
the faces plainly showing , though fullj
hidden beneath the folds. Thirteen vie
tims were stretched upon improvisci
tiers at Johnson & Council's morgue
jwhilc five others were to be seen at Wool
man & Bradley's. At the two lattei
places the work of the explosion was
terribly in evidence. The face of ever }
victim is scarred and scalded , in manj
cases almost beyond recognition.
At Agncw hospital are many injured
buffering in almost every instance fron :
scalded bodies. Several are expected tc
On board the Bennington the unharm
ed members of the crew are working un
der terrible difficulties to reach the boil
er room and coal bunkers , where it is be
lieved a dozen bodies are lying wedged
in the wreckage.
The Bennington at the time of the ac
yident was lying in the stream just ofl
Commercial wharf. Steam was up and
everything was in readiness for sailing
when suddenly , and without any warn
ing whatever , the starboard forward
boiler exploded with a deafening roar ,
Hie explosion was terrific. People
Standing on the shore saw a huge cloud
of white steam rise above tfi'e Benning
ton. Columns of water were hurled into
the air and for a distance of nearly twice
the height of the spars of the vessel.
Chicago Strikers in Stampede foi
Their Old Places.
The Chicago teamsters who Thursday
night gave up their long struggle against
the employers broke ranks Friday in a
stampede for work. The barns of the
ptrike affected firms were besieged by
former employes. The employers in
manj' cases announced there were vacan
cies for only a few. Of the more than
4,000 men who quit not more than 1,400
or 1,500 will be reinstated during the
next few days. The coal teamsters and
truck drivers did not join in the rush for
re-employment Friday.
Xearly every one of the strikers at the
department stores filed application for
Reckless Millionaire lioses Life in
Los Angeles.
M. T. Hancock , a well known million
aire plow inventor and manufacturer , is
dead , as the result of his automobile col
liding with a buggy late Thursday night
at Los Angeles , Cal. He had been in
police court on different occasions for
driving his mp.chine in excess of the speed
limit. His wife , son and daughter were
seriously injured.
Fortunefor Iowa Girl.
Through the recent death of Mrs. Jant
Martin , of Nevada , la. , Pearl Martin , an
adopted daughter aged 1C , has fallen heir
to a fortune of $163,000. The total value
of the estate left by Mrs. Martin is placed
at a quarter of a million , one-third of
which goes to her husband.
4 *
Five Skeletons Found.
A Hammond , Ind. , special says : Men
engaged in razing an old house on Drake
'island , in the Kankakee River , which
jWas occupied during the civil war by a
trapper named Steele , found in the cellar
jwall of the house three male and two fe
male skeletons.
, Try to Kill the Sultan.
It is reported officially from Constanti
nople that during Friday's selamlik an at-
, 'tempt was made to assassinate the sul
Sioux City Stock Market.
Friday's quotations on the Sioux City
fltock market follow : Butcher steer ? ,
3.75g4.70. ( Top hog. ? , $3.00.
Cool Wave Follows Hot.
The weather bureau at Washington , D.
C. , Friday , gave most encouraging infor
mation as to the general conditions-j
From abnormally hot to abnormally cool
seems to be the trend of the atmospheric
Serious Flood in Kansas.
Flood conditions along the Spring Rivei
jralley north of Galena , Kan. , are more
/serious / than ever. Most of Thursday
pight the Spring River came up at a rate
.of a foot an hour , and it is still rising.
Chicago Teamstrrs Blake a Com
plete Surrender.
The teamsters' strike , which has s <
greatly disturbed-business conditions ii
Chicago for the last 105 days , was a
12:30 o'clock Thursday night ofliciallj
declared off by the members of the team
sters' joint council. The men have beei
ordered to seek their old positions , and i
is estimated that less than one-half o
Ihein will be re-employed. The striker
have made a complete surrender and wil
apply for work as individuals and with
out an agreement of any kind with thei
The action of the teamsters' joint conn
cil was taken at the end of a day whos <
events clearly foreshadowed the collnpsi
of the strike. Three of the unions hat
already voted to return to work as fa :
as possible , and it was certain that tin
unions which had not yet voted on th <
question of ending the strike would tak <
similar action. The council believinj
that further effort was useless , decidei
to call off the strike at once.
The first break in the ranks of thi
strikers came Thursday afternoon v-hei
the lumber teamsters voted to return t <
work regardless of what action mijjh
be taken by any other union.Thursday
night the department store drivers am
the railway express drivers voted to cal
off the strike and seek their old positions
It is expected that about GO per cent c
the department store drivers will be re
instated , and the express drivers declarcc
that they believed that about 100 of thei
number would be taken back by the ex
press companies. The express companie ;
have declared all through the strike
however , that not one of the men win
struck would be reinstated.
The truck drivers and one or tw <
smaller unions will vote on the questioi
of calling off the strike , but there is n <
doubt that they will decide to seek thei
old places again. The officials of th <
teamsters' union declare that they ex
pect such action to be taken.
City National of Kansas City Closes
Its Doors.
The City National Bank at Kansa :
City failed to open its doors Thursday.
The bank held paper of C. J. Devlin , o
Topeka , to the amount of upwards o
$100,000 , and the failure is the direc
result of the closing of the First Nation
al Bank , of Topeka. of which Devlii
was the principal stockholder.
The only other bank in Kansas Citi
which was caught in the failure of th <
First National Bank , of Topeka , was th <
American National Bank , of Kansa !
City , which is said to hold upwards o ;
$200,000 of Devlin paper. It was stat
ed positively Thursday by a leading
banker that other Kansas City institu
tions would not permit this bank to fail
There was no appearance of a run 01
the other banks at the opening houi
Legislature Finds Tie is Not Guilty
of Corrupt and Immoral Acts.
An Albany , N. Y. , dispatch says : Th <
question of the removal from office of su
preme court justice Warren B. Hookei
came in final form before the legislature
Thursday , when the committee ou judi
ciary presented in the .assembly a con
current resolution calling for the removal
of Justice Hooker on the ground that he
had "been wilflully guilty of corrupt , un
lawful and immoral acts. ' '
The defeat of the resolution was as
sured when 46 votes were recorded
against it.
Mystery Surrouneling a Big Equit
able Transaction.
A New York dispatch says : There is
no record in any of the books of the Mer
cantile Trust Company of the $ GS3,000
loan , to which Horace C. Doming , presi
dent of that company , testified before Su
perintendent Hendricks as having been
carried by the company for five or six
years in the name of President James W.
Alexander and Comptroller Thomas D.
Jordan , of the Equitable Society trustee ? .
This announcement was made Thurs
day by State Bank Examiner Judsou.
Caught After Eleven Years.
After successfully eluding the United
States secret service men for over eleven
years , J. B. Gregory , alias Harry Leon
ard , expert counterfeiter and escaped
convict , has been captured at Los An
geles , Cal. , and turned over to the Unit
ed States authorities to Ferve out an tin-
expired term of seven years in the fed
eral prison at Detroit , Mich.
Respite for Murelerers.
A respite of thirty days has been
granted by Gov. Folk to Henry Ilcurack
and Lambert Neuhaus , convicted of mur
der , who were to be hanged at St. Louis
next Monday. This is the second thirty
days' respite granted them.
Hot Wave Broken.
The wave of intense heat which has
held the country oast of the Mississippi
in its grasp for several days , causing
hundreds of deaths and untold suffering
to millions was thoroughly broken Thurs
day , e ,
Judge Noah W. Cheever Dead.
At Ann Arbor , Mich. . Judge Noah W.
Cheever , prominent in the affairs of the
national Piohibition prfrty , died Thurs
day of apoplexy.
Excitement in Wheat Pit.
An alleged confirmation of the reports
of black rust in the wheat fields of the
northwest sent the price of September
up to 88 cents in Chicago Thursday , an
advance of 3Vi cents compared with
Wednesday s closing quotations.
Receives Ducal Throne.
Duke Charles Edward , of Saxe-Coburg
and Gotha , assumed the reins of govern
ment Wednesday on attaining his ma
jority. His state entry into the capital
was the occasion of much ceremonial.
Enormous Increase in the Number
of Deaths.
While the record of deaths and pros
trations at New York greatly exceeded
that of Tuesday , there was a distinct
diminution Wednesday in the tempera
ture prevailing throughout the eastern
section of the country. Although the
midday temperature was terrific , it way
broken by scattered thunder storms ,
many of a very violent character , an-1
towards evening the temperature fell rap-
ly , until normal summer conditions were
reached. In New York the liighcst tem
perature recorded was 95 , one degree
lower than that of Tuesday , when the
highest point of Tuesday was not reach
ed , while everywhere a fall was noted
beginning early in the afternoon.
The accumulative effect of the contin
ued torridity of these day was painfully
evident in the enormous increase in the-
number of deaths in New York. While
the death roll of Tuesday was only UJ. (
that of Wednesday reached the appalling
total of 75 , being half of those prostrat
ed. This was almost entirely due to the
collapse of young children and aged per
sons , whose exhausted vitality was un
equal to the strain of further suffering.
Among the distressing incidents of the
day was the killing of her infant in
Brooklyn by a young woman who was
suddenly driven insane by the heat. Sh <
stabbed the child to death and then made
a vain attempt on her own life.
Several of the deaths were those ol
persons who had fallen while asleei
from fire escapes , where they were en
deavoring to escape the stifling atmos
phere of crowded tenements. With 15C
bodies in the cold storage room f.t the
city morgue , the refrigerating system was
found to be out of order Wednesday , ami
it was necessary to resort to the use ot
tons of ice , in which the bodies were hur
riedly shipped to the potter's field.
Sioux City Show Promises to be
Better Than Last Year.
Secretary F. L. Wirick , of the Inter
state Live Stock Fair , which will be held
at Sioux City Sept. 11-10 , announces
that more money will be spent in secur
ing free attractions , premiums and good
races than at either of the two preceding
fairs. In 1904 the attendance was 40
per cent larger than in 1903 , and it is
expected a similar increase will be shown
this year.
All the profits of last year's fair have
been used in improving the grounds and
in adding to the purses and premiums ,
making the total of purses for races ? ! - > -
000 and the total of premiums offered for
displays § 20,000. Six free attractions ,
of a quality unsurpassed by any circus ,
will be seen daily in front of the grand
stand. The fair has been admitted to the
grand circuit , insuring races fully the
equal of those at any state fair in the
United States.
The railroads have recognized the high
standing of the fair by granting a round
trip rate of one fare for the entire week.
510,000 POOR BOOK.
Widow of Millionaire Huntington Is
"Held Up. "
A New York special says : The books
of Town Topics , insofar as they deal
with the book on American society en
titled "Fads and Fancies , " ' which was
sold by subscription , and on which pub
lishers realized approximately $200,000 ,
will be examined by representatives of
the district attorney's office , no matter
what opposition is made to such a step.
When Assistant District Attorney Kro-
tel examined the books of the Town Top
ics Company Tuesday he was refused
permission to inspect some of the entries
having to do with the book "Fads and
Fancies. ' ' He learned , however , he said ,
that while the regular subscription price
for the book was $1,5)00 several persons
paid larger sums. Among those was Mrs.
Collis P. Huntiugton , widow of the mul
ti-millionaire railroad promoter , who was
credited with paying $10,000 for h r sub
scription to a copy of the book.
People's Bank at St. Louis Loses in
tho Federal Court.
Federal Judge McPherson handed
down a decision Wednesday upholding
the fraud order issued by Postmaster
General Cortelyou against the People's
United States Bank and E. G. Lewis
and denying the application for an in
junction restraining the postmaster of St.
Louis from carrying out the instruction ?
of the postmaster general. Postmaster
Wyman will now resume stanmping
"Fraudulent" on mail addressed to the
bank and Lewis , and will return it to the
The Caleb Powers Case.
Jailer Ploeger , liis two deputies and
citizens arrested charged with assault in
connection with the commitment of Ca
leb Powers to the Newport , Ky. , jail ,
wore Wednesday dismissed from custo
dy at Cincinnati , the court holding the at
tempt of Mayor Heluibold to designate
ivhere federal prisoners should be incar
cerated was illegal.
To Cleanse the Burenu.
Assistant Secretary of Agriculture
Willett N. Kays has taken hold of the
i flairs of the bureau of statistics at
Washington , with instructions from Sec-
etary Wilson , approved by President
Roosevelt , to cleanse the bureau of the
stigma left by the cotton leak scandal
flis authority is unlimited.
Hurricane Wipes out Harvest.
A hurricane almost entirely destroyed
he harvest in the provinces of Sargossa
ind Caceros , Spain , thus adding im-
nensely to the general distress. It has
> cen decided to entirely suspend all work-
is a protest against the dearness of pro-
risions at Madrid.
Murderer Cheats the Gallows.
At St. Paul , Minn. , Edward Gott-
idialk , under sentence of death for mur-
ler , hung himself in the county jail Wed-
lesday afternoon.
Sioux Indians Hold Reunion ni
Chaiiron Old Chief Red Cloud
Commonly Suppossd to bo Dead
Center of Interest at Gathering.
In connection with the Chadron carni
val the Sioux Indians nre holding ai
old settlers' reunion. One hundred tc
pees are pitched about the town and th
prairie is dotted with the long sulferin ;
Indian ponies.
The greatest interest of the occasioi
centers ahout lied , the fainou
chief of the Ogaliala Sioux. It is th
general idea that this old war chief loiij
ago passed into history and it is though
for the last two years his royal remain
have been peacefully lashed to some cot
tonwood tree beside his best lovei
stream. The newspapers published som
One obituaries of the old man , which , be
ing interpreted to Red Cloud , caused hin
much amusement. Red Cloud is now S' '
years old and totally blind. His mini
is still good , though he might not be abl
to give as lawyer-like an answer to i
difficult question as he gave to the com
mander of the Indian agency in hi
younger days. It happened that a gooi
Presbyterian was in charge of Indiai
affairs at Washington. Ue became great
ly shocked over reports he hcaid in regar <
to the morality of the Indians. Later h
Kent an ordvr upon the subject to Majo
McGillicuddy , who was then agent a
Pine Ridge. The agent called the brave
into council and read the order 1'rou
AVashingtou to them. "You see. " sai <
Major McGillicuddy , ' 'it means this
Someone has been telling at Washingtoi
that some of you have two wives. Tin
order has come to say that after this nou
of you must have more than one wife. '
The Indians smoked for a long time ii
silence. The spirit seemed to move u <
one to speak on so important a subject
At last Red Cloud broke the silence.
"We have all heard if we travel soutl
of here to the iron horse and then gi
west many days toward the setting sin
that at last we come to a laud when
the water smells of fish and tastes o
salt. In that land we have heard thi
white men have as many wives as the :
wish. You ask the Gre/it Father a
Washington why he don't attend to thoti
white men about their wives , then afte
that if he has any time left he can sei
to one or two p'oor Indians who havi
more than one wife. "
P.efore the beginning of the Indiai
dances Red Cloud made a speech to tin
people in which he said that he did no
sell the Black Hills outright to the Unit
I'd States government , but loaned then
to the Great Father at Washington fo
seven generations , and that when tin
seven generations have passed away thi
Black Hills will again belong to the In
"But Avill the Great Father forget ? '
he added , as though thinking of othe
Had Been found Over on a Charge
ol' Housebrenking.
John N. Parish , of Council Bluffs , wa
arrested last Satin day night for housi
breaking at Aurora , and was brought be
fore the county judge for a preliminary
hearing , which he waived , and was bourn
over to the district court. His bond wa :
fixed at $800 and he was returned t <
jail , where he hung himself withal strii
of blanket to an iron iod. Althougl
soon discovered , it was impossible to re
vive him.
A coroner's inquest was held and a ver
diet that he came to his death by his owi
hand was rendered.
Youngster Supposed to be the Vic
tim of His Own Carelessness.
The G-year-old son of James Fouler
was burned to death while playing in tlu
barn. The sad affair occurred on tin
farm of Mr. Foulon , two miles north ol
Fairmont. The fire was discovered b.v
oiie of the neighbors. Foulton rusheii
in and got out four hoises before tlu
barn fell. It was discovered that tlu
youngest child , about t > j'ears old , wa
After the fire had spent itself to allow
an examination the remains Avero found
in the ruins.
Convict Makes Good Getaway.
William Hendcison. colored , sentenced
to the penitentiary for two years from
Cherry County , made his escape from
that institution Wednesday night and
took with him , it is charged , $475 worth
of property not his own. Henderson was
a trusty and worked as a cook , so his
escape was easy. Before going he at
tached himself to two diamond rings , two
watches , one engraved with the woid
"Luree" and the other engraved "J. W.
Swallow. " One of the rings was valued
at $180. He also took $23 in cash.
Farmer Arrested for Stealing.
A Bohemian farmer named Vanckliv
ing several miles west of Iluinboldt. was
arrested at a late hour Saturday even
ing , charged with stealing a case of
eggs from Lee's store and numerous oth
er articles from different establishments
of Humboldt. A M'ttleinent was effect
ed whereby the farmer paid for all the
articles found in his wagon and claimed
by the merchants and was permitted to
go without
Kleetrieiun Killed.
W. B. Lee , manager of the Superior
Electric Light Company at Superior.
\vas fatally shocked while making a new
\vire connection. Hope of life is given
Admitted as Midshipman.
Chas. C. W. Maliey , of Nebraska , has
been admitted to the naval academy at
Annapolis as midshipman.
Girl Slips Away.
Josephine , the IS-year-oId daughter of
Pred Broiler , a highly respected German
. itizen of Table Rock , has been absent
< everal days. Later developments show
; he purchased a ticket forVilber. . Wash. ,
ivhere she has relatives.
Successor to Congressman Burket
At a bpecial election for congressman
leld Tuesday in the First congressional
listrict , E. M. Pollard , IV'publican , of
tfehawka , was elected. Pollaid will s.ic-
: eed E. J. Burkett. who resided to be-
: oine United States senator.
Bold Deed of Ro/ ; -r in an Omaha
Drug storr.
An Omaha special s vs : A man givinj
his name as Frank Lo i.a.d. of i eona
111. , Tuesday nipbt held up and robbec
five men in a drig store Ot Twenty-
fourth and Sewaid Streets , taking SCT
eral hundred dollars in money and jew
els from them. II. backed out of th <
drug store and the fiv * men ijavc chase
A running fight followed , during whicl :
the highwayman fir.eJ fiv juiiils at his
pursuers , without c-fTt'ct. Tliey hurlet
bricks and other m Dili's at the flei > 8
man , finally capturing hi1" . A hand tc
hand fight ensued when the ; caught ill
to Leonard , in which Frank Krandle ,
from whom the robbei had taken a dia
mond and some money was badly beat
en on the head with \ revolver. Lcoiian ]
was beaten into unc'aisciousnc'Ji , car
ried back to tieIrug ! store , r ' -l lutei
taken to jail l.y the police. Tie may
not recover.
Delia and Elsi ; French Tr'uipcd
in Mule Attire.
The two young women by the ncirues ol
Delia and Elsie French , aged 25 and 1.1
years , respectively , who left Plniuviuw
several days ago , were caught si York
by Sheriff Brott and brought to Pierce
Thuisday and then taken before t-ie in
sane commission. After examination the
board let them go , as they loth appealed
perfectly sane. They went to Plain-
view , where they found employment as
domestics. They both bore the reputation
of having excellent character. For sonic
cause they/left their work and started
south on foot. They cut off their haii
and stopped at a farm house one even-
imr , where they borrowed a couple ol
pairs of trousers and dressed themselves
as men. When captured by the sheriff
they had no shoes and were footsore and
hungry. Their father i" : ne after them
and they returned home vrsth him.
A Minden Preacher Convicted of
Striking 7-Months-Old Child.
Considerable indignation exists in
Minden against Rev. Martin Flecken-
stein , pastor of the 'jerinan Lutheran
church , on account of his treatment of his
7-inonth-old babe , which he acknowl
edged he had slapped or cuffed as he
would a child live or six years old. The
neighbors and other passing his home
have heard the blows struck and heard
the child cry , and Thursday brought mat
ters to a focus by having him arrested
for assault and battery. He pleaded guil
ty and was lined $10 and costs. His only
excuses is that the little one cried ton
A church trial is to be held and th a
father will Iu > asked to resign. Amoin ;
the * most indignant people are leading
members ot" his own church.
Omaha Man's Arrest Follows Wed-
iling Ceremony.
Harry DeLacy , of Omaha , agent foi
a Canadian investment company , was
rudely torn from the side of his bride and
spent hi > wedding night ill jail. DeLacy
married Mi s Lulotta Schorr , also of
Omaha , and the pair engaged a suite ol
rooms at a hotel in Council Bluffs.
They had an elaborate wedding spread
and then went to their apartments ,
where they received a visit from the po
lice. DeLaey wa * served with a war
rant charging him with passing worth
less checks to the amount of $280.
It is claimed that he bought wedding
jewelry to the extent of over $200 and
also secured a dress suit in Avhich to be
married , with money procured through
these checks.
Falls Into a Bathtub of Hot Water
and Utuble to Get Out. '
Lev/is Stanter , an inmate of the sol
dier' home at Grand Island , aged 73 ,
wa * the victim of a serious and painful
accident. Immediately after the dinner
hour , without the eon > ent or knowledge
of any attendant or nurse of the hospital ,
in which he was housed , he went to 'the
bath room , turned on the hot water and
accidentally fell in before he had turned
on the cold water. He had been in the
bath tub with the hot water still run
ning in several minutes before help could
reach him and when taken out his back
and hips were badly scalded. Fatal re
are feared.
Infant Has Miraculous Escapa.
The infant daughter of James Reed
and wife. who. witli their mother , is vis
iting at the home of her uncle , us
Beaid. of Iluinboldt , fell from a second-
r ory window , a distance of twelve feet ,
and stiuck on its head on a stone. Ex
amination revealed the fact that aide
floin a deep dent in the skull no injury
resulted and within a few hours all traer
of this had parsed away.
Dies from Taking Anaesthetic.
Percy Mount , assistant cashier of the
bank at Ord owned by State Treasurer
MorleiiMMi. died suddenly Thursday night.
Mr. Mortenson received word Thursday
morning that Mr. Mount had been to a
dentist to have a tooth pulled and that
had been given something to deaden the
pain and that he never came out from uu ,
tier tbe influence.
Charged with Assault.
Frank Malone. a farmer living east of
Albion. w's a nested Saturday ou a com
plaint lihd by Nick Coppock , of St. Ed
ward charging Malone with having .shot
; t the cr.nplainant with intent to wound
[ ind kill. Malone was bound over.
Accidentally Took Poison.
ThuiMlay moining Mrs. H. L. Malonej ,
) f Fremont , took some medicine that con-
aine'd poison. She found out "her mibtake
> o < m and phy.ician was called and
promptly administered antidotes and soon
.ad the patient out of danger.
Fence Case Witness Arrested.
Theodore Osborne. who. with his wift ,
, vas chief witness ? against the Krauses in
he noufamous government land fencing
; aso at Ojnaha a short time ago. was
ilaced under arrest by the sheriff of
Sheridan County on the charge of cattle
Price for Wheat
The price of new wheat has dropped
icarly fifteen cents at Beatrice the past
veek. Wheat testing G3 pounds , the best
aiscd in Gage County for many years ,
vaa sold for 70 cents pcir bushel.
f ff *
i The Nebraska law defininc the public
has been declared val *
waters of the state
id and unless the action on which the de *
cision was made is carried up and the de
cision reversed hy the supreme court , ,
owners of land ou which public lalws or
ponds are to be found must observe the
letter of the fish and game Uws. The
decision was obtained in an action by the
fish and game department to prosecute-
for illegal seining. The defendant con
tended that the lake in which the offense-
had been committed was a private water
way because it lay entirely on his own
land and was not connected with a run-
ing stream. The fish and game depart
ment succeeded in showing that in times-
of high water the lake flowinto the-
Platte River , and that through this ontiet
tho lake had become stocked with fish
that were the property of the state. In
the future the department wfll prosecute
all persons seining in lakes or ponds not
constructed artificially nud which empty
at any time into other lakes , ponds or
* * *
Attorney General Brown Saturday filed
in the supreme court the answer to the
application of the Bankers' Union of the
World for a writ of mandamus to com
pel Auditor Searle to grant a license to-
the company and the answer bristles witb
charges against the management of the
company. Of the report filed by the com
pany with the auditor of its condition the
attorney general alleges that it is false
and fraudulent in many respects ; that it
was wholly untrue with respect to the as
sets and liabilities of the Bankers' Un
ion of the Worldthat ; it was uutrua-withi
respect to the number of its members and ,
its outstanding certificates , anel that it
wholly failed to give a full and correct
list of its outstanding liabilities and suits
against said company and that the fail
ure to give a full report of the condition *
of said company was the deliberate , will
ful act of its managing officers .
* * * I
The legal department of the state is
watching closely the evidence being intro / *
duced in the Worrall grain case and if itt I
develops that a trust really exists there
is little doubt but the attorney general , . '
backed by Gov. Mickey , will institute *
proceedings. Just at this time , of course , !
neither Gov. Mickey nor Attorney Gen
eral Brown will say what they intend to-
do , or that they are doing anything now , ,
but as a matter of fact these two have }
had several conversations about the siat-n
ter and if the proper time arrives the *
state will take a hand in the matter. Un-
der the Junkin anti-trust law , should Itj
be proven that an organization for the *
control of prices or for the suppression ,
of trade exists the penalty is a fine of' '
$5,000 or a term in the penitentiary , or
both , in the discretion of the court.
* * *
Secretary of State Galnsha is up in-
the air on oue of the bills passed by the
late legislature. The bfll in question is
H. K. 214 , introduced by C. J. Ander- ;
son , of Douglas County , and is an act to-
provide for the protection of trade marks , :
labels and forms of advertising , and it
was especially desired enacted by the la- |
bor unions. The bill provides that a fee >
of $2 shall be paid to the secretary of
state upon the filing of a trade mark or
label.As the statute books does not . -
quire the secretary to turn the money over
to the treasurer , and as the constitution !
prohibits him from keeping It , the sec
retary is in a quandary.
* * *
Deputy Game Warden Carter , of Lin
coln , is in receipt of two beautifully
mounted English black cocks. Tho his
tory accompanying the birds states that ]
many years ago , when the English game * '
cocks became scarce , wealthy sporting-
men bought up a number of them and1
placed them in an isolated place , where ,
after being neglected a number f years , ,
the birds turned into wild fowls , such a *
were the two sent to the gama warden.
The birds were sent ont by Chicago par
* * *
If all the laws enacted by the late leg
islature went into the printed volumes
of the session laws in the same shape as
tho Omaha charter the printed session
laws will be a poor gnidc for those who ,
intend to study the matter passed by the (
legislature. Assistant City Attorney
Herdman , of Omaha , was at Lincoln the
other day checking up the printed o1
ter with the enrolled bill and found t -
takes almost too numerous to mention.
* * *
Officers and employes of the Milford
Industrial home have become frightened1
lest that institution be closed , and Sat
urday they swooped down upon Gov.
Mickey in force to see him about the mat
ter. The governor assured his callers ,
that while it was possible oue buildings
would be closed , the institution would
continue to be run , especially In riew ot
the fact that the legislature made an ap
propriation for that purpose.
* * 9
The state board of public lands and-
buildings is watching things closely of.
late. Some time ago some rubber car
peting was bought by sample for use in.
the Grand Island soldier's home. When
it arrived Land Commissioner Eaton dis
covered that the goods were lighter than
the sample , and the board promptly cut
of T2y cents a yard on the purchase.
* * *
Owners of bicycles which are propelled
by other than muscular power , that is *
those machines with motor attachment
must register the same with the secret
tary of state , par Si to do so and secure !
a tag with a number just like the owners
of automobiles have done.
* * *
Gov. Mickey Saturday appointed dele
gates from Nebraska to the national reci
procity conference , to be held in Chicago , "
Aug. 15 and 10.
* *
With eight counties still to hear from ,
the total assessed valuation of the stat
as shown by the reports of the county as- "
sessors , is $235,867,855. Should these ?
counties make the same returns as last !
year the total assessed valuation of the-
state will be $299,75SG30. The counties !
still out are Douglas , Grant , Holt , Jeffe ,
son , Lancaster , Nance. Otoe and Valley ?
Last year these counties returned an as
sessed valuation of $03SCO,771 , and as'
some of them will show decreases and !
Dthers increases , tie difference will ntt bd }
much. The increase in valuation report * *
sd over last year is 5li
. / A