etfstoricaA ou . ' ' * ? - * fjft. f < . THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT. VOLUME XX VALENTINE. NEBRASKA , JULY 27 , 1905. NUMBER 28 IREDFRONT SHOE DEPT.I , Headquarters for Hamilton = Brown Shoes such as : CHILD S AMERICAN GENTLEMAN MADE AT NEW SHOE. . UNL .FACTORY CADDO SflOE , MADE AT THEIR NEW Og COUNTRY' AMERICAN CIVB. LADY SMOE I RED FRONT MERC. CO | r KJV Ladies1 Shirt Waists , A Suits , Skirts and Arrived Under Skirts. Silk Skirts guaranteed for three years. MERCHANT TAILOR. Quick My Furniture stock is being con stantly replenished Meal oa- with good serviceable articles for the home. Gasoline Stoves and ranges are the best and safest. They are al- -"ways ready for use. Yoa want Garden "Don't delay. " Get one Seeds for spring and save half the wor ry of your life. None planting. Other seeds 6 "so good as the also. I have them. -"QUICK : MEAL. " 1i ' Chartered as a State Bant ; Chartered as a National Bank f June 1 , 1834. August 12. 1902 , FIRST NATIONAL BANK ,7f " Valentine , Nebraska. ' \ ( Successor to ) SftTiTc of " \ 7"ilezi.tlTi.o. . CAPITAL A D IN A General Banking hOO Exchange and \JV\J. Collection Business. C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. M. V , NioaoLsoN , Cashier. " . "i , . - " v . . - ' ' - ' f * X.i. * MT * * * * * Charles' Carter was in town last week from the reservation. James C. Dahlman came up from Omaha Saturday night. Jim Hudson was up from his ranch on Sand Creek Friday. E J. Hunter , of Wallace , Idaho , is in the city selling mining stock. I. C. Stotts was down from Cody last week renewing acquaintances. R. F. Petty crew returned from a weeks visit at Marshal town , la. , Monday night. Curt Callen , the Sparks mer chant , was in town Tuesday after a load of merchandise. P. H. Young , accompanied by a Mr. Haymaker of Malvern , la. , were in this city Monday. Ben Bachelor was a city visitor Friday. He is getting ready for haying and took out a load of sup plies. Louis Hoenig is working for A. John < Co. , having accepted the position recently filled by Roy Trace well. Ed fiackler was in town , on busine last Saturday. He is working * OR the Hanna ranch near Woodlake. A Joseph had the misfortune a week ago yesterday of running a nail into his leg which laid him up for several days. Miss "Wren Donoher returned from - Brownlee Sunday night , ' where she , spent a week visiting Wm. Ferdon and wife. Pete DeCory was down from the reservation the first of the week on business and getting ready to hay. He says stock is looking fine. Gus Murphy , a brother of Har ry Murphy lately deceased , was up from Banner Monday on busi ness and made this office a pleas ant call. W. G. Baker , who represented Wood Bros , in this country for several years past , came up from Norfolk Monday night to shake hands with his friends. Jim McClain drove downfrom his tine ranch on the reservation and spent a couple of days visiting in town. Jim is lookiag healthy and is as fat and as jolly as ever. We. understand that the hail storm last Thursday which occur red about 20 miles south of Cody , ruined nearly all the graden truck. Hail in places , it is reported , was from S to 10 inches deep. Dr. Bertrand Jeffers. returned to Valentine Sunday night , after looking in vain for a good opening in the north-eastern part of the state. He left for Wyoming Monday night having a position in view. 0. W. Morey and two sons re turned from a week's sojourn at Bordeaux Monday morning. He purchased a new shooting gallery there which he intends to operate at the various fairs and reunions in the near vicinity. Two Strike's band of Indians came down from the reservation last week and danced several times on our streets. They went down to the fort and danced there Sun day , returning to Valentine next day. They favored this office with a couple of serenades. Hiram Maple who has been working for Will Clarkson on the ice wagon the past couple of years , departed for his old home at Weeping Water this state to see 'his father whose healthis' quite poorly. He will probably remain at home for some time. Jerry Yancey was down from Cody the first of the week visiting friends. Frank D. West returned to Val entine Monday night after spend ing the past two months visiting relatives in Topeka , Kan. , and in Lincoln. He intends to go out to Sam Hudson's Saturday to help in the hay field. F. K. Bivens and wife came down from Rosebud last Thursday and after spending several days visiting in town , left for Rawlins , Wyo. , Friday night , where they will spend some time visiting their daughter , Mrs. C. R. Watson. Mr. Biveus' son Len also took a vacation and went out with them. J. P. Ninas , lately from Mis souri , but now of Crookston , has purchased the Charbonneau black smith shop and will take charge of the same about the first of the month. Mr. Ninas called at this office Tuesday and is of gentle manly appearance. He says he has had a number of years exper ience in the business and will no doubt do well. Frank Heath and Miss Lulu Sellers were united in marriage at the Heath Bros , ranch , Sunday evening , July 23 , 1905 , the Rev. Hunt officiating. The wedding w'as a quiet affair. The groom is a rising young stockman of near Bailey and is well thought of by all whom are acquainted with him. -The bride is the youngest daugh- bf W. H. Sellers , also of Bail ey and is a worthy young lady. A charivari party called on the bride and groom after the cere mony was performed and were roya y entertained , cigars and re freshments being served. THE DEMOCRAT joins with their many friends in wishing this worthy young couple a prosperous and happy journey through life. The Junior Kormal Picnic. The picnic toward which we looked forward to with anxious eyes materialized last Saturday. The sun arose that morning bright and fair and the picnickers' hearts were filled with joy. Indeed some were so happy that they forgot all about bringing rain coats , and ev en led iu giving three cheers for the weather man. At about eight o'clock four large hay racks and numerous buggies left the dining hall for the picnic grounds. They reached Perry Falls about 11 o'clock and at once everyone scattered through the hills , trying to get their fill of some of the most beautiful scenery in Nebraska. But when dinner was announced no one was laggard in trying to get their fill also. About two o'clock it began to rain and everyone sought what shelter they could. Strangely , though several persons were cheered , we did not hear , "what's the matter with the weather man ? " and the answer , k he's all right. " However , it wouldn't have been a picnic if it had not rained. Af ter the rain cQased everyone was willing to come home and left earlier than was intended. When they reached the fort a stop was made and some made an inspection of the barracks and listened to re treat. All reached home feeling fine and let the town know that they were still alive by giving normal yells and singing several songs. If you want to know who ' 'bested" someone for their ice cream , ask "Afer. " If you want to know who had to seek shelter in a claim shanty" ask the "Col onel. " If you want to know who had a good time , ask everyone who was there. 1 Summer Dress 1 * to 1 Goods Sales. | J : I 20 CPEENRT DISCOUNT 20 CPEENRT < ? ON ALL * ? to ? to Jj Lawns ; j * Dimities % Mohairs $ ? to Voiles j Batistes 4 ? Organdies * * to Jj Moussaline De Soi. jjto ? to 4 $ 'to 43 It's up to you. i * | THESE GOODS MUST GO Jj We are making room for fall stuff. ft < * to w to | Davenport & Thacher. * - General Merchants. to NEW SPRING GOODS so We sell al Farming Implements , and Deering Binders ยง Mowers at able reason prices MAX E. VIBRTBL * CROOKSrTCXN NEBRASKA Shoes ! Shoes ! I handle the celebrated Kirkendall Shoes | for men , women and children. Good wear , good fitting and PRICES ARE RIGHT. W. A. PETTYCREW , GENERAL MDSE. Jsr jrrr rrrrrrrriTVTj FHED WHITTEMOBE , Pras. CHABLES. SPABKS , Casliier. J . W. STETTEB , Vice Prea. OKAH L. BKITTOK" , Ass't Persons seeking a place of safety for their money , will profit by investigating the methods employed in our business. CONFECTIONERY Suited to your taste. Canned Goods Lunch Counter. Are now at their best and All you want to eat at our we handle the best grade. .Lunch Counter. Home Bakery