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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1905)
Historical Society I , VALENTINE VOLUME XX VALENTINE. NEBRASKA , JULY 20 , 1905. NUMBER 1RED FRONT SHO Headquarters for HamiIton = Brown Shoes such as : CHILD'S COVNTRY CLVB. p0Ans * SflOE.AT AT THEIR NEW AMERICAN 49FRONT MERC. CO Just Arrived Ladies' Shirt Waists , Suits , Skirts and Under Skirts , Silk Skirts guaranteed for three years , MERCHANT TAILOR. CD CD = 3 Quick 3 CD My Furniture stock is being con stantly replenished Meal with good serviceable articles for the home. Gasoline Stoves and m ranges are the best and i safest. They are al i ways ready for use. You want Garden Don't delay. Get one CO m Seeds for spring and save half the wor ry of your life. None planting. Other seeds so good as the also. I have them. "QUICK MEAL. " Chartered as a State Bank Chartered as a National Bank June 1 , 1884. August 12 , 1902 , T1' < : FIRST NATIONAL BANK Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) CAPITAL PAID IN A General Banking Exchange and Colection ] C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. . M. V , NioaoLSON , Cashier. f < I TALK OF THE TOWN vCK < 22S 5r-2 5fk > 2fc > I * > 2yd James Irwin was a city visitor Saturday. Elden Sparks was down from Cody Monday. A. John was out on his home stead last week. G. W. Burge and family were in town Saturday. Ben Bachelor , of Kennedy , was in town Saturday. John Neiss was a business visi tor in town Monday. Claude Eeece was in this city Mon day after haying supplies. "Wm. Piercy came up from Ken nedy Sunday after supplies. Born to JohnBorman and wife , Monday morning July 17 , a boy. Port White from up the river was a Valentine visitor Saturday. J. A. Hooton is improving his hotel this week by adding a porch. John Daniels was in Valentine trading with our local merchants Monday. Jake Klein took a load of sup plies out to his place near Oasis Tuesday. Miss Wren Donoher is in Bro wnlee this week visiting friends and tak ing a vacation. I. M. Rice and family are living on their homestead these bright summer days. D. A. Piercy and wife of Ken nedy , were visiting in town the first of the week. Miss Satterlee , of Chadron , was in town the first of the week visit ing Miss Nellie Mahoney. Fred Jones came down from Cody Saturday , and Monday went to work for Tom Hornby. W. G. Ballard and son Will , were in town Friday. They were getting supplies for haying. Frank Curry Cattle Co. shipped 9 cars and John Bachelor 2 cars of cattle to Omaha last Sunday. Wm. Gillaspie left for some place in Wisconsin with a car of horses last Thursday morning. S. J. Blakely was in from the Federal Cattle company's ranch near Simeon Monday looking for hay men. R. M. Faddis returned to town Monday after spening several weeks looking after his ranch in terests. A. Thompson , of Simeon , called at this last Friday and is now a regular subscriber to the THE DEMOCRAT. Wm. Dunbar was up from the Hancock ranch Sunday after sup plies. Leonard Sparks accom panied him back. Misses Helen Sparks , Buela Jenks , Neil Fountain and Estella Nicholson visited in Cody the lat ter part of last week. Jay and Willie Morey went up to Bordeaux Sunday to attend the reunion. 0. W. Morey went up Tuesday night. R. F. Gillaspie and wife return ed to Cody last Friday night and intended to drive out to their ranch from there the next day. Jim Hull went up to Deadwood last Wednesday night where he was a witness before the Federal court on a horse stealing case. Mrs. Easley returned from her trip to Denver last Wednesday. E. G. Bristol and wife returned Sunday. All report a good time. We noticed in the Boyd County Register that Dr. B. F. Jeil'ers did not locate in Butte as he intended but bought in a practice at Fairfax. Charles Anderson and Martin Morteson took the hearse to Butte Creek last Friday for the funeral of Ed Jordan. Jake Stetter and Walther Mel- tandorff accompanied John Bache lor and Frank Curry to Omaha with cattle last Sunday. Wm. Ward , commonly known as "Mickey , " returned to his old haunts last week. He spent the winter at the soldiers' home at Milford this state. Sam Hudson was in from his ranch near Simeon last Monday. Alfred Lewis returned to town with Mr. Hudson where he had been visiting for several days. W. D. Morgareidge has been in town the past week visiting old time friends. He says he is well satisfied in Idaho. We acknow ledge a pleasant call from him. Last Sunday afternoon our local base ball team crossed bats with the crack team of Co. I , 25th Inf. Luck seems against the town boys , the score resulting 15 to 5 in favor Df the fort. Dean Efner and family , of 3'nadron , came down to Valentine last Monday morning to visit rela tives and friends a few days. Dean returned Monday night but iiis family will remain several lays. Eric Arneson from John Bache lor's ranch was in town Monday ifter a load of supplies. He says they Tiave begun haying and that the upland hay is fine. Roy Trace- well accompanied him out and will help during haying season. Monday evening Mrs. Northrop invited a few friends and agree ably surprised Mr. Northrop. The surprise was in honor of their loth wedding aniversary and was cer tainly a surprise for no doubt Mr. Northrop had not kept tract of the years. At Thacher Saturday afternoon , a fast game of ball was played be tween Crookston and Thacher. A good crowd witnessed the game which resulted in another victory for Crookston , the score being 7 to 2. Crookston's team has made a splending showing this year. Last Saturday evening the Ep- worth League entertained the "Normalites" at a lawn party giv.- en on the lawn of J. C. Pettijohn and wife. The large yard was alive with people and was well lighted with Japanese lanterns. A select program was rendered , among which were several excel lent songs. Geo. Tracewell returned Satur day morning from Mullen and oth- 3r places near the B. &M. railway inhere he has been conducting sev eral large sales for the Standard battle Co. We have been in formed , that Mr. Tracewell made i great record for himself in con- lucting the sales both in getting rood prices and giving everyone satisfaction. Everything brought jood prices. | Last Sunday afternoon the mar- ied men's local base ball team suf- 'ered a defeat at the hands of the Arabia Overalls , the local team of joys , by a score of 16 to 10. From Beginning to end , the game was * matched with keen interest by a irowd of spectators , numbering 10 less than one-hundred , many ) f them having come from Schlagel , Ehacher and other points before icon to enjoy a picnic dinner. Unusual interest is shown in base jail at Arabia this season and it is rumored that the bald-headed men ire organizing a nine , and the * ray haired boys are active too. i w -T * . * j < i w 'hj ' if < * _ i O _ ) mrj M\J jyJ ffj * J * * 'fc ' * * - * < s * fcJ1 * * h * rf % ' * w * * rvj PS PSJ v w " r 1 WARM WEATHER WEAR ! I o Ladies' Lingerie , Reduced Right. & Fancy Footwear , Summer Styles. . Of 2 4 ? S Shapely Shirt Waists , & < ? Pretty Patterns. 2 Latest Lawns , & 19 * Popular Prices. | J 4 t - Davenport & Thacher. * General Merchants. < 9 ftfr NEW SPRING GOODS EVERY DAY so We sell al Farming Implements , and Deerins Binders § Mowers at able reason prices MAX E. VIERTBL CROOKSTCXN NEBRASKA yjtAJtAtAJlttSj A Jtt Shoes ! shoes ! I * I hand la the celebrated KirkendaSl Shoes for men , women and children. Good wear , good fitting and PRICES ARE RIGHT. I W. A. PETTYCREW , GENERAL MD8E. | ! T Yirr2ririTT8 ? VViririYir 7 irS WHITTEMOKE , Pros. CHARLES. SPARKS , Cashier. T. W. STETTER , Vice Fres. ORAH L. BRITTON , Ass't Cash. Persons seeking a place of safety for their money , will profit by investigating the methods employed in our business. 52S32Saa CONFECTIONERY Suited to your taste. 9 _ _ _ _ _ | Canned Goods ? Are now at their best and § we handle the best grade. Lunch Counter. All you want to eat at our Lunch Counter Home Bakery MEALS TuiRTy-riVE CENTS- -EXCEPT REGULAR BOARD AT THE The Donoher , MEAL TICKET LIMIT 2 WEEKS. MRS. A. J. WEBB , Propr. GET AT THIS YOUR y OFFICE * We On Satisfy Yw tn Qualitv Price and