THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT 0 - - I I. M. RICE - Editor and Proprietor. , J. C. QUIGLEY - Local Editor. MARK ZAHII - Foreman. ; Entered at the postoflice at Valentine , Cherry count } ' , Nebr. . as Second Class Matter. TERMS : Subscription $1.00 per year in advance ; $1.50 when not paid in advance. Display Advertising 1 inch single column loc per issue or $6.00 a year. Local Not ices , Obituaries , Lodge Resolutions and Socials for revenue 5c per line per issue. Brands , H inches$4.00 per year in advance ; additional space $3.00 per year ; engraved blocks extra $1 00 each. 10 per cent additional to above rates if over 0 months in arrears. Parties living outside Cherry county are requested to pay in advance. Notices of losses of stock free to brand advertisers. THURSDAY , JULY 13 , 1905. The Patriots of Peace. Remember what Sherman 'said about war ? It also applies to In dependence day and the popping , roaring , cracking , whooping , ex ploding that drives some folks al most to insanity and means that we are a nation of patriots and are so glad of it that every year we burn tons of powder and maim , mutilate and cripple between 4- f 000 and 5,000 human beings i mostly boys. And the popular idea of patriot ism is war. We are glad we fought or that our ancestors fought , and the hair bristles on the back of our necks , and we feel , by hokey , that we can fight again and that the foreigners from London Town to Valdivostok had better keep off the toes of your Uncle Samuel. Huh ! All right. The navy is growing and we are spending millions for target practice and more millions for great guns. But let's hope hard that there will never be an other war , and that widows and orphans will never again be made in a strife with other nations or at home. God grant it , is the pray er of the millions. A patriot isn't necessarily a sol r dier. A man doesn't have to storm a fort to prove that he loves his country. That kind of brav ery is fine. It gets into the pa pers and there is a thrill of pride even in the later days when flow ers are strewn on graves and women in black weep. But don't you forget that there are more patriots today than ever before. There are millions of them. They are behind counters and in shop5 ? ; they are running locomotives and tilling farms. They are not thinking much about war. They have no hatred in their hearts. And how is it that they are pa triots ? Because they are trying to do their full duty as American citi zens. That is how. They toil till their backs are stooped and their hands gnarled and knotted. They rear homes and honor good women. They bring up children and educate them. i They do not hesitate to deny them Li selves to the end that those who come after them shall find greater opportunity and fill a better place in the affairs of the world than did their parents. They are fathers and mothers of progress. They are the bone and I blood and sinew that make the na tion strong. They are exponents of charity , decency , energy and human love , and they are stronger than the combined armies and navies of the world. And so , while the explosions in memory of ' 76 shake the earth , be glad that you are a worthy mem ber of that great army The pa V t triots of peace. ' V' GOD GUIDE THEM ALL. V'T Omaha Daily News. Tom Hornby is building an ad dition to his home on Cherry St , Grant Boyer and Frank Eiggle 1 are doing the work. 3 T he M E. church had in place i : of the regular choir , a male chorus last Sunday evening. Rev. Car .1 penter preached from the 14th chapter of Neh. and 14th verse. Max E. Viertel , of Crookston , was in our city Monday. W. E. Efner has sold his resi dence property to J. O. Beatty. A. B. and L. II. Overman , of Crookston , were in town Monday , Rev. Edgar Clark was visiting friends in Valentine last Tuesday. \Vm. Haley , Jr. , went out to his father's ranch the first of the week. Frank Curry was in town yes terday. He has been on the road selling cattle. Senator Bresee , of Rushville , called on us yesterday while in our city on business. Mrs. Massingale returned from | Hot Springs Tuesday morning much improved in health. C. M. VanMetcr , of the north table , was in town yesterday and ; called at this oflice on business. Miss Julia Query returned home yesterday morning after spending the past few months in Lincoln. Joe Bailey , the popular night operator who was here last spring , is back again holding the day job. Judge W. W. Wood , of Rush ville , was in our city last Satur day on business before the United States land office. The infant baby of Chas. Gas- sen and wife died Monday after noon , July 10 , 1905. The funeral took place Tuesday morning. R. Andersen , the Rosebud hotel man , drove down yesterday and spent a couple f days in town on business and visiting friends. Hans Ulrick has purchased the house recently built by Frank Randall. He is intending to make Valentine his permanent home. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Bristol , Mrs. Easley and Miss Katie Noble are in Denver attending the Ep- worth League national convention. W. A. Kimbell has resigned his position at Clarence Sageser's barber shop aiid has accepted a similar position with S. A. Lee. N. W. Snyder , of Sioux City , was in this city Monday and went up on the reservation , visiting among old friends and acquaint ances. Mrs. J. C. Northrop has pur chased a Schiller piano from J. O. Beatty. It is said to be the finest piano in the city and is indeed a beauty. Harry Harper was in town yes terday. He has just completed a long line of telephone for Faddis and Steadman , connecting their ranches. Mrs. W. B. Hammond returned from Hot Springs Monday morn- ins : slightly improved in health. We sincerely hope for her ultimate recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Kimbell have moved their household goods into Mrs. Harden's house in west Valentine and have commenced house-keep ing again. Charles N. Carpenter of York , traveling salesman for the fam ous Kemerer coal , was in our city Tuesday taking orders for next winter's supply of coal from Frank Fischer who is the local dealer. I i Eice writes insurance. | Tom Spratt rode in Tuesday I from his herd to see what was go- j ing on in town. He is herding about 800 head of cattle this sum mer he tells us. Mrs. Dave Dunn has slightly improved in health after a weeks j stay in town under the doctor's care , at the home of her daughter , Mrs. Frank Randall. Miss Bernice Kief is in town attending the normal. Quite a number of the class of ' 05 are at- tending the normal , fitting them- ' selves to be teachers. Mac Cramer and family moved into their new house just north of their old one , yesterday. Geo. Miller and family will occupy the house just vacated by Mr. Cramer. Robert Gillaspie and wife and daughter came up from their ranch near Newton Tuesday eve ning to meet Mr. Gillaspie's mother who came out from Ar kansas. i \Ye are indebted to Prof. Stock- dale of the junior normal for a j "toothsome article" from the jun ior state normal garden. They were radishes and as fine as are grown. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Stetter , Misses Leta , Anna and Maggie ; Stetter , Messrs. Geo. Tobien and Frank Fischer , Jr. , left yesterday for a couple of weeks outing on the reservation. j j D. J. Drebert , special agent of i the German Mutual Fire Insur- . ance company , came up last Fri- . day to adjust the loss of W. A. Kimbell , occasioned by the fire on night of July 4th. R. L. Hall and wife departed Monday of last week for Omaha , Mrs. Hall going on to Kentucky 1 to visit with relatives for awhile. Mr. Hall is expecting to locate in some Nebraska town if he can find a suitable location to re-engage in the hotel business. Collins' circus came to town last Saturday and gave a performance in their big tent which consisted of well trained ponies , funny clowns , an educated pony , several well trained dogs'trapeze per formance and wound up with-a wild chariot race. We got our money's worth and enjoyed the performance. P. F. Simons has purchased the dray business of H. Miller and j has engaged Fred Paxton to run 1 it for him. Mr. Miller retires ' from the business to live on his 1 ranch. Mr. Simons has operated the principal dray business for 15 years in Valentine and is generally i well liked , not only as a drayman I but socially as well. Tuesday night the W. C. T. U. gave a reception in Bethel hall to I the new members. Several weeks i ago the members divided them selves into two sides the object be ing to see which side could gain the most new members. The con test resulted in one side securing 24 , and the other 12 new mem bers. The losing side furnished the refreshments at the reception. R. L. Hall sold the Donoher hotel back to Mrs. A. J. Webb who formerly had run the hotel since buying it from the Donoher sisters in February 1902. Mr. Hall and his wife came to Valen tine last November and purchased the Chicago hotel furniture , taking charge of that hotel until he pur chased the Donoher hotel in Janu ary this year. They were a suc- , cess here and leave many friends I who wish them well. j The past few days have furnish ed the kind of weather we have been wishing for. Such weather will soon dry up the hay meadows and send the corn shooting up ward. A large crop of small grain is practically assured if old Sol will only keep up his good work. We know that his inten tions are good but sometims bad luck comes to the prince of good fellows. However , if he will but shine forth in all his glory for the next few weeks , we will pardon his past bad conduct. We have just received a full line of the celebrated : JOHN DEERB Farm Implements , consisting of Plows , both riding and walking Listers U 66 " " 66 66 Cultivators" Harrows , Disks , etc , etc We have three different makes of riding Cultivators and also carry in stock Lister Carriages suitable for convert ing any steel beam walking lister or plow into a riding lis ter or a riding plow. Experience has proven that the JOHN DEERE goods are the best in the market , and by buying two car loads we are enabled to make you very close prices , Our friends are invited to call and inspect the goods. m D N L ) S The depot is receiving a new shingle roof this week. From the looks of things it seems that our petitions in regard to a new depot have been in vain. We have to take what we can get from the railroad company and all we can do is to bow our heads and say , " 0 ! Lord , make us grateful for what vfQ are about to receive. " It is to be hoped that in time a com modious depot will be built that will be in keeping with other im provements of our town and a suit able waiting room for ladies who are compelled to await delayed trains. Under the auspices of the jun ior normal a picnic will be given Saturday , July 22 , at Perry falls on the Niobrara river about six miles east of the fort , to which ev eryone is cordially invited. This year more townspeople are planning to go to this picnic tkan to any heretofore given. Those wishing to go will please let Pro fessors Watson or Gregory know , so they can provide ample trans portation. The round trip will be only 25c. Let everyone bring their dinners and spend one day picnicking among the most beauti ful scenery of Nebraska. The hay racks will leave Main street at 7 : ? 0 a. m. sharp. A Correction , The article in last week's paper stating that agent McChesney had ordered the Frank Curry & Co. cattle off the reservation after re fusing all bids for issue cattle , was an error upon our part The facts are , that T. B , Irwin con tracted for the cattle and leased grazing privilege on the reserva tion where they are to be kept this summer. Closing Out Sale ! 113 Registered SHORT HORN CATTLE. On my farm at O'Neill , Nebr. , Thursday , July 20 , 1905- Parties from a distance convey ed to and from sale. Terms , cash , or one year on bankable paper at 10 per cent. D. J. CROXIW , Owner. COL. T. C. CALLAIIA.X , Auct. FOR SALE New refrigerator , side board , several good beds. DONOHER HOTEL. IHE EMPIRE CREAM SEPARATOR Easy Running , Easy Washing , Clean Skimming , Tlie Simplest is the Best. Nothing to get out of order and will last a life time. Recommended by all who have used them. A practical machine sold on easy terms by 16 8 T I W . PRAMFR \ ! , , VALENTINE NBREASKA. , . .7 -fa GRANTJ3OYER _ , CARPENTER S9 BUILDER. All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes Valentine , - Nebraska New Styles in Ladies Fancy Shirt Waist Patterns. A. JOHN & CO. , DEALER IN Dry Goods g Notions CANDIES AND FRESH FRUIT TOBACCOS AND CIGARS Special Prices on Winter Underwear and Hosiery , OLD POSTOFFICE BUILDING. VALENTINE , NEBR. RANCHES FOR SALE ! We will find quick buyers for any Land , Live Stock or any other property you have ready for market , "Writ © TJs Quids. . See TTs. Cherry County Land & Live Stock Co THE OWL SALOON * * * Sole Agents for HERALD PURE RYE WHISKEY Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER Choicest Wines and Cigars , VALENTINE X NEBRASKA Read the Advertisements ,