Scnor'Jonquin D. Casasus , the new- Mexican * ambassador to the United States , has for many years occupied a leading position at the Mexican bar , and has been dur ing a considerable portion of this time the chief le gal adviser to President Diaz. He has given a good deal of his time to literary study and work and is one of nie greatest 1111- SEXOK CASASUS. ; „ thJ cnUre republic , bc'ing a master of Latin , Greek , Fr nch , Spanish , Italian and English , lie has made an excellent translation of Longfellow's "Evange- line" into Spanish and has also trans lated extensively from the classic Lat in. In 1&8G lie entered the Mexican Congress as a deputy and has been successively rc-e'ected ever since. In Mexico City he and his wife occupied tho highest position in social affairs and their home , one of the finest in that citywas the scene of many elab orate functions. It is expected they will be equally prominent in the diplo matic social circles of Washington. They have seven children and are tvealtby. Prince Michael Chilkoff , imperial minister of railways for Russia , has had .a varied experience in life. ILo was born heir to an Immense estate and as a youth was reared in the lux ury which is so characteristic of the Russian nobil ity. ITe had a taste for mechanical en gineering , and in 1S37 he came to America and spent a year in the study VRiycE CUILKOIF. of railroads. Soon after his return home the Czar issued the proclamation freeing the serfs. This resulted in great financial loss to .the prince's father , and the old man became very bitter against the reform. Michael was enthusiastic in its sup port , and the upshot of the matter was a. quarrel. The young man renounced Iiis' title and came to America. He worked for a dollar a day in a Phila delphia machine shop until he had learned the business and then went to South America. Thence he returned to Russia under the name of John Ma- gill. Rcr. Dr. Francis Laudc-y Patton. who says one can do just as much good with tainted money as with any other kind , but who par ticularly objects to the "cold-blooded , right-living rascal who grinds tho faces of the poor under the cloak of the law , " is famous as an educator and j theologian. He lias been President of Princeton Theologi- r > K. F. L. PAITOX cal Seminary since 1902 , and previously , for fourteen years , had been at the head of Prince ton University. Among other pasto rates that Dr. Patton has held was that of the Jefferson Park Presbyte rian Church in Chicago , and he also \ Iield a professorship in the McCormick Theological Seminary. He was born in Bermuda in 1S33 , and is a graduate of the University of Toronto and ol Princeton Theological Seminary. In 1SG3 he was ordained to the ministry. lie has written several volumes , most ' of them being of a religious character , .and. has served as moderator of the Presbyterian General Asserablj * . John W. Hutchinson , So years old , sole survivor of the famous family of , singers of slavery days , dispatches suy , has been threatened with a suit for breach of promise of mar riage by Miss El- leii F. Wetherell , TO years old. of Lynn , Mass. Dur- 1ns the anti-slavery movement before the war they ap- p e a r e d on the same platform , * ' when she lectured Jw - " on freedom for the slaves and he sang. During his lifetime he claims to have sung at 11,637 public meetings anti- slavery , religious and temperance. Ilutchinsou is well known in the Northwest. Part of the time he makes liis headquarters in Hutchinson , Minu. , which derived its name from -this once famous family of singers. " " " " Col. "Bill" Sapp , a leading Kansas .Democrat , is a descendant of a royal .French house. One of his ancestors was : a teacher of the great Napoleon at a military academy. , - j Franklin Thomasson , descendant of John Bright , is soon to start a daily paper to be called the Tribune in Lon don to represent the Liberal party. _ _ - E. W. . Stephens of Columbia , Mo. , will represent the Baptists of North America t the Congress in London , ia July. CROP OUTLOOK GOOD. Weather Favorable Except for Corn in Northern District. The weather bureaus weekly bulletin suinniames crop conditions as follows : "The northern districts of the country experienced temperatures too low for rapid growth , but in the Southern States the temperatures were highly favorable. Excessively heavy rains from the central and west gulf districts northward over the western portion of the central valleys , while relieving drought in Missouri , were injurious in places , and interfered exten sively with cultivation. The conditions on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts were generally favorable. Rain is much need ed in the southern plateau region. "Corn has made excellent growth over the greater part of the corn belt , and except in the upper Missouri and lower Ohio valleys , where rains have retarded cultivation , the crop is clean and well ad vanced. Considerable has been laid by in Illinois. Missouri and Kansas. Late corn in the Southern States is suffering for cultivation. "Winter wheat harvest is well advanc ed in the northern portion of the winter wheat belt , and is practically finished in Illinois. Missouri and eastern Kansas. Rain has caused injury to grain in shock in Texas. Tennessee and Kentucky. "Spring wheat has advanced rapidly throughout the spring wheat region and continues in promising condition. Some rust , however , is reported from the south ern portion , and on lowlands in Minne sota there is a tendency to lodge. The crop also continues in fine condition on the north Pacific coast , except in the Williamctte valley. "A fine crop of oats is indicated in the principal oat producing States , but few unfavorable reports respecting this crop beiii - received. Harvesting is in progress in tho lower Missouri and central Missis sippi valleys. " In Illinois shower * benefited all crops not yot matured. Haying progressing ; yield heavy in north , elsewhere not so cood. Considerable corn laid by in good condition. Oat harvest begun , good out put indicated. Wheat thrashing , fair vield of good quality. Apples falling ; peaches almost a failure , grapes and ber ries promising. Potatoes , average crop in north , elsewhere short yield. EPWORTH LEAGUE IN SESSION. Three Largest Auditoriums in Denver Arc Crowded. ' The seventh international convention of the Epworth League was opened in , Denver Thursday with three simuitane- ' ous meetings which taxed to the utmost the capacity of Coliseum Hall , Trinity Methodist Episcopal church and Central Presbyterian church , the largest audito riums in the city. Fully 20,000 dele gates and visitors attended. With a single change the program was carried out to the letter. Bishop Isaac W. Joyce of Minneapolis was slated to preside at one of the opening meetings , but owing to sickness he was unable to be present. The chairmen at these meet ings were Bishop Joseph F. Berry of Buffalo , N. Y. ; Dr. Stephen J. Hcrbcti of BISHOP Chicago , editor of the Epworth Herald , and the Rev. Melvin Taylor of Quebec. Gov. Jesse F. McDonald , Mayor Rob ert W. Speer , Congressman Robert Bon- ynge and others made welcoming ad dresses and responses were given by the Rev. U. D. Atcheson. D. D. , Dubuque , Iowa ; the Rev. H. M. Dubosc , D. D. , Nashville , Teim. ; the Rev. G F. Salton. Ph. B. , Ottawa , Onl. ; the Rev. W. S. Matthews , D. D. , Berkeley Cal. , and others. SIXTY DIE IN TORNADO. Northern Border of Texas Smitten with a Death-Dealing "Windstorm. Three towns in Montague county Montague , Nacona and Salt Creek , Texas were practically wiped out by a cy clone which swept through them Wed nesday afternoon. Three other villages Gainesville , Belcher and Dixie were hit by the same twister. The number of dead , it is estimated , will aggregate near ly sixty. The injured will total nearly twice that number. The whole northern half of the county was razed by the storm and the property loss is immense. Fortunately the tornado missed most of the small towns in the section through which it swept , but it took in the homes of many farmers and stock raisers. At Jacksboro the force of tho wind was terrific. Tho Baptist church and twenty other buildings were blown off their foun dations and a number of buildings totally destroyed. Baptist and Methodist churches at Belcher were considerably damaged. Dixie school house was entire ly blown away. The cyclone formed in the Texas Pan handle and struck Montague county , com ing from the west. At Montague the court house , jail and about a dozen other buildings were partly or entirely wreck ed. The tornado lasted thirty minutes. Hundreds of head of stock Were killed outright by the wind. General destruc tion was wrought through Salt Creek val ley. The cyclone created so pronounced a "drop in the imfcury that overco.its were needed at night as far south as Dallas , 100 miles away. Owing to the widely separated homes and the fact that in many instances whole families were wiped out details have been hard to get. Japan's rice crop for 1004 was 263- 692,355 bushels , an increase of 25,254- 226 bushels over the crop of 1903. MITCHELL FOUND GUILTY. Portland Jury If olds Acred Senator for Participition in Land 1'rniida. The jury at Portland , Ore. , in the case of the United States against Senator John II. Mitchell returned a verdict of guilty as cnargeu. The indictment on w Ii i c h Senator Mitchell is found guilty is one of sev eral found against him , all bearing on the great land fraud. This one technically charged him uith using his oilice for private gain in connection " 1L" l"V' " " ' " " II. MITCHELL. in Oregon. The indictment was found Dec. 31. 10'JJ. and Con-rrevJinaii Bingcr Hermann , former connni < Moner of tho general land ollicc at Washington , and George Soren- son. a former deputy sheriff of Multono- mail county , wore indicted at the same lime. On the same day President Roose velt removed from oilice John II. Hall , Tinted States district attorney for Ore- con. Hall had been prosecuting the land fraud causes and had been recommend ed for re-appointment by Senator Mitch ell and Congressman Hermann. The first hint of the Pacific coast land frauds was received by accident. One of the conspirators thoughtlessly made a dis closure to a special agent of the land ofiiee. A ( juiet investigation was bejrun , and the further the government oflicials went into the matter the more amazed were they at the conditions revealed. A gigantic conspiracy was discovered. Through the uttering of forged docu ments and their fraudulent registration with thy land oflscials hundreds of thou sands of acres of the public domain were passing into the irrasp of the conspira tors. At that time they had secured pat ents for 40.000 acres , and had claims filed for ten times more. The frauds , it was early ascertained , were being perpetrated chiefly in Cali fornia and Oregon. The plan of action wa the same throughout. In California and Oregon the States held large tracts of school land within the areas selected for these timber reserves. The federal reserves overlapped the State properties. It was with these State school lands that the conspirators jiitcglod. In California Iho la\v forbids one person to purchase more than ( JJO acres of this school land , and in Oregon the limit is the same. This small maximum , however , was no bar to the conspirators. Dummies were freely employed. Titles of tracts of land were issued to bootblacks , servants , la- borers , and any one who cmil.l be made use of. If the list ran out mythical per- Ronalities were created and lands were placed in their names. FIRED ON BY COSSACKS. .Riibsiau Troops Shoot Down Strikers ! in St. Petersburg. Cossacks fired on the PutilofC works strikers in St. Petersburg Wednesday inornins. The trouble was started by Uiu arrest of a youth A\IO was entering the works. The policemen who took him into custody suspected the young man of Irivin : * dynamite in his possesj j sion. The latter , on being made a pris- j ! oner , drew a revolver and killed the po- j liceman and was himself wounded by a j bullet fired ! > y another policeman. The j strikers quickly congregated on tho Peter- ' hoff road and Cossacks were ordered to disperse them. Tho soldiers charged I , vising their whips and then fired a voi le-v. causing several casualties among the strikers. The Rii--.ian battle-hip Kniaz Potem- kine arrived at Theodosia , Russia , and asked for coal , provisions and medical 1 attendance. The mutineers demanded that the authorities guarantee their Bafe- ty during the stay of the ship. Theo- dosia is oa tiie Crimean coast near the entrance to the Sea of Azov. Before the Kniaz Pott-mkine sailed j from Knstenji a dele-ration from the crew handed the prefect a proclamation , addressed to the representatives of the nowers in Koumania. formally declaring war on all Russian voxels which refuse to { loin the mutineers. The proclamation savs tho Kr.iaz Potemkinc will respect neutral territory and foroiiru shipping. The delegation requested that the procla mation be forwarded to the powers. President Castro will have to stand aside until weightier matters are set tied. tied.The The cotton growers keep throwing a brick now and then at the Department oi Agriculture. Grand Duke Alexis has resigned as high admiral of the Russian navy ; but the navy quit first. Mr. Folk will be remembered longest as the man who lidded St. Louis for sev eral successive Sundays. The world will never forgive Norway if she elects as President any man with a name like Bjornstjerne Bjornson. It seems that when it comes to filtra ii tion some of those Philadelphia politi i- cians show themselves to be men of sand tlie As a short cut to a fat salary at the head of a corporation a Cabinet position ind possesses advantages that are unexcelled From Governor Vardaman , of Missis sippi. Mr. Carnegie will 110 doubt be shocked to learn that his is tainted also. Suppose it was Japan that had lost and had now sued for peace. Should we have heard so much about "moderate terms V" A western railroad is about to adopt wireless telegraphy for train communi cation. Now , if someone would invent a wrcckless train there would be cause for rejoicing. Some of those Rossian worthies who 10b have been fattening on the war prob bis ably aigue that the fact that graft is unknown in Japan is another proof that she is not civilized. Iowa Board of Health is waging a crusade against whiskers. This is a die reet and unwarranted fling against its neighbor , Kansas , where whiskers flour ish on every patriotic chin. INDICTS MEAT MEN. GRAND JURY HOLDS CORPORA TIONS AND INDIVIDUALa Federal Inquisitorial Body Finds Trnc Bills for Violations of Anti-Trust Law and for Conspiracy Labor Disturbers Also in the Toils. Five large packing house corpora tions and twenty-one officials anfl em ployes of various meat producing in dustries have been indicted by the special federal grand jury in Chicago , which for over three mouths has been Investigating the packing business. The indictments were returned to < jdge S. II. Bethea in the United States District Court Saturday after noon , and the jury was discharged. The five corporations and seventeen of their officials , as individuals , are charged with conspiring in a combina tion in restraint of trade and com merce , and four men connected with the traffic department of another pack- Ing firm are charged with conspiring to accept rebates from various railroad companies. The two indictments wore voted un der the Sherman anti-trust law and the Interstate commerce laws , and car- ry , on conviction , penalties of one year's imprisonment and fines ranging from $1,000 to $20,000 for specific of fenses. Imprisonment must be in a county jail , as the offense of violating either of the laws is accounted a misT demeanor. The action of the grand jury brought no surprise to the packers. It uad been anticipated for wc-eks by the heads of the concerns and their legal counsel. Thoy had regarded indicttc ment as inevitable , the feeling being that no other result would be reached , because of public hostility. Under the Sherman law the corpor ations , if convicted of violation of the anti-trust act , will be punished by a fine not to exceed $3,000. The indi viduals named in the indictments charging conspiracy in restraint of ] tradchowever , may be punished upon conviction with a fine not to exceed $5,000 or imprisonment in jail not to exceed cue year or both in the discre- tlon of the court. The charges are not felonies and do not carry with them as punishments pentientiary sen tences. Arrangements had been made with a surety company to furnish bends for each defendant , and within thirty min utes after the jury had been dis charged the first of tilt bonds was filed with the clerk of the District Court , A. C. Buell. The amount of the bond in each defendant's case was fix ed at $5,000. LID IS LIFTED. Chicago Jury Arraigns Both liiup'oyera and Labor Chiefs for Corruption. * Fifty-three indictments of individuj j als and a report , the vital part of i I which deals severely with "Driscoll- Ism" and its growth resulted from the three weeks' graft investigation by the Chicago labor grand jury , which adjourned Saturday. Both employers and union chiefs are arraigned for tht corruption that is declared to have been rampant in the last few years. | Humiliation is confessed by the jury In reporting the seriousness of the con ditions which it finds. "Business men of honor have paid tribute to the fos- j ! ' terlng of blackmail , " is the situation ; ' that has been found and for which employers are censured severely. "Men high In financial circles , " the report says , have sought to prevent a J ; free exposure of the labor graft de- J velopment , and ' 'the little evidence ' given by them was only to disguise their own guilty knowledge. " Two of the officials of the brick trust were the only employers included in charges direct enough to end In indict- ments. Other business men , both by ' name and inference , draw the pointed j comment of the jurors. Of the labor men who make up the list of defend- [ ( , ants , twenty-six are charged with a conspiracy to injure the business of _ Montgomery Ward & Co. Among them are some of tho most prominent' labor leaders of Chicago. Two others are indicted for a conspiracy to Injure ' the Fuller Construction Company. I Twenty-one union workers are charged ; with assault with Intent to murder. , j ' John C. Drlscoll , Albert Young and , C. P. Shea are held responsible for j j fostering the growth of a situation 1 ; that the jury found to make graft' ' rife. "Moral lepers" is the designation ' given such men. Employers have aidJ e < 3 the rise of these leaders in the de cided opinion of theinvestigators. . . These labor men are found to have . established a disease , the root of which is declared so deep that the ; I present Taws cannot furnish a remedy. | Because of these alleged weak laws Driscoll was not indicted. Odds and Ends * Mrs. James Kirwin died of apoplexy la the ballroom of a New York park pavilion. Her death ended the dance. Lev ! Bevard was held to the grand Jury at Newark , Ohio , charged with the murder of his mother-in-law , Mrs. Fran ces Wertz. For the second time within six weeks the chair factory of P. Derby & Co. , New York City , was damaged by fire to the extent of nearly $100,000. President Roosevelt has appointed for mer Senator Louis E. McComas rf Maryland an associate Justice of tho Court of Appeals of the District of Co lumbia. 0il Prof. Herman V. Hilprecht was exon erated of the il11 of charges dishonesty coui- Injr from Dr. John Peters of New York by the investigating committee appoint ed by the trustees of the University t3f Ptnoiyrrnnia , ENVOYS ARE NAMED. Plenipotentiaries Vested with Peac Powers Appointed. The announcement made officially by President Roosevelt of the names OJ ; the plenipotentiaries who will rep OJn resent Russia and Japan in the peace conference at Washington carries with it the information that the President has been completely successful in his diplomatic insistence that the repre sentatives of both nations be clothed with full power and authority to act for thc-ir governments and to conclude a lasting peace treat } ' . The representatives who will meet , authorized to bind their respective gov ernments to theconditions on which they agree , arc : Russian Ambassador Muravieff , formerly Minister of Justice and now ambassador to Italy , and Baron Ro sen , recently appointed as ambassador to the United States to succeed Count Cassiui. Japanese Baron Komura , Minister of Foroiirn Affairs , and Kogoro laka- hira. minister to the United States. The appointment of the plenipoten tiaries was made in the following statement ' issued by Secretary Loeb by direction of the President : The President announces that tl e Rus sian and Japanese governments have no tified him that they have appointed the plenipotentiaries to meet here ( Washing ton ) as .soon after the first of August as possible. The two Russian plenipoten tiaries are Ambassador Muravieff , for merly minister of justice and now ambas sador at Rome , and Ambassador Rosen. The Japanese plenipotentiaries are Baron Komura. now minister of foreign affairs , and Mini.sUT Takahira. It is possible that each side may send one or more additional representatives. The plenipotentiaries of both Russia and Japan will be intrusted with full power tc negotiate and conclude a treaty of peace , subject , of course , to ratification by their respective home governments. The clause referring to the ratifica tion of a treaty by the home govern tin ments is not considered to detract in any degree from the power of the plenipotentiaries , who are vested with as full treaty authority as Ia over bestowed , an authority which Is eminently satisfactory to the Presi dent a.s well as to both parties to tho conference. The Japanese government had ei- pressed its intention to vest its repre sentatives at the conference with treaty powers , but Russia showed some resorve in the matter and the government at Tokio showed reluct ance to hold conference with emissa ries from Russia who had less power and who could undertake their work with understanding that St. Pe tersburg was acting in all sincerity. The President concurred in this view. He maintained that only by clothing the envoys with ample authority to act for their respective governments could a lasting peace be achieved. Tho President's announcement prac- tically concludes the preliminary ne gotiations for peace. Minor details re main yet to be arranged but the con- 11141111 f V. I * 1. V Iw/Vrf * v * * * * ' T * * + m * r ference now seems to be assured. KING SEALS WAR PORTS. Closes Them to Foreign Fighting Ships in .Retaliation on Norway. The Swedish government has issued a " proclamation to all nations declaring | the ports of Stockholm , Karlskrona , Go thenburg and Farosund to be "war ports" and closing them to all foreign warships. The proclamation goes into effect at once. The move is a precau- tion against a surprise from the Norwe- gian navy while the Swedish fleet ia away ! 1 on its maneuvers. With the ports closed to all except Swedish warships [ the forts will have authority to fire on any Norwegian warships attempting to enter \ on any pretext whatever. The closure also will enable the navy department to carry out , unobserved by foreign i naval officers , its plan for the defense of Sweden's harbors in the event of war with Norway. Popular feeling [ in Sweden against Norway is growing more intense. Those who a few weeks . 1 0 scouted the war idea now admit tho possibility i of a conflict. Stockholm , the capital of Sweden , 1 defended by a series of forts which guard the ' torturous entrance to the harbor. Gothenburg ( , the chief commercial city of the kingdom , lies four miles up a river. Karlskrona. j situated on several islands connected with the mainland by bridges at the southeast corner of Sweden , is the Swedish j naval base. Sweden has thera one of the finest navy yards in Europt and strongly defended. Farosund. an island port in the Baltic , would be valu- able to Norway as a base for operations against the Swedish coast. The Norwegian army , made up of ! local j militia organizations for defense purposes , , numbers 30.000 men. Its inde- pendent ] navy , heretofore employed ex- clusively < in coast defense work , includes Ifour J ironclads , four monitors , twenty gunboats and several torpedo boats. The council of defense in Norway does not fear war. but has put its land forces quietly in condition for active service. It has provided a new national flag and made : other changes in laws to cover new rconditions. , . KILLED ON SCENIC RAILWAY. Youth Meets Death and Woman I Killed at Chicago. Leo Reynolds , 10 years old , who came from Whiting. Ind. , to pass Sunday in sightseeing , was killed on the scenic rail way at White City , an amusement re sort , during the afternoon. Three other persons wore injured , Mrs. Chas. E. Brown being the most seriously hurt. The accident took place while the place was crowded. Reynolds and Ms. Brown were passengers in a car contain ing sixteen persons. The car jumped the track on a steep incline and the frightened occupants jumped or wer thrown from their seat * . Reynolds and Mrs. Brown became bewildered and stepped in the path of a second car loaded to its full capacity , which was. rushin ? down the incline of the adjoin ing track. The boy was caught beneath the truck and crushed ! C. Worthmiller was thrown from one of the cars and killed on the Sunday before. MEN WHO WILL DISCUSS RUSSO-JAPANESE PEACE TERMS. TAKAHIKA. ic si N. MI IAIMF. . Baron Roman Romanovitch Rosen , the new Russian ambassador to the United States , was until the outbreak of the present war the representative of the Czar at the court of the Mikado , and had advised his government of the prep arations being made by Japan , but no attention was paid to his counsels. Pre viously he had served as charge d'affaires at the Japanese capital , and was consul general at New York from 1SS2 to 1S9L Baron Rosen speaks several languages and is an accomplished scholar and mu sician. He is a state councilor , a cham berlain of the imperial court , and a knight of three orders St. Vladimir , St. Ann and St. Stanislaus. M. Muravieff. who was born in ISoO , is descended from one of the oldest families of Russia. Since 14SS , when the MuravicfTs came into the landed estates in the province of Novgorod which they still hold , they have figured on nearly every page of Russian history. N. V. Muraviefl was years ago a secretary of state at St. Petersburg , and in 1801 was appointed president of the criminal section of the senate , which is the highest court in Russia. He ] > ecame minister of justice in 1S03. and since then has reformed the judicial systems of Siberia and other sections of the empire. With his broth er , tho late Count MuraviefF. minister of foreign affairs , he was largely instru mental in the building of the Trans-Sibe rian railroad and the develop'ment of tho resources of Siberia. He is now Russian ambassador to Italy. Jutaro Komura for- inerlv was Japanese miu'Mer to the Unit ed States. being succeeded by Minister Takahira in lfX)0 ) , and himself being sent to ' St. Petersburg. He was graduated from the Harvard law school in 1S75 , and spent several years in this country fitting himself for an official career. As secretary of legation at Pekin , just be fore the breaking out of the war be tween China and Japan , as civil governor of the captured province of Antiing. fol lowing the war , and as minister to Ko- r < > a. he established a recordhich made him a potent factor in the politics of the Flowery F-dom. Previous to beins sent to Washington he was vice minister of foreign affairs. Ko-roro Takahira , Japanese minister to the United States , is considered one of Japan's most dis tinguished and experienced diplomats. Ho entered upon his duties at Washington in 1000. but previously had been an attache of the legation and consul general at New York. He also has served his coun- trv as minister to Italy , ambassador to Vienna and The Hague , and before as suming his present position he was vice minister of foreign affairs at Tokio. Mr. Takahira is not of tne titled class but lia.s risen from the ranks. He entered the imperial diplomatic service in 1S7G. BURIAL OF JOHN HAY. President and Vice President Go to Grave of Dead Secretary. At almost exactly noon Wednesday the bodv of John Hay was laid to rest in Lakeview cemetery. Cleveland. Around the open grave at the last moment stood with bowed heads the President and Vico President of the United States , members r.nd ex-members of the present cabinet and men who had in former years served with the dead Secretary in the official family of President McKinley. There were many others who willingly would have paid a tribute of honor and respect to Mr. Hay. but it was the wish of his family that the funeral should be con ducted for John Hay the man they knew and loved in private life , and not for the brilliant and forceful premier whose name is honored wherever clean and successful statesmanship is esteem ed amoni ; men. The assemblage at his funeral and around his grave was therefore small. Tho visible honors accorded him in death week in a ratio directly inverse to those freely given him in life , and perhaps no creator testimony to the worth of the man could have been given than the ouiet manner in which his countrymen , who appreciated his character and achievements , stood aside at his family's wish to take hostage of the future for the endurance of his fame. The events of the day commenced with the ( arrival of President Roosevelt's train at ! 0 a. m. and closed with its departure at ! 11 p. m. The funeral itself was held between 11 and 12 o'clock , the interment beinj : at noon. A memorial service in tribute to the late Secretary of State John Hay was held at the Church of the Covenant in Washington at the same hour the funeral services were being conducted at Cleve land. Practically all of official Wash ington was present. Sliort Personals. E. H. Sothern. the actor , is sooa to issue a hook of poems. Herbert L. Jenks has presented tho Fitchburg ( Mass. ) library with the only complete set of Chopin's compositions. Bernard Karfiol. a 19-year-old Brook lyn boy , is attracting the attention of the critics and artists of France by his paint ings. ings.Rudyard Rudyard Kipling says that the devel opment of the automobile has beneSted humanity mentally , physically and spirit ually.