Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, July 13, 1905, Image 2

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    ! The Valentine Democral
L M. IUCE , Pablfahei
Measure Passed by Kansas
turo AppropriatingllOOOO foi
u State Refinery Is Held to bo Un
constitutional Other News.
A Topeka , Kan. , special announces thai
the law passed by the legislature "las
winter appiopriating110,000 to build ai
independent oil refinery at Peru was Fri
day declared unconstitutional by the state
supreme court.
The oil refinery lavwas considered one
of the most direct blows struck at tin
Standard Oil Company by the last legis
The court holds that the construction ol
the refinery and the branch penitentiary
in connection with it is in violation of the
Btate constitution , and declares : "The
state shall never be a party in carrying
on any works of internal improvement. ' '
The construction and operation of such
refinery , it is said , would be a work of in
ternal improvement.
The court by inference criticises Gov.
Hoch for using a scarecrow to frighten
the oil trust , so-called , and then for in
forming the trust that the tiling he has
Bet up is a scarecrow.
'The indictment of the Standard Oil
Company , " says the court , "is no doubt
true and the provocation was very great ,
but we must not make a scarecrow of
the law. "
The oil refinery law provided for the
erection at Peru also a branch peniten
tiary to house sufficient prisoners , who ,
it was intended , were to work the " '
plant. State Treasurer T. K. Kelly , . . . .
AVarden E. B. Jewett. whose duty it was
to issue the bonds , declined to sign them
in order to first secure a decision on the
constitutionality of the act. Attorney
General C. C. Colcman filed mandamus
proceedings in the state supreme court
on behalf of the state to compel these of
ficers to sign the bonds. The opinion
Friday , declaring the act to be illegal and
unconstitutional , was concurred in by all
members of the supreme court.
Kentucky Dual Murderer Attempts
i Suicide , but Fails.
During Thursdaj * night , Robert Math-
ley , who was hanged in jail at sunrise
( Friday at Owensboro , Ky.t made an un
successful attempt to cheat the gallows.
'He tore open the veins in his arms and
ncarly bled to death before the death
watch discovered his attempt at suicide.
Mathley , who was a contractor , killed
William ATatkins and James Gregson , in
a jealous rage , June , 1904. On the scaf
fold he said a woman swore his life
Submarine Boat Crew Has Not Y t
' A Paris dispatch says : The ministry
of marine Friday received a dispatch
from Zizerta , Tunis , saying the subma
rine boat Farfadet , which sank Thurs
day , is still lying at the bottom of the
harbor and that her imprisoned crew ,
numbering thirteen men , continued to re
spond Friday morning to the signals of
the divers.
The rescue party has been unable to
move the boat , as her bow is deeply im
bedded in the mud.
Terrible Dynamite Shell.
That a 12-inch shell , loaded with only
a small charge of dynamite , the world's
most effective explo > ive , will crumple in
the side of the heaviest armor-clad ves
sel , though the shell fall short of its
mark by twenty feet , was demonstrated
Friday by tests at the government prov
ing grounds at Sandy Hook.
Drowned His Own Boy.
John AYicher , aged 22 , was Friday ar
rested at Chicago charged with drovftv
ing his G-monh-old boy in the Chicago
River. Anna AVichcr , the child's moth
er , said AA'icher left home after a quarrel ,
saying , "I'll take care of this kid. " She
said AAricher objected to supporting the
Carnegie Gives Another Library.
Gen. O. O. Howard , who for the last
fifteen years has been engaged in promot
ing the finances of the Lincoln Memorial
University at Cumberland Gap , Tenn. ,
received information Friday that Andrew
Carnegie has given $20,000 to build a
library for the institution.
Trust AI sorbs Bijr Tannery.
At Titusville , Pa. , the Queen City tan
nery , the largest sole leather manufac
turers in the world , was sold by Lucius
Bcebe & Sons , of Boston , to the United
States Leather Company. The transfer
involves about $1,500,000.
Sioux City Stock Market.
Friday's quotations on the Sioux City
stock market follow : Butcher steers ,
$4.55@3.25. Top rogs , $5.27 .
.Ex-Senator Sandeis Dead.
Ex-United States Senator AAr. F. S :
dcrs died at Helena , Mont. , Friday.
Receiver lor Devlin instate.
At Topeka , Kan. , Friday , Cyrus Le-
land and J. K. Hurley , general manager
of the Santa Fe Railway , were appointed
temporary receivers of the properties of
C. J. Devlin. A bond of $230,000 was
Object to Bibles in Public Schools
The reading of the bible in the public
schools was denounced in the coinmittee
on sectarianism of the central conference
of American rabbis' , .which closed at
Cleveland , 0. , Friday. >
Disastrous Wreck on tho Greai
Northern iu North Dakota.
About thirty people were injured , om
seriously , in the wreck of the Greai
Northern westbound flyer at Sprint
Brook , twenty-one miles east of AVillis
ton , N. D.
Seven cars were burned by a fin
which broke out immediately after tht
wreck , presumably caused by the explo
sion of a gas tank under the smoking
car. The mail car and the special cai
Joliet , containing Dr Frank Billings , oi
Chicago , and a party of physicians ei :
route to Portland , did not leave the rails ,
and was unharmed by the flames.
The officials of the road at St. Paul
say that it was a miracle that numbers
were not killed , as the train was running
at a high rate of speed when it left the
rails. According to their report then
was no spreading of the rails , and they
are unable to account for the accident.
As the cars left the track they partially
up-ended , but did not break in two.
Most of those injured suffered from
burns , the flames spreading so rapidly
that many were scorched before they
could be removed from the wreckage.
Dr. Billings and the physicians in his
party at once took charge of the injured
and dressed their wounds pending the ar
rival of a relief train from Williston.
All of the injured were able to resume
their journey except C. II. Stryker , who
is reported to be in a serious condition.
Stryker was in the baggage car en route
from. St. Paul to Boise , Idaho , and was
badly cut and bruised. All mail and bag
gage was saved.
Among the seriously injured are Mrs.
Mary C. Lewis , Danville , la. , and C. H.
Stryker , Boise City , Idaho ; critical.
San Francisco Printers Locked Out
by Employers.
Two hundred printers and 100 press
men , it is said were locked out Thurs
day by employers in the conflict between
the typothetae and the union over the
question as to whether the men shall
work eight or nine hours a day , at San
San Francisco. At the union headquar
ters the announcement was made that
not a single desertion had been made
from the ranks of the men who are in
sisting upon the eight hour proposition.
Non-union men in a number of places re
fused to return to work under the nine-
hour dar.
The Bulletin declares that four-fifths
of the printing houses will live up to the
old schedule and are now working un
der the eight-hour rule.
Arraigned for Third Time for Gob-
hard t Murder.
The third trial of Dr. George R. Koch ,
a New Ulm dentist , for the murder of
Dr. Louis A. Gebhardt , of New Ulm , a
rival practitioner , on Nov. 1.1904 , began
Thursday at Mankato , Minn. , Judge
Loreu Gray presiding. The defendant
was in court , surrounded by relatives ,
looking well and feeling confident of ac
Juror No. 1 was secured in the per
son of William Schaefer , a farmer , of
The regular panel of thirty jurors was
exhausted and a special venire of seventy-
five was ordered.
Citizens Prevent Marriage of Negro
to White Girl.
A special from Dumas , Ark. , says : A
negro named Joe AVoodman , of Rives ,
Ark. , was lynched here early Thursday
after having eloped with the daughter of
J. S. Small , a white man. The elope-
men occurred Wednesday and Sheriff
James Gould , of Pine Bluff , caught the
couple at Tamo on board a train. The
girl was returned to her parents , and the
negro was placed in jail here.
All was quiet during the nighth , but
Thursday the jail was found broken
open and the negro's body dangled from
a tree a mile distant.
Former Secretary of AVar Re-enters
A New York dispatch says it can be
aeiinitely stated President Roosevelt has
affcicd the position of secretary of state
[ o Elihu Root , and that Root has ac-
AA7hile no official confirmation is obtain-
ible at Oyster Bay of the announcement
: hat Elihu Root has accepted Roose-
relt's proffer of the secretaryship of
state , it can be said that the president
vill authorize a statement to be made
regarding the matter.
China Well Pleased.
The final indemnity agreement 'was
jgned at Pekin , China , Mondaythe
iusso-Chinese bank difficulty being rc-
noved. China will therefore liquidate
> n the basis orignially proposed. . The af-
air regarded as satisfactorily settled
t least for the present , and is considered
xcellent for China.
Japs Make Big Loau-
The negotiations for a Japanese loan of
150,000,000 , with the tobacco monopoly
s security , were practically completed
Thursday morning at London , and the
erms were signed immediately.
Lost in a Submarine Boat.
A French submarine boat , with a
w of thirteen on board , foundered at
erryville , Tunis , Thursday.
The Leanders AA'on Race.
The Leanders , who AVednesday defeat-
3 the A'espers , of Philadelphia , Thurs-
ay at Henley won the final heat in the
> ntest for the grand challenge cup , de
lating the Belgian crew by two and a
alf lengths. Time , G:5G.
Millionaire Knds Life. o.
The body of AAlnthrop Turney , million-
re mine owner , was found dead Thurs-
y In a pasture in the town of Coletl
ook , Conn. It is supposed despond-
icy led him to commit suicide.
Reports of Forty Lives Lost in a
Furious Twister.
According to a Fort AA'orth , Tex. , dis
patch , a tornado which struck Texas Si :
the upper edge of Montague County ,
coming from the northeast and swing
ing far to the southeast , AVednesdaj
afternoon , caused the loss , it is believed
of forty lives , injured a large number ol
people and did untold damage to grow
ing crops and cattle.
Fortunately the tornado missed the
small towns in the section through which
it swept , but it zigzagged in such a way
as to take in the homes of many farmers
and stock raisers in the section.
At Jacksboro the force of the wind was
terrific. The Baptist church and twenty
other buildings were blown off their
foundations and a number of buildings
were totally destroyed.
Mrs. Travis Calhoun wes seriously in
jured. Travis Calhoun , Mrs. Thomas
Hoi-ton and Henry AA'esser and family
were also injured. At Montague no lives
were lost in the town , but in the coun
try there was great loss of life report
ed. The wires are down in all directions
and it is difficult to get particulars. Ten
persons are known to be dead in the
neighborhood and unconfirmed reports
are to the effect that the list will go as
high as forty. Most of those killed lived
on Salt Creek , along which the tornado
swept with special force.
At Nocona the tornado passed a few
milqs to the south and latest lists give the
dead at fourteen and the injured at forty-
A reliable man at Nocona , who ha ?
been over the scene , .says that reports
were being received of the dead when he
left and he places the loss of life at
sixty. Owing to the widely separated
homes and the fact that in many in
stances whole families were wiped out ,
details and names are hard to get.
Pennsylvania Man Killed One Son
and Tried to Murder Another.
After being subjected to a severe ex
amination by detectives , Gustave A. Glos-
son , of Morrisville , Pa. , has confessed
that he poisoned one of his sons and at
tempted to kill the other in the same
manner. AA'alter Glosson died on May
19. There were suspicious circum-
circumstances surrounding the death of
the boy and the coroner of the county
started an investigation which resulted
in Glosson's making a confession.
Glosson was a flagman at a railroad
crossing at Tullytown and is about GO
years of age. He poisoned the boys be
cause they were notvery bright and
there was no chance that they would ever
be of any use to him. There is an insur
ance of ? 3GO on the life of the boy ho
tried to kill.
Glosson is in jail at Doylestown , Pa.
Hay's Remains are Placed-in Final
Resting Place.
At almost exactly noon AA'ednesday the
body of John Hay was laid to rest in the
Lake A'iew cemetery , Cleveland , O.
Around the open grave at the last mo
ment stood with bowed heads the presi
dent and vice president of the United
States , members and ex-members of the.
present cabinet and men who had in
former years served with the dead sec
retary in the official family of President
McKinley. There were many others who
willingly would have paid tribute , hon
or and respect to Mr. Hay , but it was
the wish of his family that the funeral
should be conducted quietly and unos
tentatiously. .
Fwo Devlin Institutions in Illinois
The comptroller of the currency at
Washington , D. C. , has appointed na-
ional bank examiners receivers for the
Spring A'alley National Bank , of Spring
Galley , 111. , and the First National Bank ,
> f Toluca , 111. , upon information that
oth institutions had closed.
The suspension of the banks was due
o the failure af C. J. Devlin , president
if both of them.
The capital of the Spring A'alley Na-
' > nal Bank was $50,000 and of the
'irst National of Toluca , ? 100,000.
A Maryland Bank Fails.
President Muson , of the Commercial
Sank , at Hagerstown , Md. , Thursday
; sued a statement that the bank would
ot again open for business. Muson
aid an examination of the bank's affairs
ad disclosed a deficiency of assets and a
onfused condition of books. Cashier
ohn Bowman committed suicide July o.
'he deposits are $100,000.
Indian Woman Honored.
Sacajawea , Indian Bird , the woman
ho , bearing on her back her in-
mt child , guided the explorers Lewis
nd Clark through "Old Oregon , " re-
'ived public recognition for her services
t Portland , Ore. , Thursday at the ex-
jsition , when a handsome bronze statue
' the Indian woman and papoose was
Explosion in Coal Mine.
An explosion occurred in the Tidewa-
r coal mines at Bivian , AA . A'a. , AA'ed-
jsday , causing the death of nine men
id injuring four score others. Fifteen
ere resuced in a dying condition.
To Declare Devlin Bankrupt.
A petition to declare C. J. Devlin
inkrupt was filed in the federal court
Topeka , Kan. , AA'ednesO.iy on behalf
the Kansas City creditors.
Fourth of July Victims.
According to dispatches received by
e Chicago Record-Herald from 350 of
e principal cities of the United States
persons were killed and 3.G77 injured
explosives of firecrackers , firearms ,
npowder and toy pistols on the Fourth
Hurricane in Samoa.
Sews has reached Sydney , N. S. W. ,
it great damage has been caused in
moa by a hurricane. Particulars have
t yet been received.
- -
Fight Over KightofWay Said Sur
vey of Great Northern is Such thai
it Will Rentier Operation of ln-
tcrurban Rpaci Impracticable.
The Winnebago Indian reservation ii
Nebraska soenis to be destined to be th
scene of a battle royal , uot only betwcei
those opposed to the sale of liquor , bu
the construction of several railroads a :
well. The question of right of way priv
ileges across the AVinnobago reservatioi
in eastern Nebraska has brought the con
troversy before the department of tin
interior at "Washington , D. C. The casi
is an interesting one , and has been sev
oral months" developing to its presem
A year or two ago the Sioux City , Ho
iner and Southern Railroad secured righi
of way across the reservation with th (
announced purpose of constructing at
interurban road from Sioux City so lit 1 :
to Omaha. There had been reports pre
vious to this that the Circat Northeri
designed an extension over a ve/y simi
lar route of its line from Sioux City tr
Omaha. The Sioux City , Homer and
Southern proceeded ( o construct a fe\\
miles of its line , but not on the reserva
tion , and then fell into financial difficul-
ties and construction was suspended ,
Meanwhile the ( treat Northern matured
its plans , made surveys and prepared
to build its line from Sioux City to a
connection with the Burlington and Mis
Application was made a few weeks agu
to the Indian office for right of way
across \Vinnebago reservation. Un-
der the law the department may not
grant second right of way across a res
ervation , parallel to one already granted ,
and within ten miles of it , unless there be1
a showing of especial public necessity
for the construction of the second road.
In this case the Sioux City , Homer and
Southern protested , insisted on its good
faith and desire to carry out its plans ,
showing the Great Northern survey cross
ed the right of way of their company
at a number of places and produced con
ditions that would make it practically im
possible to operate either road success
fully on the proposed routes.
Application has been received from
Joseph Crowe , attorney for the Sioux
City , Homer and Southern company ask
ing that a date be fixed for oral argu
ment of the matter before Judge Camp
bell. Accordingly July 25 was set for the
hearing , at which time Thomas II. Ben-
ton , of St. Paul will appear on behalf
nf the Great Northern.
Meantime the whole plans of the
Groat Northern are in abeyance.
Omaha. Woman Mistakes the Liquid
lor Water.
As a result of a gasoline explosion at
Omaha Wednesday Mrs. Anna Johnson ,
of 1(513 ( Ohio Street , met with a frightful
death , and her home wa partially de-
st royed.
Mrs. Johnson had gone to the kitchen
to light a gasoline stove which had been
leaking. Mistaking the gasoline be
neath the stove for water Mrs. Johnson
struck n match. A terrific explosion
followed , enveloping Mrs. Johnson in the
burning fluid. In her efforts to extin
guish the flames the woman rushed into
a bed room , setting the house on tire. Af
ter the house had been partially destroy
ed the fire department succeeded in ex
tinguishing the flames , when Mrs. John
son's body was found burned to a crisp.
Nebraska Man Drives Into Ponca
Creek , Near Lynch.
A Norfolk special says : Returning to
their home in the country after spending
the Fourth of July at Lynch , where they
had given their baby its first ride on the
merry-go-round , Mr. and Mrs. Perry
Scott lost their way and drove into Pon
ca Creek. The child was carried from
its mother's arms and the body has not
yet been recovered. Both horses were
drowned in the stream and the mother
iind father were only saved after a long ,
[ laid struggle on his part.
Traveler Run Over by a Train and
Body Cut in Two.
O. E. Terry , a wealthy business man
) f Stoughton , WNwas . killed at Lin
coln AVednesday night by being run over
) y a Burlington railroad train. He was
> n his way home from Ravenna , Neb. ,
ind while the coach in which he was
iding was being switched in the Lincoln
ards he attempted to jump to the plat-
orm , but fell and was drown under the
vheels , which severed his body.
Shot in Self-Defense.
Dan Dimich. the man who shot and
tilled Yosa Bosovig in a car near the
Union Pacific depot in Fullerton last
Saturday night , was discharged by Conn-
y Judge Robinson , before whom the
ireliuiinary hearing was held. The evi-
ieuce clearly showed that the defendant
vas acting in self-defense.
Girls Travel in Male Attire.
A gentleman by the name of French ,
rom Allen , is at Albion looking for two
f his daughters , who left Plaiuview
nore than two weeks ago. Shortly after
tailing they secured male attire and
tuve ever since been traveling in that
No Relief for Mrs Algoe.
J. O. Yeiser's efforts at Lincoln to se-
nre the release of Mrs. Lillian Algoe. a
onfessed blackmailer , from the Douglas
'ounty jail under habeas corpus proceed-
; gs , have failed. The supreme court
s denied the writ.
i t
Ashland Man Loses Foot. )
Charles Dalton , of Ashland , while pass- >
g between a moving freight train , slip-
jd and fell and had his right foot cut
such bad shape that it will be neces-
iry to have it amputated. He was sent
the St. Joseph hospital at Lincoln for
ills Fellow Workmen in Quarrel
At Fullerton Daniel Mimineh. an Aus-
ian laborer , was shot and killed Satur-
iv night by Voso Bosovich , a fellow
orkman , in a box car as the result of a
larrel. Bosovich escaped.
Banker Chamberlain Convicted ol
After being out since1:30 the previous
evening the jury "in the district court at
Tqcumseh at G o'clock Friday nigh !
brought in a verdict of guilty against
Charles M. Chamberlain. Chamberlain ,
who was the cashier of the failed Cham
berlain banking house of Tecumseh. was
accused of misapplying $3,500 of the
bank's money in the purchase of a ranch
in Custer County. Following the delay
in securing a jury a hard fight was put
up on both sides of the case , the same
coining up before Judge Paul .lessen , of
Nebraska City. Monday morning last.
At about G o'clock on Friday night
the jury announced that it found Cham
berlain guilty of the charge of embezzle
ment. The judge asked the amount ,
whereupon the jury again retired and re
turned shortly and announced for the
I full amount chargod.
Chamberlain wapnsent'n the court
room and was greatly affected at the find
No doubt the case will be taken to the
supreme court. It is a notable fact that
within the past twenty-five years thero
have been three bank failures in Tccum-
sell , and this i.s the first conviction.
Burlington's Train Service Demor
alised by Washouts.
Transportation has been practically fit
a standstill around McCook for the last
twenty-four hours as the result of ex
traordinary rainsover the Burlington main
line and branches north and south.
Heavy Avashouts are reported between
Arapahoc and Ilolbroolc on the main line
to-Chicago ; between Carter and Oi'jcans
on the St. Louis main line ; between IIol-
liuger and Beaver City on the Orleans
and St. Francis branch : between Farnani
and Maywood on the Iloldrege and
Cheyenne branch.
Two bridges are out , one on each side
of Hollinger. The aggregate of grade
washed away will make a number of
miles. Days will be required to make
good all the damage caused by the Hoods
which have been unprecedented.
Heavy Haiti Accompanied by .Hail
ana Wind Destroys Property.
A North Platte specialays : A severe
storm came up fiom tiie west Friday
evening about 7 o'clock. It wa ! preceded
by a strong wind with clouds going
through peculiar antics. Clouds were
noticed with a large funnel Avhirling with
the point upward. Soon heavy hail be
gan to fall and fell until the ground was
covered about three inches in depth. The
hailstones were large , many of them , by
actual measurements , being one and a
half inches In diameter.
The wind with the. hail caused it to do
great damage and hundreds of window
lights were broken out in this city. Trees
were trimmed of half of small twigs and
leaves and some large branches were
broken off. Hail broke down some elec
tric wire connections.
Robert Livingston , of Bm-rcll , Shot
While Hunting.
While out hunting , Robert Livington ,
son of Ida Livingston , of the Simmons
Hotel , at Burrell , was accidentally shot
at one of the lakes about twenty miles
northwest from Burrell. His recovery
is doubtful.
It seems that he and his four com
panions were out near the lake and a
shower came up and they all ran for the
buggy. Livingston put his gun in. loaded
and cocked , and in scufflling for the best
seat Avith his companions the gun was
discharged and the full load took effect
in his body. He is a student of the
Omaha Medical College and a brighht
young man. and the tragedy casts a
gloom over the whole village.
Murderer ol Alma Goos Pleads
Guilty at Plattsmouth.
Max Ploehn surprised the people of
Plattsmouth AVednesday by pleading
guilty to charge of murder in the first
degree. Judge .lessen , before whom the
plea was made , immediately sentenced
the murderer to the penitentiary for life
and he was taken to Lincoln iii the af
Ploehn shot and killed his cousin. Al
ma Goos , and wounded her sister , atie
Goos farm , south of Plattsmouth , last
month. lie eluded arrest for several
lays , but finally surrendered. At the
preliminary examination he pleaded nof
Lincoln Boy Drops Fuse into Can of
Lincoln escaped this year without a
ntal accident being reported , but about
ifty persons were burned by explosions
md bruised in various undertakings on
uly 4.
Roy H. Schmitz was the most wrious-
vinjured. . He dropped a lighted fuse
uto a baking powder can full of powder ,
lis face was badly burned and he may
jse the sight of both eyes.
Barn Struck by Lightning.
The barn on the farm of Fred Roebke ,
ix miles from Seward. was struck by
Shining on Sunday night about 0:30
'clock and was burned to the ground.
. team of horses and
a lot of farm ina-
tiinery was consumed. This makes the
n'rd time that the barn on this place has
een destroyed by fire. r
More Graders in the Field.
Another large gang of graders , with
luipment , passed through Dakota City
nturday morning from Sioux City en Sifi
mte to join the gang now at work 'near fin
'omer. The grade is being built from n
omer toward the junction with the if
esent Great Northern tracks. 01
Republican out of Banks.
Owing to recent rains the Republican PI
iver is out of its hniikx , overflowing the PIP
ittom lauds near Bloomington. It is ! tl
gher than at any time since 1895 , with tc
dications of more rain and a still greatas
rise. AA'heat cutting is stopped and 's
rn plowing is impossible. ai
Sheriff Confiscates Liquor. ; s
Sheriff Brott arrested Isaac Ong , of in
cCool , who was charged with selling bi
iuor. The sheriff also captured ten bim
ses of beer and three gallons of whis- m
The state bureau of labor has com-
pleted its schedule showing the number
of men needed in each county and town
in Nebraska , and is now ready to begiu
operations to v-ippb * the fields * of Nebras
ka with all t.-.e men needed. Until Sat-
urday ni ht the bureau has been
Kansas , where over 22,000 men w
needed , and has shipped to t' stnte a
great number. Saturday * harvest
commenced generally over NeMiaska and
the bureau will now call 0:1 tu > director
of employment of Kansas to return the
favor and to ship men to the farmers of
this state. Because of the great number
of men who go into Kansas every year ,
Nebraska , it i.s claimed , sots the better of
this labor agreement , since the harvest is
soon over down there and til' * men are-
aided to get cheap transportation to Ne
braska , where new jobs await them. In-
fact the bureau of labor claims Nebras
ka gets about four times as many men-
back as it sends. The schedule is as fol
lows : Adams. 00 ; Antelope , 75 : Boone ,
l. 0 : Buffalo. GO : Butler , 75 ; Clay , 125 ;
Coif as , 00 ; Cuming , 70 ; Custer. 140 ;
Dawson , 100 ; Dodge , SO ; Franklin , 7 ( > ;
Frontier , 50 : Furnas , 115 ; Gage , 30 ;
Gosper , 23 ; Hall , 80 ; Hamilton , 5G ;
Ilarian. SO : Hayes. 100 ; Hitchcock. 300 ;
Jefferson , 100 ; Kearney , 00 ; Madison ,
175 ; Nance , GO : Nuckolls. ( JO ; Phelp
1GO ; Platte , 125 : Polk. 25 ; Red Willow : ,
225 ; Saline. GO : Seward. 50 ; Stanton , 00 ;
Thayer. 150 ; A'alley. GO : Webster , G5 ;
York , 115. Total , 3.570.
* * *
The first copies of the session laws arc
expected by the secretary of state by
July 1. The contract by the-
printing hoard carries with it a penalty
of 1 per cent of the total amount of tho
contiact , So.GO a page , for every day af
ter Jul1 that the books aro not deliv
ered. The printers have notified the sec
retary of state'that the books will be de
livered by July 1. Under the constitution
the state is required to get the books
out within sixty days after the legislature
udjourned. This law imposing this duty
on the secretary of state has been unper-
seded by the law creating the printing :
board , which provides that this board
shall let all contracts. According to this
section the board has twenty days before-
advertising for bids for printing , and it4
is required to give at least ten days' no
tice before letting the contract. This
would consumes thirty days of the sixty ;
consequently it is almost an impossibili
ty to get the books out within the sixty
days required by the constitution. Inci
dentally , no one knows when the senate
and house journals will be out. The con
tract specifies that they sliall be com- ]
pleted within sixty days after the receipt !
by the printer of the last of the copy. ]
The last of the copy is supposed to have
been delivered to the printer at a very
recent date.
* * *
Saturday , July 1 , all the laws enacted ,
by the Lite legislature which did not carryj
the emergency clause went into effectv
Among the many enacted not
in force are these :
One new law protects imported pheas
ants and partridges.
Another prohibits changes in school
sites without previous notice.
County treasurers are given more pow
er in the collection of personal taxes.
Automobile owners must register at the
state house and each machine must pay ] l
an annual tax of $1.
Members of the Lincoln school board"
are to be elected every two years.
A new law is on the books regarding ;
Ihe giving and taking of bribes.
Rights of way are granted over state
lands to irrigation ditches. ,
The drainage ditches cannot be built to
tvater courses.
Cigarettes cannot be made , sold or giv-
? n a'tray.
Business combinations cannot be made ,
n restraint of trade , and the giving o
ebatcs is made illegal. Tliia state law
s framed on the lines of the national
mti-trust law.
York County stands at the head of the
ist so far in the counties which > havc
nade their returns to the state board of
iqualization. The county returned an as-
essment of § 72-1,000 in excess of the as-
essment last year after the state board-
tad added 5 per cent to tiie total. In all
he assessment is § G.l 51.854.40. The in.-
rease is spread on all kinds of property , !
laking it general. About $400,000 is for
mprovements on real estate. Cherry'
ounty shows a decrease of $27,000 on ?
ersonal property and an increase of $17-
00 on improvements on real estate.
* * *
Rev. L. P. Ludden , who , on the retire-
lent of Chairman Tawney , of the state
oard of education , became chairman of
ie board , has announced the appoint- ?
lent of the new committeesofthe boardJ
.uditing , Mortensen , Childs , Delzell ; fti- !
nitive. Majors. Gregg , Ludden ; furni-1
ire , Childs , MeBrien , Mortensen ; teach- ,
s and employes. MeBrien , Delzell. ilaJ
> rs ; text books , library books , course ofc
t'.dy and rules , DeIzM , Gregg , Childs.
* * *
Secretary of State Galusha has issued !
J7 licenses under the new automobile-
w and is getting in more applications
.ch day. He has received the seals to-
s delivered to the ov.-ners. They ar
tin and round , about two inches in dV
neter. In the center is the number of
e license and around this is the state-
ent that the number has been i ued
' the secretary of state. t
* * *
Application was made to Gov Mk-ke
look into the cage of John McCorniick ,
nt to the penitentiary for
twenty ve-irs
> m Nebraska City for sliooting a" wo-
"i. McCormick's relatives believe that
the governor looks into the case thor-
glily he will grant a pard-i to the man , /
* * *
Che American Birth lus-irance
ny , of Massachusetts , vrh.'eh seeks foj
t a premium on the'sr > r.v's visits ig
; latest company to m..iapplication ; ;
do business in NVbni.- ; . . . . Inasmuch ;
the statistics at this ri-r.e show there
little need of ssich a boa-is the insur- , '
: e department has taoa ! up action in'
s matter. The intent of the compauyi
to discourage "race suicides" by pay- '
: to parcnfs from 50 U $500 "at the
th of each child , to serure which thoj
rents must pay a certain as