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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1905)
> , Chinese Kotten-Eg Food A German epicure comes to tlie res cue of the Chinese in regard to their alleged habit of eating rotten eggs. The eggs , he says , are simply pre- eerved in lime until they get a con- elstency like hard butter , and they taste somewhat like lobster. He de clares them one of the choicest deli cacies he has ever eaten. He thinks there are no better cooks in the world than the Chinese. When he went to live among them his friends predicted that he would starve , but he had a good time and gained weight more than he wanted to. NO TONGUE CAN TELL How I Suffered with Itching and Bleed ing Eczema Until Cured by Cuti- cnra. "No tongue can tell how I suffered for five years with a terribly painful , Itching , and bleeding eczema , my body and face Being covered with sores. Never in my life did 1 experience such ' Ewful suffering , and I longed for death , Itrhich I felt was near. 1 had tried doctors and medicines without success , but my mother insisted that 1 try Cuti- cura. I felt better after the first bath With Cuticura Soap and one applica tion of Cuticura Ointment , and was Boon entirely well. Any person hav ing doubt about this wonderful cure may write to me. ( Signed. ) Mrs. Altie Etsou , Bellevue. Midi. " " Feminina Charity. Bess They sny Maude is going to marry a uiaii old enough to be her grand father. Nell Impossible ! Bess Why do you say that ? Nell Because I'm sure there isn't a man living who is that old. Lyd/a Em Pinkhsm's Vegetable Compound 4s a positive cure for all those painful ailments of women. It will entirely cure the worst forms of Female Com plaints , all Ovarian troubles. Inflam mation and Ulceration. Jfailingand 'Displacements of the Womb and con sequent Spinal Weakness , and is pecn iarly adapted to the Change of JLife. Every time it will cure Backache , It lias cured more cases of Leucor- rhcea than any other remedy the world .las ever known. It is almost infallible in sucfc cases. It dissolves and expels Tumors from the Uterus in an early ctage of development. That Bearing-down Feeling ? causing1 pain , weight and headache , is Instantly relieved and permanently cured by its use. Under all circum stances it acts in harmony witla the female system. It corrects Irregularity , Suppressed or Painful Menstruation , Weakness of the Stomach , Indigestion , Bloalriug , Flooding , Nervous Prostra tion , Headache , General Debility. Also Dizziness , Faintness , Extreme Lassitude , "don't-care" and * ' want-to-be-left-alone " feeling , excit ability , irritability , nervousness , sleep lessness , flatulencymelancholy or the "blues , " and backache. These are sure indications of Female Weakness , some derangement of the Uterus. For Kidney Ooftsplafstfs and Backache of eitJicr sex the Vegeta ble Compound is unequaled , You can write Mrs. Pinkham about yourself in strictest confidence. LIDIA E. PlSKniU MED. CO. , Lynn , Hasi. HOT WEATHER COMFORT A FREE BOTTLE OF MULL'S , Grape Tonic TO ALL WHO WRITE FOR IT NOW SUMMER BOWEL TROUBLE Indigestion , Diseased Stomach. Im pure Blood , Sores. Pimples and Bad Complexion come from CONSTfPATI ON Poison in the intestines Dysentery , Cholera nd terrible griping pains are svmptoms of typhoid fever and decaying intestines which are the result cf Constipation. A Constipated person is liable to Heat Prostration or Sun Stroke. A physic won't cure Constipation , you know this from ex perience. Your intestines and digestive organs * re practically dead cr you would not be Consti pated. Unless thev are revived and strengthened serious Diseases of the Blood must .follow , as no Bae can live and have health with decayed Stomach Wd Bowels. Physics don't revive or build up they drain and weaken. MULL'S GRAPE TON 1C tea tissue builder , a fo-d especially prepared for the intestines. We will prove to you at our own expense that it cures Constipation and Bowel Trouble because it revives the intestines , cleanses the system , heals the stomach and renews the blood. Until it was introduced in this country there was no cure for Constipation. A wonderful Tonic , a protection against hot weather dangers. WRITE FOR THIS FREE BOTTLE TODAY Good for ailing children and nursinj ; mothers. FREE COUPOM Send this coupon with jour name and ad dress and druggist's name , for a free bottle of Mull's Grape Tonic for btoraach and Bowels , to HULL'S CHAPE TOXIC CO. , 21 Third Avenue , ICook Itlund. Illlnot * Give full address anil isrite plainly. The < i.oo bottle contains nearly three times tiie 5oc size. At drug stores. The eenuinehas a da'te aid number stamped a the label take no attic , lisa jum druggist. One "Widow's Weed * . Whoever Inspired the epigram , "Be ware of tlie sincerity of too fashion able mourning , " It certainly applied to a youthful widow seen a few days ago. ago.Gowned Gowned In the habiliments of deep est mourning , wearing a long crepe veil which nearly swept the ground , nnd exhibiting a costume with "Paris" written all over it , with sad brown eyes she looked plaintively out as if in protest that the world should still move or that any one should be happy when she was not. But the effect of the soulful glance was marred by the color in her cheeks which nature never gave , and by the fat , pudgy pug which she car ried beneath her arm , its head resting on a chic muff of ruffled crepe. The crepe , the paint , and the pug seemed to impress all beholders alike , and with one accord youth and old aga stopped deliberately and watched the progress of the sad-eyed widow down the street. A Hot Weather Hint. Do you know that the two essen tials for good health in hot weather are keeping the system clean and regu lar and a tonic for the stomach and bowels ? Mull's Grape Tonic is a valuable remedy for hot weather. It cleanses the system of all imparities and poi sons. It contains nearly 50 per cent grape , which is the best hot weather tonic known. It is an ideal prepara tion for heat debility and the many dangerous ills prevailing during sum mer weather. It fortifies the system thoroughly. Heat prostrations , summer bowel and stomach troubles are rare in fam ilies where Mull's Grape Tonic is em ployed. There is nothing so dangerous in hot weather as constipation , which is the result of the more serious hot weather diseases. Mull's Grape Tonic- is the one successful constipation cure a splendid stomach and bowel tonic. Provinces of Vast Extent. F. A. Lawrence said in a recent speech in the Dominion House of Com mons : ' ' 'We are informed that each of these province's will comprise no less an area than 275,000 square miles. The mind of man almost fails to grasp the significance , the vastness , the great ness of the figures. We can only faint ly do so by comparison , and I may be permitted to say that each of these provinces will be nearly six times as large as the great Stale of New York , with its population of 7,2.0,000 ; each of them will be five times as great in point of area as the large State of Pennsylvania , with a population of 6.500.000 : each of them will be seven times as large as the State of Indiana , with its population of 2,500,000. "In point of fact , each of them Is larger in area than the States of Mas sachusetts , New York. Illinois , Iowa , Maine , Michigan , Deleware and New Jersey all combined together. Each of them is twice as large as England , Wales. Scotland and Ireland , with their immense population of 42,000,000 people ; each of them is much greater than the German empire in Europe , with its population of 55,750,000 ; each of them is much greater than the re public of France in Europe , with its population of 39,000,000. " 63a simple comparison of that kind we are enabled to realize the im mensity of the heritage which we as Canadians have in our great north west. " Profits of the Packers. There has been a great deal of dis appointment because the Garfield re port shows that the profits of the packing industry only amount to about two per cent on the volume of business transacted. There is no doubt , however , that the report is cor rect. rect.The The census reports compiled by the government in 1900. before the agita tion regarding the "beef trust" began , throw considerable light on this ques tion. It appears from the census that the packing industry is conducted on u smaller margin of gross profit than any other industry in America. The gross margin of profit of 871 flour and grist mills in Illinois , in the census year , was nearly seven per cent on the volume of business. The gross margin of fifty-one wholesale slaughtering and meat packing establishments in Illi nois was only about one-third as large , or a little more than two per cent on The millers have not been accused of being iu a "trust , " and combina tions would seem impossible in a busi ness where there are several thousand mills in the United States competing actively for the flour trade , but it ap pears that the gross profits of the mill ers are larger than the gross profits of the packers. It may turn out that the agitation regarding the packing indus try will show the same result as the devil found in shearing the pig : "Al" squeal and no wool.- " Feathered Mason and Potter. Among the birds of the Western Hemisphere the best mason is a pot ter as well. This i the oven bird of the pampas in South America. Tt is called the "casara , " a housebuilder , by the Spaniards. The nest is made of mud and bits of straw , practically the same as the material used for most buildings In Mexico. The walls are very thick and there is a partition wall inside , reaching so high as to form an ante-chamber. Mr * . "Wlnslow's BOOTHIXO STHUP for Ohildran t sthing ; softens tba gums , reduces inflammation , al lays polu , cures wind colic. 25 cents a bottl * . One Man's Wisdom. "Why is it , " asked his wife , "that you refuse to argue with me ? ' : " "Because , " answered her husband , "si lence is the most difficult argument to beat. " Achilles. That savage old soldier Achilles Got up on the fleetest of fillies ; But the horse wouldn't go Till Achilles said : "Whoa ! " Now wouldn't that give you the willio * ? Historic ! The Book of Memory. My grandma has a curious book she often lets me see , When in the dusk I leave my play to sit upon her knee. I cannot touch the book at all , but shut my eyes up tight , While grandma tells the pictures , and I see them clear and bright. . I see the dear old farmhouse , where my grandma used to play , The barn , with all the cattle and the fragrant mows of hay , The pets that grandma used to have , and all her queer old toys , And the little country school house , full of merry girls and boys. And there are other pictures , too , which make my grandma sigh ; one says I must not see them now , but wait till by and by. But though she thinks they're far too sad to show to little me , She's sure they all look brighter when I'm sitting on her knee ! My grandma says I'm making now a book to be my own , And that I'll often look at it and smile , when I am grown ; And then I'm sure the picture that I'll like the best to see Will be rayself , a-sitting in the dusk on grandma's knee ! Youth's Companion. The Scarlet Tanacer. To see the scarlet tanager Is to re member him always. He cannot be confused with any other bird. The body of the male tanager Is a flaming red. His wings and tail are jet black. There is no mixing of col ors. ors.The The female is olive green , dusky and yellowish below and attracts no spe cial attention. The scarlet tanager nests from the Missouri to the Atlantic. Many have heard of the scarlet tnuager who have not seen him. His favorite haunt is iu the open woodlands. The nest itself is a neat , shallow basket of roots , constructed much after the manner of the rose breasted gros beak. The nests usually contain three or four eggs. They are of a dusky , greenish blue , thickly spotted with pur plish brown. By October the male has lost his rich dress , and old and young , clad in plain , unattractive plumage , betake themselves to their winter home in Central and South America. How to Throw the Spit Ball. That elusive and erratic delivery , the spit ball , is as yet an unexplained mystery of pitching skill to many stu dents of baseball progress. In de scription of the spit ball and the meth od for its delivery , Manager John J. McGraw , of the Giants , writes , in the Washington Star : "The spit ball , which is probably the most deceptive ball that a batter ever struck at , is thrown at medium speed. If thro.wn fast it loses Its ef fect. It must be carefully judged , for if it is too slow it will break too soon and probably hit the ground before it reaches the catcher. "To throw a spit ball , wet the first ind second fingers so the ball will slip THE SPIT BALL GRIP. away instead of rolling away. With the latter movement the curve is sharp , but with the former it is more than sudden , and is sometimes startling. It will be found difficult at first to con trol the ball , and the beginner is apt to be discouraged because of his wild throws. "Bear in mind one thmg : In ordi nary and curve pitching the ball leaves the thumb first and the fingers last. With tlie spit ball this Is reversed , and the thumb is made to control the ball , instead of the fingers. "The wetting of the two fingers Is only for the purpose of allowing the ball to slip away from them easily. "Very little rotary motion Is im parted to the spit ball. It comes up big and slow , and the batter can al most see the seams. Tust as he draws back to hit it the ball seems to re ceive new impetus and drops or jumps as if struck down from behind , if the batter hits where he aimed he misses it probably a foot % "liat usied"to be the casa before batters realized what they were up against. In desperation , after being fooled a few times , they ° took to run ning up to meet the ball , with the hope of hitting it before it broke , or just as it was starting to. In this , however , tlie advantage is all with the pitcher , as he may 'fake' a spic ball delivery and send in a fast ball , which Is past the batter before he gets start ed on his 'run-up. ' "That is what has caused so many former heavy hitters to become dis heartened and declare that nowadays the batter is lucky if he hits .250 on the season. It certainly has cut down the hitting so much in one season that already a change of rules is contem plated. "Unlike an ordinary curve ball , the pitcher cannot be certain of the side direction the ball will take as It breaks downward. The perfect spit ball drops from a batter's hips tc his knees in a P MBW forward movement of perhaps two feet "The side breaks are determined by the manner In which the ball leaves the pitcher's hand. If the hand is turned with the arm facing down and to one side the break at the plate will be different than If the ball left the hand with the palm not turned over so far. There are a great manj" an gles from which to deliver the ball and different arm motions , but they must be studied out. " He Kind to Your Pets. There is no better way to teach chil dren to be kind to animals than to give them pets to care for , and then to make them responsible for that care. The fact that dumb creatures are dependent upon human beings can not be taught too early in life. The facts that they cannot make their wants known and that if their food is neglected or forgotten they will suffer with hunger and thirst can be strik ingly demonstrated to the child when he is hungry , and it is explained to him that his pets are just as hungry as he is when he thinks he cannot wait another minute for his supper. Cat Journal. IS THE TINIEST GYMNAST. East Indian Athlete Thirty-four Inchet Tall Has Bi Appetite. Smatm Sing Hpoo , the smallest attv lete in the world , is the latest wonder- India has sent to London , says a spe cial to the SL Louis Post-Dispatch. He is 22 years of age. His height is 3-i inches , his chest measurement 22i < . inches , his hip measurement also 22U , inches , and his fighting weight twenty pounds. Sing Hpoo , unlike the ordinary dwarf , is exceedingly well developed and symmetrically built. He wears an immaculate frock coat some fifteen inchesiiu length , a pair of daintily cut trousers , ' a fancy vest , perfectly cor rect cellar and tie , and a shiny siik hat of 1905 shape , just large enough to fit over the fist of an ordinary man. His companion , Captain Weltzien , in vited him to show his acrobatic skill , whereupon the little man took hold of the captain's hands in a firm grasp , raised his body gracefully in the air , and performed what is knowu in gym nastic circles as a "long artv balance" In the most approved stylo Then , us ing the captain's hands ft3 a pair of "rings. " Sing HJJOO , turning a somer sault , stretvhed out his tiny body rig idly in the manner adopted by every gymnast when showing his paces. Sing IIpoo's accomplishments are not , however , confined to acrobatic tricks. He is a good linguist , for he speaks English well , German fluently and French slightly , not to mention his native Burmese. Perhaps the most ama/ing thing about Sing Hpoo is the fact that his appetite is not at all in proportion to his size. He is accustomed to sit down with ordinary mortals and eat just as much as any one at the table. For breakfast he likes three or four eggs , and as a pick-me-up he is accus tomed to swallow a couple of dozen oysters at a sitting. He eats a large quantity of meat , but is not fond of potatoes or other vegetables. Among his treasured possessions Is a gold bracelet , slightly larger than a wedding ring , which he wears round his little brown wrist. It was given to him by Miss Loie Fuller , an Ameri can dancer. HOW THEY LIVE IN NEW YORK. Difference Between Life There and St. Vitus Dance Slight. A furniture dealer is quoted as say ing that New York is witnessing the passing of the old-fashioned or sta tionary bed , according to the Provi dence Journal. Ground space , which means space everj'where , is becoming too valuable to devote to a contrivance so bulky and unoruaniental. The de mand at present is confined to tempor ary beds , beds that can be folded and put out of sight , tucked away behind pictures or thrust into rings , resem bling napkin rings , and not much larger. These rings are numbered for the convenience of the family and can be hung on nails in closets. The beds are made of an elastic material which is stretched between heavy chairs or trunks when in use. In the metropolis everything , Includ ing comfort , is sacrificed to appear ances. Hotel guests , fiat dwellers , boarders and residents with limited in comes are anxious to create the im pression that what was and is a plain bedroom is a sitting room or parlor. According to this dealer , if permanent beds are tolerated at all they are made to order to fit into niches and corners , so that every inch of carpet or waxe.l floors may be utilized. There Is reason for believing that one of these days even the bed that can be carried in the pocket or sus pended from a gas jet will be discard ed. New York people will discover that they canrt afford to close their eyes. If they remain in town and go to sleep they will be pretty sure to miss something ; and if they go homo via the bridges , ferries and suburban trains it will be time to get up and dress when they arrive. Already , for a majority of the popu lace , it is from 24 to 140 miles from the breakfast table to the office , and from work to supper , and the dis tances are constantly increasing. The hour is rapidly approaching when the difference between New York and tne St Vitus dance will not be * appreci able. _ _ _ Honest , now , doesn't it tickle yu to have other men try on your hat nnd find it too large for them ? Some marriages are arranged la tho drawing room and disarranged In tho courtroom. Willing to Oblljce. Bty Mr. Cuttcm , the tailor , wends his compliments , and says he would like to havo his bill. Short Tell Cuttcm. if he'll specify which particular bill he wants of the thirty-seven lie has sent me , I'll be pleased to send it back to him. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Cream Separator FOR325.0O we tell the celebrated DUNDEE CREAM SEPARATOR , capacity. 00 pcroads per hour ; 350 pounds ca pacity per hour for 929.00 : (00 pounds capacity perfiourfor 934,00. Guaranteed the cual of S * > ra4era that RE TAIL EVERYWHERE at from 978.00 to $128.00. AMD flCSTCO We will ship UUli UrrCni ycuaSpa > rater en our 30 daya * fre * trial plan , with tlie binding under standing and agreement IT you do not find l > y comparison , t it and use that It Will akla closer , rklm colder milk. Bkto easier , run Hghteracd Bkltn ont half more mlli than any 6tli6r Cream fiepa- ratormidt. you can itturn Separattr to ua at our * e angjweyijl Imma- j fll-jtA any money yeumayhtvedaldferfrelcht charfea or euierwlae. Cut tbls ad. out at once a&d mall to u , ana you will feceTre by return mall , free , postpaid , our LATtST SPECIAL CREAM SEPARATOR ( CATAtOOOE. Yoi will savour re- SEABS. ROEBUCK & Q0. ; CHICAGO. BOYSANDG1RLS wanted in every locality in the Unite ; ! States to take subscription ! for liberal cash commissions to ADAMS'S MAGAZINE ( A ivholo year for 10 cent * ) rhe boat and cheapest monthly borne magazine in tba world , containing 32 pages , lOxUinches , of selected reading matter of unusual interest in every Lome. Liberal commission to solicitors. Send postal card for full particulars and subscription blank book AT OXCE. ADAMS'S MAGAZINE. 131 W. 24th St. . N.Y. City es Claims. eaalon Bur oa. ting claim * , atur IUUM § 9. C. N. U. CURLS WHtHL ALL ELSE FAILS , [ Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good , Use in time. Sold . C O N S U M P Tl QlS Complete External and internal Treatment ' Consisting of warm baths wit t to cleanse the skin of crusts and scales * an < J soften the thickened cuti * de $ CUTICURA OJnt4 ment to instantly allajs itching , irritation , ansj inflammation and soothe and heal ; and CUTt ; CURA Pills to cool an < cleanse the blood. A Single Set , costing fcut One : s often sufficient to cu-e the most ing , disfiguring skin , scalp , and blooeJ- fiuinors , eczemas , rashes , itchings , ancJ- irritations , with loss of hair from infancy to age , when all elre fails , ; | Gold throuphoTit the world. Cuticnra Four 25c. , Olsl : , We. , I e nvfiSc. ! . ( In fora of Cl-ocolete CottttJ. Ti. ! . 5c. jer v * l of CO ) . D'wtr : J.CMI-J. 17 Ch rttr- tou.o "q.I'arl , 5 Itu * rteU PtiJij lio-tro 1 rt'olumb Ave. 5oterlrugi. Chejj. Corp. < j ! r--j j. U3 Send for " How to Cu .Toituiisi/ , Ulrfzml l- " "When buying loose coffee or anything your grocer happens to have in his bin , how dp you know what you arc getting ? Some queer stories about coffee that is sold in bulk , could bo told , if the people who handle it ( grocers ) , cured to speak out. Could any amount of mere talk have persuaded millions of housekeepers to use useLion Coffee , the leader ol all package coffees for over a quarter of a century , if they had not found it superior to all other brands in Purify , Strength , Flavor and Uniformity ? This popular success of LION COFFEE can be due only to inherent merit. There is no stronger proof of merit than con- tinned and Increasing popularity. If tlie verdict of MILLIONS OF HOUSEKEEPERS does not convince you of the merits of LION COFFEE , if costs you but a trifle to buy a package. It is the easiest way to convince yourself , and to make you a PERMANENT PURCHASER. LION COFFEE is sold only in 1 Ib. sealed pickajrea and reaches you as pure and clean ag when it left our factory. Lion-head on every package. //Wr T * Save these Lion-heads for valuable premiums ' ' fl SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE WOOLSON SPICE CO. , Toledo , Obio. ' Natural Flavor BiodErodiicfe Dainty Delicious Attractive to the Eye Bind satisfying to the appetite Libby's Food Products Ox Tongue , Potted Chicken , Deviled Ham , Dried Beef , Brisket Beef , Lunch Tongues , Soups , Corned Beef Hash alias good as they are wholesome. Eatsy to serve The Booklet , "How to Make Good Thinys to Eat" sent free. Address Libby , McNeill 61 Libby Chicago Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year. THE FAMILY'S FAVORITE CATKAR.T1C BEST FOR THE BOWELS