Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, July 06, 1905, Image 1
caSociety THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT. VOLUME xx VALENTINE. NEBRASKA , JUNE-6 , 1905. NUMBER 25 h ISpecial of I * 4 ? 4 ? Men's , Boys' and Children's 4 ? 4 * CLOTHING I * 4 ? I * 4 ? I * ? 49 25 per cent discount for cash on all 49 until 4th of 4 ? Clothing July. 4 ? 44 ? - 4 ? An object lesson in J Clothes Economy With clothes , economy does not mean just cheap clothes. 4 ? "Cheap" clothes , as a rule are expensive in the Ion ? 4 $ run. True clothes economy means with us , well made , well fitting and well lasting clothes at a reasonable price. 4 Come in and see if our statement isn't right. : : : : $ The Discount Sale is on Ladies' fc 4 $ Shirt Waists and Dress Skirts also. & J ? We still have a complete line of these goods on hand but & 4 $ they will not last long at the present sale prices. : : : 4 ? Do not wait to make your Fourth of July purchases un til the last minute , for time is money and it takes money 49 to run our business. : : : : : : : : : : : : 49 ft * 49 3 RED FRONT MERC , CO Just Ladies' Shirt Waists * SuitSf Skirts and Arrived Under Skirts. Silk Skirts guaranteed for three years/ i MERCHANT TAILOR. CO Quick CO My Furniture O9 stock is being con stantly replenished Meal with good serviceable CO articles for the home. Gasoline Stoves and ranges are the best and safest. They are al ways ready for use. You want Garden ' Don't delay. Get one Seeds for spring and half the save wor OJ > ry of your life. None cu planting. Other seeds so good as the also. I have them. . /"QUICK MEAL. " Chartered as a State Bank Chartered as a National Bank June 1 , 1884. August 12 , 1902 , FIRST NATIONAL BANK Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) CAPITAL PAID IN A General Banking Exchange and $25,000. , Collection Business. C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. M. V , NICHOLSON , Cashier. N. J. AUSTIN. J. W. THOMPSON. ( SUCCESSOR TO K. UHEUKLANDER. ) GENERAL BLACKSMITHING AND WOODWORK. Horse Shoe in y a Specialty. TALK OF THE TOWN Jas. Smith was in town Satur day. Chas. Lower was in town Satur day. day.Will Will Morrissey celebrated in Chadron. Bert Pike was a city visitor last Saturday. Rivers Still well was a city vis itor Saturday. Hans Ulrick was in town to celebrate the Fourth. Ted Ormesher spent several days in town this week. Mike Jordan , of Arabia , was a Valentine visitor Saturday. G. W. Burge , from up the riv er , was in town Monday. Several celebrations down the road were called off on account of the rains. * Roy Kuskie and Frank Ash- burn were up from Syarks last Saturday. H. A. Daniels and wife , of Sim eon , were trading in town last Saturday. Tom Fitzhenry , of Chesterfield , was shaking hands with friends in town last Friday. Hep Shockley arrived in Valen tine last Thursday night. He has been down to Kansas City. Fred Jones came down from John Neiss7 ranch last Saturday to go down to Norfolk with the band. Joe Jennette was in town Satur day looking for men to help him to hold a bunch of cattle on Rock Creek. P. II. Young and Sam Hudson came in from Simeon Saturday and went up to Merriman to spend the Fourth. Miss Nellie Mahoney went up to Chadron last Friday night to spend a few days at home , return ing Tuesday. Hal Mclvean came down from the Hills last Eriday and spent several days visiting friends and relatives in town. County Attorney Tucker , Frank Whipplc and James Breuklander accompanied the band to Norfolk last Monday morning. Daniel Hubbard was in town Saturday. He has been SICK a great deal this spring and we are glad to see him out again. \Vm. A. . Allen and J. C. Jac- quains of Sparks neighborhood called at our office to see our en gine run while doing job printing. Mrs. K. M. Faddis and Miss rleinner went out to Kennedy last Sunday where they will spend ome time visiting friends and relatives. Wm. Dunbar and Walter Todd drove up from the Hancock ranch ast Sunday. Mr. Dunbar went up to Cody to spend the Fourth with his family. A telephone message from 3rownlee last week stated that there was a man and four horses dlled by lightning near there last Friday afternoon. Adam Smith , a prominent stock man from White river , was in iown the latter part of last week trading with our merchants. He returned home Sunday. Last Saturday company "AV jail team from the fort crossed jats with the local team of ex-sol diers. The first five inaings some : ast ball was played on both sides , the score being 5 to 5. After the ifth inning the local team went to pieces and the final score was 22 to 5 in favor of the fort. The band boys returned this morning from Norfolk , looking like they had a good , great and glorious time. Oliver Walcott spent the Fourth in town celebrating with his friends. He is at present work ing with a government surveying outfit south of Bassett. John Adamson came in from his ranch last Saturday. He brought in his daughter , Miss Edith , who has been enjoying the wholesome country air for several week. Last Friday evening Mrs. J. C. Webb again took possession of the Donoher hotel. Mrs. Webb intends to erect a new hotel build ing of stone in the near future. Miss Jacquains , of Sparks , who was operated upon three weeks ago at Emannel hospital in Oma ha for appendicitis is recovering ! and is expected to home this week. Lee and Harve Shepard return ed from Woodlake last Sunday af ter being gone a week hunting horses. They succeeded in find ing about 30 head that had been gone several years. I. M. Jones and son came down from Rosebud Monday , and Mon day nightwent up to Crookston to celebrate the Fourth. I. M. anJ Ray are building a Catholic church in Rosebud. s During the severe thunder-storm last Friday afternoon , lightning struck the home of W. S. Jackson. Fortunately no one was hurt , the only damage being the knocking off of some plaster from the walls. Frank Bush returned from the Methodist hospital at Omaha last Thursday night after undergoing a successful operation to straighten a crippled foot. He thinks that in a short time he will be able to walk upon it. Supt. Harmon , Road Master Hooker and Dick Lever were North-western railway officials in town Saturday. It has been per sistently rumored that their visit had something to do with the mak ing of Valentine a divis ion point. We have recently been request ed to give our opinion of Rev. J. W. Morgan as a minister and you may i be sure we made the recom mendations as high as can be ac corded to any man. Rev. Morgan is at present in White wood , S. D. , and may return to Nebraska. Lyons Mirror. On last Friday afternoon the bids to furnish 4877 head of issue cattle to the Indians were opened at. Rosebud. M. F. Clynes was found to be the lowest bidder , but on Saturday the Department tele graphed the agent to reject all bids and postpone the calling for new bids until next spring. On the same afternoon the agent ordered the Frank Curry & Co. cattle off the reservation. Early yesterday morning fire was discovered in the home of W. A. Kimbell. By the time the hose cart reached the scene the fire had reached the roof and the whole northeastern past of the house was a mass of flames. By very efficient work the firemen succeed ed in preventing the fire from spreading and confined it to the two east rooms. Miss Mills , the owner of the house , carried no in surance , the policy having expir ed only a few days ago. Mr. Kimbell carried'$500 insurance on his furniture. There is iiothing definate as yet known regarding the origin of the fire. This fire emphasized , as all other fires have , the need of an organized fire com pany. 49 49 49 49 * ? Shirts ! 49 49- * 49 HEW. HOBBY AHD HEAT. & 49 49 49 Mohairs , Colored Sateens , Oxfords , 49 49 Fancy Negligee , & 49 49 Plated Bosoms , Fancy Bosoms. 49 49 49 Buy one for the hot summer 49 weather. Be cool and comfortable 49 * 49 49V 9 Davenport & Thacher. 49 General Merchants. 49 EW SPRING GOODS EVERY mm DAY so We sell al Farming Implements , and at reason- Peering Binders B Mowers ableprices MAXE. VIERTEL CKOOKSTO NEBRASKA * 3 * AAAJliJjL& ! JtJlAtJtJtAA Shoes ! Shoes ! = 1 handle the celebrated Kirkendail Shoes for men , women and children. Good wear , good fitting and PRICES ARE RIGHT. W. A. PETTYCREW , GENERAL MDSE. WHITTEMOHE , Praa. CHARLES. SPARKS , Cashier. T. "W. STETTER , Vice Pres. ORAH L. BRITTON" , Ass't Cash. Persons seeking a place of safety for tlieir money , will profit by investigating the metkods employed in our business. CONFECTIONERY Suited to your taste. Canned Goods Lunch Counter. Are now at their best and All you want to eat at our we handle the best grade. Lunch Counter Cl R Home Bakery The Donoher will be 35c after April 29,1905 , Except Regular Board. Meal Ticket Limit 10 Days. R. L. HALL , Propr. GET nrimTTrmTo AT THIS PRINTING YOUR OFFICE tadOFFICE Tc Can Satisfy Ytu in Qa 1 hr Price tad