NOTICE. All cattle branded Q-j orH3 on left side or hip or Q on left side or hip ; also all horses branded Q on left jaw or hip , are the property of the ERICKSON CATTLE COMPANY and in the cus tody of the undersigned , as Re ceiver of said company. I will be grateful for informa tion that will lead to the recovery of any strays , or where a person has gone to any trouble or expense in recovering said cattle or horses , I will pay a suitable reward for the return of the same. C. H. CORNELL , Receiver , Valentine , Nebr. Strayed or Stolen. From 12 miles southeast of Rose bud , one 3-year old bay gelding , weight about 900 pounds , branded JL on left hip. Liberal reward for recovery. Address Ed. F. REID , 224 : Rushville , Neb. The Loup Valley Ilereford Ranch. Brownlee , Nebr , Prince Boabdel 131603 and Curly Coat 1122C1 at head of herd. The blood of Fowler. Anxiety. Lord Wilton and Sir Gladstone predomi nates ID my herd. I can fill orders foi balls of all ages at any time. .Ranch feur miles north-west of Brown- lee , JSebr. C. H. FAUI.HABEK , H.DAILEY , Dentist. Office over the grocery deparment of T. C. Hornby's store. Will be in Rosebud agency July 3rd , Oct. 2nd and Jan. 1,1904 : . JOHN F. PORATH Rioge. Nebr. < \ Tubular wells and windmills. . . Hall . , M. D. lbjslciiin and Surgeon. All calls promptly attended to day or night. Drugs and Phar maceuticals furnished. Wood - C. M. SAGESEK /i Jarb'er * First-class Shop in Every Respect Qulnthe Hair Tonic , Golden Star Bair TbnlCfHenjIcide and Coke's Dandruff Cure. Try.Pompeian Face Massage Cream A. N. COMPTON Physician and Surgeon Office at Quigley & Chapman's Drug Store. Nights The Don- oher residence , Cherry Street. Dr. Q. 0. Sturdevant , . RES11 > E\T DEXTIST. Office over Daventcrt's Store Wesl Entrance Valentine , Nebraska. H. M. CRAMER , City Deliveryman , Trunks , valises and packages hauled to and from the depot and all parts of the City. J. L. ASHBURN , Contractor and Build er in Brick or Stone Work. Valentine , - Nebr. THIehacl Anfirelo'ii Work. .Tllchael Aiigelo relied almost entirely upon form the form of tlie figure and jr of the draperies. He told Pope Julian jrf II. , when the latter requested him to f paint the celling of the Sistine chapel at Rome , that he was not a painter , but a sculptor ; yet , after he had shut himself tip for four years from 1503 to 1512 and the scaffold was removed , a result had been achieved which Is Without parallel in the world. Very wonderful Is the work which Michael A&gelo spread over this vast area of 10,000 square feet The fact that th'ere are 343 principal figures , many of colossal size , besides a great num ber of others introduced for decora tive effect , and that the creator of this vast scheme was only thirty-three when he began his work all this la marvelous , prodigious , and yet not so marvelous as the variety of expression in the figures of which Jeremiah Is on * ly one figure In a small side arch. Charles H. Caffin in St Nicholas. To act with common sense according to th * moment Is the best wisdom I Sam Hudson was in town Tues day. James Dahlman and Frank Cur ry are in town. Robert Lee was in town yester day on business. George Dew , of Chesterfield was in town yesterday. Jake Stetter returned yesterday from the Gillaspie ranch. D. W. Parmelee , the Cut Meat trader , was in town yesterday. D. W. Armstrong : , of Cody , was in the city the first of the week. D. L. McLean of Rosebud , was a city visitor the latter part of last week. M. F. Clynes came in from his ranch yesterday , and today went up to Rosebud. Dr. E. S. Furay , the popular Cody physician , was a Valentine visitor Tuesday. Mrs. Emma Dennis returned this week from Norden to visit a few days in the city , THE DEMOCRAT recently re ceived a postal card from Father Ferdinand Lechleitner at Rome. A number of Valentine people attended the sale at Crookston last Saturday. The stock brought good prices. The sale of the effects of the late S. L. Ellis yesterday at Simeon was well attended and fair prices were realized. C. S. Gould returned from his eastern visit yesterday morning. Mrs. Gould and Johnnie remained for a longer visit. Miss Mary Cumbow came up from TVoodlake Monday to attend the junior normal. She recently closed a successful term of school. Miss Allie Cyphers , after at" tending school at the Lincoln Busi ness college for the past winter , is now working in W. E. Haley's real estate office. A. Morey and wife have gone back to their old home in Illinois for a visit where they will spend several weeks among , , old time friends and relatives. TV. J. Ward has been seriou&ly ill with rheumatism for. some time and intends to go to Hot Springs for treatment. TVe sincerely hope for his speedy recovery. Grant Boyer and Frank Riggle have H. M. Cramer's house com pleted , except the painting and putting in two windows , and in vited the editor to inspect it yesterday which we did and found it done in a very creditable manner. Jas. Quigley and M. F. Clynes of Valentine , T. B. Irwin of Gordon , P. G. Cooper and J. F. Connell of Crawford , and M. P. Morton of Fairfax , S. D. , drove up to Rosebud today to be on band at the opening of bids for the issue cattle tomorrow. TVm. Maier and Walt Meisner came up to Valentine from Wood Lake last Monday while waiting for the belated passenger and spent several hours with friends. We understand that they have sev eral contracts on hand and are kept busy. Mr. Maier informs us that his family is enjoying good health. Wm. F. Brown , of Crookston , received a letter from his sister , Mrs. Shetrow , in White Pigeon , Mich. , this week , stating that her husband was dead and their father Wm. Brown had been quite sick. Mr. Brown started this morning with the purpose of bringing botk his father and sister back with him. Mrs. Shetrow formerly lived near Crookston. Jas. Nolan and wife and Mrs. Ella Ellis came to town from Sim eon last Friday and Mrs. Nolan departed for her home north of Harrison , Neb. , on the passenger. Mr. Nolan will remain to assist Mrs. Ellis in closing up the estate of the late S. L. Ellis when Mrs. Ellis and children will accompany him home for a two weeks visit and will go from there to join her father's family atJMoscow , Idaho. * It has rained nearly every day the past three weeks. The country is full of water. Last Thursday an altercation between Charles Price and his wife resulted in the latter firing four shots at him , the last striking him in the back. The bullet lodg ed about an inch and a half be neath the skin , having struck a bone and flattened. Dr. Lewis cut it out , and except for the pain Price was not seriously hurt. Yesterday evening , June 28 , 1905 , at the home of the groom's mother , Frederick TV. Buechle was joined in marriage to Miss Nettie Heth , Rev. A. T. Carpenter officiating. A large number of friends and relatives were present and after the ceremony the guests were invited to a splendid repast. THE DEMOCRAT extends congratu lations. Frank Curry & Go's , contract to furnish 4977 heifers to the govern ment for issue cattle having failed to go through because of Secre tary Hitchcock's demanding that the cattle be delivered , while the bureau of animal industry required the cattle to be dipped which nec essarily delayed delivery and sub jected the contractor to a penalty of $1,000 per day , consequently they chose to forfeit the contract and new bids were invited by the government through Agent Mc- Chesney at Rosebud. Bids are to be opened and considered tomor row at Rosebud. The Latter Day Saints are hold * ing tent meetings in the west part of town. Their meetings have been well attended , considering the damp weather and dark nights * Elders D. M. Rudd and J. M. Stubbart are doing the preaching. These elders represent the Re organized church of Jesus Christ of L. D. S. , the headquarters of ( which are at Lamoni , la. This church has nothing to do with the Latter Day Saints or "Mormon" church of Utah , but to condemn' their follies. Meetings every evening and Sunday at 11 o'clock. All are invited. J. M. STUBBART. The U. S. weather bureau re port for the week ending June 28 , shows extremes of temperature respectively : 75 ° on the 28th , and 45 ° on the 22nd , a range of 30 ° . The mean for the week was 59 ° and the normal 69 ° , a loss of 10 ° . The low temperature and lack of sunshine during this period have not helped crops very much. The precipitation is probably un precedented in amount , the total being 3.38 , and the normal 0.78 , and excess of 2.6 inches. The- lowland crops more or less have" almost been drowned out for the time being. The winds have been aigher than usual and exceptional ly high on the 22nd , when the velocity reached its maximum of 30 miles per hour on the 22nd. Thunder storms occurred every day except one. The summary from Nebraska section weather bureau shows as follows : The past week has been cold and wet with several severe lail and rain-storms which serious ly damaged small grain in small areas. The mean daily tempera ture averaged 30 ° below normal in southern counties and 8 ° below in northern. The rainfall occurred mostly in heavy thunder-storms and was above normal in nearly all parts of the state. It exceeded an inch in all except a few north eastern and northwestern counties. In most of the central counties it ranged between 2 and 4iaches. . Winter wheat is ripening rapidly and the harvest has begun in southeastern counties. Wheat has rusted some in the regions of heavy snowfall but not enough to cause a material injury to the crop. In general , the damage by Hessian fly seems to be less than was ex pected and the crop now promises to be better than seemed probable earlier in the season. Spring wheat and oats have grown well and improved in condition. Po tatoes continue to grow well. The wet weather delayed alfalfa har vest and damaged considerable of A friend of the fiom A foe of the Trust Calumet Baking Powder Oompliea with the Pure Food Laws of all States. the crop in western counties. Clover.and timothy are being cut. The prospects in most parts of the state is for a large hay crop. Corn is small but has grown well the past week except in northern counties where the low tempera ture has been unfavorable. At 9 o'clock yesterday evening , June 28 , 1905 , Miss Lizzie Hayes and II. A. Daniels were united in marriage at the home of Sam Hudson near Simeon. The bride entered on the arm of her father and was met by the groom under a canopy of white flowers where the impressive ring ceremony was performed by Eev. Cumbow. A large company of guests present showered congratulations upon the happy couple. Many valuable and beautiful presents were re ceived. Both the bride and groom have resided in this county for a number of years and are well and favorably known. THE DEMO CRAT extends best wishes. Catholic Church Announce ment. On Sunday next , mass will be said here at 10:30 : a. m. Catechism class at 3 in the afternoon. \cbrusku JliiMt Keep Th 5 Off Year Election * . Lincoln , Neb , June 22.In an opinion filed this morning , the judges of the supreme court de clared the biennial election law un constitutional and void. The judges say that it attempts to extend the time of constitutional officers , and this is clearly beyond tliG power of the legislature. The biennial law , enacted by "piejast legislature , the bill being introduced by Warner , sought to 'do awao with .the off year elec tions. World Herald. The officers to be elected this fall are as follows : In the state : One supreme court judge. Two regents of state university. In the county : Sheriff. County treasurer. County clerK. Register of deeds. County judge. Surveyor. County assessor. Kennedy Items. A. McAlevy has put in a phone over at his place. The hay flats are flooded with water this year. Pretty near everybody around Kennedy are going up to Gillas- pies to spend the Fourth. Ben Bachelor is helping John Bachelor dip and brand his cattle. We hear that Ben Steadman and Ben Bachelor have crowded Frank Kime out of all of his pas ture room this year. Ernest Wilkinson and Ben Steadman was down on the river at a dance at Mr. Burge's place last Friday night. We hear that Frank Kime run the Piercy boys out of Lone Tree the other day , but such is life in the far west. The Irish at Brownlee are pret ty good fighters , but they can't come up to some of the boys around Kennedy. Once upon a time there was a poor hog went to a lady's house to get fed and the lady fed him good and he thought he would go again , but the second time he got boiling water. NEW COMER. Ont of Hafrm'0 Avar. "What the deuce are you doing on the top of that tree , Mike ? Don't you know that It's being cut down ? " Mike Yes , your honor. The last tolme ye had a tree cut down It fell on top of me , and , begorra , Oi'll be safe this tolme ! London Tit-Bits. A Great Separator There is a best in ev r thin ? . It must be BEST MADE EASIEST USED MOST EF FECTIVE MOST SIMl-LE. By actual com parison in actual use. The Sharpies Tubular Separator Has proved it has these points in its favor. That's what puts it away ahead of all other sep arators that's why I sell it. Get hold of facts. VV. W. MORRISSEY , Valentine , Neb. RANCHES FOR SALE ! We will find quick buyers for any Land , Live Stock or any other property you have ready for market. wxite TJjsuJLols. . . So © TJs. Cherry County Land & Live Stock Co FRESH FRUIT AND GAME IN THEIR SEASON. First class line of Steaks , Roasts , Dry Salt Meats Smoke 1 Breakfast Bacon. Highest Market Price Paid for Hogs. IHE EMPIRE CREAM SEPARATOR Easy Running , Easy Washing , Clean Skimming , The Simplest is tlie ISest. Nothing to get out of order and will last a life time , llecommended by all who have used them. A practical machine sold on easy terms by 16 8 y.ft r D A IV/I ID VALENTINE , GRANT BOYER , CARPENTER BUILDER. All lands of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes Valentine , - Nebrask a New Styles in Ladies Fancy Shirt Waist Patterns , A. JOHN & CO. , DEALER IN Dry Goods g Notions CANDIES AND FRESH FRUIT TOBACCOS AND CIGARS Special Prices on Winter Underwear and Hosiery , OLD POSTOFFiCE BUILDING. VALENTINE , NEBR. JAMES BHULL rTHEOWL SALOON W.A.TAYLOR. 9 Sole Agents for HERALD PUKE RYE WHISKEY Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER Choicest Wines and Cigars , VALENTINE A : NEBRASKA I have buyer for Nebraska farms. If you want to sell , list with me or write for particulars. 47 HORACE GRANT , Heist Bldg. Kansas City , Mo. For feed or livery call on the Eagle Livery. Commercial trade a specialty. We have some good second hand buggies and harness for sale. Call and see us. SHEPHARD BROS. , Prop. STRAYED From my place near Valentine about middle of.May , one 2-year old sorrel horse colt , white stripe in face , branded Qi on left shoul der. 2i MARK D. CYPHERS. Rice writes insurance. I Halldorson & Barnett , your pho tographers. Office open the 1st to 6tb , inclusive. _ FOR SALE ; City Hotel , lot and building. Price § 1000. 18 C. H. CORNELL , Agent. - FOR SALE : 7 room house. Acre lot. Nice lawn and fine trees. 9 P. F. Snioy s. _ She-boy-gan Wigwam Hosiery for boys and girls , ladies and mis ses at Miss Martins. 22 In posing subjects for a photo , the greatest care is necessaryJike - wise in finishing. The retouching ranks next , and the soft . lighting. We employ only experts at all branches of the photo-making , con sequently we can give you the best and the latest. Look for our regu lar dates. dates.HALLDORSON HALLDORSON & BARRETT.