Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, June 29, 1905, Image 4
THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT I. M. RICE , Editor and Propr. Entered at the postofiice at Valentine , Cherry county , Nebr. . as Second Class Matter. TERMS : Subscription $1.00 per year in advance ; $1 50 when not paid in advance. Display Advertising 1 inch single column loc per issue or $6.00 a year. Local Notices , Obituaries , Lodge Resolutions and Socials for revenue 5c per line per issue. Brands , H inches$4.00 per year in advance ; additional space $3.00 per year ; engraved blocks extra $1.00 each. 10 per cent additional to above rates if over 6 months in arrears. Parties living outside Cherry county are requested to pay in advance. - Notices of losses of stock free to brand advertisers. THURSDAY , JUNE 29 , 1905. Boose veil on a Lower Plane. Washington , D. C. , June 23. That President Koosevelt's actions in the Bowen-Loomis and Paul Morton affairs have placed him on a lower plane of public service and devotion to ideals is the con sensus of expression in eastern newspapers of all shades of politi cal opinion. The president is acceped by edi torial and news writers alike , by public men and people at large , as having white-washed Loomis and Morton in a fashion which even the best friends of the administra tion make no attempt to defend. The developments of these twin scandals have been followed with deepest interest. It is not too much to say that the president's action in both cases was fully ex- j pected , but in neither was it ex pected that he would base his ac tion on so weak a statement of facts and reason. J. C. Welliver in Sioux City Tribune. An Kh-ction riiixVar. . The supreme court has declared the biennial elections law violative of the constitution. Public senti ment in Nebraska , which v overwhelmingly in .favor of the law , must bow to that decree. Instead of being able to devote the summer and fall to a calm and thoughtful discussion and study of public questions , free from the heat of partisanship , the people of the state must prepare for the an nual plunge into politics. The earnest consideration for the best means of remedying glaring evils that afliict the state , which , in the past few months , has been pro ductive of much good , will shortly be asked to give way to the de mands of the party. The fact , while it cannot be helped , is to be deplored. The World-Herald feels , how ever , that partisanship does not appeal as strongly to Nebraskans as it did a few years ago. Public sentiment is crystalizing in a de mand for relief from heavy burd ens and intolerable impositions , and not even the heat of political campaign will be able to dissipate that sentiment or undo the pro gress that has been made. V i It is to be hoped that the citi 1 zens of Nebraska , whatever their party affiliations , who are earnest in their desire for reform , will manifest their earnestness even in this off-year election. Let them attend their primaries ; let them send good , clean men to their con ventions ; let them scrutinize the t standing of applicants for place upon their tickets , and demand some other qualification beside the railroad O. K. If they will do this they will get the most good out of a campaign they would gladly and might profitably have avoided. Our sympathies to the people of ' the First district. Thanks to the hoggishness of Senator Burkett last fall , in demanding election to , two offices at the same time , they > are called upon to suffer two cam ; paigns in one year. One will tread upon the other's heels. It's . tough on the First district but then Elmer Jacob Burkett had to be taken care of , regardless of the convenience of the people. World Herald. . . J t < People Who Have A Telephone Need only to call up No. 2. any time they want Drug Store Goods and we will * immediately send a messen- . ger with the desired articles. It's no trouble to us to deliver goods. QUIGLEY & CHAPMAN , DRUGGISTS. Contract Let for Road 10O titles from Casper. The Northwestern has given the , contract for the grading of the Casper extension , from Casperf Wyo. , to Poison Creek , Shoshone . reservation , to Kilpatrick Bros. < & ' Collins of Beatrice. The contract was let the other day , Manager ' Bidwell , . who returned Sunday morning from Chicago , announc ing the fact. Work on the contract will begin at once and it will be pushed rap- idly , as the road is desirous of getting the track in condition for service as soon as possible. The distance is a little over 100 miles. | Several hundred men and teams will be employed in the work. ' World-Herald. FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRATION Ci'ookstoii , Nebraska. PROGRAM. Salute at Sunrise. 9:00 : A. M. Reading of Dec laration of Independence. Song by Crookston Quartet. Address by James C. Quigley. Song by Crookston Quartet. Ball Game Crookston vs Har mony. Purse § 15.00. Dinner. Ball Game Schlagel vs Crooks- Lon. Purse § 10.00. Pony Races , Boys' and Girls' Foot Races. One attraction possessing more merit than any ever given in the West s THE GREAT CAMERONI , ivho suspended 300 feet , will make i wire slide of 1000 feet , holding irmly by his teeth , making a slide 'or his life. This attraction , from ' ivory point of view , will be worth | Doming miles to see. This man julls against any team of horses vith his teeth and will give many ther thrilling exhibitions during he day. i Good Bowery and Dancing in .he Afternoon and Evening. | Everybody cordially invited. , , COMMITTEE. Mr. Barnes is looking after < he elephone line out at Kennedy. j. S Cnpt. Kirkman Reaches Ft. teavenworth Prison. Leaven worth , Kas. , June 23. Former Captain George S. Kirk man , Twenty-fifth infantry , U. S. A. , was brought to the federal penitentiary today to serve a three- year sentence at hard labor. Kirk man had two telescopes and two large trunks filled with clothing. He will be detained in a large room with about 100 new arrivals , Indians , Mexicans , negros and whites , for a few days. World- Herald. Old Timers at Dead wood Be wildered by Reform. Dead wood , S. D. , June 2i. Old timers in Lead and Dead wood are wondering if they are hearing and seeing things aright. , For nearly thirty years they have been accustomed to the wide open saloons with its crowd of miners and prospectors making life gay around the gambling tables and bar. Now they see the games of chance removed , screens down from the windows of the sa loons , chairs and tables cleared out and all seems new to the lookeron. Some say it is a spasmodic re form movement of the anti-saloon people which will last a month or so and then the "lid will come off. " World-Herald. STRAYED From my place , 2 miles east of town on the river , one brown horse , branded (01 ( on left hip. j left hind foot is white. Also , one black stock hog. Liberal reward for recovery. CHARLES PRICE , 242 Valentine Nebr. Mi We have just received a full line of the celebrated JOHN DEERB Farm Implements , consisting of Plows , both riding and walking Listers Cultivators" Harrows , Disks , etc , etc , We have three different makes of riding Cultivators and also carry in stock Lister Carriages suitable for convert ing any steel beam walking ! lister or plow into a riding lis ter or a riding plow. I Experience has proven that the JOHN DEERE goods are the best in the market , and by" buying two car loads we are enabled to make you very closfc prices , Our friends are invited to call and inspect the goods. m 5u toil Lite Co. Alien SATURDAY , JULY m .dlllldl WILL SELL AT S- MULLEN NEBR. , . , at 10:30 : A. M , at Public Auction to the highest bidder for cash , ap it I proximately the following 300 HORSES MARES , including the Company's best hajing teams for mowers , sweeps and rakes , SADDLE HORSES and some MARES with colts by young their sides. This number will also include about 60 head of young native mares and geldings ( by pure bred Percheron stallion ) raised on the company's ranch , and running from yearlings upward. ALSO THEIR BEST WAGONS MOWERS HARNESS and a large assortment FARM , , of various kinds of MACHINERY In addition to the above auction sale The Standard Cattle Cc will hold the following sales : At Pass Ranch , FRIDAY , JULY 7 , 1905 At Big Creek Ranch , MONDAY , " 10 , 1905 At Carver Ranch , WEDNESDAY , " I 2 , 1905 At these sales they will offer for cash to the highest bidder : All their haying and farm machinery not included in the Mullen sale. Sale at each * ranch will commence at 10:30 : a. m. on dates mentioned , W. E. Hite assisted by G. E Tracewell , will conduct the Mullen sale , and Gr. * * Tracewell the other three sales on the 7th , 10th and 12th of July ,