Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, June 22, 1905, Image 1
mrr VALEN CRAT. VOLUME XX VALENTINE. NEBRASKA. JUNE 22 , 1905. NUMBER 23 t- , 49 _ iHot 49 49 49 4 ? 49 49 4 ? 49 49 49 49 In all qualities and quantities , to 49 be had at this time of year , con 49 sisting of Wash Silks in all colors 49 and styles. 49 4V Lawns , Dimity , Batistes , 49 Wash Voiles , Orandies 49 Plain and Dotted Swisses , 49 49 Belts of all descriptions. & 49 49 White Wash Bolts , $ .15 to § .50 White Satin Belts , .75 to 1.25 49 Black Satin Belts , .75 to 1.25 49 Black Silk Belts , .35 to 1.25 49 All sizes and prices within 49 reach of everydody 49 49 Shirt Waist Suits 49 49 In different styles and patterns , 49 prices ranging as follows : § 2.75 , 49 § 3.50 , § 4.00 , § 4.50 , § 5.00 , § 6.00. 49 49 Shirt Waists 4 ° 49 of all kinds and in all colors. 49 There is no use to talk to you 49 about SHOES because you know * 49 we carry the best and most com 49 plete line in the sand hills , anct 49 DOK'T YOU FORGET IT. Our 49 out-of-town customers when in 49 town , make our store your head- 49 49 * FRONT MERC. CO fc & Just Ladies * Shirt Waists , Suits , Skirts and Arrived Under Skirts , Silk Skirts guaranteed for three years. MERCHANT TAILOR. a era COro Quick ro My Furniture 03 stock is being con- al" stantly replenished Meal CJ with good serviceable CD articles for the home , Gasoline Stoves and ranges are the best and safest. They are al ways ready for use. CO You want Garden Don't delay. Get one C3 Seeds for spring and save half the wor C ry of your life. None CD planting. Other seeds so good as the also. I have them. "QUICK MEAL. " Chartered As a State Bank Chartered as a National Bank June 1 , 1884. August 12 , 1902 , FIRST NATIONAL BANK Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) CAPITAL PAID A General Banking Exchange and Collection Business. C H. COBNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. M. V , NICHOLSON , Cashier. . J. AUSTIN. J. TV. THOMPSON. ( SUCCESSOKS TO E. BKEUKLANDEK. ) GEXEKAL BLACKSMITIUNG AKO WOODWORK. Horse Shoeing a Specialty , , J-vtW i * * J TALK OF THE TOWN Jim Hudson was in town Satur day. Yank O'Bryan was in town Monday. Get I. M. Kice to write up your insurance. T. W. Cramer was a caller at this office Tuesday. D. A. Piercy , of Kennedy , was in town Monday. "Win. Ballard was trading in town last Saturday. Max Viertel was down from Crookston Monday. Wm. Erickson came up from the ranch last Monday. Louie Buck paid this office a call while in town Tuesday. James Searby , of Crookston , was on our streets Monday. F. H. Baumgartl was down from Crookston the first of the week. Miss Pearl Ray , of Chadron , is in town visiting friends and relatives. Last Monday night the mid night train killed a fine horse for Tom VanBuren. John Lord was in the city the first of the week and says Simeon is an island now. Hon. Frank Eothleutner , the Georgia merchant , was in town Monday on business. James C. Dahlman and Frank Curry came in from their cow camp last Saturday. John Whittemore , of Cody , spent Sunday in town visiting friends and relatives. L. K. Travis and Charles Mc- Chesney were visitors in Valentine Friday from Rosebud.r * r Miss Sarah Simpson returned from a couple of weeks sojourn at Hot Springs last week. Mrs. C. A. Austin left Sunday morning for a several weeks visit with sisters in Chicago. George Miller rode the Odd Fellow's goat at their regular meeting last Thursday night. Gordon Burge came up from the ranch Monday and will spend several days visiting in town. Everett Harvey started for the wild west Tuesday morning but was found before he left town. Arthur Turnbull is in town. He has been working for the Parmalee Cattle Co. , on Soldier Creek , S.D. Miss Nellie Collett returned from Arabia Saturday night after closing a successful term of school. E. C. Cole came down from Cody Tuesday on business connect ed with the county assessor's of fice. fice.E. E. W. Thode was in town Sat urday and Sunday , and says that everything is looking fine on White river. C. H. Cornell is the proud pos sessor of a bouncing baby boy who arrived Monday morning , June 19 , 1905. Miss Laura Pettijohn left for Lincoln last Thursday morning to take up a course of study in a summer school * Sam Hudson and Miss Lizze Hayes of Simeon were seen in town Monday , trading with our local merchants. Dr. Archer , son-in-law of D. A. Piercy came up from the ranch Monday and left for his home at Grafton this state. Miss Leta Stetter returned from Lincoln last Friday night , where she had been attending school at the state university. Geo. E. Hornby returned from Lincoln last Thursday night where he has been attending school at AYesleyan university. Mrs. Henry Hoenig and daugh ter , Miss Glen , left Sunday morn ing for an extended visit with relatives in Wisconsin. Last Friday was the day that everybody felt good. It was pay day at the fort and our merchants done a rushing business. > ' Bertrand Jeffers , M. D. , re ' turned from Omaha last Thursday night. Bert is now a full fleged doctor and we wish him success. Mr. and Mrs. Collett left Sun day morning for an extended visit through Michigan and Indiana. They expect to be gone until Oct. M. F. Clynes came in from his homestead last Saturday and re turned Sunday afternoon. Mike says rural life has greatly benefited his health. R. S. Faddis drove up from his ranch last Friday. At present he is busy erecting telephone lines between different ranches. Harry Harper is superintending the job. Charles Hudson called at this office on business last Saturday. He says that there has been too much rain and the cold weather has made crops grow very slow. Work has begun on the new opera house. The old court house is to be remodeled into an up to date opera house. Jas. L. > Ash- burn has taken the contract for the work. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sparks , ac companied by their son Leonard , returned from the East Sunday morning. Leonard recently grad ! uated from the Michigan military academy. S. A. Lee has erected a brand new barber pole , painted with all the colors of the rainbow. It cer tainly had ought to let you know that there is a barber shop across the street. Mrs. Marjorie Williamson , of St. Louis , is visiting her parents , Judge and Mrs. Towne of this city. Through an oversight THE DEMOCRAT omitted mentioning her arrival last week. THE DEMOCRAT force has taken a moving streak. The editor has moved his household goods into the Daniels dwelling on Cherry street and Mark Zarr now occu pies the rooms above the office. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Gould and son John left for the East Sunday morning. Mr. Gould will spead a week in Chicago and Mrs. Gould and John wilP go . - on to Boston where they will visit their old home for several weeks. Last Sunday the Odd Fellows and Rebeccas held their memorial services in honor of their dead. Lead by the Valentine concert band the members marched to the graveyard. Six flower girls deco rated the graves with flowers. C. C. Thompson called on us yesterday while in town. He had with him some fine samples of al falfa , timothy , Kentucky blue grass and wheat grass which he raised on his farm southwest of town. The samples are on ex hibition at the 1st National bank. Last Saturday afternoon the Crookston and Schlagel ball teams met at Crookston and the game resulted in a victory for Crookston , the score being 8 to 3. Up to the eight inning the score stood 3 to 2 and the game was pretty fast , but the Schlagel aggregation went to pieces in the eight and ninth. Kelly and O'Rouke for Crooks- ton and Lansing and Beeming for Schlagel were the batteries. Last Friday night , while taking their regular constitutional about 10:30 : p. m. , several young men were startled to see someone cele brating the Fourth ahead of time. A high board fence , which never looked good to them before , sud denly took their fancy and they made a hundred in a ten-clip to get behind it. There they watched the celebration in perfect safety. In the meantime the marshal bravely attacked the marauders , and , with much risk to his life , took a pistol away from one and a razor away from another , and un assisted landed all three in jail. The town is to be congratulated on having such efficient police of ficers who are always on hand when trouble occurs ( that is , when it is all over ) . The young men behind the fence hailed the mar shal as their deliverer , because bullets did not look good to them. Let everybody unite in praising our marshal for his brave and heroic deeds. One can venture on the streets at any time of the night in perfect safety with such officers. -O-OWO-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O 49 ft 49 49 49 49 49 irts ! & * & fc 9- fcfc fci 49 fc 49 > gHEW , HOBBY AHD HEAT. 5 \ Mohairs , Colored Sateens , Oxfords , Fancy Negligee , Plated Bosoms , Fancy Bosoms. Buy one for the hot summer 49 weather. Be cool and comfortable | Davenport & Thacher. General Merchants. W SPRING GOODS mm , EVERY DAY so We sell al Farming Implements , and Deering Binders I Mowers at able reason , prices MAX E. VIERTEL CROOKSTO NEBRASKA ] * * * Jt * JUfcS tA&AA JLWJLi * JUL Shoes ! Shoes ! I handle the celebrated Kirkendall Shoes for men , women and children. Good wear , good fitting and PRICES ARE RIGHT. W. A. PETTYCREW , GENERAL MDSE. * rrr * rrr srvs' r 4 FHED WHITTEMOHE , Pras. CHARLES. SPARKS , Cashier. T. W. STETTER , Vice Pres. ORAH L. 33RITTON , Ass't Cash. Persons seeking a place of safety for their money , will profit by investigating the methods employed in our business. 5 2SS3S2Ss52SESSS3253 CONFECTIONERY Suited to your taste. Canned Goods Lunch Counter. Are now at their best and All you want to eat at our we handle the best grade. Lunch Counter i Home Bakery The Donoher will be 35c after April 29,1905 , Except Regular Board. Meal Ticket Limit 10 Days. R. L. HALL , Propr. GET TTOm-nTTRTO AT THIS PRINTING YOUR OFFICE * Ve Cac Sutitfy Yu in Qu-'lhr Price aod Wotkmanxbip