Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, June 15, 1905, Image 4

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    L . _ _ _ _ _ _ „ _
i _ . _
Entered at the Po tofflce at Valentine. Clier
County. Nebraska , as Secoud-class Matter.
Thursday , June 15,1905.
John Shelbourn was in our cit
Daniel Fowler was a city visitc
Alex Burr , of Pullman , was i
town yesterday.
Dave Hancock was in from h
ranch yesterday.
Sam Hudson was in town Moi
day on business.
Jim Hudson was in town fro >
Sand Creek yesterday.
W. S. Jaekson is at Pecatonic !
111. , visiting his parents.
Bennett Irwin , of Gordon , wz
in town the first of the week.
Mrs. Callen is visiting wit
friends in Valentine this week.
Crookston will celebrate the 4t
of July. Look for program ne :
i John Bachelor , accompanied b
his little boy , Otho , went out 1
j the ranch Monday.
Joe Abdallah returned Monda
morning from a successful bus
j ness trip in South Dakota.
Dan Lane took in the town th
first of the week. He has bee
out at Bob Gillaspie's ranch.
Jf. Sullivan , of Merriman , cam
down Tuesday evening on business
returning yesterday morning.
E. C. Cole came down froi
Cody yesterday on business cor
nected with the assessor's office.
i r Notice the stock sale ad of th
A. E. Thacher estate in this issue
June 2ith at Crooksten , Nebr.
Mrs. Delilah Carey has built
porch on her dwelling , repainte
the house and buiii a fence in f roni
Clias. Sherman returned ypstei
' day morning from Bnone , la. , a
ter successful.selling a car c
Dan Sears was in from Kenned ,
t the first of the week attending t
' some land busines and gettin ,
! ready for haying.
I Mark D. Cyphers , proprietor o
the lied Gate Dairy was called t
his home in New Jersey by a mes
sage saying his mother was very ill
Mrs. J. M. Clarkson and fannl.
wish to thank their many friend
for the assistance and kindnes
shown them in the time of thei
sad bereavement.
Capt. Mapes and wife leave Ft
Niobrara Friday morning for th
Philippines. Capt. Mapes wa
recently transferee ! to the Philip
pine constabulary.
Bill Steadman was in town th
first of the week , bringing his lit
tie boy Robert with him to receiv
treatment for his arm which ha
been broken three times.
Misses Inez and Stella Sears c
Rushville , Miss Carrie Daniels r
Bancroft and Ervine Pont c
Stanton are in town forming par
of the Holcomb-Bristol bridi
"W. D. Morgareidge arrived fror
Moscow , Idaho , Monday morninj
and went put by stage to Simeo
to assist his daughter in settling u ]
the estate of his son-in-law , the lat
S. L. Ellis.
Mrs. Ella Ellis , accompanied b ,
her brother-in-law , Robert Ellis
and her three younger children
and Albert Thacker and wife o
Simeon were in town Monday am
Mrs. Ella Ellis ask us to expres
her sincere thanks to friends am
neighbors for their kindly assist
ance during her sad bereavement
occasioned by the untimely deatl
of her beloved husband.
Walter Brown received a tele
gram Tuesday night from his wif
stating that she was taken siclv a
Oakdale while on her way home
Mr. Brown left yesterday morn
ing to bring her home. At th
present time she is better.
The Eagle lodge intends to giv
a big celebration at Thacher'
grove the 4th of July. Ampl
preparations have been made am
all are invited to be present. 1
ball game and bowery dance wil
be features of the day , No tic
large ad elsewhere in this paper.
Miss Agnes Piercy and brothe
Leonard drove in from their rancl
at Kennedy Tuesday. They cam
to meet their brother-in-law , Dr
Archer , of Graf ton , Neb. Docto
Archer left here about eighteei
years ago and says he never sa\
so remarkable a change. He wil
visit for some time at the Pierc ;
Rupert Arnold , of Sioux City
a broiijcr-in-law of Mr. Kimbell.
is visiting him this week.
Micc Neil Fountain , of Soutl
Bond , hid. , is visiting at the hoim
of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Sparks.
Miss Orvilla Carey is home foi
a month's vacation from IVioi
Creek Indian School in Montana
where she is laundress.
L. C. Sparks of the Ludviji
Lumber Co. , made a couple oi
trips to Omaha recently to bid on
government contracts.
Rasmus Anderson , the genia
proprietor of the Rosebud Hote
was in town Tuesday and Wednes
day shaking hands with friends.
Mrs. E. H. Tripp , matron oi
Indian school at Tower , Minn. , is
visiting her daughter , Mrs. Cecil
Riggle at Oak Creek , Rosebuc
Miss Maud Bennett , who was
married on May 8th to Richard J
Williams at Atlantic City , Wyo.
came dow.n a week later to live on
her homestead and returned Mon
day night to Atlantic City.
Hot Springs.
It was our pleasure to join th (
editors in their trip to Hot Spring ?
after the E. V. E. A. at Rushvilk
June 3. Styled the Karlsbad ol
America and it is where the peo
pie of every land find amusemenl
and rest. Hot Springs is noted as
a health resort but more people gc
there for pleasure and recreatior
than for medical treatment. Two
of the finest plunge baths in the
world are found here. The watei
is 92 ° in the Mammoth and 9tt °
in the old plunge and is even tem
perature the year around. Mag
nificent scenery abounds. The
green hills covered here and there
with pine trees , and mountainous
peaks alternating with valleys and
canyons in the distance lend en
chantment to the office prisoners
who seek rest in sequestered shady
nooks or a plunge into the limpid
waters to drown care and smooth
wrinkles. Wind cave is only a
couple of hours drive from Hot
Springs and everyone who has not
been through it should go. Hotel
accommodations are ample at any
time and they take good care oi
their guests.
Elmer G. Bristol and Myrtle B.
Holcomb were united in holy mat
rimony at the home of the groom
Wednesday evening , June 14 , 1905.
The house was beautifully decorat
ed with roses , ferns and snowballs.
Exactly at 8:30 : o'clock the bridal
party marched in to the strains of
a wedding march , played by Miss
Zadia Elliott. The bride and groom
were preceded by two ribbon bear
ers , Misses Gertrude Quigley and
Julia Bristol , and the bridesmaid
and best man , Miss Margurete
Quigley and Ervine Pont. They
took their places under a beautiful
canopy of roses and carnations
where the solemn and impressive
ring ceremony was performed by
Rev. Carpenter , after which they
received congratulations from the
fifty guests that were assembled
to bid them God speed throughout
their journey through lii'e. Tlu ;
groom was attired in a plain black
suit and the bride was elegeantly
gowned in a cream colored dress
and carried cream roses. Many
beautiful and valuable presents
were received from their many
friends. The bride has resided
with us the past two years and is
known as one of Valentine's most
charming and talented young la
dies. The groom was raised in
this community and his steadiness ,
integrity and honesty are Known
to all. The outlook for their jour
ney through life is bright and
promising and THE DEMOCRAT
extends congratulations to the hap
py couple. They will be at home
after July 22 , at their home on
Macomb street.
FOR SALE Short Horn bulls ,
singly or in car lots. Ages from
one to three years.
D. J. CROXIX , O'Neill , Neb.
City Delivery man ,
Trunks , valises and packages ] hauled to and
from the depot and all parts of the City.
Contractor and Build
er in Brick or Stone
Valentine , - Nebr.
PerCwt. Per Ton.
Bran , sacked _ $ 85 § 1600
Shorts , sacked 95 18 00
Screenings , sacked 60 - 11 00
Chop Feed , sacked 90 17 00
Corn , sacked 80 15 00
Chop Corn , sacked 85 16 00
Oats , sacked 1 00 19 00
Perfect In quality.
Moderate In price.
Attentive Service
To the Wants of
Every Customer.
Our service has no degrees.
We treat all our patrons
alike whether they buy five
cents worth or five dollars
The wants of each and every
customer receive the most
careful and attentive con
sideration which wearecapa-
able of giving.
We have just received a full line of the celebrated
laments ,
consisting of
Plows , both riding and walking
tt It
" " it tt
> Harrows , Disks , etc , etc ,
M *
We have three different
makes of riding Cultivators j
and also carry in stock Lister ,
Carriages suitable for convert
ing any steel beam walking
lister or plow into a riding lis- ;
| ter or a riding plow.
Experience has proven that
the JOHN DEERE goods are
the best in the market , and by
buying two car loads we are
enabled to make you very close
prices , Our friends are invited
to call and inspect the goods.
JULY 1905 7 I
, . ,
at 10:30 : A , M , , at Public Auction to the highest bidder for cash , ap
proximately the following
including the Company's best haj ing teams for mowers , sweeps and rakes ,
andsome with colts by
SADDLE HORSES sr their sides.
This number will also include about 60 head of young native mares and geldings ( by
pure bred Percheron stallion ) raised on the company's ranch ,
and running from yearlings upward- '
In addition to the above auction sale
The Standard Cattle Company
will hold the following sales :
At Pass Ranch , FRIDAY , JULY 7 , 1905
At Big Creek Ranch , MONDAY , " 10 , 1905
At Carver Ranch , WEDNESDAY , " I 2 , 1905
At these sales they will offer for cash to the highest bidder :
All their haying and farm machinery not included in the Mullen sale. Sale at each
ranch will commence at 10:30 : a. m. on dates _ _ mentioned ,
W. E. Hite assisted by G. E. Tracewell , will conduct the Mullen sale , and G. E ,
Tracewell the other three sales on the 7th , 10th and 12th of July.