Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, June 08, 1905, Image 7

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Xvery Woman in America is Interested
in This Yonnn GirVn Exnericnce.
Miss Maria Dtichanne , 1S1 St. Eliza
beth street , Montreal. Caii. , writes :
"I am satisfied that thousands of
women sutler because they do not
realize how bad they really need treat
ment and feel a natural delicacy in con
sulting a physician.
"I felt badly for years , had terrible
pains , and at times was unable to attend
to my daily duties. I tried to cure my
self , but finally my attention was called
to an advertisement of Peruna in a
Bimilnr case to mine , and I decided to
give it a trial.
4'My improvement began as soon as
I started to use Peruna and soon I was
M well woman. J feel that I owe my
life and my health to your wonderful
medicine and gratefully acknowledge
this fact. " Maria Ducharmc.
Address Dr. Hartman , President of
The Hartmau Sanitarium , Columbus ,
Ohio , for free medical advice.
All correspondence strictly confiden
Manufacture of Cicnrcttcs.
Official statistics tell us that 3,3GG-
487,235 cigarettes were manufactured
In this country during the past fiscal
year. If the population of t'.ie United
States is 80,000,000 , if half that num
ber (40,000,000) ( are males , if three-
quarters of them (30.000.000) ( ) are of
Bmokiiig age. and if one-third of the
80.000.000 smoke cigarettes , we have
8,360,487,215 cigarettes to divide in a
year among 10,000.000 persons , or only
about 330 apiece , which is less than
one every day.
'With Luxuriant Hair and Scaly Scalpa
Cleansed and Purified by Cuticura.
Soap ,
Assisted by dressings of Cuticura , the
great skin cure. This treatment at
once stops falling hair , removes crusts ,
scales and dandruff , destroys hair par
asites , soothes irritated , itching sur
faces , stimulates the hair follicles ,
loosens the scalp skin , supplies the
roots with energy and nourishment ,
and makes the hair grow upon a sweet ,
wholesome , healthy scalp , when all
else fails. Complete external and in
ternal treatment for every humor ,
from pimples to scrofula , from infancy
to age , consisting of Cuticura Soap ,
Ointment and Pills , price $1.00. A
ingle set is often sufficient to cure.
M7 doctor sayi it acts pently on tho stomach , liver
End kidneja and is a pleasant laxative. This drink ifl
made from herbs , and la prepared for UGO as easily 03
tea. It in called 'lanc s Tea" or
All drupclsts or by mail 25 ct * . nnd JX ) cts. Buy it to
ay. Ianp'H Family "Urtlieine moves ttie
bowpln each day. In ordrr to be healthy thin is
Mc it ry. Address , O. F. Woodward. La Roy. N. Y.
Important "Awakenings" Arc Stlrrlne
Many Cities in the Country.
In this country notable revivals
within a year have stirred several of
our largest cities , among them Los An
geles , Keokuk , Denver ( where one day
the Legislature adjourned on account
of the meeting ) , Dayton , Louisville ,
Atlanta , Schenectady , Jacksonville and
Kansas City. In most of these cities
the active leadership has been taken
by the Evangelistic Committee of the
General Assembly ( Presbyterian ) . The
chairman of this committee is John II.
Converse , the President of the Baldwin
Locomotive Works , who has put into
its operations the energy , system and
pecuniary resources which mark the
conduct of a great business corpora
tion , with results which have made
an epoch in evangelism. His executive
genius has been fitly matched by the
spiritual leadership of the chief evan
gelist , the Itev. J. Wilbur Chapman ,
D. D. , who has evinced an extraordi
nary aptitude for a national movement
of this sort.
An important "awakening" for
such those engaged in the movement
choose to call it rather than a "re
vival" is meantime gathering force
and volume in the Congregational
Church , growing out of the recent visit
of a London nonconformist minister ,
the Rev. W. J. Dawson. At the na
tional council ( Congregational ) at Dos
Moines , Mr. Dawson spoke with such
effect that an evangelistic committee
was createdvith Dr. Hillis , of Ply
mouth Church , Brooklyn , as chairman ,
to organize and conduct a national
campaign. This is now in full ope
ration , with Mr. Dawson as the central
figure. The distinguishing thought is
the value of solid foundations of right
eousness , rather than emotionalism.
But to this inculcating of a revival ot
duty and honor is joined a zeal for
Christian service. Mr. Dawson ex
presses it thus : "As we have sought
and found , so it is now our turn to
seek and to find. " A practical illus
tration of this "hunger for souls" was
furnished during the fortnight's cam
paign in Boston , when , one night , dis
tinguished presidents of theological
seminaries , leading pastors , bankers
and merchants , and ladies of high so
cial'rank , fell in behind the band of
the Salvation Army and marched
through the slums , gathering in the
outcasts for a midnight meeting in
one of the largest halls of the city.
Mrs. P. Brunzel. wife of P. Brunzel ,
stock dealer , residence 3111 Grand
Ave. , Everett , Wash. , says : "For fif-
teen years I suffered
with terrible pain in
my back. I did not
know what it was to
enjoy a night's rest
and arose in tUe
morning feeling tireti
and unrefreshed. My
suffering sometimes
was simply inde
scribable. When I
finished the first box
of Doan's Kidney
Pills I felt like a
different woman. I
continued until I had
taken five boxes.
JJoan's Kidney Pills
act very effectively , very promptly , re
lieve the aching pains and all other
annoying difficulties. "
Foster-Milburn Co. , Buffalo. N. Y.
For sale by all druggists. Price 50
cents per box.
Muffs Worn for Ages.
In many of the portraits of the six
teenth century one often sees a strip of
rich , soft fur wound around the wrist
of a noble dame. This , was used to
cover the neck or fulfill the function
of the muff , and to it was often at
tached a small animal's head or a
skull , cunningly wrougnt in metal and
adorned with precious stones.
As was the case with so many ar
ticles of dress , the muff was first the
exclusive property of the nobility , and
was carried by the commonest women
of Venice as well as by the women of
the highest rank.
The first Venetian muffs were small ,
made of a single piece of velvet , bro
cade or silk , lined with fur , the open
ing enriched with gold or silver but
tons set with precious stones. By 1GG2
the muff seems to have been recognized
as the necessary adjunct of the ward
robe of a woman of fashion.
Facts Stubborn Things
Uniform excellent quality for OVCf 3 quarter of 3
Century lias steadily increased the sales of LION COFFEE ,
The leader of all package coffees.
Lion CoffeeSuch
is now used in millions of homes , Such
popular success speaks for itself. It is a
positive proof that LION COFFEE has tho
Confidence of the people.
Tho uniform quality of LIOX '
COFFEE survives all opposition. i
LICN COFFEE keeps its old friends and
makes new ones every clay.
LION 1717
LiSu lias even more
than its Strength , Flavor and Qual
ity to commend it. On arrival from
the plantation , it 2s careiuily roast
ed at our factories and securely
packed in i Ib. scaled packages ,
and not opened again until needed
for use in the home. This precludes * * * *
the possibility oi adulteration or contact with germs , dirt ,
dust , insects or unclean hands. The absolute'purity ol
LION COFFEE is therefore guaranteed to the consumer.
Sold only in 1 Ib. packages. Lion-head on every package
Savethese Lion-heads for valuable premiums.
WOOLSON SPICE CO. , Toledo , Ohio.
Bmall Grain Doing Well and Win-
ter Wheat in Southern Part of
State Beginning : to Head Corn
Planting as a Rule Nearly Done.
Lincoln : United States department of
agiiculture. Climate and crop bu'letia
of the weather bureau. Nebraska section ,
for the week ending May 23 :
The temperature during tho week was
slightly below normal , and 3 few scatter
ed showers occurred the fore part of rhe
week. As a whole the weather was fa
vorable for the growth of crops and the
progress of all farm work.
Corn planting advanced rapidly and is
nearly finished except in the western and
northwestern counties , where it is about
half completed. Much replanting is nec
essary on account of the damage causi-
by the heavy rains of the previous week.
In the southern Bounties com is coining
up.All small grain made good growth.
Wheat is in fine condition and is bogin-
ning to head in southern and central
counties. Oats is still reported thin in
places. Potatoes are coming up and look
well. Alfalfa is in good condition and is
almost ready to cut in southeastern coun
ties. Grass has made good growth and
pastures continue good.
Strawberries ripening in southeastern
and are in bloom in northeastern counties.
Cherries and apples promise good yields.
Report by counties :
Bntler Corn nearly all planted , much
will have to be replanted ; smnll grain
and grass look well ; rye heading ; fruit
prospects good.
Cas - Wheat looking good : corn near
ly all planted , some replanting being
done ; oats thin and growing slowly ; po
tatoes looking fine.
Clay Some corn will be replanted ;
wheat continues in good condition ; oats
thin and getting weedy.
Fillmore Corn about all planted , some
will be replautel ; oats fair ; alfalfa about
ready to cut.
Gage Small grain doing well ; weather
too cool for corn , many replanting ; pota
toes making slow growth ; pastures good.
Hamilton Corn nearly all planted ;
wheat begining to head ; oats fair ; ap
ples and cherries doing well ; pastures in
good condition.
Jefferson Corn planting about finished
and coming up nicely ; wheat looking fine ;
potatoes doing finely , alfalfa good crop.
Johnson Weather not good for growth
of corn ; wheat bending out ; oats grow
ing slowly ; apples prpmise fair.
Lancaster Corn nearly all planted ,
some replanting done ; wheat looking fine :
oats a good stand , growing slowly ; gar
dens ar * potatoes fair condition.
Xemaha Corn nearly all planted and
coming up ; wheat and oats doing well ;
pastures fine.
Nuckolls Corn planting nearly finish
ed , early corn coming up ; wheat , rye and
potatoes look fine ; oats fair.
Otoe Corn about all planted , too cold
for growth ; oats improved , but rye thin ;
wheat prospect fine.
Pawnee Corn coming up slowly , some
replanting being done ; wheat growing
nicely ; strawberries ripening , with prom
ise of an abundant crop.
Polk Corn planting about completed
corn coming up slowly ; wheat looks weil
some complaint of Hessian fly.
Richardson Corn all planted and com
ing up slowly ; wheat looking well and
beginning to head ; oats fair ; apple pros
pects good ; strawberries ripening.
Saline Some corn being replanted ,
about three-fourths alfal-
planting - done ; -
, fa doing well ; oats short crop.
Saunders Com nearly all planted.
some replanting to be done ; wheat doing
well ; oats thin ; apples set well.
Seward Corn planting about finished ,
but some replanting being done ; early
corn up ; wheat making good growth and
has pood color.
Thayer Corn planting nearly finished ,
but some replanting necessary ; wheat
and oats looking well ; apples promise
' York Corn planting nearly finished ,
( Some replanting done ; wheat looks well ;
rye heading out ; garden truck growing
i Antelope Corn mostly planted ; oats
poor ; pastures doing finely ; strawberries
in full bloom.
' Boyd Weather favorable for all crops ;
corn mostly planted and some coming
up ; small grain looking well ; strawber-
lies and fruit trees in bloom.
Burt Corn planting about finished and
corn coming slowly , some replanting to
be done ; potatoes coming up ; fruit trees
promise well.
Cedar "Weather fine for crops and ev
erything doing well.
1 Colfax Corn planting well advanced ,
some replanting done ; winter grain doing
well ; oats thin and backward ; rye head
Cuming Com planting about finished ,
but some replanting will be done.
Dixou Corn planting about completed ,
some replanting done ; small grain looks
good ; pastures backward. I
Dodge Week favorable for growing II II I
crops ; corn planting nearly finished ; oats I
and wheat in good condition ; sugar beets I
growing well.
Douglas Corn planting about finished ;
wheat nnd oats backward. (
Holt Corn mostly planted , some up ;
wheat , rye and grass doing well ; oats
growing slowly ; fruit not damaged by
Knos Corn planting delayed ; wheat ;
and oats in fine condition ; pastures good.
Madison Corn planting progressing
well ; small grain doing finely.
Platte Corn planting about finished ;
rye and wheat growing nicely ; oats grow
ing slowly ; cherries and apples promise
Sarpy Apples and plums well set :
? ome cherries ; currant Avornis doing dam
Thurston Corn planting just begun ;
small grain looks well ; grass picking up ;
wild plums in blossom.
Washington Weather favorable for
crops ; some corn up , replanting being
done : wheat and oats doing well ; straw
berries promising.
Wayne Corn planting progressing
nicely ; nil crops in good condition ; not
much damage to fruit by frost.
Elaine Good growing week ; corn :
about all planted ; plum and cherry trees
In full bloom ; small grain and grass look
good.Keith ;
Keith Some high winds injured crops
t were just coming up. _ J
Phelps Corn planting progressing j
some ITsted corn will be replanted ; wheat
lookin ? fine ; oats doing well ; potatoei
coming up.
Webster Corn nenrly all planted , e r
ly corn up ; wheat and oats made good ,
growth ; alfalfa doing finely.
Brown WeatZier warm and vegetation
growing better ; light frost on 18th.
Cherry AVeck good for growth of
small grain ; grass good condition ; pota
toes about all planted.
Sheridan Cold and some rain ; corn
planting about half done ; spring grain
looks fine ; potatoes nearly all planted.
Sioux Some ruin ; crops making stow
growth ; stock doing well.
Rock Corn planting progressing oats
getting good start ; pastures good ; ap
ples , cherries and strawberries in bloom.
Scott's Bluff Some rain , alfalfa and
Garfield Corn planting progressing
rapidly ; oats coming out finely ; potatoes
coming up. j
Greeley Corn nearly all planted , some
is up ; small grain doing fine ; pastures j
good ; potatoes coming up.
Hall Rapid progress in corn planting ,
early listed corn being replanted ; oats
look thin ; fruit prospects good.
Howard Much replanting of early
sown corn necessary ; weather favorable
for growth of crops.
Merrick Corn about all planted ; wheat
beginning to head ; oats doing fairly well ;
alfalfa growing nicely.
Nance Corn planting delayed by cold ,
wet weather ; wheat , rye and oats doing
well ; pastures in good condition.
Sherman Corn planting about com
pleted ; all small grain doing well ; grass
growing slowly.
Valley Corn not all planted yet ; oats
and wheat look yellow , owing to too
much rain previous week ; fruit prospects
Adams Week too cold for corn to come
up ; listing and planting nearly done ;
wheat looking good.
Chas < * Corn all planted ; potatoes up ,
good stand ; small grain looks fine ; grass
Dundjr Corn planting nenring comple
tion ; wheat in good condition ; oats good ;
barley coining up fine.
Franklin Corn nearly all planted and
first plantings up ; small grain and al
falfa looking well ; some report of Hes
sian ily.
Frontier Cool week ; corn coming up ;
wheat looking line ; alfalfa doing well.
Furuas Corn mostly planted , first
planting coining up ; wheat continues
good ; barley and oats 5 nproving ; potatoes
coming up.
Gospep Corn planting nearly finished }
oats thin ; winter wheat growing finely ;
potatoes coining up nicely.
Harlan Corn nearly all planted and
coming up ; small grain in fine condition ;
wheat beginning to head.
Hayes Corn almost all planted , some
coming up ; wheat and other small graiii
in good condition ; potatoes coming up
Hitchcock Week good for growth ul
crops ; corn planting nearly done ; wheat
in fine condition ; rye heading ; pastures
Kearney Too wet for good growth ol
winter wheat , some appearance of rust ;
corn not all planted ; oats doing well.
Red Willow Corn planting about fin
ished , some replanting necessary ; rye
heading and promises good crop.
Section Director , Lincoln , Neb.
Uelvilla E. Stone Estimates that the
Association Makes for Peace.
Tne Associated Press has been able
to usurp In a large measure the func
tions of the diplomat , and I think it
makes for universal peace in a re
markable way. Instead of public ques
tions now passing through the long
ind tedious methods of diplomacy as
formerly , the story is told with author
ity by the Associated Press. The point
of view of a country is presented no
longer by diplomatic communication ,
but in the dispatches of the Associated
A striking instance of this occurred
some months ago , when a Japanese
war vessel went into tne neutral har
bor of Chlfu and captured the Rychit-
elni , a Russian gunboat which had
sought an asylum there. Our corre
spondent vras on the Rychitelni when
the Japanese lieutenant and a detach
ment arrived , and was a personal wit
ness of the occurrence. His story ap
peared throughout the civilized world ,
and was made the subject of represen
tations by Russia , through her ally ,
France. In less than a week the Japa
nese government prepared a careful de
fense of their action and handed it to
Mr. Egan , our correspondent in To-
kio , with a request that he send it
throughout the world. It was done ,
and it closed the incident. They made
no effort , and distinctly said that they
would make none , to send an official
answer to Russia on the subject
through the ordinary channels of di
plomacy , but chcse rather to send it
through the agency of the Associated
The authorities of the foreign of
fices of the different European govern
ments recognize the independence of
the Associated Press , and have vir
tually made choice of it as a forum
for the discussion of current questions
of international interest. They recog
nize that a telegram of the Associated
Press , published as It is , throughout
the world , unless immediately explain
ed , may arouse a public sentiment that
an never be met by the ordinary meth
ods of diplomacy. They recognize that
in the end it is the high court of pub-
lic opinion that must settle interna- \
tional questions , and not the immediate
determination of the foreign office of
my countr3 * . From Melville E. Stone's
"The Associated Press , " in the Cen
His Idea of Gema.
In a schoolroom the first primary
; rade was listening to the teacher
eading a description of Columbus'
irst voyage to America. The history
vas written in words of one syllable.
The teacher reads : "Queen Isabella
iold her gems to help Columbus. "
"Now , children , ' she said , "who can
ell me wiat gems are ? "
Instantly Robert sprang to his feet ;
lis liands waving frantically and his
ves flashing.
"Well , Robert , " she said.
"Biscuits 1" yelled Robert *
Backache , ' 'The Blues"
Both Symptoms of Organic Derangement in
Women Thousands of Sufferers Find Relief.
How often do we hear women say : "It
seems fis though my back would brealc , "
or "Don't speak tq me , I am all out of
sorts ? " These signi ficant remarks prove
that the system requires attention.
Backache and " the blues" ' are direct
symptoms of an inward trouble which
will sooner or later declare itself. It
may be caused by diseased kidneys or
some uterine derangement. Nature
requires aistance and at once , and
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound instantly assorts its curative
powers in all those peculiar ailments of
women. It has been the standby of
intelligent American women for twenty
years , and the ablest specialists agree
that it is the mtSt universally success-
? ul remedy for woman's ills known to
The following1 letters from Mrs.
Holmes and Mrs. Cotrely are among1
t4ie many thousands which Mrs. Pink-
haJi has received this year from those
whom she has relieved.
Surely such testimony is convincing.
Mrs. J.G. Holmes , of Larimore , North
Dakota , writes :
Dear Mrs. Pinkham :
" I have suffered everything with backache
and womb trouble I let the trouble run on
until my svstera was in such a condition that
I was unable to be about , and then it was I
coipmenced to use Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound. If I had only known how
much suffering I would have saved , I should
have taken it months sooner for a few
weeks' treatment made mo well and strong.
My backaches and headaches are all gone and
I suffer no pain at my menstrual periods ,
whereas before I took Lydia E. Pinkham's ,
Vegetable Compound I suffered intense pain. "
Mrs. Emma Cotrely , 109 ESst 12th
Street , i ew York City , writes :
Jn Demand.
Stubb I have a great scheme. I
am going to ship some circus posters
over to Europe.
Penn What for ?
Stubb Let some of those foreign
artists daub their names in one cor
ner , put them In big frames and bring
them back as masterpieces.
Two bottlea of Piso's Cure for Con
sumption cured me of a terrible cough.
Fred Hermann , 209 Bos avenue , Buffalo.
N. Y. , Sept. 24. 1901.
An Important Subject.
Miss Krickrow Is that lady a new
boarder ?
Mrs. Brickrow No ; she has only rent
ed a quiet room here , to work in. She
is writing a book on "How to Bring Up
Children. "
"Why doesn't she write at home ? "
"Too noisy. She has children. "
"Dr. David Kennedy's Fnvorlte Remedy onred
mjwife ot B terrible disease. With pleasure I testify
to its marvelous efficacy. " J. Sweet , Albany. N. Y.
The Invisible Supply.
Mr. Astorbilt I wish a genuine im
ported cigar.
Boy Very soTry , sir , but the boss is
"I don't want the l > oss : I want an im
ported cigar. Haven't you any ? "
"Yes , sir : we've got two , but they're
in the safe. " j
Dear Mrs. Pinkbain :
" I feel it rny duty to tell all suffering women
of the relief f have fouml in Lydia E. Fink-
ham's Vegetable Compound. When I com
menced taking tho Compound I suffered
everything with backaches , headaches' , men *
stnml and ovarian troubles. I am complete
ly cured and enjoy the best of health , and I
owe it all to you. "
When women are troubled with irreg
ular , suppressed or painful menstrua
tion , weakness , leucorrhcea , displace
ment or nlceration of the womb , that
bearing1 down feeling , iuilarumation of
the cn'aries , backache , bloating ( or
flatulence ) , general debility , indiges
tion and nervous prostration , or are be
set with such symptoms as dizziness ,
faintness , lassitude , excitability , irrita
bility , nervousness , sleeplessness , mel
ancholy , "all gone" and "want-to-be-
left-alone" feelings , blues and hopeless
ness , they should remember there is one
tried and true remedy , Lydia E. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Compound at once re
moves such troubles.
No other medicine in theworld has
received such widespread and unqual-
fied endorsement. No other medicine
has such a record of cures of female
troubles. Refuse to buy any substitute.
Remember , every woman is cordially
invited to write to Mrs. Pinkham if
there is anything about her symptoms
she does \mderstand. . Mrs. Pink-
ham's address is Lynn , Mass. , her
advice is free and cheerfully given to
every ailing1 woman who asks for it.
Her advice and medicine have restored
to health more than one hundred thou
sand women.
Ask Mrs. Pinkham's Advice-A Woman Best Understands a Woman's Ills.
After the Iynchinc : .
The funeral procession was passing :
down the street.
"What did he die of ? " asked tho
man from the far east.
"Shortness of the feet , " answered
the Arizona landlord.
"Shortness of the feet ! " echoed tho
other in astonishment.
"That's what I said , " rejoined the
native innkeeper. "They got so they
wouldn't touch the ground. See ? "
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
'aqpceBSfyUy ' Prosecutes Claims.
Lat TPrincipal 2x aOKer U.O. Pension Bureau.
I 3jrmluolTllwar 1 * l8il tt claim * . t ur iium.
S. C. N. U. No. 2" 1005
Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. TJse
In time.
The appetizins flavor and sntlsfyinn quality of LIBBV3 POTTED A\D DEVILED MEATS in
duo to tho sStill of the Ljbby chefs and to tho purity and btrength of the ingredients ueeJ.
Libby's ( NFaauvor , ! Pood Products
For BroakfecSt , Dinner o.nd Sxsppor.
Corrved Beef Ha.sK Brisket Bocf Boneless Chicken
Veal Loa f Soups Vienna.
They are ready 1cljct tc your Grocer haj tAcm
Libby , McNeill & . Li&by , Chicago