Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, June 08, 1905, Image 5

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< : :
is the only
High Grade Powder
„ & * -
offered to the
consumer at a
. . .
I ' * < & _
Moderate Price
, - ' . w -
It should not" be
confused with ,
the cheap , : low
grade powders
on the one hand.
nor the high priced
trust powders on'
the other.
Auction Sale
I will sell in Front of the First National Bank Building , in
Valentine , Nebraska ,
Tuesday , June 27,1905
Beginning at 1:30 P. M. ,
* The Real Estate belonging to theERICKSON CATTLE COMPANY ,
' - described as follows , viz : =
LOTS 1 & 2 , 3 & 4 , SWiNBi , SBiNWi ,
Section 3 , Township 20 , Eange 31.
M of Lot 1 , Section 4 , Township 29 , Range 31. .
SWiSTTi of Section 19 , WiNWi , NWiSWi , Sec
tion 30 , Township 30 , Range 30.
WiSW ± , S NWi , Section 15 , E , SEiSEi , Sec
tion 33 , Township 30 , Range 81.
Auctioneer. Receiver.
I MT ' * * * ' ! z T
* * Sole Agents for
Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER
Choicest Wines and Cigars *
The Loup Valley Hereford Ranch.
Brov/nlee.Nobr ,
Prince Bonhdel
131693 and Curly
Cout 112201 at head
of herd. The blood
of Fowler. Anxiety ,
Lord Wilton and Sir
Gladstone predomi
nates in my herd.
I can fill orders foi bulls of all ages at any
lime. Ranch lour miles north-west of Brown-
lee , Nebr.
. .Dentist.
Office over the grocery deparment
of T. C. Hornby's store.
Will be in Rosebud agency July
3rd , Oct. 2nd and Jan. 1 , 1904.
Riege , Nebr.
Tubular wells and windmills.
G. H. Hall , M. D.
Physician and Surgeon.
All calls promptly attended to day
or night. Drugs and Phar-
maceiiticals furnished.
Wood JLake. - Nebraska.
First-class Shop in Every Respect
Ban de Quinine Hair Tonic , Golden Star Bair
Tonic , Herpicide and Cokn's Dandruff Cure.
Try Pompeian Face Massage Cream
Physician and Surgeon
Office at Quigley & Chapman's
Drug Store. Nights The Don-
oher residence , Cherry Street.
FOR SALE : 7 room house. Acre
lot. Nice lawn and fine trees.
Strayed or Stolen.
One sorrel horse , weight 1200
One grey horse , weight 1050
pounds , branded half-diamond JB
as block , on left thigh and JJ con
nected with slanting bar as block
SE , on left shoulder. 1 will pay
a reward of § 5.00 for each horse
for information leading to their re
covery. JOHN BURNETT ,
204 Westover , S. D ,
Strayed or Stolen.
One sorrel mare branded
on left side , ace clubs on left
One chestnut sorrel gelding ,
branded 34 ( as above block ) on
left thigh. One black yearling colt ,
unbranded. $10.00 reward for
recovery. G.W. MCFARLAND ,
20 Valentine , Neb.
Contest Notice.
U. S. Laud Office , Valentine , Nebraska ,
May 29.100S. f
A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed
In this oitlce by Charles J. Lee. contestant ,
against homestead entry No. 16419 , made Aug
ukts. 1904 , for W& of Section 24 , andvj $ of
Section 25. Township 3 * . Kange 33 , by William
Davis , contestee , in which it is alleged that
said claimant has never entered upon aaid
tract of land and established a residence there
on as required by law : also that said claimant
never cultivated said tract as required by
law ; also thtttsaid claimant has wholly aband
oned said tract of land lor more thau six months
last past and has tailed to cure his laches up to
date. And that said alleged absence from the
said laud was not due to her employment in the
army , navy or marine corps of the United States
as a private soldier , officer , seaman or marine
during the war with Spam or durng any other
war lu which the United States may be engaged ,
said parties are hereby notified to appear , re-
spoilt ! and offer evidence touching said allega
tion at 10o'clock a. in. on July li , 1005 , before
the Register and tteceiver at the United States
Land umce in Valentine , Nebraska.
The said contestant having in a proper af
fidavit , filed March 28.1905 , set forth facts which
show that after due diligence personal service
of this notice cannot be made , it is hereby or
dered and directed that such notice by given bj
due and proper publication.
si 4 Register.
Kice writes insurance.
I. O. Jones shipped a car of corn
feed steers to Omaha Monday.
The Eagle lodge will give a pic
nic at Thacher's grove west of
town on July 4th. Further par
ticulars later.
The Misses McDonald are leav
ing to-day for the post to form
part of the bridal party at the
Har bold-Brown wedding which
occurs Saturday next at high noon.
Martin Haley , father of "W. E.
Haley , arrived in Valentine Satur
day morning from Sioux City and
other Iowa towns where he has
been visiting friends and relatives
for the past year.
S. A. Lee has moved his barber
shop into the building opposite the
Fraternal hall. Mr. Lee recently
had the building remodeled for a
barber shop and has installed new
furniture throughout.
W. B. Hammond and wife and
baby departed for Hot Springs ,
S. D. , yesterday morning for the
benefit of Mrs. Hammond's health
which has been quite poorly for
some time. Bert will probably
return within a week but Mrs.
Hammond will remain for a month
or longer.
The sale of the cattle and horses
of the Erickson Cattle Co. , which
took place on the 1st inst. , was a
pronounced success we are inform
ed , all stock having brought good
prices. Receiver Cornell will sell
the real estate on the 27th inst. ,
full particulars of which appear in
our advertising columns this week.
J. M. Clarkson died Wednesday
afternoon , June ? , 1905 , from
asthma and a complication of dis
eases. The funeral will be held
at the M. E Church at 2:00 : p. m.
Friday *
John M. Clarkson was born in
Lawrence county , Ohio , March 23 ,
1831 and died June 7 , 1905 , aged
71 years , 2 months , and 4 : days.
He was married in Clay county ,
111. , to Mary H. Brainard , August
22 , 1S58. To this union five chil
dren were born , one dying in in
fancy and one about a year ago.
This was more than he could bear
and he began to fail from that
time. He became a member of
the Kugular Missionary Baptist
church in 1S73 and Jived a devoted
Christian life. He was a kind and
loving father and a devoted hus
band. He leaves three children ,
one sister , two brothers and a be
loved companion to mourn his loss.
He was loved by all who knew
him and will be greatly missed by
all his friends and especially by his
beloved wife and children.
James King died yesterday af
ternoon , June 7 , from tuberculosis
of the lungs after a lingering ill
ness of several months. The fun
eral will be held Friday morning
at 10:00 : o'clock from the Catholic
The U. S. weather bureau re
port for the week ending June T ,
1905 , shows the extremes of tem
perature as 75 ° and 40 ° , giving
a range of 35 ° and a mean of
68 ° , the latter compared with the
normal shows a loss of 7 ° . The
precipitation was .92 of an inch ,
.15 above the normal. Winds of
25 to 40 miles per hour occurred
on 4 days of the week. The weath
er has been propitious to all crops.
The report from the whole state
of Nebraska shows favorably for
crop interests. Replanting of
corn progressed rapidly and is a-
bout finished. Some low lands
still too wet. Corn has improved
in condition but the stand is thin
in many fields * Winter wheat
continues in good condition , but
some damage from the Hessian fly
and rust is reported from Seward ,
York , Saline and Filmore counties.
Oats have improved and generally
are growing nicely. Alfalfa is be
ing cut and a heavy crop is being
secured. Potatoes are growing
finely. Pastures and meadows are
in exceptionally good condition ,
The "Valentine Colts" went
down to Ainsworth today to play
ball with the Ainsworth nine. We
wish them success.
A colored man by the name of
Henry Smith was drowned in the
Niobrara river last Saturday after
noon. He was bathing with sev
eral women when the accident
occurred. He was seen to dive
into the water and did not come
up again. The women thought
that he had played a joke on them
and had swam around the bend un
der water. His body was found
some time later quite a distance
down stream , the face and body
being considerable bruised. It
seems that when he dove into the
river he struct a rock which
stunned him , rendering him help
less. He was interred in the ceme
tery southeast of town Monday.
Solomon L. Ellis was born Feb.
26 , 1865 , in Keokuk county , Iowa.
The family moved to Kansas and
for awhile Mr. Ellis attended the
Kansas Agricultural College at
Manhattan. Later he went west
and came to Nebraska , settling
near Harrison in Sioux county ,
where he was a highly esteemed
neighbor and citizen. In conver
sation with J. H. Newlin of "The
Harrison Sun" we learned that
Mr. Ellis was as well liked and as
popular there as he has been in ou--
county. He held the office of
county surveyor of Sioux county
and was the nominee for county
commissioner two years ago in this
county , getting nearly every vote
in his neighborhood and running
ahead of his ticket in the county ,
though he made no . effort to get
votes whatever. He was married
Dec. 28 , 1S92 to Miss Ella Mor-
gareidge , next oldest daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Morgareidge ,
then living at Simeon Nebr.
Mr. Ellis came to Cherry county
seven years ago and has lived at
Simeon since , during which time
he conducted the Simeon store and
kept the postoffice , and from which
he retired May 1st to go onto his
homestead north of Simeon one
and one-half miles where he had
built a temporary house to live in
until he could build a dwelling
which he was preparing to build
and was surveying the line between
his place and the Hobbs' place
when he was struck down by light
ning , Wednesday afternoon , May
31 , 1905 , his watch stopping at
2:17 : and was partly melted from
the intense heat.
A number of Woodmen of Val
entine lodge , of which Mr. Ellis
was a member , went out to attend
the funeral last Friday and assisted
in conducting the funeral , Rev.
Holsclaw preaching the funeral
sermon in. the yard at the Ellis
home. Neighbors and friends con
gregated from miles around and
seldom have we seen a larger
gathering upon a similar occasion
in our city. Mr. Ellis' mother
and sister , Mrs. Deuel , and L. L.
Wilson , a half-brother , came down
from Harrison to attend the fun
A friend and neighbor has gone
from among us. We won't meet
him again as we have in the past ,
a cheerful man carrying sunshine
with him wherever he went. Quot
ing Judge Walcott in part in a
brief address delivered at the grave
after conducting the Woodmen
ceremonies , "We are all of us bet
ter for having met him and known
him. " His life has not been in
vain though the cruel hand of death
has taken him away from his wife
and five boys , his brothers , sisters
and his aged mother at a time
when it seemed that he was most
needed. His life has truly been
an inspiration to all who have been
associated with him or met him in
his daily walk.
Mr. Ellis provided well for his
family in life. He provided for
them also in case of his death , He
carried § 2,000 insurance in the M.
W. A. and § 1,000 in the New York
For feed or livery call on the
Eagle Livery. Commercial trade
a specialty. We have some good
second hand buggies and harness
for sale. Call and see us.
V * , : '
A Great Separator
There is a best in evrvthintr. It must be
FECTIVE MOST SIAli LE. By actual com
parison in actual use.
The Sharpies Tubular Separator
Has proved it has these points in its favor.
That's what puts it away ahead of all other sep
arators that's why -ell it. Get hold of facts.
W. W. MORRISSEY , Valentine , Neb.
: f'ta * # ? :
We will find quick buycres for any
Land , Live Stock or
any other property you have ready for market ,
"Writ © TJsULlcla . Seo TJs.
Cherry County Land & Live Stock Co.
0 0
First class line of Steaks , Roasts ,
Dry Salt Meats Sinokei
Breakfast Bacon.
Highest Market Price Paid for Hogs.
Easy Running , Easy Washing , Clean Skimming ,
The Simplest is tlie Bewt.
Nothing to get out of order and will last a life time.
Recommended by all who have used them.
A practical machine sold on easy terms by
16 8 , NBREASKA.
All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes
Valentine , - Nebrask a
New Styles in Ladies Fancy Shirt raist Patterns ,
Dry Goods s Notions
Special Prices en "Winter Underwear and Hosiery ,
The Finest
Ice Cream
Valentine !
* after cus
tomer comes
in and tells us
that Our Ice Cream
is "the finest in
Valentine'- feel a
thrill o f gratification
which only comes from
appreciated good work. We
know that we use the purest
of cream and flavorings ,
and that Our Ice
Cream i s unbeat
able but we like to
hear our cus
tomers back
us up as
d o
PerCwt. Per Ton.
Bran , sacked § 85 § 16 00
Shorts , sacked 95 18 00
Screenings , sacked 60 11 00
Chop Feed , sacked 90 17 00
Corn , sacked 80 15 00
Chop Corn , sacked 85 16 00
Oats , sacked 1 00 19 00
FOR SALE Short Horn bulls ,
singly or in car lots. Ages from
one to three years.
D. J. Ciwmx , O'Neill , Neb.
All cattle branded Q-j orH3
on left side or hip or O
on left side or hip ; also all horses
branded Q on te& jaw or hip ,
are the property of the ERICKSON
CATTLE COMPANY and in the cus
tody of the undersigned , as Re
ceiver of said company.
I will be grateful for informa
tion that will lead to the recovery
of any strays , or where a person
has gone to any trouble or expense
in recovering said cattle or horses ,
I will pay a suitable reward for
the return of the same.
C. H. CORNELL , Receiver ,
Valentine , Nebr.
* * ,