THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT I. M. RICE , - Editor and Propr. Entered at the postoflice at Valentine , Cherry county , Nebr. . as Second Class Matter. TERMS : Subscription $1.00 per year in advance ; $1.50 when not paid in advance. Display Advertising 1 inch single column loc per issue or $6.00 a year. Local Notices , Obituaries , Lodge Resolutions and Socials for revenue 5c per line per issue. Brands , H inches$4.00 per year in advance ; additional space $3.00 per year ; engrav.-d blocks extra $1.00 each. 10 per cent additional to above rates if over 6 months in arrears. Parties living outside Cherry county are requested to pay in advance. Notices of losses of stock free to brand advertisers. THURSDAY , JUNE 8 , 1905. K. V. E. A. The E. V. E. A. met at Rush- ville last Saturday to visit with Rushville people and enjoy their generous hospitality. It was our good fortune to visit at the home of Judge Wood and we feel sure that no other editor and his wife could have fared so well. The meeting was attended by nearly every editor and his wife in the Elkhorn Valley. A magnificent banquet was giv en in the opera house in the eve ning by Rushville citizens. Sev eral after dinner speakers dis tinguished themselves , among whom , we might mention Ross Hammond , Judge Wood and Judge Patterson as having struck nearest the editors' hearts , while Senator ; Bresee talked so nice to the ladies I that they forgot about his bald ! head. Next morning we boarded the train for Hot Springs , escorted j by our worthy friend Jacob H. Gable , traveling agent of the C. & N. W. The plunge bath caught nearly everybody , some two and j three times a day. \ Newport was chosen as the next j . place of meeting. C. L. Mayes , editor RushviHe Standard , was [ elected president ; Otto Mutz , of the Western Ranclwr , vice presi dent , and C. P. Wiltse , of the Newport Republican , secretary- treasurer. The War. The recent victories of the Japa nese proves beyond a doubt their military supremacy in the East. Not only military supremacy is obtained but a still greater victory which is not lauded as it deserves , the partial conquest over diseases incidental to all military cam paigns. Modern history furnishes no paralell. Nearly all wars of modern times have shown a great er mortality through disease than from the actual clash of arms. It remained for the "little brown men" to demonstrate that even war can be improved and that the price of victory can be lessened , notwithstanding Gen. Sherman's dictum that "war is hell. " This victory of medical science will live in history when the battle won laurels have faded into obliv ion. All the civilized governments of the world are keenly interested in this war and its lessons. On land and sea the military naval ex perts are watching every move and follow out results. Immense sums of money are spent by each nation in these investigations. There seems to be no lack of authority IH the expenditures , for up to date the authority is not questioned. The dictum of Napoleon is not always true , viz : "That God is al ways on the side of the heaviest battalions. " There is a greater and subtler strength than this in the spirit of the opposing battal ions. Other things being equal , the troops animated by a love of country , will man for man outfight troops forced into the ranks. That the Japanese soldiers are patriotic in the highest sense of the word , is proven by their victories on land and sea ; that the lack of patriot ism is true of the Russian soldiers is proven by the action of the home government in all its affairs for hundreds of years. We citizens of America have a grand object lesson in the present A- war. This is that the highest cul ture in the arts of war and of peace , can be obtained only by a people who have faith in each oth er and in their government. Let that faith be lessened , and in the proportion that the rights and lib erty of the people have been elimi nated by a corrupt or tyrannical government , then there is retro gression and failure. Sparks Quills. John Swain was out buying hogs Monday. Myrtle Jacquains has been sick the past few days. Mrs. Brindia and son went to Norden the first of the week. A. Haley and Dick Allen stray ed down to Norden last week. Frank Grooms went to Norden last week for a new cultivator. A general round-up and vaccina tion took place at Wolf's Sunday. George Jacquains has requested the Porcupine to announce that he is part Welch himself. J. C. Jacqnains returned from Georgia Saturday where he had been looking for stray horses. There will be an ice cream and strawberry social at the church soon. The date is not set yet. Mr. Campbell of Norden preach ed at the M. E. church Sunday , Kev. Bassett being on the sick list. Mr. Osborne and family went down to Norden Saturday. It was Osborne that started a blacksmith shop instead of Grooms. John Grooms went to town yes terday with a load of oats. John has recently erected a nice poultry house , and says he has got lots of white rats and pug dogs and all he needs now is an angora goat to have a wejl equipped farm. Well John , if you had not mentioned the facts we would not have known how to write it up. Who is it sews the buttons rn In bachelor's camp today : When from a mother's loving care Some choose to live this way ? Perhaps it was a sister's hand That did that work at home ; Ho\v vain it is of any man To choose to live alone. Who is it sews the bottons on ? They're not sewed on at all ; We know from our experience , For we've ' kept bachelor's hall , A rusted nail , a piece of string , Or anything at all ; Will answer just as well , you see , When keeping bachelor's hall. The dishes are all washed up , A clean plate , we've each dav : At first we turn it right side up , Next day the other way. By changing sides each day you see } There are no dishes washed at all : En the happy quarters of the man Who is keeping bachelor's ball. PORCUPINE. Just received a new line of Combs and Belts at Mrs. Elmore's , In posing subjects for a photo , bhe greatest care is necessary , like wise in finishing. The retouching' ' ranks next , and the soft lighting. ' We employ only experts at all branches of the photo-making , con sequently we can give you the best ind the latest. Look for our regu lar dates. dates.HALLDORSON HALLDORSON & BARNETT. Halldorson fe Barnett , your pho tographers. Office open the 1st ffifli , inclusive An Opportunity We want a man in this locality to sell the WHEELER & WILSON Sewing Machine. We can offer ex ceptional induce ments to someone who commands a horse and wagon and can devote his time to advancing the sales of our product. Energetic men find our proposition a money-maker , ca pable of development into a permanent and profitable business. WRITE AT ONCE Wheeled Wilson Mfg. Co. 72 and 74 Wabash Ave. CHICAGO FOR SALE ; City Hotel , lot and building. Price $1000. 18 C. H. CORNELL , Agent. I have buyer for Nebraska farms. If you want to sell , list with me or write for particulars. 47 HORACE GRANT , Heist Bldg. Kansas City , Mo. Buster Brown Belt for children at Mrs. Elmore's. 12 We have just received a full line of ( he celebrated JOHN DEERE Farm Implements , consisting of Plows , both riding and walking Listers " " 44 44 Cultivators Harrows , Disks , etc , etc * We have three different j makes of riding Cultivators j and also carry in stock Lister 1 Carriages suitable for convert- , ing any steel beam walking lister or plow into a riding lis ter or a riding plow. Experience has proven that the JOHN DEERE goods are the best in the market , and by buying two car loads we are enabled to make you very close prices , Our friends are invited to call and inspect the goods. G m M twin Liter Co fr :2ap2aas2Kiacar2a SATURDAY , JULY 1905 m r 1 6 II WILL SELL AT MULLEN NEBR. , . , at 10:30 : A. M. , at Public Auction to the highest bidder for cash , ap proximately the following 300 HORSES * MARES , including the Company's best haying teams for mowers , sweeps and rakes , SADDLE HORSES " &SS" MARES with their colts sides. by This number will also include about 60 head of young native mares and geldings ( by pure bred Percheron stallion ) raised on the company's ranch , and running from yearlings upward. ALSO THEIR BEST WAGONS , MOWERS , HARNESS FARM MACHINERY In addition to the above auction sale The Standard Cattle Company will hold the foil owing sales : At Pass Ranch , FRIDAY , JULY 7 , 1905 At Big Creek Ranch , MONDAY , " 10 , 1905 At Carver Ranch , WEDNESDAY , " I 2 , 1905 At these sales they will offer for cash to the highest bidder : All their haying and farm machinery not included in the Mullen sale. Sale at each ranch will commence at 10:30 a. m. on dates mentioned W. E. Hite assisted by G. E , Tracewell , will conduct the Mullen sale , and G. E. Tracewell the other three sales on the 7th , 10th and 12th of July.