VALENTINE DEMOCRAT. VOLUME XX VALENTINE. NEBRASKA. JUNE 1 , 1905. NUMBER 20 LATEST toto toto toto toto to toto to STYLES toto toto * J 1 In Seasonable 1J 1 Dress Goods I vi 4u * i i at our store. | t tj SOur warm weather wearing ap = jj $ parel brings comfort to to < ? * * the purchaser. AQ to & We are too busy now to tell g you ot our many desirable fabg rics that are a luxury in everyg thing but price. g 40 c * 4 ? * IRED FRONT MERC , co | r ir r g g g gg gsr jgg g ? i Just Arrived Silk Skirts guaranteed for three years , MERCHANT TAILOR. * * k Quick Meal Gasoline Stoves and ranges are the best and safest. They are al ways ready for use. Don't delay. Get one and save half the wor ry of your life. None so good as the "QUICK MEAL. " Ladies1 Shirt Waists , Suits , Skirts and Under Skirts , My Furniture stock is being con stantly replenished with good serviceable articles for the home. You want Garden Seeds for spring planting. Other seeds also. I have them. Chartered as & State Bank Chartered aa a National Bank June 1 , 1881. August 18 , 1002 , FIRST NATIONAL BANK Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) of PAID m * A General Banking S25 000 * Exchange and V < VV/V/V/ . Collection Business. ' , ' C H. COHNELL , President. J * $ . MAY , Vice-President. M. V , NK&OLSON , Cashier. , n i ir li * 1 lip in . AUSTIN. J. W. THOMPSON. ; LS tlO. : db ( SUCCESSORS TO E. BKKUKLANDKK. ) GENERAL BLACKSMITHING AND WOODWORK. Horse Shoeing a Specialty. The man who puts in fifteen dol lars of hard work in his garden , getting in return two dollars worth of vegetables , consoles himself with the thought that the exercise was good for his health. Stroms- burg Headlight. How We Get Rich. To enable others to know the secret of how many country edi tors become rich , will tell you as follows : A child is born in the neighborhood ; the attending phy- | sician gets § 10 , the editor gives the j loud-lunged youngster and the happy parents a send off and gets § 0. It is christened ; the minister gets § 5 and the editor gets $00. It grows up and marries ; the edi tor publishes another long-winded and flowery article. The minister gets § 10 and a piece of cako and the editor gets § 000. In course of time it dies and the doctor gets § 50 to § 100 and the editor publish es notice of death , lodge and so ciety resolutions , a lot of poetry and a card of thanks and gets § 0000. No wonder so many editors get rich. Ex. A "prim" lady friend received the following reply from a good house-keeper in answer to the question why she allowed her chil dren and husband to "litter" up every room in the house , and the sentiment will find lodgment in the heart of every home-loving person in the land : "The marks of little muddy feet upon the floor can be easier removed than the stain when those little feet go down into the mud of the highway of evil. The prints of the 'little fingers on the window pane' cannot shut out the sunshine half so much as the shad ows that darken the mother's heart over the one 'who is but a name' through the coming years. And if my John finds his home a refuge from care and trouble and his greatest happiness within its four walls is when he can put his boots in the rocking chair and hang up his coat on the floor every day in the week. And if I can stand it I cannot see that it is anybody else's business. ' ' Rushville Standard. Judge Kinkaid returned Monday from a business and pleasure trip to Mexico. He was accompanied on the trip by Omaha friends and they got down into the tropical regions of the republic. The Judge says Mexico City is a very inter esting place , as is also the whole country and people. He visited many places of interest , among which were the president's palace , where he received a cordial re ception from President Diaz , and some of the principal cathedrals where are displayed very rich fur nishings , there being over twenty toss of silver overlaying the alters in a single place of worship and vast quantities of gold used. Of the commercial advantages of the republic , the judge says they are many. There are now some § 300- 000,000 United States capital in vested in various enterprises in Mexico. The trip afforded the party the opportunity to see veg etation in all stages of develop ment , from corn about ready to husk in southern Mexico to .the farmer in the field with the planter in Nebraska. O'Neill Frontier. The story is told of an old bache lor who bought a pair of socks and found attached to one a note with these words : "I am a young lady of twenty and desire to correspond with a bachelor with a view to matrimony. " The name and ad dress were given. The bachelor wrote and in a few days got this report : "Mamma was married twenty years ago. Evidently the mer chant of whom you bought those socks did not advertise , or he would have sold them long ago. Mother handed me your letter and said possibly I might suit , I am eighteen. " Hamilton Rustler. The above is an old and true saying. If a man wishes to sell goods , not merely own them , he must advertise , not spasmodically , however. If you want a continual trade you should advertise contin ually. The merchant that adver tises spasmodically may expect nothing more than spasmodic buy ers. Your local paper is the one medium by which local merchants can freeze out the mail order and catalogue houses. Keya Paha County News. Rumors. Long Pine is authority for the statement that the C. &N. W. R'y. will in a few years straighten the track between Atkinson and Long Pine by building directly between the two points thus saving seven miles. This change would leave Stuart three miles , Newport four miles and Bassett three miles north of the new railroad. It is also stated on what is con sidered good authority that the di vision between Long Pine and Chadron is too long and that the North-Western will in the near future make a change that will greatly improve the operation of train service. The plan is to do away with the division at Long Pine and establish two new divis ion stations , one of which will be located at Atkinson and the other at Valentine. Another rumor in circulation is that the Inter-State Telephone Co. ( Wm. Krotter ) has in mind the building of a line up the Niobrara river from Spencer to Valentine. This new line will intersect the various lines the company already has and afford excellent communi cations. Rock County Leader. IJcttci1 From Thomas Boston , May 11 , 1905. EDITOR DEMOCRAT : Twelve months ago I made to the American people in the''Fore word" of my story , "Frenzied Finance , " a promise to expose the operations of the most nefarious and destructive band of brigands this or any other country has been oppressed with. The "system" met my promise with ridicule , and their hirelings from one end of the land to the other chorused , "He will never dare tell ! " In the June number of Every body's Magazine , published on the 20th of May , I tell the first great crime of amalgamated in a double chapter of 2i,000 words. I give in a brick-and-mortar style the de tails of this act by which the American people were robbed of § 36,000,000 through the agency of the biggest national bank in Amer ica , the National City ( "Standard Oil" ) bant of New York. I feel and I think you will agree with me when you have read what I tell that it is of vital importance to the whole American people that they every man , woman and child know the facts I expose. So far I have given a year of my time and some § 600,000 of my money to get my message to the American people , and I would ask if , because of this fact and the fur ther one that I seek nothing in re turn for my work ( for I have nothing to sell and no office or oth er thing to ask of the American people ) , you cannot see it in the light of a public duty to do all in your power to get the June chap ter of my story to the people of your community. If so , I leave bo your good judgement the way mil the means to do so. THOMAS W. LAWSON. Simeon Hews. Big celebration this year at meon. Don't forget to come to Sunday school Sunday. Mr. Paton is very poorly with rheumatism. Mr. Young has been to Valen tine the past week. Vera Latta is helping Mrs. Blakely at present. The basket dinner Sunday was a failure on account of rain. Rubarb was brought to Simeon this week by Harve Hobbs tkree feet high. Nettie Ganow , of Valentine , has been visiting her parents and friends at Simeon. Maud Williams , who is here from Atlantic City , Wyo. , expects to return home soon. The § new assistant postmaster , Miss Lulu Spain , is getting along fine and doing well. Lots of fishing on the lakes now. Peoplo put in their spare time on the lakes these rainy days. Nile Latta , who was breaking horses for the Diamond Bar , was thrown and quite badly hurt. Geo. Corbin and Henry Taylor , of Valentine , have been doing some carpenter work for S. Q. Spain , our new merchant at Simeon. TREE Toi\ 4&&A 49 to 49 49 FREE ! toto toto toto toto 49 toto 49 toto 49 49 The Greatest Premium toto 49 toto 49 49 Ever Offered toto 49 toto 49 toto 49 toto 49 toto 49 toto 49 toto 49 toto 49 toto 49 toto 49 toto 49 toto toto to 41 toto to 49 toto 49 toto toto 4 ° to toto to 49 toto 49 toto to 49 toto 49 49 THE BUSY BEE GRAPHOPHONE toto toto toto toto 49 Absolutely Free with $20.00 49 worth of merchandise in our * * Dry Goods Department 0 * 49 49 r I * 49 I * 49 49 49 DON'T ASK US HOW WE DO IT 49 49 49 to 49 49 You pay from $20 to $100 for 49 most any Qraphophone. These 49 49 are FREE. 49 Call and see us and ask for checks with your cash purchases. toto to 49 toto 49 toto 49 49 9 Davenport & Thacher. toto 49 General Merchants. toto 49 to NEW SPRING GOODS EVERY DAY so We sell al Farming Implements , and fleering Binders I Mowers at able reason prices MAX E. VIEETBL CROOKST05N NEBRASKA Shoes ! I handle the celebrated Kirkendall Shoes iHlHBHBMBMBaHBBi HH HNMBHHM iBl HBVHi B BM M BMI B * for men , women and children. Good wear , good fitting and PRICES AEEEIGHT. . W. A. PETTYCREW , GENERAL MDSE. | * vrr Y rrrv 6 * ra , . . SPARKS , Cashier. FRED WHITTEMOHE Pres. CHARLES. .T. W. STETTER , Vice Pres. ORAH L. BRITTON , Ass't Caah. Persons seeking a place of safety for their money , will profit by investigating the metkods employed in our business.