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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1905)
Historical Society THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT. VOLUME XX VALENTINE. NEBEASKA. MAT 18 , 1905. NTIMBEE 18 iWatch ftfr 1 This & 43 Space ! I 43 fcfr | We Are Going To Talk To You About J & * 43 & 4 ? 43 43 4 ? Dry Goods. & 43 vi &fr fc j We invite you to call and inspect the best > line of _ spring | J 43 and summer goods ever brought to the city. Space and 4i JJtime forbids us to tell you this week of the many bar * 4i " f - * gains to be found at the 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 RED FRONT MERC , co ft & fr , Just Ladies' ShirtWaists , Suits , Skirts and Arrived Under Skirts , Silk Skirts guaranteed for three years. MERCHANT TAILOR. Quick My Furniture stock is being con stantly replenished Meal with good serviceable articles for the home. Gasoline Stoves and ranges are the best and safest. They are al ways ready for use. You want Garden ' . Don't delay. Get one Seeds for spring and save half the wor ry of your life. None planting. Other seeds CD so good as the also. I have them. " . " "QUICK MEAL. Chartered &s a Stato Bank Chartered as a National Bank June 1 , 1884. August 12. 1002 , FIRST NATIONAL BANK Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) CAPITAL PAID IN A General Banking $25,000. * * > , vEKSL. G. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. M , V , NICHOLSON , Cashier. N. J. AUSTIX. J. W. THOMSON. ( SUCCESSORS TO E. HREUKIANDEK. ) GENERAL BLACKSMITIUNG AKD WOODWORK. Horse Shoeing a Specialty. . r" Thos. Fitzhenry is in the city. Mrs. "W. E. Ward is quite sick. James Bahlman is in town this week. Dr. Dailey is in Lincoln this week. S. L. Ellis and sonVillard were in town Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Efner re turned last Thursday from their visit at Chadron. Chas. Pote purchased the Ash- burn place west of town last week and has moved up from Kennedy. The Standard Cattle Company lias a large auction sale ad in this paper , closing out their ranch property. Wm. Hook , Ira Stuart and I.C. 3totts , of Cody , were down to see Ireland hammered up by Tim Hurley last Monday. Peter Riege has been in town ihe past week doctoring for a tum or on his head and is recovering so he can sleep well now. Rev. E. D. Clarkehas resigned ais charge of the Presbyterian church of Valentine , and we hear has accepted a call from Gordon. Fred M , Hans was found not guilty of the murder of David Luse and was turned loose. Who'll be to blame for the next man he kills ? Ed Richards and Ben Stead man of Oasis came in Monday and saw the boxing contest. We credit each with another year's subscrip tion in advance. Miss Tacy Collett returned from Cedar Rapids Friday morning and Tuesday went to Bancroft to ac- cept a position as seamstress on the Omaha and Winnebago reser vation. We had the pleasure of eating some fine Bass at Dave Hancock's ranch on Dewey lake last Satur day and Sunday which were caught by C. W. Hagan and Grant Welk- er out of Willow lake , which was at one time hay land. Mrs. Brosius is recovering slow ly from her recent attack of pa ralysis which occurred about three weeks ago. Her brother , Levi Guss , of Des Moines , came out to see her a week ago Monday and returned Tuesday of this week * Mr. Guss was at one time editor of the Iowa State Register and is now with the Mut. Telephone Co. Dave Hanna , who is now living in Woodlake , was in our city Mon day and found time to call at our office for a visit. Mr. Hanna sold his 188 head of steers that he was feeding at Ainsworth for $5.80 per cwt. They averaged 1453 pounds each. Mr. Hanna run some hogs with his cattle which he sold at the same time * Neil Hanna had charge of the feeding which was done at Frank Gillette's feed yards. The IT. S. weather bureau re port for the week ending May 17 , shows highest and lowest _ tempera ture respectively i 72 on lith and 32 on llth , a range of 40 and a mean for the period of 52 . The mean temperature is 2 be low the normal. The precipitation was .6 and the normal .63 of an inch. For the season , since Mar. 1 to date , we have 6.49 inches and the normal is 5.91 , a gain of .58. The crop outlook locally is exceed ingly favorable. The winds for this period have been rather above the normal , the extreme velocity being 44 miles per hour on loth. The first shipment of cattle for issue to the Indians was received by John Neiss this week for Frank Curry & Co. , who have a contract for 4997 head of heifers and 250 bulls. There were two train loads , the first coming Sunday night con taining 580 head , and the second toain load of 550 head , Tuesday night , all high grade cattle from Pan Handle , Texas. The cattle \ came through in good shape , though being four days on the way. Many stockmen who saw them say they are as fine a bunch of cattle as have been unloaded here in a long time. They are mostly reds and show good stock. It may be a long time before the government gets another such bargain for issue cattle as these. Bister Brown Belt for children at Mrs. Elmore's. 12 The board of equalization will meet June 13th , at which time all matters in controversy in regard to taxation should be presented to the board. C. S. REECE , County Clerk. For feed or livery call on the Eagle Livery. Commercial trade a specialty. We have some good second hand buggies and harness for sale. Call and see us. 14 SHEPHARD BROS. , Prop. The 10 rounds boxing contest between Hamp Ireland and Tim Hurley was preceded by a three round contest between Rastus Johnson and Henry Smith , both of the 25th Inf. , and resulted in a draw. At the beginning of the Ireland and Hurley contest , Hur ley stepped forward and put $25 in the hands of Lee Shepard to be bet that he would get the decision. Almost at the first of the second round Ireland was knocked down a heavy blow and was nearly counted out , staggering to his feet just in time. Several clinches fol lowed in which Ireland seemed re luctant in breaking away. The blows struck were each intended for knockout blows after this but Ireland's ducking and dodging saved him. Ireland got four teeth knocked out in the 5th round. ( Ireland claims that Hurley butted them out with his head m a mix up , though it appeared to the spectators that it was Ireland who did all the butting. ) Hurley plain ly had the best of every round af ter the first. The referee decided the contest a draw. Summary from the section or state report shows : The tempera ture during the past week was aVout normal in the eastern part of tlie state , but was below normal in the northern and western sec * tions. Copious rainfalls occurred in the central and eastern sections and light falls in the western. In many places the rainfall was quite excessive and greatly retarded the the progress of all farm work , considerable damage was reported by hail to gardens and fruit , es pecially in the central and south western sections. Corn is nearly all planted in the southeastern part of the state , but planting has been delayed in all sections by the heavy rains. In many places list ed corn was washed out and much replanting will have to be done. Wheat and oats continue in very good condition and fair growth was made during the week. Oats are reported a thin stand. Grass has grown well and pastures are in good condition. The full extent of damage done to fruit by the hail cannot yet be determined but apple tress promise to yield well. Every Bug Has His Day Rut a Bedbug's days AND NIGHTS are over after the bed has had a thorough ap plication of It completely destroys Bed bugs Nests and Bedbugs small and large. Gives en tire freedom from these little pests. Peace at night in sured as there's not a bug left. S-Ounce Bottle * 15c. PIGLET & CHAPMAN'S , Just received a new line of Combs and Belts at Mrs. Elmore's. 49 49 49 FREE ! 49 at 49 49 The Greatest "Premium 43 43 43 Ever Offered 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 * 43 43 & 43 13 & 43 4 ? 4 ° 4 * 43 43 43 43 43 43 THE BUSY BEE GRAPHOPHONE 43 43 43 43 Absolutely Free with $20.00 H worth of merchandise in our Dry Goods Department 43 43 43 43 43 DON'T ASK US HOW WE DO IT | 43 43 43 43 You pay from $20 to $100 for 43 43 * ? most any Graphophone. These 43 43 are FREE. 43 43 43 Call and see us and ask for checks with j > 43 43 your cash purchases. j * 43 43 43 43 43 Davenport & Thacher. | 4 ? General Merchants. i * EW ARRIVING SPRING GOODS EVERY DAY so We sell al Farming Implements , and Deering Binders I Mowers at able reason prices MAX E. VIERTBL CROOKSTCHS NEBRASKA r Shoes ! Shoes ! I handle the celebrated Kirkendall Shoes for men , women and children. Good wear , good fitting and PRICES ARE RIGHT. | W. A. PETTYCREW , GENERAL MOSE. | < Y8rY rj rrirrrrrrrrvrrr FRED WSITTEMORE , Pras. CHARLES. SPARKS , Cashier. T. W. STETTER , Vice Proa- ORAH L. BRITTON , Ass't Caab. Persons seeking a place of safety for their money , vill profit by investigating the metkods employed in our business.