Mutual companies pay lasses in full.
No discount I. M. RICE , Agent.
Absolutely Pure
Double Track ,
Itailroad between Jlinnonri
and. Chicago.
Direct line to St Ptml-Jilinnenp-
oti * .
Direct line to Jilack. llilln.
to nearfttt agent for rates
and time cards.
Great Northern Line
at O'neill , Aebr.
Going East , Going West.
Leaves 10:10 a.m. Arrives9:60p. m.
Passenger , daily r\eept Sunday.
Connections with Elkhoru trains east and
weit-bouHd from all points west of O'Neill.
Shortest route to Sioux City and beyond.
Through connections fi-r Sioux Falls , Minne
apolis , St. Paul and all points north and west.
Buy local truets to O'Neill.
Sioux City .Iowa
K-I-P-A-N-S Tabules
Doctors find
A good prescription
For mankind
The 5-ceut package s enough for usual occas-
si ns. The family bottle ( GO cents ) contains a
upply for a year. All druggists sell them.
Low Rates to St. Louis , Mo. .
Via the North-western Line. Ex
cursion tickets will be sold on May
18 to 22 , inclusive , limited to return
until May 24 , inclusive , on account
of National Baptist Anniversaries.
Apply to agents Chicago & North
western E'y. 118
Weather Data.
The following data , covering a per
iod of 15 years , have been complied
from the Weather Bureau records at
Valentine , JNebr. They are issued to
show the conditions that have pre
vailed , during the month in question ,
for the above period of years , but
must not be construed as a forecast
of the weather conditions for the
coming mcnth.
Mean or normal 56 °
The warmest month was that of 1900
with an average of 63 °
The coldest month was that of 1892
with an average of 48 °
The highest was 97 ° on 8th , 1895
The lowest was 23 = on 2 , 1889
Average for month 2.24 incke = * .
Average number of days with .01
of an inch or more 10
The greatest monthly precipitation
was 5 98 inches in 1898.
The least monthly precipitation
was 0.17 inches in 1894.
The greatest amount of precipita
tion recorded in any 24 consecutive
hours was 1 96 inches on 18,1897.
The greatest amount of snowfall
recorded in any 24 consecutive hours
( record extending to winter of 1884-85
only ) was 12.7 inches on 7-8 , 1392.
Average number of clear days , 30 ;
partly cloudy , 10 ; cloudy,10.
The prevailing winds have been
from the N.
The average hourly velocity of the
wind is 11 miles.
The highest velocity of the wind
was 76 miles from the sw on 21,1903
\ > Obseryer Weather Bureau ,
\ >
Order of Henrine ami IVntice on Petit
ion for Settlement of Accouut.
THE STATK OF NKBKASKA i _ , In the Oountv
' GIIKUUV COUKTV. fss Court.
To the heirs and to all persons Interested In
tlui estate of'EHzabeth Kemalev , deceased :
ON reading the petition of .Sylvester itemaley
praying a final settlement and allowance ( if his
account Hied In this court on the 3rd day of
May , 1905 ,
It Is hereby ordered that you , and all per
sons interested In said matter , may. and do. ap
pear at the uonnty Court to he held In and for
said county on the 20th day of May , A 11905 ,
at 10 o'clock a. m. , to show cause , if any there
be. why the prayer of the petitioner should not
be granted , and that notice of the pendency of
said petition and that the hearing thereof be
given to all persons interested in said matter by
publishing a copy of this Order in the Valentine
Democrat , a weekly newspaper printed iu said
county , for three successive weeks prior to said
day of hearing ,
16 3 County Judge.
Contest Notice.
U. S. Land Office , Valer.tinp. Nebraska , I
April 18 , 1905. f
A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed
in this ottlce by Elizabeth McNichols. contest
ant. ngainst homestead entry No. 12208 , made
ctober 20. 1900. for Si-iSWk NWk Wjf
NWj < f , Section 2. Township . , Range 31 , by
Bridget A. AlonVitont stee , in which it is al
leged that said claimant never entered upon
said land and established a residence thereon ;
also thar. snid claimant never cultivated said
tract ; also that said claimant has wholly aband
oned said tract of land tor more than six months
last past and has failed to cure her laches up to
date . And that said alleged ai sence from the
said land was not tlue to her employment in the
army , navy or marine corps of Uie United States
as a priva-p soldier , officer , seimaii or marine
during the war with Spain or durng any other
war in which the United States may be engaged.
said parties are heieby notified to appear , re
spond and oll'er evidence touching said allega
tion at 10 o'clock a. m. on May 24. 1905 , before
the Register and Receiver at the United States
Land omce in Valentine. Nebraska.
The said contestant having m a proper af
fidavit. Hied April is , 1905 , set forth facts which
show that after due diligence personal service
of this notice cannot ue made , it is hereby or
dered and directed that such notice by given by
due and proper puolicatiou.
15 4 .Register.
Notice to Non-Resident Defendants.
To Zella C. Blodgett and Mr. Blodgett , her
husband , first and real name unknown.
You. mid each of you. are hereby noiifie 1 that
on the 24th day of April , 1905 , the plaintilt here
in filed its petition in the District Court of
Cherry county , Nebraska , against you , and each
of you , and all persons claiming under you. the
object and prayer of which are to f9reclose a
certain tax linn founded upon a certificate of
tax sale issued by tlie county treasurer of Cher
ry county , Nebraska , on the 7th day of Novem
ber , 1002. for the payment of delinquent taxes
upontluSE1 * of Section 20 , Tp. 35 , K. 26. for
the years 1895 , 1S9G , 1897.1898 , 1899. 1900 and 1901 ,
inclusive , and for the payment of the subsequent
taxes upon the said rael estate for the years 1903
and 1903 tor the taxes assessed and levied thereon
for either state county or school district pur
poses. 2nd there is now due plaintiff upon the
slid tax lien the emu of S107 91 , together with
interest thereon from the 24tb day ot April , 1905
at the Kite of ten per cent par annum , and costs
of this suit and ten per cent attorney's fees as
provided bystatute.tor whic'i sum plaintiff prays
judgmentand decreeol loreclosure. To have said
premises sold for the payment and satisfacti on
of the amount dif for Mich taxes , interest , pen
alties and costs , and the costs of suit and the
costs of sale , to bar. foreclosand exclude the
said defendants , and each of Ibem , from having
or claiming any lien , title , interest or equity or
redemption in or to the same , or any part
thereof , and for gent ral re'ief ,
You , and each of you , are requir d to answer
said petition or or before the 5th day of June ,
1905. BANK of MONROE , Incorporated ,
15 4 Plaintiff.
By Walcott & RIorrlssey ,
Its attorneys ,
Notice to Non-Resident Defendants.
ToZehaC. Blodgett and Mr. Blodgett , her
husband , first and real name unknown.
You. a ench of you. are hereby notified that
on the 2Uh day of April. 11)05. ) the plaintiff heie-
in filed its petition in the District Court of
Cherry county , Nebraska , against you and each
of you , and all persons claiming under you. the
object , and prayer of winch are to foreclose a
certain tax lien founded upon a certificate of
tasale Issu-d by the county treasurer of Cher
ry county. Nebraska , ou tbe 7th day of Novem
ber , 1902 for the payment ol < elmquent taxes
upon thfS\VU t Section 2 ; , T | > 35. R. 20. for
the years 18)5 ! , IS'.W. iS'.u , IS'JS , 1899. 1900 and 1901.
inclusive , and for the payment of the subsequent
taxes up'Mi the said realstate for the yeara 1902
and 1903 for the taxes assessed and levied thereon
for either state , county or school district pur
pose * , and there i < now due plaintiff upon the
said tax lien the sum of 5510585. together with
interest thereon from lhe2Uh day of April , 1905
at the rate of ten per cent per annum , and c ( > ts >
of this suit ten per cent , attorney's fees ; is pro
yided by statute for which sum i luintiff prays
judgmentand decree of foreclobiire. Tohavesak
premises sdd for the payment and satisfaction
of the amount due for such taxes , interest , pen
alties and costs.and ihe costs of suit and the
costs of > ale. to nar , foreclose an 1 exclude the
said defendants , and each ot th'-iu. ' f o . > 'IHVIMJ ' ,
or claiming ii'iy lien , title , inierevu or eq.niot
redemption in or to the same , or any pan
thereof , an for relief.
You. and each of you. are required to answer
said petition on or belorethorth day of June
1905. BANK of MONROE , Incorporated.
15 4 Piaiutift
Walcott & Morrissey ,
ltd attornejs.
Notice of Sale Under Chattle
Notice is hereby siven that by virtue of a
fhattle mortgage , dated on the 18th day of May ,
1904. and duly filed m the , fllce of the Counry
Clrk of Cherry County , Nebraska , on the 21st
day of May. 1904 , and executed by William Har
ris and Beroie Harris to F. M. Walcott and A.
M. Morrissey to secure the payment of the sum
of S300. and upon which there is now due the
sum of § 150 , default having been made in the
payment of said sum , and no suit or other pro
ceeding at law having been instituted to recover
said df-bt or any part thereof , therefore we will
sell the property therein described , and de
scribed as follows , to-wit : One spring wagon ,
one piano , one frame building , one story high ,
situated on Wood's Addition , ( or Out Lot Ad
dition ) to the village of Valentine , Neoraska , at
public auction. Said wagon and house will be
sold where said house is situated , and said piano
will be sold iu the ware room situated on the
rear end of lot 24 , blook 5 of the village of Val
entine , Nebraska Said piano will be offered
for sale on the 1st day of June , 1905 at 10 o'clock
a. m. of stid day and said wagon and said house
will be offeied for sale at 1 o'clock p. m. of said
Dated May 10,1905 ,
Contest Notice.
U. 3. Land Office , Valentine , Nebraska I
April 29,10u5 t
A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed
in this office by Jacob F. ( Jever. contestant ,
igainst homestead entry No. I52 s , made June
1,1.1904. for the who'e 01 Section 4. Township 32
hange 2 > , by Lee W. Mussey , contestee. in
which it is ai'eg-d that said Lee W. Massey has
wholly flbmdiined said land ; taai he has chang
ed his residence therefrom for more than six
uontlis last past : that said land is not settled
ipon and cultivated by said party as by lawre-
juired , and has failed to cure his laches to this
inte , Ad that said a'leged absence from eaid
and was not due to his emp'OvniHit ' in the army
lavyor marine corps of the United States a-j a
private soldier , officer , seaman or marine , dur
ng the. war with Spain or during any other war
In which the United States may be engaged.
aald parties am hereby notified to appear
respond and offer evidence touching said alle
gation at 10 o'clock a m. on July 6.1905. before
Hie Register and Receiver at the United States
Land Othce iu Valentine , Nebraska.
The said contestant having , in a proper affi-
Javit , filed April 29. 1905. set forth facts which
show that after dim diligence personal service
) f this notice can not bo made , it is hereby or-
iered and directed that sucli notice be given by
lue and proper publication ,
1C5 Register.
In the District Court of Cherry
County , Nebraska.
In the matter of tne application of Gardner H
Folsom. administrator of the estate of Charlotte
Foisom. deceased , for saleofreal e-tate.
Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an
order of the Honorable W. FT. Westover , one of
hft Judges of the Di.tHct Court of Cherry
County. Nebraska , made on the lOtli day o
April. 1905 , for the sale of real estate hereinafter
described , there will be sold at public vendue
to the highest bidder for cash. at the front door
of the Court House in the village of Valentine
Iu said county , on the 20th day of Mav. i K)5 , a
theho-T of 10 o'clock a. m. , the following de
scribed real estate : The South naif of the
Northeast Quarter and the North Half of the
Southeast Quarter of Ssction 6. Township 34
north , Range 37 west , of the 6th P. M. bald sale
will remain open one hour.
uated this 21st day of April. 1905.
Administrator of the estate o
15 4 Charlotte Folsom , deceased.
Wa'cott & Morrissey.
attorneys for administrator.
Notice to Non-Resident Defendants
Isaac M. Rice. Plaintiff
Mrs. A. L. Parrot , first and real |
name unknown , E. S. Ormsby , !
trustee , O. F. Bliven , trustee ,
and Charles F. Bliven and Lilla
C. BJiyen. husband and wife ,
You , and each of you. are hereby notified that
on the 2oth flay of April , 1905 , the plaintiff here
in filed his petition m the District Court o
Cherry county , Nebraska , against you , and each
of you. and all persons cluiming under you. the
object and prayer of which are to foreclose a
certain tax lieu founded upon a certificate o
tax sale issued by the county treasurer of Cher
ry county , Nebraska , on the 17th day of April
1903. for the pavment of delinquent taxes upoi
the N W of Sec. 21. To. 35. K. 26 , for the years
1893. 1P91.1895.189J. 1897 , 1898 , 181)0 , 1900 and 1901
inclusive , and for tiie payment of tne subse
quent taxes upon said real e > tate for the years
1902 and 1903. for the taxs assessed and leviec
thereon for either state , county or school dis-
trict purposes , and there is UOAV due plaintii
upon the said tax lien the sum ot § 100.46. to
getherwith interest thereon Irom the 26th day
of April , 1905 , at the rate of ten per cent per
annum and costs of this suit and ten per cenl
attorney's fees as provided by statute , for wliicl
sum plaintiff prays judgment and decree of
foreclosure. To have said premises sold for
the payment and satisfaction of the amount due
for such taxes , interest penalties and costs , anu
the costs of suit a id the costs of sale , to bar
foreclose and exclude the said defendants , anc
each of them , from having or claiming any lien
title , interest or equity of redemption in or t (
the same , or any part thereof , and for getiera
You , and each of you , are required to answer
said petition on or before the 5tb daof June
1905. i. M. ItlCE ,
15 4 Plaintiff.
Walcott & Morrissey , his attorueys.4
Half Kate * to G. A. B. En
campment at Grand Island , Nebr. ,
via the North-western Line. Ex
cursion tickets will be sold at one
fare for the round trip , May 16 to
19 inclusive , limited to return until
May 22 , inclusive. Apply to agents
Chicago & North-western E'y. 163
Low Rates to Savannah , Ga. ,
Via the North-western Line. Ex
cursion tickets will be sold May 12 ,
13 and 14 , with favorable return
limits , on account of Travelers
Protective Association of America
Apply to agents Chicago & North
western E'y. 144
Low Excursion Kates to San
Francisco anil Los Angeles.
Via the North-Western Line , wil ]
be in effect from all stations May
1 , 2 , 3 , 9,11,12 and 13 , with favor
able return limits , on account 01
General Assembly of Cumberland
Presbyterian church at Fresno Two
fast trains to California daily. "The
Overland Limited" ( electric lightec
throughout ) , less than three days
en route. Another fast train is
"The California Express" with
drawing room and tourist sleeping
cars. For rates , tickets.etc. , apply
to agents Chicago & North-We t-
ern E'y. 144
J. W. Stetter ,
Valentine , Nebr
O'riier brands :
! - < I + -
I-Torses branded
) Z - < or + on
left shoulder ; Q loft thigh. Range on
Boardman , Gordon , Snake and Sand Creek.
P. H. Young.
Simeon. Nebr.
Cattle branded
as cut on left side
i left
' on left jaw of
11 wCfc ] v2 > *
Range on Gordoa Creek north of Simeon ,
F. W. Jersig
Valentine , Nebr
Cattle branded as
shown { in cut on
left side , loin or
Range between the Gordon and Snake
south of the Niobrara river
E. M Faddis& Co.
Postofflce address Valentine or Kennedy.
Some branded
PTS"n left thigh
? $ JI
y 2y ]
Horses on
left sboul-
der or thigh
Soiii3..r-ioa left
5om > B53011 right thigh or shoulder.
Pistoffice address
Cody , Nebraska
On left
side. Horn
ses left
Range north
Cuteomb Lake
Garner Brothers.
Cody , Nebr.
Anywhere on cat
Horse ? on left
F. T. Brackett
Riege , Nebr.
Brand Registered
" Brand right
or hip
Horses sarao on
right shoulder
Range , Niobrara
6 miles south of
Seth Gary.
Merriman , Nebr.
On both side and
hip. Herd mark ,
dewlap ,
Horses same on
left shoulder.
Range Lake
Creek and Little
White River.
Sawyer Bros.
Postofflce address.
Oasis , Nebr.
IG. K. Sawyer ha
I charge of these cat
tle. Horses I > S on
t shoulder. Some
stock Vfl left side
orsBR | es sain9
left thigh. Range on Snake rivernSLkja
Roan Brothers
Woodlake Neb
John Roan's
privtae mark , slit
in left ear
Nebraska Land and Feeding Co.
Sartlett RichardsPre ? Will G Comstock , V. P.
Chas C Jamison Sec&Treas
Cattle branded on
any part of animal ;
also the following
brands :
horses branded tnt
Range between
Gordon on the F.E ,
&M. V.R. R. ami
3yanms on B , & M. R. R. in Northwestern
Nebraska. Address , BABTLBTT RICHARIJH.
Ellsworth. Nebraska.
St. Francis Mission
PostofQce address : Crookston. Nebr. , or
Rosebud , S. D.
Cattle branded
as in cut ,
Some cattle in
S D branded only
on left hip ,
RHnne : North
of the Mjnnecha-
duza , 8 miles west
, ot Crookston , and
on liull Creek.
Any information regarding cattle branded as
above will be thankfully resolved by Wm. Skelly.
Crookston , Nebr. ; or St. Francis Mission , Kose-
bud. STD.
Gordon , Nebr.
Cattle branded
same as cut on
left side.
on left
Range 6 miles
south of Irwin.
Pestofflce address
Gregory. Neb
Branded as on cut
Range two miles
north of Gregory
Sandy Williams.
Mcrriman , Nebr.
Mostly on left
side. Some on
right side.
Horses same on
left shoulder.
Range Lake
Creek , S , D. *
C. P. Jordan.
Rosebud , SD
Horses and cattle
same aa cut ; also
CJ BE JJ on right
Ran re on Oak and
Butte creeks.
A liberal reward
for information
leading to detection
of rustlers of stock
bearing any of these brands.
A , Benson.
Address Arabia
Range North of
Niobrara river.
J. B. Lord
Simeon Neb
Stock branded
same as cut back of
right shoulder and
ou right hip
Range on the
James Goodfellow.
Cody. Nebr.
Cattle branded
on left side.
Horses J3 on
left Jaw.
Range Between
the Niobrara and
Medicine Lake.
N. S. Eowley
Kennedy , - Nebraska.
Same as cut on left ,
side and hip , and ou
left shoulder of hor
ses. AlsoRa on
left side
F -f on left side.
I > X on left side and
on left hip.
p on left jaw and left shoulder of horses ,
UJQ on left hip of horses.
Chi Psi Cattle Co.
Edward Lewis , foreman.
Wood Lake , Nebr.
Cattle branded as
in cut on right side.
Range : 6 miles east
of Simeon on Cronin
ran ch.
C. "W. EenneSt
Simeon Neb
Stock branded
with 7 on left hip
also same as cut
Range between
vlordon and Snake
creeks and on the
Niobrara river
Postofflce address
Cody , Nebraska
On left side of cat
tle ; horses O right
Eango , north and
south of Niobrara
ver,12-miles south
eat of Cody
George Heyne
Cody , Neb
Brand registered
No 1027
Horses branded on
left shoulder
Rane' % north and
south of Cuteomb
Lake in Cherry Co
Albert Whipple & Sons
Rosebud , S , D.
Cattle branded
SOS on left side
OSO on rightside
Some cattle also
have af fon neck
Some with A on
left shoulder and
some branded
with two bars
( across hind quar-
iters. Some Texas
cattle "branded S O on left side and some ]
on leftside.
Horses branded SOS on left hio. Some..cauiB
branded AW bar connected on both sides and
h. hio of horses.
Postofflce address
Pullman , Neb (
Cattle branded as on
cut ; horses branded
same as cattle except
reversed S ,
See block
Range Steverl
and Stephenson
Lakes and South
8300 reward will be paid to any person for ID.
formation leading to the arrest and convictkn
of any person or persons stealing cattle with tl e
above brand.
D. A. Hancock
Marshall , Mo. or
Siireon , Nebraska
Cattle branded on
leftside ? .s oacat ;
also 16 en left side
with. on left hip of
some cattle ; also 846
on right side. Horse
brand , rake ai > .d 16
on left shoulder or
hip. Z on left jaw
Home ranch on
Dewey Lake. Range on Niobrara River , east of
Fort Niobrara ; all in Cherry County. Nebraska.
Postoffice address
Hyannis , Neb
On right side
on left
also cattle
on rightside
Range 16 miles
north of Hyannis
C. H. Little.
Merriman , NeVr.
On either side
Horses same on
hip. Also
Range-Lake Creek
Postofflce address
okston , Neb
Cattle branded PE
ou either hip or
right side.
Horses PE on left
Range On Minne-
chaUuza 5 miles
east of Crookston ,
G-.H. Seagcr
Postofflce address
Cody , Neoraska
Cattle branded as on
cut on left side , hip
and shoulder ; horses
Range , Snake Creek
Pat Peiper
Simeon Kebr.
Gordon , Nebr.
Cattle branded
on leftside niu
out , 6-lnch boi
and 2lnch circle
Brand registered
teft about
der. aV4 _
inchc circle , l-ln
box. Registered 878. Range alles south
Irwin on Niobrara river.
G. W. McFarland
Valenii-ie , Nebr
Cattle branded
as In cut on left
Old stock 2Y
Range : four
miles east of Fort
Niobrara , north
and south of
Berry bridge the
Bobert Qnisenbery
Postofflce address
Simeon , Nebr.
S left hip on
IT cattle.
Horses same on
rigbt shoulder.
Range on Snake
Postofflce addreis
Cody. Nebraska
On either side cattle
herdmark left ear
clipped and riht eac
splitherses ; oianded
same on left shoulder
Range on Niobrara
land Medicine Canyon
D. Stinard.
Valentine , Nebr.
State Brand reg
istered 1554.
Cattle and horses
branded same as
cut on left hip.
Range 2 miles
east of Ft , Nio
brara ,
Parmelee Cattle Co.
Rosebud , S.D ,
Cattle branded
as cut.on t sid
with atripe unde
Hor s branded
Metzger Bros. ,
King Neb
Cherry Co
Branded on left
side and thigh.
Earmark , square
crop right ear
Horses have
same brand on
left thigh.
Ranga on Gor
don and Snake
A. JKewarrt of $ % 5O will be paid to any
nrson for information leading to the arrest and
final conviction of any person or persons steal
ing catlle with above brand.
Jos. Bristol
Valentin , Nebr.
Range on Nio
brara river four
miles east of Ft.
Horses and
cattle branded
iv B connected on
left hip or side aa
shown in cut
Postofflce afldre
Hyannis , Neb
Branded on left aid *
Range eighteen miles
north of Kvannla
Pullman , Nebr
Cattle branded JY
on right Hide
Horses branded JY
on right shoulder
Reasonable reward
for any Information
leading to tne re
covery of cattle
strayed from my
J.F. Swain
Sparks , Nebr.
Cattle branded on
ft side as shown
i out.
Range South
3f Sparks on Nlo-
arara river ,
C. E. Wright.
Valentine Nebr.
Brand registered
No. 374.
Brand anywhew
on right side.
D. M. Sears.
Kennedy , Nebr.
Cattle branded
s on cut.left side
ome OH left hip.
Horses same on
Jft shoulder.
Range Square
TV. E. Haley
Valentine Neb
Brand registered
No 200
Range In Sharps
Ranch and Gorman
precincts 6 mHes
south of Kil/jore