Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, May 04, 1905, Image 7
Bfspepsiajf Women ABSOLUTELY _ NEEDLESS AGONY Caused by Uterine Disorders and Cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound A great many women suffer Tvith a form of indigestion or dyspepsia which does not seem to yield to ordinary treat ment. While the sj'mptoms seem to be similar to those of ordinary indiges tion , yet the medicines universally pre scribed do not seem to restore the ticnt's normal condition. s. Pinkham claims that there is a Irind of dyspepsia that is caused by a derangement of the female organism , snd which , while it causes a disturb ance similar to ordinary indigestion , cannot be relieved without a medicine which not only acts as a stomach tonic , but has peculiar uterine-tonic effects also. also.As As proof of this theory we call at tention to the ease of Mrs. Maggie Wright , Brooklyn , N. Y. , who was completely cured by Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound after every thing else had failed. She writes : " For two years I suffered with dyspepsia wlrirh so degenerated my entire bysteni that J was unable to attend to my daily duties. I felt weak and nervous , and nothing that late tasted good and it caused a disturbance in my stomach. I tried different dyspepsia cures , but nothing seemed to help me. I uas ad vised to give Lydia E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Compound a trial , and was happily surprised to linl that it acted like a fine tonic , and in a few days I be enjoy and properly digest iny food. My recovery was rapid , and in live weeks I was a well woman. I have rec ommended it to many sufferingwomen. . " ' No other medicine in the world has received such widespread and unquali fied endorsementor hassuch a record of cures of female troubles , as has Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. THE NEXT MORNING t FEEL BRIGHT AND NEW AND MY COMPLEXION IS BETTER. My doctor esys it acts cently on the stomach , lirer ftnd kidneys and is n. pleasant laxatite. This drink is made tram bnrris , ana is prepared for use ma eamlj as t & . It is called " .Lane's Tea" or LANE'S FAMILY MEDICINE All druggists or by mail 5 cts. and CO cts. Buy it to day. Iane' Family JUctlicinr moves the bnwelM each clay. In order to be ln-.nlthy tlnms necessary. Address , O. F. Woodward , Lo Hoy , N.Y. Alabastine- Your Waifs Typhoid Fever , Diphtheria , Small Pox the fferms of these deadly diseases multiply in the decaying- glue present in all kalsomines , and the decaying paste under wall paper. AL.ABASTINE i < s a disinfectant ; It de stroys disease germs and vermin ; is man ufactured from a btoiie cement base , hardens on the walls , and is as nurturing as tue wall itself. ALABASTIXE is mixed with cold water , and any one can apply it. Ask for sample card of beautiful tints and information about deco rating1. Take no cheap substitute. Buy only 5 pound packages properly labeled. ALABASTINE COMPANY Grand Ave. , Grand Rapids , Micb. York City "All Signs Fail in a Dry Time" TIIE SIGIX OF THE FISH NEVER FAILS IN AVET TIME In ordering Tourer's Slickers , n customer Miites : 4'I knorr they will lie all right if they Jiaro tho 'FISH' on them. " This confidence is the out growth of Ms.ty-ninp years of careful manufacturing. Highest Award World's Fair , 1904. A. J. TOWER CO.Th B1sncftJl 'Fl111 ' Boston , U.S.A. ToTver Canadian Co. \ Limited ' Toronto , Canada Matters of VJarrcntcd Wet Weather Clothing 3B7 Save $10.Per Cow EVERY YEAR OF USE Over All Gravity Setting Systems And S3. to S5B Per Cow Over AH Imitating Separators. Now is the time to make this most ! important and profitable of dairy farm investments. Send at onoe for new 1805 catalogue and name of nearest agent. THE DE LAVAL SEPARATOR Co. Randolph It Canal St8. i 74 Cortlamtt Street . CHICAGO J NEW YORK I THE BROKEN GLASS. Wlea. it was whole , across this mirror fine "What images of strength ai-1 beau ty passed ! Here was the loveliness of woman glassed , Of children , too , and , only less di vine , The forms of rocks and trees , the glo rious shine Of suns and stars , and , wondrous ! } amassed , The journeying clouds ; beneath them , oceans vast Illimitable surge of restless brine. 'Tis shattered now , and all these things and more Great thoughts , imaginations stron rin'd free Are in this glass reflected brokenly ; Razed is the dance upon that polished floor. Poor useless frame that held this sacred trust , Too soon thou canst not crumble into dust ! John White Chad wick , in Scrib ner's Magazine. JEWEL , DOLLY AND jj THE FIRE KINO. In the kitchen stove there is both sentiment and significance. Not only is it the centerpiece in the engine room or tue Home , but to it the finger of progress in domestic science is di rected. Cooking utensils demonstrate the first marks of development in the civilization of the human race , and in the kitchens of a nation are unmis takable evidences of the nation's civil ized or uncivilized condition. There is an immense amount of sentiment in a cook stove. It reflects the. per sonality of the owner , and it stands isr harmony or for disorganization , as they ci > se may be. It speaks for the carefn'i cook and for tnrift and intel ligence , for the genius and the inge nuity of its owner , and for the rise ci plain cooking to the plane of domes tic science. This is the story of Jewel , Dolly and the Fire King and all three are stoves. Jewel was tne name of the old stove at liome. Jewel was the piece de resistance in the kitchen of tEe homestead more than fifty years ago. Jewelwas the very altar of home. In a spacious sand-scoured kitchen she reignea supreme , and spoke for progress successor as she w&s to the fireplace and the andirons. Her oven was perched on top , and her hearth was one glad , expansive smile. Her breath came in one long , cheery respiration that made the coals glow red and setthe tea kettle to singing in merry competition. What a hos pitable dark cavern her oven , that never failed In its duty to the family larder ! In t'he evolution of her kind , Jewel s virtues have never been ex celled. Never has any stove before or since demonstrated such capacity for furthering the efforts of a patient cook , and Jewel's day was half a cen tury ago. The pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving , the turkeys at Christ mas , the plum pudding , the seed cake all were in harmony with Jewel's character. Jewel entered into the spirit of every festivity , whether it was a dining function or a birthday cake , or whether it was merely to thaw out half frozen fingers and toes whose owners involuntarily turned to her for solace. Jewel was well named. She was t'he ' custodian of the family comfort ; she entered into the jo.vs , and when sorrow came she soothed. In her dusky soul was love for her fellow beings there was compassion and a desire to be of service. How she shone at company time ! She was as spotless as her surroundings , an.I as proud as any human thing proud of her achievements , proud of the great loaves of bread tinted a beautiful golden brown. None better than she knew when things were done to a turn. Jewel and "ol black mammy" were in league , and their partnership triumphs were of daily occurrence. How Jewel may have conducted with out her domestic colleague I can not tell. They understood each How it brings out the best in us to be understood ! From Jewel there emanated felicitous thought forces that reach out now from the past , and have become sacred things. 'men came Dolly. I can see Dolly now in memory as she looked when first I saw her. Dolly was a range , and she was an alleged improvement on Jewel. She was decorated here and there with colored tiles , and her name shone with silver letters on the oven dcor. bue was the piece de re sistance in the little kitchen once owned by a young woman a bride. Dolly was different from Jewel. She had a reserved look tnat hinted at un tried forces. Belonging to a later generation than Jewel , she also stood for progress. She wore ner ornate and foolish decorations ostentatious ly as some people wear badges that mean nothing. Her gravity inspired mo with awe , and there was no wel coming smile to greet nte. There was -hearthstone , and the oven was mis placed. Like a subject of higher edu cation and development , she seemed to challenge me on the spot. I felt the impertinence of her thought forces. Should I prove capable ? An tagonism was in the air. Should I conquer , or would she ? Time would tell. Time did tell. Dolly proved to be a stubborn wench. Howeverwise and noble my intention. Dolly thwarted it from the beginning. She refused to glow , or ' she glowed tardily and purely for her own amusement. Dolly was caprici ous. Repeatedly she changed the din ner hour , and defeating me at ever ; turn , appointed a dinner hour to s > ui herself. She despised me for my lack of experience. The mere eager I be came , the more stolidly indifferent she. Spitefully she burned my fingers Dolly was never cozy. Her tea kettle never sang like Jewel's tea kettle She objected to my dining functions She had no sympathy whatever with the sentiment of birthdays and their attendant festivities. Whenever snatched from her malicious embrace the charred remains of what prom ised so well until intrusted to her vin dictive care , she gloated over my fail ure and consequent distress. Dolly and I invariably failed on our bread If the bread was sour , then spitefully she baked it to perfection. At other times she incinerated it , or she floated it over the sides of the pan anything to reflect upon my efficiency. Dolly and I fought bitterly for many months and I now and then victorious , but seldom. Dolly was emphatically opposed to my literary pursuits. If , after giving her a task to pertorm , I took up my book for a few moments of mental re freshment , she-blazed up in the iive liest manner. When she suspected I had my pen in hand , then she did her worst. I recall an experience with her when we cooked prunes. After placing the prunes over the fire in my bright new saucepan I invoked the muse in an adjoining room. Dony had doubtless noted the room. Dolly hud doubtless noted the preoccupied expression of my eyes as I consigned the new saucepan and its contents to her care. No sooner was my back tinned than she and the clock and the prunes entered into a conspiracy , the details of which are too harrowing to relate. The prunes expanded , the clock hands raced around the dial , the fire fanned itself into a fury and smoke , cinders and rum were the combined result. Daring Dolly to foil me thus , I prepared the second in stalment of fruit , and in my sole re maining stewpan placed the consign ment to her care. Again , as soon as my back was turned , Dolly steamed up more fiercely tnan ever , and the fragrance of parched fruit called me from the land of dreams to the land of realities. Such insubordination was not to be tolerated , and the third in voice of prunes was placed in my" pre serving kettle , the one with the sa cred porcelain lining. The details are not pleasant to remember , mucli less to relate , for again Dolly emphasized her disapproval of my literary procliv ities. Dolly mutinied once too often. This was many years ago. Since Dolly's day domestic science has invaded the culinary realm. The Fire King is a gas range , and he is a development from Dolly's failures. He represents progress , and he aims to ward the solution of the servant prob lem. He challenges the intelligence of the expert. Brain has driven out brawn , and calmly superior to the perplexities of the past , he extends his hand to the domestic scientist with the silent assurance that he Avill make rough paths smooth. He is in sympathy with the technic of cook ery. He understands high sounding and scientific terms. He knows about proteids and carbohydrates , and he knows bacteria and a thousand things unheard of in Jewel's time. He is a masculine invader in the realm of feminine inefficiency. How "ol' black mammy" would scoff ! The kitchen has changed , too. The domain of the Fire King is no thor oughfare. The children find no re sponsive smile on his face , no glow that reflects in their own faces. He is no inspiration to the story telling that was a feature of Jewel's reign in the evening when the work of the day was done. Even the bread and the pies and the cookies are no long er made as they were in Jewel's day. When did the Fire King ever achieve a gingerbread man ; Whoever called him the altar of home ? How "ol' black mammy" would scoff ! What would she do without the home senti ment of which her kitchen stove was a regular inspirer ! There is but lit tle sentiment in science , and it is from the well of sentiment that the Lax on civilization is drawn. Karyot Holt Dey , in Womr.n's Home Com panion. THE LOON. Some of the Peculiarities for Which This Bird Is Noted. The loon differs fron other birds in a number of ways. I have reason to think that many people are unaware of some , at least , of those peculiari ties. Tlie iucn has a hide as tougn as an ox. and its feathers can not be ilucked without first scalding the bird as you would a hog. This inci dent win give some idea of the tough ness of the hide. About thirty-five vears ago , when I was living in Micn- gan , a loon 'was shot at with a shot gun industriously all summer , with out apparently doing him any harm. In the fall I killed him with a rifle , ust to convince tne people that a oon could be shot and killed. He iad many times been shot at with a ilie by the same people who had ised a shotgun , and they had become convinced that ne dove so quickly .hat he dodged the shot in that way. had seen them snoot at him a num ber of times , and I could see the splash of builet or shot in the water jefore the loon dove. I ridiculed the dea of the dodging , and that led to uy shooting him to support my con dition. When I skinned the bird I found andcounted over a hundred \"o. \j \ shot , all of them stuck to the r" " inside of the hide , and so doing him no permanent harm. It is remarkable that he was never hit in the eye , nor sustained a broken wing. Anotner thing peculiar to the locn is that after the chicks are hatched , if the mother wishes to move far she will make a shallow dive and come up under her babies and swim off with them on her back. The person that succeeds in photographing her under such conditions may well claim the pennant. Only once have I seen a loon shoulder her young , although for over t\\emy years I lived in the part of .Michigan where then tnere was the best chance imaginable to watch loons. Now the timber has been cut off around most ot the lakes and such favorable conditions for observation no longer exist. Although I have only once seen a loon shoulder her babies , I have seen her swimming with them on her back many times. Once one swam within twenty feet of me and never suspect ed my presence. One of their calls 'when sitting on the water , 'for volume beats that of any other bird or beast that I know of. I have heard them in the night when tney were more than five miles distant , for tney only make that kind of call from the water , and thereswas no Jake in tnat direction short of that distance. To say that the loon is a very interesting bird is as mild as I can express it. Correspondence in Forest and Stream. - A DEEP WATER MAN. FOP This Reason He Didn't "Scare" When the Boat Hit a Sandbar. Captain Coomers had sailed over all the seven seas and the mighty bay of Penobscot. Therefore he felt only contempt for the little bug-shaped steamer that carried passengers from the mainland to the island resoits , which at tiiat time were just begin ning to have a .summer population. This was in the days when all good sailing men locked on bteum craft as mere landsman's toys. Their con tempt was warranted by the habits ot" the Belle of breaking down in mid- channel , of steering off her course in a wind , and of staying at dock dis creetly when thpre was any "consid erable breeze of air. " In one passage across the bay she fell foul of a current that pushed her upon a sandbank. The passengers be gan to rim for the boats anil hunt in impossible places for life preservers. Capr. Coomers sat on deck , his big frame supported by a camp stool , and his "game leg" stretched on another camp stool. He sat still while the others , crew and passengers , were rushing about in futile activity. He looked at the strip of island , then out at the bay , then at the sky. Then 'ne resteu1 his chin on his chest and studied the deck planking. A passenger ran up to him and cried : "Oh , captain , we are wrecked ! " "Hum ? " "We are wrecked. " "Be we ? " "Is there any danger ? " Hum ? " "Are we going to sink ? " "Not fur in this water. " "Aie you sure ? I'm atraid we we shall all 1 > e drowned ! " "Not if you're niore'n four feet hign. " The passenger seemed satisfied at last and wen : awav. Cap1Coomers resumed his gaze at the d ck. Pres ently another uaaSfnqjpr saw ! iim. "Oh , captain , I'm so ghid you re here ! " "So be I. " "Think there's any danger ? " "I ain't seen any. " "Of course we we aren't far from shore ? " .NO. We're as ni0u as two lover ? on a slopin' sofa. " "Yen take it coolly ! " "Well you see I"ve oeen wrecked off Cape Horn and I was in a boat that was .chawed up by a whale. I don't puppus to get my boots wet out o' any sech land vehicle as this here. " 1'outh'A Companion. Might Have Been Suspected. An elderly , well dressed citizen halted in front of a shop door in Mar ket street Monday night and waited placidly for a car. A few feet above his head an iron framework creaked and from the framework fluttered a fringe of canvas which announced that magazines , periodicals , cigars and tobacco were sold within , it was an exposed spot. Other people , who were also waiting , were huddled aiound the corner of the building , , but the subject of this bketch stood his ground , apparently contentedith his surroundings , although me snow was sifting down on him at a furious rate and piling up on his hat and shoulders. "That's what comes of having a good name , " said an amused observer , pointing at the solitary fig ure. "That man doesn't know they've taken in that awning for the winter. He sees that flapping border there and thinks he's protected. All last sum mer he stationed himself there and kept out of the wet , but he hasn't no ticed that they've reefed the canopy and he'll never notice it unless he's told. He's near-sighted. But he has no bad habits and so he excites no suspicion. IT I stood under that skel eton of an awning three , minutes everybody would pity me and some body would come up and offer to help me home. " Providence Journal ? Clay modeling in schools is con demned by doctors as being worse than slates for transmitting infec tious disease. FAMOUS ATHLETES PAT TRIBUTE GLOWING TO PE-RU-NA AS A SPRING TONIC TO GET THE SYSTEM IN GOOD SHAPE. " / advise all Athletes who arc about to go in training to try a bottle of Pe-ru-na. " / Glcnistcr. * § John Olenister , Champion Bwimmer and Only Athlete to Successfully $ Surim Through the Michigan Whirlpool Rapids. $ -A- , . . . . . . + . - - - - - - - - - PE-RU-NA Renovates , Regulates , Restores a System Depleted By Catarrh. John W. Glenister. of Providence. R. J. . champion long distance swimmer of America , has performed notable feats in this country and England. He has used Peruna as a tonic and gives his opinion of it in the following letter : New York. The Peruna Medicine Company , Columbus , Ohio : Gentlemen "This spring for the first time I have taken two bottles of Pernna , and , as it has done me a great deal of good , I feel as if I ought to say a good word for its worth. "During the springtime for the last few years , I have taken several kinds of spring tonics , and have never received any benefit what ever. This year , through the ad vice of a friend , I have tried Peruna and It has given satisfaction. "I advise all athletes who are about to go In training to try a bot tle , for it certainly gets the system in good shape. " Yours truly , JOHN W. ( JLENISTER. * * * * * * * * * * * * A THLETES realize the importance IjL of keeping in good bodily trim. The digestion must be guod , the cir culation perfect , bleep regular and enough of it. If the slightest condition of lungs or stomach is allowed to remain , neither digestion nor sleep will bo strength-sustaining. Those who lead very active lives , like athletes , with good muscular de velopment , find the spring months especially trying. Athlotes everywhere praise Peruna because they , of all men , appreciate the value of a tonic that dispel.physi cal depression. The vocation of some men may al low them to endure the depressing feelings incident to spring weather , but the athlete must never allow him self to get "under the weather. " He must keep in the ' 'pink of condi tion" all the time. In order to do this ho must avail himself of a spring tonic upon which he can rely. Therefore athletes are especially friendly toward Peruna. Peruna never fails them. Let Common Sense Decide Do you honestly believe , that coffee sold loose ( in bulk ) , exposed to dut't , germs and insects , pafiHing through , many hands ( some of them not overcleanblended / ' you don't know how or by whom , is lit for your use ' > Of course you don't. But 4 / LION COFFEE is another story. The green berries , selected by keen judges at the plantation , are skillfully roasted at our fac tories , where precautions you would not dream of are ialten to secure perfect cleanliness , flavor , strength and uniformity. From the time the coffee leares the factory ito hand touches it till it is opened in your kitchen. Tbls has mafic LION COFFEE the LEADER OF AIL PACKAGE COFFEES. Millions of American Homes welcome LIOX COFFEE daily. There is no stronger proof of merit than continued and increas ing popularity. "Quality survives all opposition. " ( Sold only in 1 Ib. packages. Lion-bead on every package. ) ( Save your Liou-beads for valuable premiums. , SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE WOOLSON SPICE CO. , Toledo , Ohio. Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year. THE FAMILY'S FAVORITE MEDICfKE CATHARTIC BEST FOR THE BOWELS 1 Positively cured by these Little Pills. They also relievo Dis tress from Dyspepsia , In ITTLE digestion and Too Hearty I IYER Eating ; A perfect rem edy for Dizziness , Nausea , PILLS. Drowsiness , Bad Taste In tho Mouth , Coated Tongue , Pain In the Side. TORPID LIVER. They regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE , SMALL PRICE. CARTER'S Genuine Must Bear ITTLE Fac-Simile Signature 1VER PILLS. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES , HEN 1VKIT1NO TO ADTKUTI EKs. plcnsp siy you saw efc * aUTortiaemcur in ' paper. lme Chocolates The finest ami most delicious made. Ifur dealer djes not sell them vre will sendou express prepaid 1 Ib box50c. 2 Ib box SI P ALMER & CO. , Sioux Gify , la. MAKE.RS OF PURE CANDY - V.EI' TON THIS PPnRHit wc tarixmcu. S. C. N. U. No. 18 1905 BEGGS'BLOOD PURIFIES CURES catarrh of the stomach. Tastes Good , bv druszlsts.