Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, May 04, 1905, Image 5
* A f rl nd of the hom- A fo of th Trust Calumet Baking Powder omiUi B with the Pure Food Laws of oil States. Business Notices. .Notices , under this heading 5 cents per line each Insertion. Among reading matter , 10 cents per line each insertion. SALE : 7 room house. Acre lot. Nice lawn and fine trees. 9 P. F. SIMONS. I have buyer for Nebraska farms. If you want to sell , list with me or write for particulars. 47 HORACE GRANT , Heist Bldg. Kansas City , Mo. WAITED Competent girl for general house work. Wages § 5 per week. Apply to 13 Miss CATHERINE DONOHER. Public Notice. I hefet5y declare that whereas my wife-Dora Quisenbery , has left my bed and board , I will not be responsible for any accounts or debts contracted by her. Signed this 20th day of April , 1905. EGBERT QUISENBERY. ' Jack for Sale. On time or will trade him for horses or cattle. Write or come and see me. JULIUS SCIIROMM , 16 Woodlake , Neb. High class photos at the new photo gallery by Halldorson & Harriett , the expert portrait mak ers of O'Neill. Studio will be open the 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 : and 5 of each month. Every photo guaranteed fadeless and up to .date. Call and inspect samples. 14 Land For Sale. I have the following land for sale in Cherry county on easy terms : NWNW } NWNE ] Vr SE 29-35-27 TO SE ) - - tgW NE > 32-33-28 SBNW ) For prices , tetms. etc. , on above laud and other Nebraska lands address E. S. ELLSWORTH , Iowa Falls , Iowa , Professional Cards. The Loop Valley Hereford Ranch. Brownlee , Nebr , Prince Boabdel 131693 and Curly Coat 112201 at head of herd. The blood of fowler. Anxiety , Lord Wilton and Sir Gladstone predomi nates in my herd. I can till orders fot bulls of all ages at any lime. Ranch feur miles north-west of Brown- lee , Nebr. C. H. FAULHABEK , H. DAILEY , Dentist. Office overthe grocery deparment of T. C. Hornby's store. Will be in Rosebud agency July 3rd , Oct. 2nd and Jan. 1 , 1904 : . C. M. SAGESER Barber First-class Shop in Every Kespect Eau de Quinine Hair Tonic , Golden Star Hair * Tonic , Herpiclde and Coko's Dandruff Cure , Face Massage Cream H. M. CRAMER , City Deliveryman , trunks , * valises and packages hauled to and from the depot and all parts of the City. JOHN F. PORATH Riege , Nebr. Tubular wells and windmills. A. N. COMPTON Physician and SurgeoH Office at Quigley & Chapman' * Drug Store. Nights The Don oher residence , Cherry Street * * G. H. Hall , M. D. Physician and Surgeon. All calls promptly attended to daj or night. Drugs and Phar maceuticals furnished. Wood Luke , - Nebraska Frank Kludiskofsky was down from Georgia Friday. JSfels Kowley and Joe Jennett were up from Kennedy Friday. * " The Halldorson Bros , came up last Monday to open their new gallery here. Miss Myrtle Petti John came home from Lincoln last Friday for a few days visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Randall spent Sunday in Woodlake visit ing Mr. Randall's parents. J. F. Swain was in town the lat ter port of last week and went out in the country south around Oasis Saturday. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Harve Shepard , Wednesday night , April 26,1905 , a fine baby boy. Harve says he's a dandy. John Britt and Henry Sanner , each hauled in a load of hogs to market last Friday. We credit each with another year's subscrip tion in advance. Judge Westover was in town Monday to appoint a receiver for the Erickson Cattle Co. and trans act other legal matters at a special session of court. Mrs. Smith and son arrived from Ainsworth last Saturday to occupy tjie Dave Peters' house that Mr. Smith had rented and furnished for house-keeping. At the special commencement exercises of the state university school of agriculture at Memorial hall , April 29 , Earl Pettycrew , of our town , was one of the graduates. JW. . Ward has moved to Britt and rented his home opposite the Catholic church to S. A. Lee , the barber who has recently been run ning the Perry Lawson barber shop. shop.Wm. Wm. Grooms took his brother Chester to Omaha last Saturday to be operated on for gall stones in the liver which have occasioned several sharp attacks the past year. J. C. Dahlman was in the city Tuesday visiting old time friends , while stopping over a day enroute to Rosebud where he goes in the interest of his delivery of beef cattle. Frank Sageser spent several days in town the past week and went up to Gordon from here for a couple of days visit , returning yesterday and this morning re turned to. Chambers , Nebr. The two young men who came from Denmark last summer , one working for Gus. Carlson and the other for Jens Thompson and rec ently for Henry Flineaux , started for Oakland , Calif. , last week. John Porath was in town Satur day and tells us he has recently completed a well 318 feet deep for F. Porath , also one for Mr. Em ery south of Crookston and a inch casing well for Jacob Sauer- wein. Max E. Viertel came down from Crookston Monday , and Tuesday morning departed on his way tc the state meeting of the M. W. A , at Columbus. Mr. Viertel has been a Woodman 14 years and is z worthy representative of the order , Lawrence Christensen , whose family is living in the John Har den house , came in yesterday anc subscribed for THE DEMOCRAT , He lately moved out here f rom Crawford county , Iowa , and filed on a section of land 7 miles south west of town. P. S. Roueche , of Brownlee , called on us yesterday morning while in town on a business deal , We always enjoy a visit with Mr Roueche. He is honest and squan in his dealings and his neighbors all speak well of him. Mr.Rouech ( wants to sell his ranch at Brown lee , and it is one of the finest ii the county. Plenty of hay , wel watered and an abundance of pas jture Mrs. C. Callen is in the city. A. L. Gillaspie was in town Tuesday. Geo. W. Keller , of Cascade , was in town Monday. Chas. McCoy came in last week from his homestead. Mrs. B. R. Webb came up from Lincoln yesterday morning and is visiting friends in the city. G. Hartigan returned Sunday from a two weeks visit at P. H. Young's ranch near Simeon. Mrs. R. Andersen came down from Rosebud last Thursday and is visiting friends in the city. Shepard Bros , have bought Harry Hilsinger's interest in the pool hall and Jas. Shepard is in charge. Wm. Caton was in the city last Friday , enroute to Rosebud where he is temporarily in charge of the White Thunder school. Mrs. W. R. Towne is expected home Saturday from a couple of weeks visit with her daughter , Mrs. Caton , on the reservation. Meanwhile the Judge has been lonesome. Last week "Dad" Hershey made the city a present of a bell that was brought from Cuba and was one of a number of chimes in a cathedral. The bell will now do service as a fire alarm for the city. M. C. Lambert , of Norfolk , has been employed by the Home Bak ery since May 1st , in place of Frank Fordney , the old baker who has been a faithful man and suc ceeded in pleasing every patron who used bread. A patent to the 720 acres east and adjoining the city has been re ceived , conveying that tract of land to the city of Valentine , and the same has been placed on record at the court house. The town board , has ordered signs painted which will be posted conspicuous ly to prevent destruction or re moval of the timber therefrom. The Junior League social given last Friday evening at the home of George Hornby was a success socially and financially. The rooms were tastily decorated , represent ing in one room China , another , Japan and another California , in each of which refreshments were served in keeping with the country. Miss Sarah Simpson wore a silk Japanese gown from Japan in pre siding over the Japanese tea urn. The art gallery upstairs furnished amusement for the curious , and the rummage sale was well patron ized. Music was furnished by Mrs. Walter Jackson , Misses Hoi- comb and Elliott , Rev. Clark and Mr. McClean. From the Jeffersonville , ( Ind. ) Evening News we learn of the marriage there of R. S. Dennis , formerly of this city , to Mrs. Eve lyn Perry , last Saturday night. A year ago last January Dennis left Valentine to enter the govern ment employ as a painter and was sent to Jeffersonville , Ind. , where he has since remained. He left his wife and child , a little girl then five years old , here and promised to send for them as soon as he could , which he never done. Once , last December , he sent § 5 to his wife and told her that was all the money he had and which is all she received from him since he left. Dennis was married at Gloucester , Mass. , in 1889 , and while a soldier in the 12th infantry , stationed at Ft. Niobrara , was married to Miss Emma Downing , Sept. 23 , 1897 , whom he left here to work for her living and support their child , while he spent his earnings reck lessly. Mrs. Emma Dennis is a respectable woman , of good ap pearance and deserving of bettei treatment than she received at the hands of Dennis , even while he lived with her. Mrs. Dennis se cured a divorce March 20,1905 and was awarded § 360 alimony which however she has never re ceived. BASE BALL TEAMS ORGANIZE Valentine , Crookston and Harmony Organize for Season of 1005. Valentine has organized a base ball team for 1905 with Byron Shaw as manager and Frank Fisch er , Jr. , assistant manager , Ote Gorrell , captain ; W. A. Kimbell , assistant captain ; R. H. Robert son , sec'y. , and Jake Tobien , treas. Maynard Bishop , A. C. Salmon , Geo. Hunter , C. Burnnell , and W. C. E. Smith will assist the abovo officers , which together with their pitcher , whose name we haven't learned , will make a strong team. Charles Brown , Frank West , Wm. Haley and Wm. Gibson are substitutes and are pretty fair players , though young. Crookston has organized a base ball team for the coming season with Wm. Kelly as captain and expect to play Valentine at inter vals. Harmony has organized a base ball team with Dave Fowler as captain and will play some hot games with Crookston and the Valentine teams. Stays Sentence of rites. Lincoln , May 2. Chief Justice S. A. Holcomb has granted a stay of execution to Judge A. W. Crites of Chadron , receiver of the United States land office under Cleveland , who was sent to jail Friday by District Judge Harring ton for contempt of court. The bond was fixed at § 200. Crites , as counsel for Benjamin Pitman , asked questions of him while on the witness stand in defiance of the order of Harrington , who fined him § 10 for contempt and remand ed him to jail until the refractory attorney would agree to pay. Judge Holcomb telegraphed the stay to Chadron , where Crites was in jail. Norfolk Daily News. Daniel Mcltenney. Did ye ever hear tell of old Daniel McKenney The man with the razor in Sag- eser's shop ? A dale of a talker and josher was tenny And stayed with his glass till he drank the last drop. A right clever man was this Dan iel McKeEney ; He'd traveled through quite a large bit of the world : For the drawin' of pictures off hand there warn't any Could bate him or kape near's a stone that is hurl'd. Old Dan was a sportsman for hunt ing wild game ; The boys are all ears as they sit on the rail To hear his wild stories of "am bush" and "fame , " How he'd trail any jack as had salt on his tail. Now , Mac was a knight of the razor , was he , For the scrapin' of faces Mac surely was right ; His welcome so hearty , his speech full and free , No wonder we missed him last Saturday night. For feed or livery call on the Eagle Livery. Commercial trade a specialty. We have some good second hand buggies and harness for sale. Call and see us. D SHEPIIARD BROS. , Prop. Last Friday was a nice day and O. W.Hahn , W.H. Hooper , John Granger , John Ryschon , Jr. , John Britt and H. C. Sanner , of north table , and Andrew Benson , of Arabia , were in town. It always makes us feel like our town has company when so many good men get together here. Superstition * Parnell. Miss Charlotte McCarthy , daughter of Justin McCarthy , told a curious Btory of Charles Stewart Parnell. "One evening , " says she , "Parnell was talk * ing to me at the coffee stage of dinner , and I , gazing at him with rapture , was vaguely stirring mine and going to drink It when he said : 'You must not drink that. You have stirred It the "Wrong way , and it would be unluckj * . Get another cup. ' "What struck me as strange in this was not his being su perstitious every one who knew him nt all knew that but his extraordinary power of observation. " SUITS Full Line of Samples on Hand You can be elegantly dressed for - little money by buying your suits of THE TAILO'R. Fit Guaranteed. First Class Work. Cleaning , Pressing and Repairing neatly done. Next Door to FIrat National Bank. rf HE OWL SALOON W.A.TAYLOR. JAMES B. HULL JL 5" ? Sole Agents for HERALD PURE RYE WHISKEY * j Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER Choicest Wines and Cigars. VALENTINE X NEBRASKA DO YOU WANT iT ? Che most complete , the most practical , the most convenient Cook Book ever jublished. THE WHITE HOUSE COOK BOOK , [ By Hugo Zietnann , Steward of the White House , and Mrs. F. L. Gillette , : ontains over 1,600 choice recipes. Nothing relating to Practical House- seeping has been omitted. Tnere are 590 PAGES 590 } f information for the Home , comprising Cookintr , Toilet and Household Re- ; ipes , Menus , Dinner-Giving , Table Etiquette , Care of the Sick , Health Sug- jestions , and Thousands of Facts worth knowing. XXaiiclsoincly Bound in "VVliite Oil Cloth. Fhis identical book has been sold at $2.50 , Out by special arrangements it , vlll be sent ABSOLUTELY FREE , with a six months subscription to Hearst's lN"e > v York American ( Daily ) . Send this advertisement with Post Office or Express Money Order f6r rhree Dollars to Cashier NEW YORK : N"ew York City , and receive America's Greatest Newspaper daily for six months and a copy of the WHITE HOUSE CCOK BOOK. "THE SHINING MARK AND THE MINING SHARK" Portrayal of the Great Difference Between a "SHARE FAKE AND A FAIR SHAKE. " A book of over 100 pages neatly bound containing fif- ( teen half-tones from the highest pric- ' ed photos taken from life in the state of Colorado. One of the most inter esting publications of the year. As rich to read as Lawson's "Frenzied Finance. " You can get it ABSO LUTELY FPtEE by addressing C. P. JORDAN , Roselmcl , 80. Dakota. Everybody that writes Can use printed stationery. Ask to See our fine envelopes and paper. . Your time is money. Mistakes don't occur so frequently and it is a guarantee to the public that you're a busy man. THE DEMOCRAT , Valentine , - Nebr. 5O YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE : MARKS DESIGNS . . COPYRIGHTS &c. Anyone sending a sketch and description may rjnlckiy ascertain onr opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents Bent free. Oldest aeency for securingrpatenta. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive notice , without charge. In the special IWb VV " in u * w WUI B VI > > * Scientific flmerican. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Lnrjtest clr- culation of any scientific Journal. Terms. $3 p year : four months , ? L Sold fcy all newsdealers. MUNN & Co.3SlBf ° ad New YorF Vnnch Onicn. 125 F St. . Wnshinirton. T ) C. FOR SALE Early Ohio Seed * - Potatoes delivered at Valentine , Arabia , Woodlake or Simeon at 30c a bushel. JOHN OKMESIIER. 13 MaJtf * J. L. ASHBURN , Contractor and Build er in Brick or Stone Work. Valentine , - Nebr. An Opportunity We want a man in this locality to sell the WHEELER & WILSON Sewing Machine. We can offer ex ceptional induce ments to someone who commands a horse and wagon and can devote his time to advancing the sales of our product. Energetic men find our proposition' a money-maker , ca pable of development into a permanent and profitable business. WRITE AT ONCE Wheeler&WUsonMfg.Co. 72 and 74 Wabash Ave. CHICAGO MILL PRICES FOR FEED , Per Cwt. Per Ton. " 'x Bran , sacked § 85 § 16 00 Shorts , sacked 95 IS 00 - Screenings , sacked 60 11 00 , Chop Feed , sacked 90 17 00 Corn , sacked SO 15 00 Chop Corn , sacked S5 16 00 ' Oats , sacked 1 00 19 00