Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, May 04, 1905, Image 1
JV * * ' -t" THE VALENTINE VOLUME XX VALENTINE. NEBRASKA , MAT 4 , 1905. NUMBER 16 fWatch ' > T1 i This 4 ? Space ! 4 ? ? 1 * 49 4 ? 13 49 49 49 49We Are Going To Talk To You About & ° 49 49 49 49 49 Dry Goods. fc ftfr & 49 49 J1 % We invite you to call and inspect the best line of spring fg = T ' 49 and summer goods ever brought to the city. Space and 2J 2 * f'2 . J time forbids us to tell you this week of the many bar/ i W" & ' gains to be found at the . ' tr. 49 49 , 49 49 49 49 49 | RED FRONT MERC. CO * Just Arrived "V * Silk Skirts guaranteed for three years. * < * lIMiM MERCHANT TAILOR. \yaaa \ Meal Gasoline Stoves and ranges are tlie best and jafeStl * " They"are al- frsy.s..Jceady for use. delay i Get one ve half the wor- ry of your life. * None sogood as the " " QUICK MEAL. " E Ladies * Shirt Waists , Suits , Skirts and Under Skirts , CD , CD O3 CO CDC3 C3 C3 cu My Furniture stock is being con stantly replenished with.good serviceable articles for the home. want Garden Seeds for spring planting. Other seeds also. I have them. -Chartered , as a State'Bank Chartered as a National Bank June 1 , 1884. August 12 , 1902 * , FIRST NATIONAL BNK Valentine , Nebraska. ' ( Successor to ) o ± CAPITA ! , PAID IN A General Banking Exchange and Collection C. H. CORNELL , President. - J. T. MAY , Vice-President. M. V , NICHOLSON , Cashier. GET- AT THIS YOUR OFFICE * Ve Caa Satitfy YMI ia Qoalilv Price and Wtrkmaashlp I Powers' Fourth Trial. Georgetown , Ky. , May 1. The celebrated case of Caleb Powers , secretary of state of Kentucky and thrice sentenced to death for mur der of Governor Goebel , came up for hearing in the district court here today and the fourth trial will proceed without delay. The pres ent trial promises to be more in teresting than its predecessors. Former Governor Black of New York , recognized as one one of the foremost criminal lawyers of Am erica , has been retained to conduct the defense and he will be assisted by former Governor Yates of Il linois and several other attorneys of prominence. THE MURDER OF GOEBEL. William Goebel was shot on De cember 30 , 1900 , as he was ap proaching the state house , in Frankfort , a few hours before ar guments were to begin on his con test for the governorship of the state. Ten persons were arrested for his murder , including some of the most prominent republicans in the state. Ex-Gov. Taylor , who was suspected of being a party to the plot , fled the state , and has ev er since remained a fugitive from justice. Another suspect was Ser geant N. "Wharton Golden , of the state militia , who confessed , im plicating Caleb Powers , republi can secretary of state ; Capt. John Davis , W. H. Culton and Harland Whittaker. It was Golden who finally implicated James Howard , who was indicted in April , 1901 , along with "Tallow Dick" Coombs , Whittaker , Berry Howard , Pow ers , Culton , Chas. E. Finley and Golden. Powers was the first one tried , and was sentenced to life impris onment , but he obtained a new trial on the ground that the jury was unfair. After being again convicted he was granted another trial , and in December , 1902 , he made a public appeal for funds to carry on the third trial , which re sulted in his conviction"and sen tence to death. James B. Howard was found guilty in September , 1900 , and sentenced to death. He received two new trials , and the third time was sentenced to life imprison ment. Henry Youtsey , another of those implicated in the plot , was given a life sentence. Just before the shooting of Geo- bel , W. S. Taylor had been de clared elected governor of Ken tucky , but Geobel entered a pro test , and the state legislature , which , under the Goebel law , was the proper body to decide the mat ter , declared in his favor. Thousands flocked to the scene of the shooting. Friends of the murdered man did not hesitate to implicate Gov. Taylor in the shoot ing. For days before Goebel was shot Frankfort had been filling up with men from the mountains. Fearing bloodshed the governor called out the state militia , an act which further inflamed the anger of his enemies. Frequent attempts were made by the democratic members of the legislature to meet and declare Geobel elected , but Gov. Taylor frustrated each moveFinally they went to Louisville and held a secret meeting , making Goebel the chief executive and J. W. C. Beckham the lieutenant governor. After Goebel's death Beckham suc ceeded .to his claim , which was fin ally upheld by the United States supreme court. Caleb Powers , whose fourth trial is now on , is about thirty-five years old. He was elected secre tary of state by the republicans , and it was from his office that Goe bel was shot. Norfolk News. . Buster Brown Belt for children at Mrs. Elmore's. 12 Report of district No. 68 , Burge , for month beginning April 3rd and ending April 28th. Number enrolled 6 , average daily attend ance 5. Those neither absent nor tardy were Mabel Davis , Rosa and Boies Lord and Adda Spain. Ab sent , but not tardy : Mabel Spain and Robert Davis. EDYTIIE KLINGAMAX , Teacher. Will Cramer called on us last Saturday and placed an advertise ment of the Empire cream sepa rator in THE DEMOCRAT. Mr. Cramer is selling the Empire sep arators and pronounces them the best to be had. He sold four of them in one day last week to men who use them and want the best on the market. See advertisement in another column of this paper. Monday afternoon Mrs. George Hornby entertained the contestants who participated in the matrons' contest last year. The entertain ment consisted in part in deciph ering the abbreviations of states in which Mrs. George Harden won first prize which was a beautiful flower vase. The booby prize was awarded to Mrs. Moon. At 4:30 : a dainty three course lunch was served , the third course consisting of a May basket of bon bons , dec orated with geranium leaves. Army Officer Suicides. Salt Lake , May 1. Captain W. A. Raibourn suicided here after shooting Lieutenant Winpoint in the thigh and leg. Dissipation that had led to an unbalanced mind is given as the cause of the trag edy. The officers were stationed at Ft. Douglas. Norfolk News. Catholic Church Announce ment. On Sunday next , a solemn high mass will be celebrated at 10:30 : a. m. Catechism class at 3 o'clock p. m. Evening devotions in hon or of the blessed Virgin Mary at 7:30 : p. m. Brown Comity Teachers. Ainsworth , Neb. , May 1. Dis trict court adjourned to meet May S for the trial of Fred M. Hans. Miss Johnston , the county sup erintendent of Brown county , held a very interesting teachers' insti tute here Saturday. There were about thirty-five teachers enrolled. Prof. R. H. Watson of Valentine was present and delivered a fine address. Norfolk News. J } > wu The River. William and Jesse Brosius were in these parts Sunday. Mrs. Brosius has been ill for some , time but is better at present. Several farmers of this vicinity attended Mr. Jones' sale at Sparks. A. W. Grooms and wife and Mrs. J. Sauerwein went to town Saturday. The dance at Brosius' was post poned "on account of Mrs. Brosius' sudden illness. The dance at Lawrence Mor rison's was largely attended and everybody seemed to enjoy them selves. A nice supper was served. Misses Hudson and McCrea and Messrs. Hudson and Allen spent Sunday at T. Ashburn's. They also attended Sunday School at the Prairie View school house. Miss Mae Cavanaugh closed a successful term of school in the Prairie View district. A small entertainment was gived in the af ternoon and ice cream and cake and .fruits were served. Prizes were given to the two best behaved pupils throughout the term of school. The prizes were books , one of which was Whitticr's po ems. The afternoon was well en joyed which was due to Miss Cavanaugh's kindness. YOUNGSTER. * c 49 49 49 49 49 Straw Hats. 49 2 * 49 49 49 49 49 49 AH Prices 49 49 49 Newest Styles 49 49 49 Novelty Shapes 49 49 49 Large Assortment 49 49 Popular Grades & & 49 * 9 49 49 4 ° Davenport & Thacher. 49 NEW SPRING GOODS EVERY "VINC DAY so We sell al Farming Implements , and Deering Binders 8 Mowers at able reason prices MAX E. VIBRTBL CROOKSTO& NEBRASKA * * & &J ? .A JtAJt 3Jt JL Shoes ! Shoes ! I handle the celebrated Kirkendall Shoes for men , women and children. Good wear , ood fittin and PRICES ARE RIGHT. W. A. PETTYCREW , GENERAL MDSL FRESH FRUIT AXD GAME | IN THEIR SEASON. First class line of Steaks ? Hoaste , Dry Salt Meati Smoke I Breakfast Bacon. Highest Market Price Paid ( or Hogs. FRED WHITTEMOKE , Prss. CHARLES. SPAHKS ; Casliier. T. "W" . STETTEB , Vice Pres. ORA.H L. BBITTON.Ass'tCasU. Persons seeking a place of safety for their money , will profit by investigating the metkods employed in our business. CONFECTIONERY Suited to your taste. Canned Goods Are now at their best and we handle the best grade. Lunch Counter. All you want to eat at our Lunch Counter Fies N Home Bakery Read the Advertisements.