Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 20, 1905, Image 8

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    THF vsmiTtMc
Mutual companies pay leases In full.
No discount I. M. RICE , Agent.
Absolutely Pure
OnlyDouble Track
Kaltroatl between Missouri Itlver
and Chicago.
Direct line to St Patil-Hlinneap-
li * .
Direct line to Black. Hills.
Apply to nearest agent for rates
mapn tind time cards.
Great Northern Line
at O'neill , Nebr.
Going East , Going West.
Leaves 10:10 a. in. Arrives 9:50 p. m.
Passenger , daily except Sunday.
'Jonnections with Elkhorn trains east and
w8t-bouad from all points west of O'Neill.
Shortest route to Sioux City and beyond ,
Through connections f r Sioux Falls , Minne
apolis , St , Paul and all points north and west.
Buy local ti'keta to O'Neill.
FRKD R OERS , G , P , A.
Aioux City Jowa
1H-P-A-N-S Tabules
Dot-tors find
A good prescription
For mankind
The 5-c nt package s enough for usual occas-
si ns. The family bottle ( GO cents ) contains 8
supply for a year. All drucgiats sell them.
Horses For Sale.
Some good work horses , saddle
horses and some good young mares
Terms to suit purchaser. Inquire
at Bishops livery barn.
23 W. T. BISHOP.
Weather Data.
Tbe following data , covering" a per
iod of 15 years , have been complied
from the Weather Bureau records at
Valentine , .Nebr. They are issued to
how the conditions that have pre-
railec' ' , during the month in question
for the above period of years , but
must not be construed as a forecast
of the weather conditions for the
coming" month.
Mean or normal 47 °
The warmest month was that of 1904
with an average of 57 ®
The coldest month was that of 1897
with an average of 45 °
The highest was 91 ° on 20th , 1902
The lowest was 0 ° on 4 , 1S99
Average lor month 2.46 inches.
Average number of days with .01
of an inch or more 10
The greatest monthly precipitation
was 7.03 inches in 1892.
The least monthly precipitation
was 0.40 inches in 1904.
The greatest amount of precipita
tion recorded in any 24 consecutive
houre was 2.05 inches on 30 , 1895.
The greatest amount of snowfall
recorded in any 24 consecutive hours
( record extending to winter of 1884-85
only ) was 9.6 inches on 4 , 1892.
Average number of clear days , 30 ;
partly cloudy , 10 ; cloudy,10.
The prevailing winds have been
from the NW.
The average hourly velocity of the
wind is 13 miles.
The highest velocity of the wind
was 55 miles from the se on 17,1903
Obseryer Weather Bureau ,
Notice to Creditors.
T vrE or NKHRASKA i . , In the County
COUNTV. { ' Court.
Tu the matter of the estate of Nettie K. Brosius
tk--eased :
J o the Creditors of said Estate :
You are hereby notified. That I will sit at the
Covnty Court Room in Valentine in sii ; l roiinty
on the 22nd day o ! April , 19OI. at 10 oVioek u.
in. to receive ; md examine all claims against
said estate , with a , view to their adjustment and
allowance. The time limited for the presenta
tion of claims against said estate is tbenet
day of April , A. 1) . l M and the time limited
for payment of debts is one year from said Ibtli
day of June. 10UJ ,
WKncHs my hand and seal of sad county court
' this 3th day of Match. A. I > . 1005.
, 114 County
Notice to Creditors.
GHKUKT COU > TV. jss Court.
In the mutter of the estate of Titus J. Taylor ,
deceased :
To the creditors of said estate :
You ar hereby notified , That f will sit at tho
County Cou-t Itoom in Valentine in said county ,
on the 21'nd day of April , 1005 at 10 o'clock a.
m. to receive and examine all claims against
said estate , with a view to their adjustment and
alloxvance. The time limited for tnu presenta
tion ol claims against said estate is the - - duv of
April A. J ) . 1905 and the time limited for pay
ment oi debts is one year from said 12th day of
September. JUOJ.
Witness my hand an * the seal of said
SEAL County Court tliisSgth day of March ,
, 1903. W.E.TOWNE ,
114 County Judge.
Jfotlcc to Creditors.
THE STAIK OF NKHUASKA , , „ In the County
CHEKUY COUNTV , | aa Court.
In the matter of the estate of Peter W. Pruden
To the creditors of said estate :
You are hereby notified , That I will sit at the
Countv Court Room in Valentine in s. < id Couu-
ty , on the ftJnd day of April , 1005 , at lu o'clock
a. in to receive and examine all claims against
said eetat with a view to their adjustment and
allowance. The time liniited for the presenta
tion of claims against said estate is the 22nd day
of April , A. D. 1903. and the time limited
for payment of debts is one year from said 5th
day of September. 1904
Witness my hand and the seal of sala County
' Court this 2Sth day of March , 1905.
, 114 County Judge
Order of Hearing and Notice of
Probate of Will.
In the County Court of Cherry County , Ne
braska ,
To the heirs and to all persons interested in
the estate of Rosa Mone , deceased : On
readirgthe petition of Michael Moue , pray
ing that the instrument liled in this Court on the
17th day of April , 1905 , and purporting to be
lite last will and testament of the said deceased ,
may be proved and allowed , ami recorded as the
last will and testament of Rosa Moue ,
deceased ; that said instrument be admitted to
probate , and the administration of said estate
be granted to Michael Mone as executor
Tt is hereby ordered that yta and ail persons
interested in said matter , may , and do appear
at the county court to be held in and for said
county on the tith day of May , A. D. 1003. at
10 o'clock a , in. , to show cause , if any there be ,
whv the prayer of the petitioner should not be
gra"ntefland that notice of the pendency of said
petition and that the hearing thereof be given
to all persons interested in said matter by pub
lishing a copy of this order in the Valentine
Democrat a weekly newspaper printed in said
county , for three successive weeks prior to said
day of hearing.
Witness my hand and the seal of said court
this isth day of April. A D. 1903.
v 14 3 County Judge.
Contest Notice.
U , S. Laud Office , Valentine , Nebraska.
March 23 , 1905.
A sufficient contest aflldavlt having been Hied
in this office by c/haries J , Lee , contestant ,
against homestead entry No. 16310 , made Aug
ust 2 ifM. lor w of section 24 and wVs of ec-
t Jon 25 township IS. range 28 , by William Davis ,
contesTcc. in which it is alleged that said claim *
ant has never enterea upon said tract of land
and established a residence thereon as required
by law ; aL-o that said claimant has never culti
vated sai.i tract ot land as required bv law ; also
tnnt said claimant has wholly abandoned .said
tract of laud for more than six months last
past , and has failed to cure his laches up to
date. And that said alleged absence from tho
said laud was not due 10 his employment in the
armv , navy or marine corps of the U ited
Stales as a privateoldier , officer , seaman or
marine miring the war with Spain or during
an y other war in which the United States may
tie engaged. Said parties are hereby notified
to appear ; re-pond and offer evidence touching
said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on May 10.
I''os ' before the Register and Receiver at the
United States Land Office in Valentine , Nc-
br ska. said contestant having , in a proper af-
fiaavit , filed March 28,1905. set forth facts
which showlthat alter aue diligence personal
service of this notice can not be nmrt . it is
hereby ordered and directed that "Hi noik'c
be given by due and proper imbli atioa
11 o Register.
Order of Hearing on Petition for
Appointment of Administrator.
In the County Court of Cherry County Neb
To the heirs and to all persons interested in
the estate of Lucy 15. Kllintt , deceased :
On reading the petition of Ella G Corbitt ,
proving th-it the administration of said estate
be granted to F. M. Walcotr , as administrator
It is hereby ordered that you , and all persons
interested in said matter , may. and do , appear
at the Comity Court to be held in and for said
county , on the cth day of May , A. D. 1 005 at
10 o'clock a m. , to show cause. If any there be
why the prayer of the petitioner should not be
granted , and that notice of the pendency of said
petition and that the hearing thereof be given to
all persons interested in said matter by publish-
a copy of this order in the Valentine Democrat
a wee'kly newspaper printed m said county , for
3 successive weeks prior to said day ot bearing.
Witness my hand and the seal of said
SEAL court this 19th day April , A. D. 1905.
, W.R. TOWNE ,
14 3 County Judge.
Order of Hearing on Petition for Ap-
pointniunt of Administrator.
In the County Court of Cherry County , Neb
To the heirs and to all persons interested In
the estate of George F. VanBtiren. deceased :
On reading the petition of Thomas D. Van-
tJuren. praying that the administration of said
estate be granted to Himself as administrator.
It is hereby ordered that you. and all
persons Interested in said matter , may , and
lo , appear at the Countv Court to be held "in and
tor said county , on the 6th day of May.
4..D. loor at 10 o'clock a. m , to show cause , "if
my ihere be , why the prayer of the petitioner
ihould not be granted , and that notico of the
) endency of said petition and that the hearing
hereof be given to all persons interested in said
natter by publishing a copy of this order in the
Valentine Democrat A weekly newspaper print
'd in said county , for three successive weeks
rior to said day of hearing.
Witness my band , and seal of said court , this
10th day of April A. D. 1005.
- v 143 County Judge.
Notice f Application for a License
to Sell Liquor.
Notice is hereby given that I have filed with
lie Clerk of the Board of Tru-jfees of the Village
f Valentine , Nebraska , a petition accompanied
y a bond duiy attested , said petition praying
bat I be granted a license to sell malt , -
ons and vinous liquors In said village of Val-
ntine , Cherry county , Nebraska for the year
ndlng May 1. HKX5.GEORGE
Dated this 5th day of April , 1903 ,
Notice of Application for a License
Notice is hereby given that we hare filed with
the CJerK of the tioard of Trustees of the Village
of Valentine. Nebraska , a petition accompanied
bj a bond duly attested , said petition pr yinjf
that we be granted a license to sell malt , spirit
uous and vinoui liquors in said village of Val
entine , Cherry county , Nebraska , for the year
ending May 1,1UOO.
.1 AS. B.HULL.
Dated thi 5th day of Aj-ril. 1905 ,
Xotice of Application for a License
to Sell Liquor.
Notice is hereby given that I have filed with
the Clerk of the Uoard of Trustees of the Village
of Valentine , Nebraska , a petition accompanied
by a bond duly alt sted , said petition praying
that I be eruuted a license to Hell malt , spirit-
nous and vinous liquors in said Village of Val
entine , Chorry county. Nebraska , for the year
ending Mav 1. UM3.
Dated this 5th day of April , 1906.
Notice of application for a License
to Sell Liquor.
Notice is hereby iriven that we have flled with
the. C'erk ' f the Board of trustees of the Village
of Valentine. Nebraska , a petition accompanied
by a bond duly attested , said petiti , n praying
that we he granted a license to setl malt , spirit
uous and vinous liquors in said Village of Val
entine , Cl'crry county , Nebraska , for the year
ending .May 1,11KH5
Dated this Cth d.y of April ,
Notice of Application for a License
to Sell Liquor.
Notice is hereby given that I have liled with
the Clerk of the Hoard of Trustees of the Village
of Valentine , Nebraska , a petition accompanied
by a bond duly attested , said petition praying
that I be granted a licen.s to sell malt , spirit
uous and vinous liquors in said Village of Val
entine , Cherry county , Nebraska , for the year
ending May 1,190G.
Dated this nth day of April , 1903.
Strayed from my ranch about
Oct. 1,1904 , one roan bull coming
3 years old , branded T oxyoke con
nected ond left hip and Y lazy D
connected on left side. 84
D. M. SEARS , Kennedy , Neb.
A , Benson.
Address Arabia
Range North of
Niobrara river.
J. W. Stettcr ,
Valentine , Nebr.
O'/aer brands :
x + -
Horses branded :
II , < or + on
left shoulder ; § O left thigh. Range on
Boardman , Gordon , Snake and Sand Creek.
P. H. Young.
Shueon. Nebr.
Cattle branded
as cut on left side
QV ° n
" * en left jaw of
Vi * rses.
Range on Gordoi Creek north of Simeon ,
Nebraska Land and Feeding Co.
3artlett Richards Pres Will G Comstock , V. P.
Chas C Jamison Sec&Treas
Cattle branded on
any part of animal ;
also the following
brands :
Range betweei
Gordon on the F.E.
/ &M. V.R. R. and
dyannis on B , & M. R. R. in Northwestern
Nebraska. Address , BAHTLKTT RICHARDS.
Ellsworth. Nebraska .
St. Francis Missicn
Postoffloe address : Crookston. N br , or
Rosebud , S. D.
Cfrttle branded
as In cut ,
Some cattle in
S I ) branded only
on left hip.
Range : North
of the Minnecha-
duza , smiles west
lot Crooks ton , and
'on ' Bull Creek.
Any information regarding cattle branded as
ibore will bo thankfully referred by Win. Skelly ,
Jrookston , Nebr. ; or St. Francis Mission , Rose-
tud , S. D ,
F. W. Jersig
Valentine , Nebr
Cattle branded as
shown { in cut on
left side , loin or
Range between tbe Gordon and Snake
outh of the Niobrara river
R M Faddis & Co.
Postofflce address Valentine or Kenmdy.
Some branded
" Ion left thigh
Horses on
left shoul
der or thigh
Bom 3 OH left
shoul der or
, on right thigh or shoulder.
J. B. Lord
Simeon Neb
Stack branded
same as cut back e > f
right shoulder and
en right hip
Range on tbe
Cody , Nebraska
On left
side. Hor-j
ses left
Range nortb
Cuteomb Lake
AUen & Sons
Ft Niobrara.
Brand registered
No 870
Horses branded
on left hip
Ranee , Niobrara
river 12 miles eas
of Valentine
Garner Brothers.
Cody , Nebr.
Anywhere on cat
Horse ? on left
F. T. Brackett
Riege. Nebr.
Brand Registered
0 1490
Brand right side
Horses same on
right shoulder
Range , Niobrara
S miles south of
Seth Gary.
Merriman , Netar.
On both side and
hip. Herd mark ,
dewlap ,
Horses same on
left shoulder.
Ranee Lake
Creek and Little
White River.
C. W. Bennett
StmeoH Neb
Stock branded
with 7 on left hip
also same as out
Range between
fi ordon and Snake
creeks and on the
Niobrara river
D. M. Sears.
Kennedy , Nebr.
Cattle branded
as on cutlef t side
&ome OH left hip.
Horses same on
left shoulder.
Range Square
Sawyer Bros.
Postofflce address.
Oasis , Nebr.
[ G. K. Sawyer ha
I charge of these cat-
l tie Horses I > s on
1 ft shoulder. Some
IstockBPl leftside
3n i _ _ _ _ . w.I - , ssam3
left thigh. Range on Snake river
Roan Brothers
Woodlake Neb
John Roan's
pi ivtae mark , slit
in left ear
W. E. Haley
Valentine Neb
Brand registered
No 200
Range in Sharps
Ranch and German
precincts 6 miles
south of Kilcore
Gordon , Nebr.
Cattle branded
same as cut on
left side.
on left
I Range-H5 miles
south of Irwin.
Postofflce address
Gregory , Neb
Branded as on cut
Range two miles
aorth of Gregory
Sandy Williams ,
llcrriman , Nebr.
Mostly on left
lide. borne on
ight side.
Horses same on
eft shoulder.
Range Lake
Jreek , S , D.
C. P. Jordan.
Rosebud , SD
Horses and cattle
same a cut ; also
CJ BE JJ on right
Ran re on Oak and
Butte creeks.
A liberal reward
for information
leading to detection
of rustlers of stock
aarlngany of these brands. R
J. J. Peck.
Cody , Nebr.
On both sides.
Horses CC on
left thigh.
Range Head Pass
Creek , B. D.
Tamoc C
Cody , Nebr.
Cattle branded
on left side.
Horses J3 on
left Jaw.
Range Between
the Niobrara and
Medicine Lake ,
N. S. Eowley
Kennedy , - Nebraska.
Same as cut on left ,
side and hip , ami on' '
left shoulder of hor
ses. AlsoKM on
left Hide
F -f on left side.
1 > X on left side and
on left hip.
p on left Jaw and left shoulder of horses ,
LUQ on left hip of horses.
Chi Psi Cattle Co.
Edward Lewis , foreman.
Wood Lake , Nebr.
Cattle branded as
in cut on right side.
Range : 6 miles east
of Simeon on Cronin
Postofflce address
Cody , Nebraska
On Jeft side of cat
tle ; horses O right
Eango , north and
south of Niobrara
verl2-miles south
est of Cody
Frank Eothleutner
, Postoffice address
Cattle branded on 1
side as OH cut same
on hip.
iSome on left
George Heyne
Cody , Neb
Brand registered
Horses branded on
left shoulder
Rantyj north and
south of Cuteomb
Lake In Cherry Co
Albert Whipple & Sons
Rosebud , S , D.
Cattle branded
SOS on left side
OSO on rightslde
Some cattle also
have a 4on neck
Some with A on
left shonlder and
some branded
with two bars
ross hind quar-
ters. Soma Texas
cattlel)7anded SO on left side aml.'somei
on left side.
Horses branded SOS on left hip. Someucauie
branded AW bar connected on both sides and
left bio Of
Postofflce address
Pullman , Neb
Cattle branded as on
cut ; horses branded
same as cattle except
reversed S , '
See block
Range Stever
and Stephenson
Lakes and South
S300 reward will be paid to any person for in.
formation leading to the arrest and conviction
of any person or persons stealing cattle with tl e
above brand.
D. A. Hancock
Marshall , Mo. or
Simeon , Nebraska
Cattle branded on
left side ? .soa cat ;
also 16 en left side
! with on left hip of
some eattle ; also S46
on right side. Horse
brand , rake ai.d 16
Ion left shoulder or
Ihijs. Z on left Jaw
J Home ranch on
Dewey Lake. Range on Niobrara River , oast of
Fort Niobrara ; all in Cherry County. Nebraska.
Postofflce address
Hyannis , Neb
On right side
on left
also cattle
on right side
Range 16 miles
north of H > annis
C. H. Little.
Merriman , NeVr.
On either side
Horses same on
hip. Also
Range-Lake Creek
Postofflce address
okston. Neb
Cattle branded PE
on either hip or
right side.
Horses PE on left
Range On Minne-
chaduza 5 miles
east of Crookston ,
G.H. Seager.
ostofflce address
Cody , Neoraska
Utle branded as on
it on left side , hip
id shoulder ; horses
, me
inge. Snake Creek
Pat Peiper
Simeon Nebr.
t _ -
Gordon , Nabr.
Cattle branded
on left side ai tu
out , 8-Inch bor.
and2K-lBchclr Ui
iieft Bhoul
der. * *
incbc circle ,
box. Registered 876. Range-6 aile Kmtt
Irwln on Niobrara river.
G. W. McFarland
Valenti > e ,
Cattle branded
as in cut on left
Old stock 2Y
Range : four
miles east of Fort
Niobrara , r rth
and south of
Berry bridge the
Robert Qoisenbery
Postofflce addregs
Simeon , N br.
left bip on
Horses same on
right shoulder.
Range on Snake
Fostofflo address
Cody. Nebraska
On either side cattle
herdmark left ear
'clipped ' and ripht ear
splitharses ; Dtamd 4
jsame on left shoulder
[ Range on Niobrara
id Medicine Oaayra
D. Stlnard.
Valentine , Nebr.
State Brand reg
istered 1554.
Cattle and horses
branded same as
cut on left hip.
Range 2 miles
east of Ft. Nio
brara ,
Parmelee Cattle Co.
Eosebud , S , D ,
a.Cattle branded
as cut.on t aid
with a tripe undo
Hor s branded
left thigh ,
Range on Soldier creek.
Metzger Broe. ,
King Neb
Cherry Co
Branded on left
side and thigh.
Earmark , square
crop right ear
Horses have
same brand on
left thigh.
Range on Gor
don and Snake ]
Creeks , U
A. Reward of $ % 5O will be paid to u ?
nrson for information leading to the armt aai
nnai conviction of any person or ptraona steal *
ing catllo with above brand.
Jos. Bristol
Valentin , Nebr.
Rango on Ni *
brara river four
rallofteastof Ft.
Horsai and
cattle brants *
MB connected om
left hip or side u
shown ID cut
Postoffico adtfn
Hyannis , Nib
Branded on left sido
Range eighteen miles
north of Kyannls
Pullman , Nabr
Cattle branded JY
on right side
Horses branded JT
on right shoulder
Reasonable rewar *
for any Information
leading to the re
covery of cattle
strayed from my
J.F . Swain
Sparks , Nebr.
Jattle branded on
ft side as shown
i cut.
Range South
if Sparks on Nio-
irarti river ,
Morey & Hewett.
'ordon , Nebr.
irand registered
232. On left hip
f cattle. Horses
ameleft should-
r ; also OZLf )
ange South of
sake 35 miles
J of Gordon.
D. Bray
Boseoud S D
Cattle branded on
left thigh or hip
same as cut
Horse brmnd
same on the left
C. E. Wright
Valentine Nebr. / *
* ymsS8u