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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1905)
QUEEfcl OF ACTRESSES PRAISES PE RU-NA. * * t * * * MISS JULIA MARLOWE t Heartily Approves of Peruna For the 2 X : i redout letter to Tin * IVrunn Medi I cine Co. . .Miss .Julia Marlowe. t-f New York CityriUs the foil. \ \ inn : " / am glad tovriic my endorse ment of tliegrczi rsmedy , Peruna , as a nerve tonic. I do .so most heartily. " " "Julia Marlo\ve. Nervousness is very cojaiinm among women. This condition i due to suieinic nerve centers. The ner\i- centers are the reservoirs of nervous vitality. These centers become blood less for want of proper nutrition. This is especially true in thepring season. Every spring a host of invalids arc produced as the direct rcsi : ! : ofeak nerves. i THE NEXT MORNING I FEEL BR'GHT AND NEW AND MY COMPLEXION IS BETTER. My doctor Fays it acts gently tin the Btornnch. liver aud kidneys and 13 a iilnasunt laxative. This drink is tuade from tierbs , and is prepared fur use as easily US t a. It is called 'lane8 Ten" or LANE'S FAMILY MEDICINE All drueeiRtsorbyrnnillT ots. nml5fcts. ) Buy it to day. I.IIIIC'H J'amilr .llc'c'icinu move * tho bo\vrln each hiy. In order t- > IIH lie.ilthy thin is necessary. Address , U. \Voodwaid. . Le Iloy , J .Y. THE FISH BRAND SLICKER A VALUED FRIEND. * * A good many years ago I bought a FISH BRAND Slicker , and it has proven a valued friend for many 2. stormy day , but now it is getting old and I must have \ another. Please send me a price-list. ' * ( The narno of till ? worthv dortor , oblipcil to be out in all ton \\catlier. . IM ! ! Lu j.-hru oil application. ) HIGHEST AWARD TOM'S FAIR. IDOL A. J. TOWER CO. Bostoa , U. S. A. TOWER CANADIAN : COMPANY , Limited Toronto , Canada Wet Weather Clothing , Suits , 2nd Hats fcr all kinds of wet work cr sport ass Positively cured by these liitlle Pills. They also relievo Dis tress from. Dyspepsia , In digestion and Too Hearty Eating1. A perfect rem edy lor Dizziness , Nausea , Drowsiness. Bad Tasto la tho Mouth , Coated Tongue. Pain In tie Side , TORPID LIVER. They regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE , SMALL PRICE , GARTERS Genuine Must Bear Fac-Simile Signature ITTLE IVER PILLS. , 'REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. SOUTHERN CONDITIONS POSSIBILITIES. Iu no part of the United States has there been MK-h wonderful Commercial. Industrial und Agricultural development us along the lines of the Illinois Central and the Yazoo & Mississippi Valley Railroads In the States < f Tennessee. Mississippi and Louisiana , within the past ten years. Cities aud towns have doubled their population. Splendid business blocks have been erected. Farm lands have more than doubled In value. Hundreds of Industries have been estab lished and as n result there Is an unprece- derted demand for DAY LABORERS , SKILLED WORKMEN AKD ESPECIALLY FARM TEHAKTS. Parties with small capita ! , seeking an op portunity to purchase a farm home ; fanners who would prefer to rent for u couple of rears before purchasing , and day laborers iu fields or factories should address a postal card to Mr. .1. F. Merry. Asst. General I'as- en > ; er Agent. Dubuqiie. Iowa , who will promptly mall printed matter concerning the territory above described , and give spe- clflc replies to all inquiries. * The finest and most delicious made. If .your dealer does not sell them we will send you eipress prepaid llbboxSOc. 2 Ib boxl PALMER & CO. , Sioux Cify , la. MAKERS OF PURE This can be t-asily obviated by using IVruna. IVrunft strikes at the root of the diiliculty by correcting the diges tion. Digestion furnishes nutrition for tho nerve renterProperly digested food furni-IiL'S these re.-crvoirs of life witli vitality which leads to strong , steady nerves and thus nourishes life. IVruna is in groat favor among uiiini'ii. ( "specially those who have voca tions that are trying to the nerves. Buy a boitls of Peruna today. If you do not receive all the benc- fits from Peruna that you expected , write to Dr. S. B. Hart man , Colum bus , Ohio. A Strenuous Hint. It was 11:1" ) by the cuckoo clock. "Ajrreat many things , * ' remarked young Boium. "go without saying. " "Yesreplied Miss ( 'austique. as she vainly tr'ed to strangle a yawn , "but they are less tiresome than the things that they say without going/ ' A Heavy Fine. Under the Elkins law , any railroad company Avhich pays rebates in any form , or any shipper who accepts them , is liable to si tine of from $1,000 to SHO.QOO. upon conviction. It also pro hibits the carrying of freight at less than the published tariffs. The Inter state Commerce Commission is empow ered to detect and prosecute violators of this statute. President Knnpp of the Commission slates that .since this law Avas passed , rebate paying has been as rare as forgery. A Nuisance. What ? Who ? Any one who riugs the door bell and leaves u handbill wound about the door knob. A man or boy may not be seriously thought of who ventures upon private property and noiselessly leaves bis advertise ment ; but he who comes to the door , rings the bell , takes one from their work , simply to find the program of a minstrel troupe or even a sacred coil- cert , takes an unauthorized liberty , and , as the matter stands now , through an almost ( Jrily repetition , becomes a nuisance. Whoever you are , man or boy. remember this , you have no more right to pull a door bell for tbe pur poses of advertisement than you have to pull a person's nose. RESTORED HIS HAIR. Scalp Hnmor Cured by Cnticura Soap mid Ointment After All Else Had Palled. "I was troubledwith a severe scalp humor and loss of liair that gave me a great deal of annoyance and incon venience. After unsuccessful efforts witb many remedies and so-called hair tonics , a friend induced me to try Cu- ticttra Soap and Ointment. The hu mor was cured iu a short time , my hair was restored as healthy as ever , and I can gladly say I have since been entirely free from any further annoy ance. I shall always use Cuticura Soap , and 1 keep the Ointment on hand to use as a dressing for the hair and scalp. ( Signed ) Fred'k Busche , L'13 East 57th St. , Now York City. " Couldn't Size 'Km Up. Hubberton What kind of people are our new neighbors , dear ? Mrs. Rubberton I haven't been able to lind out. They hang their wash in the attic. Piso's Cure for Consumption promptly relieves iny little 5-year-old sister of croup. Miss L. A. Pearce. 23 Pllliuc street , Brooklyn , N. Y. , Oct. 2. 1901. Without constancy there is neither love , friendblfip nor virtue in the world. Addihou. EXCURSIONS TO THE FREE GRANT LANDS OF WESTERN CANADA Durinjr the montliR of Mnrch and April , there will b Eicurfrlon * on th varioni line of rnilway to th Cinndiim West. Jluiulruds of tlioiiMiniis of tho best Whoit nml Grazing Inndx on tho Continent free to tha settlnr. Adjoinine Imids mny be nurclnised from rnilwny ntnl Innd companies nt rpiiHonahln nnop i. as to routeetc , Apply for Information to SupeMntf-ndent of Immigra. tiou , Ottawa , Canada , or to E. T. JJolrucn. 315 Jnckecn Ht. . at.l'nul. Minn. , und J. M. lIcLachlan. Box 116 , Wutortowu.Ho.Dakotn , Authorized Government Aginti f | eaM wr wh you § aw thlt adT rttum &i. ' t'l BEST IN MANY YEARS. Government Ifcport Su.vs Wheat Crop Average Its Very llijib. The montlih eport of the Department of Agriculture rhow.s tliu average condi tion of w't.'ifi r i/heat on April 1 to have " epji ) ] . ( , aga.nst 70. ; " ) on April 1 , 1904 , d .o at the ctrresponding date in 1903 , * iid 8'J.l the' mean of the April averages + t jio last ten years. The following table shows , for the principal winter wheat State.s , the aver- of. condition on April 1 , the corre- g averages one year and two /ears ago , and the mean of the corre sponding averages of the last ten years : Apl.l , Apl.l , Apl.l , 10-yr. states. I'jUu. 1904. liX)3. uv'ge. Kansas . nii 78 97 84 Missouri . 01 si 93 83 Nebraska . 95 81 06 88 California . ] OO 92 08 87 92 06 97 77 . 8i. { 98 81 * M3 . Sfl 60 97 70 Pennsylvania . 92 74 100 85 Oklahoma . 88 GG 100 80 fcxas . 92 08 94 81 94 78 93 80 States . 91.0 70. 3 97.3 83.1 The average condition of winter"ye 1 was 92.1 , against 82.4 A'pril 1 , 9S.9 at tlie corresponding date in and S7.9 the mean of the April * v r-ages of tho last ten years. The area seeded to winter wheat last fall was ollicially reported by the Agri cultural Department in Dec-ember as 31- xO " 3UOO acres. While these figures will i > e revised in the May report there has rfoen little heard of the plowing up or Abandonment o fields from winter kill- < ng and the loss in acreage is expected fo be slight. On the acreage sown and taking sev enteen bushels as the par yield , u fignns generally arceptod in the trade , the con- tiition figures of 91.0 suggests a winter rt-lieat yield of 485.050.000 bushels. There have been larger areas sown to vintor wheat , but oiily three times iu die last fifteen years lias the condition of the plant in April been better than that given in the above report. Thtf April condition in 1891 was 90.9 : in 19UJ , 91.7. The condition in April 1904 , wai tho lo\ve < r in liftoen years. 70. . " . owing to winter killing ; 4,9.UXK ; : > acres of the . .2.0110,000 acres planted being plowed up ur abandoned. LIKE A VANISHED DREAM. The Glories of the Chad-wick Uouio Have Failed Away. All the glory of Cassie L. Chadwick's home in Cleveland has departed , and the man who purchased for $25,200 the whole lot of furnishings ; is now preparing to send away the cut-glass chair and the perpetual clock and the paintings and everytliing else. Before Irs. Chadwick will have fnr in her gone ten-year sen tence , nothing will be left iu the house where she dwelt in luxury. Memory only abides of the wonders which dazzled staid old bankers into giv ing vast sums to a very ordinary looking woman , without demanding any real se curity. Before the gorgeous apartments Avere dismantled several photographs were made , so that skeptical persons might have ocular proof of the peculiar abilities of the notorious "Cassie. " Of greater interest , perhaps , than any other is Mrs. Chadwick's private sitting room. It was a dream of gold and plush and velvet , and figured largely in the financial operations. Hanging above tha mantle was the oil portrait of "Uncle Mason , " dear old "Uncle Mason , " with out whom it might not have been possible to separate the bankers from their de positors' money. So far no person has been able to find where ' 'Uncle Mason" is buried or how , after his death , Mrs. Chadwick received the millions from his estate. Some taste was shown in the decorat ing of the dining room. The cabinets con tain positively beautiful specimens of Tiffany's best work and manufacturers of Europe. Then there was Mary Chad wick's room , with paintings well select ed , and dainty bits of chairs that didn't offend the sight. But the bed that was a wonder of beauty and massive magnifi cence. It was of solid mahogany and carved by a master hand. It , like the ether things , has fallen into alien hands. CHURCH MAYTRY ROCKEFELLER If Congregational Charges Arc Proved Bj.ptists Can Kxpel Him. Under the laws of the Baptist church , John D. Rockefeller may be placed on trial on charges of extortion made by Congregational preachers and if the charges are proved Mr. Rockefeller may be expelled from the Fifth Avenue Bap tist church , according to a New York dispatch. It is the duty of the church , of its own motion , to put on trial any members who have been accused publicly of a misdeed of any character. The same obligation that rests upon tho church as a wholo rests upon each member of the church as an individual. This being the case , exponents of the Baptist doctrine declare the members of the Fiftll Avenue church will not be faithful to the church law if they do not institute proceedings against Mr. Rocke feller at once. Aside from this , it is the imperative duty of Mr. Rockefeller , ac cording to the law of the Baptist church , to demand an investigation. The University of Iowa lias just com pleted a new gymnasium. Prof. J. A. .T.aggar of Harvardvil ! lead a geological expedition to Iceland. Harold L. Madison has been appoint ed instructor in zoology at Brown uni versity. Secretary of War Taft will be the ora tor at the Yale law school commence ment in June. President Eliot of Harvard is in Switzerland. Although on vacation , he is doing much literary work. Prof. L. Y. Vernou-Harcourt has re signed the chair of civil engineering of University college , London. There are 12,005 graduates of Yale living , the oldest being the Rev. Joseph S. Lord of Lansingburg , Mich. A course in meteorology is the latest addition to the curriculum of the Uni versity of Wisconsin. The course will be under the direction of James L. Bnrt- lett of the United States weather bu reau. - ' " - -JL- - 1 the bies NFABTT MOETALITT is something frightful. We can hardly realize that of all the children bom in civilized countries , twentytwo per cent , , or nearly one-quarter , die before they reach one year ; thirtyseven percent , , or more than one-third , before they are five , and one-half before they are fifteen ! We do not hesitate to say that a timely use of Castoria would save a ma jority of these precious lives , Neither do we hesitate to say that many of these infantile deaths are occasioned by the use of narcotic preparations , Drops , tinctures and soothing syrups sold for children's ' complaints contain more or less opium , or morphine. They are , in considerable quantities , deadly poisons. In any quantity they stupefy , retard circulation and lead to congestions , sickness , death. Oastoria operates exactly the reverse , but you must see that it bears the signature of Chas. H. Fletcher. Castoria causes the blood to circulate properly , opens the pores of the skin and allays fever. Letters from Prominent Physicians addressed to Chas. H * Fletcher. Dr. A. F. Peeler , of St. Loulg , Mo. , says : "I have prescribed your Ccstorla. 13 many cases and hare always found it an efficient and speedy remedy. " . . Dr. B. Down , of Philadelphia , Pa. , saya : "I have prescribed your Castoria In ' t it l > > MM Ml M M I M Mff M m Ml M ! M my practice for many years witn. great satisfaction to myself and benetit to my , patients. " Dr. J. B. Wacgoner , of Chicago , 111. , says : "I can most heartily recommend your Caatoria to tho public as a remedy for children's complaints. I have tried It and found it of great value. " Dr. Edward Parrlsh , of Brooklyn , N. T. , says : "I have used your Castoria la my own household with good results , aad have advised several patients to use It * t"iTrVt"Ji ] _ for Its mild laiatlve effect and freedom from harm. " AVegetablePreparationfor As Dr. J. B. Elliott , of New York City , says : "Having daring the past sir yenra prescribed your Castoria for infantile stomach disorders , I most heartily commend similating theFood and Regula its use. The formula contains nothing deleterious to the most delicate ot children. " ting the Stomachs and Bowels of Dr. C. G. Sprague , of Omaha , Neb. , says : "Your Castoria Is an ideal mcdlclno for children , and 1 frequently prescribe it. While 1 do not advocate the Indis criminate use of proprietary medicines , yet Castoria is an exception for condition. * which arise In the cure of children. " Dr. J. A. Parker , of Kansas City , Mo. , says : "Your Castoria holds the esteem of the medical profession in a manner held by no other pr prl : ury preparation. Ic Promotes Digeslion.CJieerful- is a sure and reliable medicine for infants and children. In fact , it is the universal . " household remedy for infantile ailments. nessandResr.Contains neither Dr. H. F. Merrill , of Augusta. Me. , says : "Castoria Is one of the very finest OpiumMorphine nor Mineral. and most remarkable remedies for infants and children. Jn my opinion your Castoria has saved thousands from an early grave. 1 can furnish hundreds or testimonial ! ! from this locality as to its efficiency and merit : ; . " Dr. Norman M. Geer , of Cleveland. Ohio , say ? : "During the Inst twelve y ° ar3 I have frequently recommended your Castoria as one of the best preparations of fhu kind , being safe In the hands of parents and very effective in relieving children's disorders , while the ease with which such a pleasant preparation can be administered Ptanphn Sutl Is a great advantage. " jflx.Scnna * Dr. F. H. Kyle , of St. Paul. Minn. , says : "It affords me pleasure to add my name to the long list of those who have used and now endorse your Castoria. The st Seed * fact of the Ingredients being known through the printing of the formula on tha wrapper Is one good and sufficient reason for tho recommendation of any I know of its good qualities and recommend it cheerfully. ' ' ffarrnStcd - CfiviA'ad Saqsr . KirJayreen Flavin GENUINE ALWAYS A perfect Remedy f o r Cons lipa- tion. Sour Stomach , Diarrhoea , Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of "NEW YORK. The Kind You Haie Always BOUJ In Use For Over SO Years. EXACT COPY" OT WRAPPER. THE CCNTAUR COMPANY. 77 MURRAY ST. NEW YORK CJTY. An Italian Brigand's Horse. Among South Italian brigands oven their horses are taught to resist the officers of the law. During the on- counter at Rana liucea in which the brigand Mirto was killed. the gen darmerie was amazed by the furious behavior of his horse , which lashed out on all sides , and succeeded in in juring one of the oflicers. On inquiry afterward among the prisoners taken it was ascertained that the horse had been trained to behave in this way by being repeatedly Hogged Tin til he kicked one of the brigands , dressed as a carabineer , approaching him. The horse at last became such an adept that he might be relied upon to kick and rear furiously at the mere sight of a uniform. ALL BROKEN DOWN. No Sleep No A ppet ite--Just a Conthmal liackuchc. Joseph MeCauley , of 144 Sholto street , Chicago , Sachem of Tecums.-h Lodge , savs : "Two years ago my health was complete ly broken down. My back ached and was A < o lame that at times > 1 was hardly able to * dress myself. I lost ] my appetite and AVUS \ unable to sleep. There seemed to be no re- | lief until I took I Down's Kidnov Pills : but four boxes of this remedy effected a complete and permanent cure. If suffering humanity knew the value of Doan's Kidney Pills they Avould use nothing else , as it is the only positive cure I know. " For sale by all dealers. Price HO cents. Foster-Milburu Co. , Buffalo , N. Y. A Beautiful Volume. The most beautiful volume in the Congressional Library at Washington is a Bible Avhich was transcribed on parchment by a monk in the l 5th cen tury. The general lettering is in the German text , each letter is perfect , and there is not a scratch or blot from lid to lid. Each chapter begins with a large illuminated letter , in Avhich is draAvn the figure of a saint , some inci dent of Avhom the chapter tells. Pr. David Kennedy' * favorite Hcmedy I * exvrl- lent for the liver , On red me after tiiglu yearn of suffer Inc. " 8.1'epron , Albunj , N.l . World Fumous. Jl Another "War Hero. Mrs. Peckem We often hear of men who perform deed" ; of heroism for the Bake of their country , but one never hears of a man performing a daring act to prove his love for a woman. Peckam I I'm sure I did , my dear. Mrs. Peckem You ! Why. what brave thing did you ever do , I'd like to know. Peckem I er let you marry me. didn't 11 That you Tvanfc LIOX COFFEE always , and he , being a square man , will not try to sell you any thing else. You may not care for our opinion , but What About Hie United Judgment of Millions of housekeepers who haA-e used LION COFFEE for over a quarter of a century ? Is there any stronger proof of merit , than Iho Confidence of the People and ever Increasing popnEariSy ? LION COFFEE is carelully se- Sectcd at the plantation , snipped , * * . direct to our various factories , ii where at Is skillfully roasled and carefully packed in sealed pack ages unlike loose coffee , wliicfa Is exposed to germs , tiusSin sects , etc. OOW CGFF reac tes you as pure and clean crs wlen It left the factory. Solci only in o o- 1 Ib. packages , Lion-liead on every jackage. Save these Lion-heads for valuable premiums. SOLD BY GE0CERS EVERYWHERE WOQLSON SPICE CO. , Toledo , Ohio. en Million Boxes a fear. THE FAMILY'S FAVORITE MEBICtNE CAT22AR.TIC BEST FOR THE BOWELS The Fern in inWay. . Her Brother I'm going to a day off next week for the piirpo-e of cele brating the anivor ary of my birth. i His Sister Why. when I celebrated mine last month I took a whole year off. Mr * . TTlnslow's BOOTHISO STRDP for Clnldron toothing ; aofteci tho Kurnj , reduces inflammation , ill- Injs pain , cares wind colic. 2i cents a bouiu. A beetle one-thin ! tho sixi > of ' would be able to pull against the of a dozen horses. ipsaD's Eye Water S. C. V U. - - No. IT 19O5 BEGGS' BLOOD PURIFIER CURES catarrh of the stomach. CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. Best ( 'ouch Syrup. Tastes G'xxi. Use in timo. Sold PUTNAM FA Color more goods brlo&ter and faster colors than any other dye. One lOc package colors silk , wool and cotton equally well and is oua.-jr.teed to QIYC perfect resnlt Art deakr r we will seid post paW it lOc a pickane Write. f free booklet-How to Dye , Bleacti aad Mix Cclsrs. MOXROZ DRUG CO. . Vnlouvllle , . j/A-souri *