Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 20, 1905, Image 5

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David Piercy Jr. was in town
Henry Porath , of Riege , was in
town Monday and Tuesday.
Hon. Frank Rothleutner , of
Georgia , was in the city today.
Chas. Pote and M. Hale were in
town from Kennedy the first of
the week.
Wm. Ward has purchased the
Britt store and begins invoicing
Dr. Compton spent a few days
of last week in Omaha , returning
Sunday morning. * .
Mrs. Brosius is having a barn
and chicken house built on her
farm on north table.
Miss Julia Query departed this
morning for Lincoln where she has
accepted a position in a jewelry
- store.
Mrs. Claude Jones has been very
ill for several weeks but is improv
ing and last week returned to
Lester Green has been quite sick
for several weeks with typhoid
fever and later with abcesses over
the kidneys.
Ed Parry has bsen sick for a
long time but this week was able
to walk about the streets some and
is gaining strength.
Mrs. Mayers who has been visit
ing her sister , Mrs. Wm. Clarkson
for several months past , departed
for Soo City Sunday.
Mrs. Genevieve Hewett went
back to New York , starting last
Saturday and expecting to be de
tained there several weeks.
Wm. Heelan called on us Mon
day while in town from his ranch
near Arabia and handed us a § for
advance subscription to THE DEM
B. Atwood was in town the first
of the week and goes to the Char-
. bonneau ranch to take charge of
Stetter and Gillaspie's beef herd
this summer.
> HJVI. Cramer has let the con
tract for his new house north of
his present dwelling to Grant Boy-
er and Frank Riggle who will push
the work along rapidly.
Will Francke and Guy Gibson
came down last week from Dead-
wood to visit relatives and friends
for a few days , returning yester
day morning. They have been
working in the Hidden Fortune
Born to Mr. and Mrs. John D.
Eaton a week ago Friday , a son.
John has recently received his pen
sion and several hundred dollars
back pay , which , together with the
boy gives the family cause to re ;
A Sunday School has been or
ganized at McCann and an ice
cream social will be held at the
home of E. Breuklander , Friday
night , the 21st , for the benefit of
S. S. An Easter entertainment
will be given Sunday evening by
the children. Everybody invited.
Allen Benson called on us for a
Tisit while in town Tuesday at
tending the wedding of his sister.
He has been employed for several
months past on the Fremont Daily
Herald which is now being edited
by H. W. Risley who was form
erly editor of the Grand Island
"The M. E. church will be very
beautifully decorated for Easter
services. Fred Cumbow is the
decorator in charge , assisted by
other members of the choir : Mr.
Beatty , Misses Britton and Har
vey , Messrs. Robinson and Rice
and Mrs. Rice. Come and see
Sunday morning and evening.
Harry Thomas shot Reed of K
company in the mouth at Price's
ranch Wednesday. Reed drew a
gun and snapped it at Thomas but
failed to go the first time. After
being shot he fired three shots
iSthout effect. Price struck an-
oJher fellow over the head , knock
ing him down , who was trying to
rate in the money off the monte
5ble during the affray.
Jl ( -
TVr ferd or 1 ivory call on Ihe
En trip Livpry. Commercial twlp
a specialty. We have some gooc
second hand buggies and harness
for sale. Call and see us.
Miss Ellen McLaughlin , a daugh
ter of M. K. McLaughlin , died
Wednesday , April 4,1905 , of liver
complaint. Funeral services were
conducted at the Catholic church
in this city by Rev. Muyssen anc
the body laid to rest in Mt. Hope
cemetery. A large number of
friends and the relatives followed
in funeral procession to the grave.
The deceased had not been well
since last year when she had a se
vere spell of typhoid fever.
F. E. Leuppe , the new commis
sioner of Indian Affairs for this
district , was in the city yesterday
and expressed a desire to give the
Indians a chance to buy where ever
they choose , and at the recent pay
ment the Indians were given their
money instead of allowing the
Rosebud traders to hold it out for
past debts. About $45,000 was
paid to the Indians of Black Pipe ,
Cut Meat and Rosebud districts
this week and a similar amount is
yet to come , beside the regular
payment , making § 25 for each In
dian over the age of IS years.
The U. S. weather bureau re
port for the week ending April 19 ,
has some interesting features. The
highest and lowest temperature
respectively was , 62 ° on the 19th
and 10 ° on the 14th , giving a
range of 52 ° and a mean or aver
age for the perion of 32.8 ° , which
is about 14 ° below the normal for
the week. Since the first of the
month there has been a loss of
117 ° in temperaturs. The pre
cipitation .5 of an inch , a loss of
.2 of an inch compared with the
normal and a gain since the 1st of
April of .21 of an inch. The winds
have scarcely been equal to the
normal , the highest velocity being
26 miles from nw on the 15th.
The crop outlook up to date is
very favorable.
The second weekly crop bulletin
issued by the U. S. weather bu
reau April 18 , 1905 for the Ne-
Draska section shows that the dry
cold weather of the past week has
3een unfavorable for the growth
of vegetation. Winter wheat con
tinues in excellent condition.
Spring wheat and oats are coming
up nicely. Grass has grown slow
ly. Alfalfa has wintered well and
is growing finely. The low tem
perature caused some damage to
oats and probably slightly injured
apricots , early plums and a few
cherries in central and southern
counties. Plowing for corn has
progressed rapidly and a very lit
tle corn has been planted in south
western counties. A considerable
acreage of early potatoes have
Deen planted.
A Dangerous Runaway.
Jesse Granger's four-horse team
started on a run with his wagon
while he was loading it with coal
: rom a car on the tracks yesterday
ust before noon. They came up
Main street on the full run and
; hey were going pretty fast. Mrs.
Nicholson and Miss Holcomb had
to run to get out of their way on
the street east of Mrs. Elmore's
millinery store. The near horse
tried to turn the team at the cor
ner of Virginia street to go east
jut the others didn't have that
notion and swung so near the elec
tric light post on the corner by
Barker's gallery that the off horse
struck the side of his head on the
post and fell flat as sudden as if he
were shot dead , turning a somer
sault and breaking a new bridle
and the singletree. The other
three horses went on with the
wagon to the next post at the cor
ner of the Star livery barn where
they run straddle of the post and
came to a sudden stop , breaking
the harness in several places. The
grey horse which struck the first
post got up almost instantly and
didn't appear to be badly hurt ,
though when it fell it appeared to
have broken its neck.
Buster Brown Belt for children
at Mrs. Elmore's. 12
John West is up from Wood
J. 0. Beatty bought two of the
best pianos sold at the Thacher
estate sale Tuesday.
Catholic Church Announce
On Sunday next , mass will be
said at 7 and 11 a. m. Confessions
will be heard on Saturday evening
and Sunday morning for those
who wish to receive the holy Eu
Miller Sheldon.
George W. Miller and Mrs.
Sheldon were married by Judge
Towne last Thursday evening , Ap
ril 13 , 1905.
George is a cowboy , having
ranged the prairies for a number
of years and can ride or drive any
kind of a horse or rope the wildest
steer when necessary. His best
friend , Arkansaw Bob , was pres
ent at the ceremony which roped
George and his wife together for a
life run.
Mrs. Sheldon has been with Mr.
and Mrs. Hall at the hotel for sev
eral months and is a good honest
western woman of good sense and
a good housekeeper.
THE DEMOCRAT joins with many
others in congratulations.
The Junior Entertainment.
A party of six will be admitted
into Japan at a time by the pay
ment of 5c each at the door in
front hall. Enjoy all you can
and pass into China. When freed
from China , the Maid Chocolatiere
will be pleased to cheer you on
your way. Then you will be re
ceived into the Land of Flowers.
Here you may be abundantly re-
Freshed if you wish. There you
will be side-tracked by two mer
chants from the Orient who will
lave goods for sale at Oriental
prices. The journey done , you
will pass through the side hall into
the Reception Room. Delightful
music will be rendered during the
entire evening. About every ten
minutes , six persons may be passed
into Japan , thus making a con
tinual "round. " The Gallery of
L/iberal Arts on the upper floor
may be visited at intervals , inde
pendent of the a-fore described
; rip. xldmission 5c.
Do not fail to go the rounds.
Examine the Art catalogue it
s rich.
WANTED-300 head of
- cat
tle to graze on my range this sea
son. Plenty of grass and water.
Apply to A. E. HUTCHISON ,
123 Valentine , Neb.
Low Excursion Kates to $ an
Francisco and JLos Angeles.
Via the North-Western Line , will
je in effect from all stations May
1 , 2 , 3 , 9,11,12 and 13 , with favor
able return limits , on account of
General Assembly of Cumberland
Presbyterian church at Fresno Two
rast trains to California daily. "The
) verlancl Limited" ( electric lighted
; hroughout ) , less than three days
en route. Another fast train is
'The California Express" with
Irawing room and tourist sleeping
cars. For rates , tickets , etc. , apply
to agents Chicago & North-
ern R'y. 144
Rates to Den vcr , Colo.
Via the North-western Line , will be
sold at reduced rates May 7 , 8 and
9 , limited to return May 12 to May
31 , inclusive , on account of Ameri
can Stock Growers' Convention.
Apply to agents Chicago & North
western R'y. 143
Loir Rates to Savannah , Ga. ,
Via the North-western Line. Ex
cursion tickets will be sold May 12 ,
13 and 14 , with favorable return
limits , on accouat of Travelers'
Protective Association of America.
Apply to agents Chicago & North
western R'y. 144
Business Notices.
( IT
. . . . itiail U > .iu. < * .iauu
per line each insertion.
All kinds of Flower , Vegetable
and Field seeds for sale by the Red
Front Mercantile Co. 8
Second hand National Cash Reg
ister. Inquire of
FOR SALE Early Ohio Seed
Potatoes delivered at Valentine ,
Arabia , Woodlake or Simeon at
30c a bushel. JOHN OHMESIIEK.
WANTED Competent girl for
general house work. Wages § 5
per week. Apply to
A full supply of fresh new
garden seeds have just been re
ceived by the Red Front Merc. Co.
Now is the time to build that
fence around your farm. If you
want the best Glidden & Baker barb
wire or good field fencing call on
Red Front Merc. Co. They can
furnish you what you want for the
same and less money than you
would have to pay for cheaper
brands of wire fence.
I have buyer for Nebraska farms.
If you want to sell , list with me or
write for particulars. 47
Heist Bldg. Kansas City , Mo.
Now is the time to get your in
surance on your buildings and
stock. Storms have already begun
and if you are without insurance
it will be your neglect. It costs but
a trifle to insure against fire , light
ning and tornadoes in the best state
companies. They are represented
by I. M. Rice , Valentine , Nebr.
ILoiv Kates to $ t. Louis , Mo. .
Via the North-western Line. Ex
cursion tickets will be sold on May
13 to 22 , inclusive , limited to return
until May 24 , inclusive , on account
of National Baptist Anniversaries.
Apply to agents Chicago & North
western R'y. 118
The Red Front Merc. Co. has
just entered into a contract with
Mr. Olson , representing the Mid
land Glass and Paint Co. of Oma
ha , whereby they will now become
the sole agents of Pattens' Sun
Proof Paint , of this place. After
having put forth considerable ef
fort and study m their search for
the best , they have come to the
conclusion that Pattens' Sun Proof
ready mixed Paint possesses more
merits of paint value than any
thing else that could be found.
They found it possessed greater
spreading qualities , lasted longer
and held its color better. They will
issue a written guarantee with ev
ery can of paint sold by them and
if it is not entirely satistactory in
every way , return the certificate
of guarantee and they will furnish
you new paint , if your complaint
is a just one. They feel confident
of the merits of Pattens Sun Proof
Paint and if you will call at the
Red Front Hardware Dept. they
will be glad to explain the special
features which it possesses. 11
Anyone sending a sketrh and description may
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
invention is probably patentable. Communica
tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents
sent free. Oldest accncy for securing patents.
Patents taken through Jlunn , t Co. receive
tpecial notice , without charge , in the
A handsomely lllnstratert weeklv. Lnreest cir
culation of any scientific journal. Terms. 53 ?
year : four monthsL Sold by all newsdealers.
Vnnch Office. G2a F St. * Vnshintrton. T ) C
Public Koticc.
I hereby declare that whereas
my wife , Dora Quisenbery , has left
my bed and board , I will not be
responsible for any accounts or
debts contracted by her.
Signed this 20th day of April ,
Perfect In quality. .
Moderate in prlo
Contractor and Build
er in Brick or Stone
Valentine , - Nebr.
Trimmed Hats
My stock of Easter Hats and Spring
Millinery is Now on Display ,
Miss Looisa E , Martin.
( Successors to E. Breuklander. )
General Blacksmithing and Wood-work
Horse Shoeing a Specialty.
Valentine / * * Nebraska ,
* Sole Agents for
Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER
Choicest Wines and Cigars ,
PerCwt. Per Ton.
Portrayal of the Great DitTerence
FAIR SHAKEA book of over 100
pages neatly bound containing fif
teen half-tones from the highest pric
ed photos taken from life in the state
of Colorado. One of the most inter
esting publications of the year. As
rich to read as Lawson's "Frenzied
Finance. " Yon can get it ABSO
LUTELY FREE by addressing
Rosebud , So. Dakota.
An Opportunity
We want a man
in this locality to sell
WILSON Sewing-
We can offer ex
ceptional induce
ments to someone
who commands a
horse and wagon and
can devote his time
to advancing1 the
sales of our product.
Energetic men
find our proposition
a money-maker , ca
pable of development
into a permanent
and profitable
Wheeler & Wilson Mfg. Co.
72 and 74 Wabash Avc.
Just received a new line of
Combs and Belts at Mrs. Elmore's.
Professional Cards.
The Loup Valley Hereford Ranch.
Brownlee'.Nebr ,
Prince Roabdel
131693 ami Curly
Coat 1122G1 at head
of herd. The blood
of Fowler. Anxiety ,
lxrd Wilton and Sir
Gladstone predomi
nates in my herd.
I can III ! orders foi bulls of all ages at any
time , llanch four miles north-west of Brown-
lee , Nebr.
Riejje , Nebr.
Tubular wells and windmills.
City Deliveryman ,
Trunks , valises and packages hauled to 'and
from the depot and all parts of the City.
Eobert G. Easley ,
t& Office over Red Front
Valentine ,
Physician and Surgeon
Office at Quigley & Chapman's
Drug Store. Nights The Don-
oher'residence , Cherry Street.
First-class Shop in Every Respect
Eau de Quinine Hair Tonic , Golden Star Baft
Tonic , Herpicide and Cokn's Dandruff Cure.
Try Pompeian Face Massage Cream
Office over the grocery deparment
of T. C. Hornby's store.
"Will be in Rosebud agency July
3rd , Oct. 2nd and Jan. 1 , 190i.
G. H. Hall , M. D.
Physician anil Surgeon.
All calls promptly attended to day
or night. Drugs and Phar-
maceuticals furnished.
Wood JLake , - Nebraska.
FOR SALE : ! room house. Acre
lot. Nice lawn and fine trees.