Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 13, 1905, Image 2

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, NEB.
L B . RIOE , Publisher
/Said / to Number Forty-Seven Japan
ese Everywnere on the Watch
It Seems Impossible for Russian
Ships to Slip by Them.
Singapore , Straits Settlement , advices
.slate that the J ritish steamer Tara re'-
jorts having sighted forty-seven Russian
whips l.'JO miles north of Singapore.
A dispatch from Durban , Natal.
March 2 ! > 7 > aid tliat the British ste > an :
Dart , from Kange > on , reported that sin-
passed on March 1 ! ) thirty warships and
fourteen colliers ( probably theItussian
iileet ) steaming eastward 1MO miles noi-th-
cast of the islanel of Madagascar. The
illeet reporteel by the Tara is pre > bably the
same one as sighted by the Dart.
A dispatch from Singapore to the Lon
don Express says that the captain of a
coasting steamer reports having sighted
'twenty-seven warships seventy luile-s
southwest of Penang.
A Batavia dispatch to the same paper
says that Chinese junks report that Jap-
fese warships are policing all the straits
available to Kojestvensky in an attempt
to reach China seas ,
. The Daily Express Jakes ( he view that
the llret reported in its Singapore dis-
pate-h was Admiral Toge > 's. Ne > thing deii-
nite has been heard since March 10 from
Yie-e Admiral Jfojestvensky's ships.
( -wh5ch wore recently in French waters eiff
A .Tubitil. Gulf of Aden , special says
that Vice Admiral Nebogatoffs port'n
e f the Russian racitic squadron sailn
Friday morning.
Danger of Another Ijabor UTar in
i Chicago.
! Two hundred teamster * employed by
'the ' mail order firm of Montgomery
Ward ifc Co. . at Chicago , struck Friday
in sympathy with the garment workers ,
, who had been in a struggle with the em
ployers for four months.
In the belief of many labor leaders
'Friday's strike is the beginning of a
gre'at contest that may involve 120,000
Strike pickets surrounded the "NVard
building Friday and drivers with con
signments of freight , express , coal. ete- . .
for the firm were stopped and turnee !
There were several clashes between
the police and crowds during the day.
Vouns Woman is St.ibbcd to Death
in Hotel.
Elements of mystery , recalling the sto
nes of "Jack the Ripper , " lent a sensa
tion to a .stabbing Friday in a Thirteenth
Street hotel at New York of a young
ivoman named Mamie Wilson. She elied
a few hours after the stabbing.
James Boyne , whom the police arrest-
rel , although admitting he was in the wo
man's company a short time before she
was injured , declared he diel not know
how she received the wounds.
The woman was stabbed in the abdo
men with a very long knife. The char-
actor of the cut was similar to that made
ii the victims of the London ' 'Jack the
Kipper. "
Italian Police Have Evielcnce in the
JVIcCrcady Tragedy-
At Caserta , Italy , the police have ? e-
; urcd what is apparently e-onclusive evi-
ilencc that Miss Catherine McCrcady , of
New York , who was found dead from
strangulation in her villa near Caserta
5U Feb. 23 , was murdered by a barber ,
A.ndreainnic.0 , husband of Catherine Es-
posito , Miss McCready's servant , who
was arrested soon after the finding of the
body. Others are incriminated , and
more arrests are expected to follow.
Tragedy Follows Divorce.
Despondent over a elivorce suit whie-h
eneled in a decree for his wife , Anthofi
Bower , a. farmer , living west of Lincoln ,
, by
Neb. , shot himself Thursday night. The
body was found under the window of his
divorced wife's room Friday morning.
Held for Illinois Murder.
"A mail who closely tallies with the de .
scription of an alleged murderer wanted
fit Strawn , 111. , was arrested at Thomas
iMaho.ney's farm , near Farmington ,
Miuu. , by Deputy Sheriff Browuell. lie
his name as Charles Cran.
Chargedwith Embezzlement. bpdy
B. H. McDuffie , New York , who is
vice president of tho defunct bank of ed
jLaSvtou , Okla. , was arrested Friday ;
3iight on a charge of having embezzled
& 12.000 * of the funds of that institution.
Sioux City Stoc-Jc Market. '
Friday's quotations on the Sioux City that
Stock market follow : Butcher steers , : ] B
? 4.2o@5.75. Top hogs , $ .1.35. Top veals. & 6
Loan Heavily Oversubscribed.
The correspondent at Tokio of tlie
Loudon Times says that owing to heavy Ma
subscription only 5 per cent of the do- Mav
inestic loan will be allowed at the issue JLng
prjce , and 'consequently there is much pris
Burned to Death in Car.
. t Dubuqtie , la. , Friday a tramp ,
AUjnp unknown , was burned to death in „
a oOx car on the Milwaukee road at tlie
is . body , was burned to tfjll
rf ' -
.f- - J- - _ fr-
' t.
S. C. T. Dodd Defends Head of
Standard Oil.
A New York special pays : S. C. T.
Dodd , g"neral solicitor fr the Standard
Oil Cennpany. gave or.t a .st.ife'inent
Thursday with refe-rene' . " to the re-cent
discussion ef the acceptane-e of a gift
of $100,000 offered by John 1) . Rockefel
ler for missionary work.
Mr. Doeld elee-lares that the statement
th it Mr. Rockefeller m.ieie his money
dishonestly "is false * , is vileand bi'ing by ministers in the proteneleel in-
tcivst of morality is doulily vile. ' '
Mr. Doeld then says thai the Standard
Oil Company does not own a share of
any railroad company , does not control
any railroad company , anel since the en-
act incut of the interstate ; e-ommere-e law
has not received better rate-s than other j ;
shippers by rebates , arrangements , elei i
vices or plans of any character. The
testimony of Howard Pagefreiirht
agent of the Standard Oil Company be--
fore the commission , is quoted in this .
connee-tion. j
"With , relation to gns and copper comsu
panies Mr. Dodd says : "No doubt
many have been prejudices ! against Mr.o
Rockefeller by sensational writers whose'
article's , accompanied by portraits anel
caricatures , are intended ! to create the
impression that Mr. Rocke-feller was
principal in the affairs relating to thes
organization of the gas anel copper comK
panics , although no fae-t showing such
connection is stated. The Standard Oil
Company has already that it hnel
any connection or interest , directly or in-
directly , in the organization of these cord"
porations. and on the best authority the
same denial is now made for John D.
Rockefeller. He had no connection with
or interest in , directly or indirectly , tho
organization of these corporations. "
New Trial is Dcnietl the Nebraska
A Lini'oln , Neb. . spe > cial says that the
supreme court hsis elecided thsit Frank
Barker , aged 23 years , who killed his
'brother and his brother's wife , shall not
have a new trial anel that he must hang
June ] ( > .
The double mureler was committesl .
near Reel Cloud. Ne'b. . in I-Ybruary ,
190-i , Barker slaying his relative's in or
der that h might have the house and
farm which'd to them , and thus
be able to marry a young woman of the
On May 14 , 1004. Barker was found
guilty and sentenced to hang Sept. 2.
but secured a new lease e > n life , pending
an appeal to the supreme court.
Four Wounded in aVist Virginia
Election Fight.
In an election riot at Iluntingtou. AY.
Ya. , Thursday , Police-man Roy Hill was
shot anel fatally wounded , anel Deputy
Sheriff Adkins , Polie-eman Burt Fe > ster
and Deputy Sheriff Ennis Bayh'ss were
slightly wounded.
The twe > eleputy sheriffs are in jail.
The trouble grew out of a dispute
over authority in an atte'inpt to arre.-t
a negro for "repeating. " '
The feeling is bitter on both sides and .
further trouble is feared.
The policemen are Republicans aiuf
the deputy sheriffs Denieicrats.
, , .
San 1 * raneiseo 3Iysterr.
The headless and legless trunk of a '
young man was found late Wednesday .
night on Vallejo Street. San Francisco. ,
The body was wrapped in an old blan
ket , tied up with fisherman's twine. A . ]
man was seen to throw the bundle away
by a passerby. No clew to the murdered -
man or the murderer.
Four Are Asphyxiated.
Four persons were killed bv illuminat- ,
, At
ing gas escaping from a defective stove
Thursday in a tenement house in the
upper east side. New York. The bodies , ,
were found by the father of the chil- , -
dren , who , with his wife and young son , ' , * '
occupied an ad joining room.
Girls as I''irebujjf to
Five attempts Saturday and Sunday to tene
burn the Buckethall , the girl's dormi the
tory at Georgetown , Ky. . college anel theM
the largest Baptist institution in the ano
south , have just e-ome to light. The au and
thorities believe the girl students started
the fires. the
Zeig-Ier Mine Explosion.
At Zcjglerf 111. , the coroner's jury in
verdict finds that the
forty-three men
jnien who lost their lives in the Leiter Tre
coal mines Monday , April o , were killed an
afterdamp due to an explosion of house
ipowdcr caused by parties unknown. had
Lovers' Quarrel Fatal. pute
At Huutsville , Ala. , II. A. Ballard pros
fatallyBounded Thursday by Miss the
.Oma Ilardie. his sweetheart , who fol
lowed her attack upon him by killing
herself. Tho tragedy resulted from a
lovers' quarrel.
Believe "Woman Was Drugged. rosj
The fact that $430 is missing from the Fat
of Mrs. Cynthia Martin , 05 years is
, found frozen near Mcars , Mich , has tlem
to the suspicion of murder. It is be he
lieved sir was drugged and Jeft in a
Grace Tor Mrs. Chadwick. fron
'A Cincinnati , O. , dispatch auuaunces in
Mrs. Cnsgie L. Chadwick waa Wed- pieces
sday granted a stay of execution by The
Rafted Slates circuit court of ap- trg
- trhtii further order of the court. K ) ,
Jjynoh Servian Marauders.
Mussulmans of Usktib province , At
Macedonia , are so exasperated at the nesday
'government's inaction against maraud- buil
bands they have taken to lynching Davis
prisoners. Niue Servians have been Vv'alsh.
Mormon Church Cemference.
seventy-fifth annual conference of Fr
Morm6n church opened Thursday in cans
tabcrnaeln at S"alt Lake City and aear
continue several days.
TtlM Yc. i.o C-vJ.f.c ,
The J
The committee appointed at St. Peters-
buig to inve-stisalc the capacity of the
Rus.-iai .shipbuilding industry for carry
ing out Russia's naval program has re
ported , showing that the present Baltic
yarels anel machinery shops excpandeel in
their full capacity could deliver in threeSI
years e'ight of the twenty-five big battle
ships aiel c-isers and eight of the twen
ty-four smaller cruisers contemplated ,
( liven five years fourteen big battleships
anel seventeen small craft coulel be com
plete el , while the whole program can
easily be executed under ten years if the
haste is ne > t so urgent.
The details of the program have not
been officially published , but it is report-
t'd that it consists of ten battleships , fit-
teen " 1.1.000-ton armored cruisers of the
Russia type , twelve 0.000-ton cruisers of
the ' Bayan type , twelve cruisers of the
j.OCMMon < type' , exe-lusive of torpedoboat
destroyers , submarine and mine ships.
"The1 Russian works are capable of
supplying armor for only two and one-
half : ships ye'arly , anel the committee has
not e-onsielered armament/ '
1'eace at an early elate is regarded as
probable ) by the ( Jerman embassy at St.
Petersburg , the Associated Pre'ss is in-
formeel , anel. in e-onsequence of dispatch
es rece'iveel at P.erlin from there by the
government eluring the last three days ,
this ' opinion e-ire-ulatcs in official circles
i01 the first time since thewar began.
The Russian emperor , it. is true1 , has
not yet decided for pe-ace , but the' grand
dukes and practically all the members of
the * ' court who have access to the em
peror ) aie for peace.
Considerations ( that still delay the
czar's decision are personal ones. lie is
feeling ( lite reiirn is a failure if Russia
does not win iiie war. anel that his pres
tigeas a sove-reign will be lost at home'
and in foieign countrii's. but he cannot
yet bring himself tei speak the woiel that
will set peace negotiations in motion.
Dangorems Insane Man is Captureel
at Topelcn.
An insane man. who give's his name as
.7. Evart Worthington , whose former
place of resielene'e the police have been
unable to learn , was e-aptureel within a
block of the state e-apitol at Tope-lea ,
Kan. , where he said he was going to
kill ( Jov. lloe-h. Tlie man was unarmed ,
but he is of powerful build and un-
eloubteelly would have handled the chief
executive i roughly hael he not been inter
Worthington is now in the county jail
and will be sent to an asylum. Comot'
munie-ation with him is helel by means
of written questions and answers , as ho
pretends to be deaf anel eluinb.
Heavy Loss of JjSl'e in ICarthquake . '
in Ineiia. .
The hill station of Dharmsala , India ,
was practie-ally razed to the ground by
earthquake ? . The native eiuarter was
entirely obliterated and many inhabit
ants burieel in the ruins. Most of the
houses in the European quarter we're-
.vrecked and nine persons killed. The
entire population is homeless anel is en
camped on adjoining hillsides. ( Jri'-it
elisiress prevails. A relie-f party has
been dispatched from Lahore to Dharm
Seventy . natives we're killeel and many
injured when the native quarter of La- 1 (
hore was demolished by Tuesday's
earthquake. The Mohammedans are pa
rading the streets wailing and praying
deliverance from further visita. to
Attorneys 3ike Desperate Kfi'orts
to Save ; Anna Valentina.
Anna Yalentina , who was convicted of the
murder of Rosa Sa'lza , at Roda , N.
a year ago , and whose attorneys have
been making every effort to save her .
from the gallows , has been resentenc-eel
be 1 hanged on Friday , May 32. Sen
tence was passed by Juelge ( Jarretson in to
supreme court at JIackensack , N. J.
M'rs. Yah'iil ina's lawyers will make
another appeal to the board of pardons , ing
should that fail may appeal to the
supreme court of the United States on
ground that she was deprived of her
constitutional rights. con
Victim of un Assassin. , „
T C. Lamb , superintendent of the Be
Tresamigo mine , was blown to pieces by san
infernal machine while asleep in his Lai
at the edge of Tucson , Ariz. Lamb it
been involved in several bitter dis inst
about mining property , anel it is
presumed one of his enemies committed
A Victim of I eprosy. Illlt
The Honolulu Star says that Brother J on
8erapion von Ke > op , of the leper set
tlement at Molokai , is the victim of lep-
" . His case is similar to that of three
Father : Damien. Brother von Koop , who
a native of Holland , went to the set
tlement in 180r . Eighteen mouths ago
detected signs of the disease. jury
Mail Pouch Killed. ter
The northbound midnight mail pouch ior
Bedford , Ind. . was found Thursday called
the noltfi part of the city cut to
afad a part of the contents gone. T
sack is said to have contained a Co.
< number of drafts , one calling for ager.
K,000. ' vali
Two Burned to .Death.
Cripple Creek , Colo. , a fire Wed T
morning in the Paul Wilson wer
building resulted in the death of William figy
and another man called "Dig" the
. Several others had narrow es-
. -
Killed in Auto Accident.
Frank Stevens , one of the two Ameri
iujufed in an automobile accident arid
INfonte Qarlo , Monday , is dead. Ste- the
recover- , .else
Shoots "Wife in Church E. D. Novak
Then Kills Himself at His Home in
Jlowells Woman Not Badly Hurt.
\ Were Scared.
After sheeting his wife as she sat in
her pew in the church at Jlowells. row
ing the other worshippers by brandish
ing the smoking revolver in their faces ,
ami threatening anyone who interfered ,
K. D. Novak coolly walked out of the
sacred edifice , marched up the main
street of the town and finally shot him 1r
self in a summer kitchen in the rear of
his home , dying instantly.
Novak and his wife have had trouble
for se-veral years. AVithout giving any
hint of his murderous intentions. No
vak entered the church during service
and walked straight up the aisle to
where his wife .sat. Drawing a revolver
he pointed it directly at her face and
With a mocking laugh Novak turned
and walkeel slowly down the aNIc. bran
dishing the revolver in the air and
threatening to shoot anyone who made
a move to stop him.
Leaving the church Novak walked de
liberately through the main part of the
town , still swinging his revolver.
is only daughter.Kose. . was alone in
tie ! house , and when the girl saw her
father coming up the street nourishing
the weapon she hastened to lock the
floors. [ Tnable to enter the house. No
vak went round to the rear anel into a
summer kitchen , anel immediately shot
himself in the head , dying instantly.
Mrs. Novak fortunately escaped with
a comparatively fliirht injury. The shot
entered 'the side of the neck. The * wound
was divsstd and the woman was able
to Via Ik to her home.
Young Boy at Jjincoln Commits
Merle O'nrien. the 1-1-year-old ? on of j
William O'Brien , of 112S Washington j
Street. Lincoln , shot himself Monday '
and physicians declare he car.nof recover.
The boy had been worrying about the
next month of school anel diei not want
to go. While the members of the family
were at breakfast he went into an ad
. .
joining room and shot himself with a re
volver. The bullet entere-d the right
temple and penetrateel the brain.
.Kxi'tcr is Booming ; .
Kxetcr village is havimr a boom th-
spring in the way of new buildings and
other ' improvements. Last year the vil-
lasre hoard proposed to furnish brick for
sidewalk purpose's to all parties who
would us" them , at actual cost , on track.
Kxeter. I Miring the season about 100.000
were' distributed over the town in new
walk * ; and crossings. The same proposi
tion is held out this spring and about
'J2.OOO have already been distributed
and , , orders for as many more have been
been placed with the street commissione'r.
Death ol * an Aireel Woman.
Mis. JOlixabeth Huffman , widow of .Ia-
cob Huffman anel mother of Mayor Hufftii
man. of Neligh. died Thursday morning '
of heart failure' , age'd 7 < years. The de > - }
-eased with her husband removeel fromjlii |
Ohio to this plsie-e in 1S7S. and Jiave |
been among tin- most resper-t.ible and ( } >
eiite-i-prisiug citizens. Mrs. Iluffman
will L-e greatly missed by our people to
whom she was greatly endeaicd by her
kindly and useful life. She will he bur
ied in the' Laurel Hill ce-nu'tery.
Kouse te > ( iot His Chair.
Spe-aker Housevill get that chair
ivhich thehouse of n-pre-sentatives vote'd
him and o\er vrhie-h the employes of
the house held an indignation meeting.
Tile chair is now in the posse-ssion of the
see-re-tary of state and will be sent to
the' home of Mr. Kouse. The board of
public lands and buielimsin ] checking
h-gislative . si
.supplies turne-el back to
upon this Thurselay.
Small Vorelie-t in Libel Suit.
The' libel suit which has he-en before
.luelge Seais in tlie distrie-t court at Blair
fourteen days , in which George IT.
Falter sues A. L. Vt'illiams for elamsiges
the1 amount of $ . " .000. arising from ar-
tie-les piibli.sheel in '
the Blair 1'ilot. was
given to the jury Thursday , and after be'- . . -
out eleven hours ri'turneel a verdie-t
giving the plaintifi' $1 damages.
Barker Still Has a Chance.
Frank Barker
, whom the supreme
court said must hang .June 10 for mur-
elering his biother and the hitter's wife' ,
, yet e-heat the' gallows. Warden
Beemer < is of the opinion Barker is in
and he will be examined by the at
Lancaster County insanity boarel , anel if
is proven that he is in.sani' the asylum
instead of the gallows will behis finish. - , ,
. Carnegie's Offer Krjected.
At Pawne-e City , at the municipal elec ly
Thursday , a proposition was sub
mitted to the voters to h'vy a 2-mill tax
city ' property to maintain a free public
library and to accept ; l donation of $ | , \JU7 the
Andrew Carnegie to build the libra in
The proposition was defeated by
votes. sion
Murder Case at Geneva.
Court is in session rf ( Geneva and a
: for the case of the State of Nebrsis-
against Henry 1'roer for manslaugh and
was impaneled Thursday. Dr. Sav
of Bruning , was the only witness
thus far.
Robbery at Kearney.
he harness store of J. II. llaney fc
at Kearney. Frank M. Leake. man was
. was entered by burglars nd tool- part
at $100 stolen. ; jro
Teacher Hung in Elligy.
The friends of I'rof. Joseph It. Fulk
incensed when they observed an ef the
bearing his name suspended from for
ropes on the 80-foot ( lag pole on the
house grounds at liandolph. The from
hoard orelered the etligy removed. judge
Y. M. C. A. Kobbed. term
Someone broke into the Young Men's
Christian Association rooms at Fremont
stole all the electric light bulbs in
rooms aud both rooms. Nothing trees
ilsewas iaieo. ' Jjiprp i $ no cljie to the looks
Question of Granting Saloon li
censes thu Main IHSUR.
Large number * of women voted at
Nort I'lnttf e.n Tuesday for mem
bers of the schoe.l board , there being' as
high as eighty female votes in one wsird.
On the whole the regular Republican
ticket nominated at the e-ity convention
anel primaries wen out.
Stromsburg vote-el dry by an overd
whelming majetrity.
At Loup City the election passed off
einietly. The ejuestion e > f license was sub-
mitteei sine ! the' license ticket won by S
votes , whie-h insures sit least two saloons
for the ensuing year.
The Fullerton election resulteel in the
election of the entire license ticket with
an e'Xe-eption of erne' councilman.
At Fail-field. Dr. A. R. Ray. repreb
sent ing the peoph-'s. e r pre > gressive parR
ty , favorim : public improvements , ete * . ,
was re-ele-cte'd mayetr over Joseph Kyne.
e-onservative. On the eim-stion of license
the- "wets"were victorious by a majoritl
ty of 14. The preipositiem to issue wau
ter works bonds was defeateel by 40
During the city ejection at riattsmouth
polftics was practically ignoreel and the
e-ity will go "wet"another year.
The municipal e-lection resulted in a
victory for thehigh licence party at FairC
At theEmerson elee-tion it was decided
to issue bonds to the simount of $20.000
for building and furnishing a school
house' .
At the' city election held in Oakland
the lie-ense party rlected Charles Sami.E
son mayor.
The election at Central City was a
landslide for tho prohibitionists. The
licpnse question was voted on direct.IS
At Fail-mount the' election passeel off
very quietly , there' being but one tie-ke't
in the field. For lie-ense , ! ) < ; against li-
cense , ! > 2.
A Democratic landslide elected the end
tire ticket at Norfolk with the exception
of t\vo count-ilmen and two members of
the board of education.
Osceola went dry by a majority of 2-1. ,
More English ane ! German llccom- j
mended for Hi h Schools. !
By eU'i-laring that Latin , in its value as
si me-ntal eleve-loper. has been greatly
overe'stinuiied. ami thsit by eliminating
this bisuich anel substituting more Kugn
lish and more ( Jt-rman better results
woulel beaeeompli. > hed. Miss Maggie
McLean , principal of the high se-hool sit
Randolph , prove > ked themost heated
eliscussion of the three dsiys' session of
the Northern Nebraska Teae-hers' Asso-
e-iation just helel in Norfolk. Likea .
bombshell her theory laneled in the sin-
eiience anel instantly she hsiel linisheel it
was vigorously taken up by dozens of
e-ager speakers. After a battle royal
over the qiicstie > n liie- pe ints in favor of
Latin seemed to have won the day. j
This se'ssion was the most Isirgely sit- i
teneleel of any in t5ie history of the asso- j
ciation , - ! ( ) ( outside teachers being pres-
An Increase of Over $2OOOOOO
in Deposits Dirin Quarter.
hi tlie quarterly anil ye-arly bank stite > -
inents See-re > tar.v Royce1. of the > stsite
banking board. Monday eleclared thsit
conelitions were tlie mo t flattering in
tiie histoiy of the stateEight new
banks have been orgsmized sind notwith"c
standing the hi-ivy demands for money
trie deposit hsive incren- more than
S2.00U.OOO during the . - ! Mu'rfer. The.-
increase in depositors exe-r-eds 11.000.
Ilailroaii Bonds IJestroyed.
Last Tuesday R. O. Polhtrd , tsix e.-om-
missioner of the Burlington Rsiilrosiel
Company , sippesired before the county
ceunmissiouers sit I'siwne-e City , and in '
the prese-ne-e of the bosirel sine ! himself ,
preseMited sind authorixed the cane-ellation
anel destruction by fire of ? 20.000 in
bonels with *
coujioiis sig-
gregsiting . - < 80.00 ( > . These bonels were
voted by Tseble Hck precinct in 1S71. i
iu aid of the Atchisou. Lincoln and Co- }
lumbus Railroad. After the bonds were ! >
issued the precinel resiste-el psiyme'iit sinel i
long h'gsil contest ensued. A decisionn'
was linsilly rendere-el by the supreme i ?
court in favor of the pre'cinct.
JRarn Struck by Lightning.
Monelsi.vnightlightningstrtie-k a Ijiriro
barn belonging to Eel Munson. si fsirmef
living twelve miles west e > f Columbus ,
just over theIine > in Nsince County. A
horse hadill the hair burned off his
t.-iil sind hind legs , but his flesh seems (
not to have suffere-d siny. When repairs
were start eel e > n the e-ernice the workK
men took out about a bushel of deadhe
bees stud nearly ! . " ( > pounels of hone'y
wsis found in the' box of the cornice be
tween the rafte-r.s. :
May Contest Klrction.
The ' "wet < " elected their entire ticke-t
the village election at ( Jordon by nisi-
jorities ranging from one to nine. T-ho { ut
election was the most exciting and hotly aj-t
contested in the history of the town. It
claimed that several ea
illegal votes were tho
cast by the wi'ts and a contest will like
result. up
Barred from Nebras
The Bankers' Union of the World , a be
fraternal order , of whie-h Dr. Spinney is
head , has no license to do business
Nebraska. Deputy Auditor Pierco Pfc
Wednesday refused tho company permis ing
to do business in the state. 5tp
Shooting at Nebraska City.
Spense Minor and Eli Walker , e-olored
men. got inte > a quarrel sit Nebraska City PI
Minor shot Walker in the left leg.
inflicting si serious , but not dangerous
Accidentally Shot.
At West Point , while handling a re .TV-ill
volver in his buggy. Frank Priedknow , tp
accidentally shot through the upper < Jf
of his right leg. No danger is sip- 'abc
Bound Over to Court.
Orvil Woodward and i mpry Baldwin ,
_ .ie
young men arreste-el
some days > ago ipr
breaking into n school house near (
Albion anel taking some property th'ere-
, were bound over by the court
for their appearance at the next
of the district e'ourt.
Probst at Liinwood.
Therewas , frost and it froze some , at
Liawbpli Wednesday night , but the c $ &
Tyere not injured. Waiter wheat
fipe and there is no sign of
fly jJthatifflm diate
- ' " "
Accompanied by his wife anel littlo
child. Eelwarel Morgan , of Sev.-nteent ) !
and Clark Streets. Omaha , who was brfc
tally assaulted in Omaha some weeks ?
ago by one Craig , a paroled convict o
the state penitentiary , called upon < jovj
Mickey ' Friday morning and to him re
| lated the circumstances through whicfc
he has passed from a strong , robust utW
lete to a confirmed invalid , being partial
ly paralyzed from the blows dealt liiu ?
by his assailant. Senator Saunders ana
Representative Anderson , of Omaha , '
presented Mr. Morgan to the gmeruoi
and assisted in setting before theehie J
executive the details of this rather pa > '
thetic case' . The purpose was to impress
upon ; the governor's mind tho fact thaj
the attack was unwarranted and cole *
blooded ] and should prove that Craig mer
Ited the entire fifteen years for whicl
he was sentenced the penitentiary. The
governor now says he will recomrnenej
that the convict serve out that tern/
Craig had been paroled after four yead |
pf service. * * *
The aggregate appropriations , general
anel special fund , and the $200.0tiO attj
thorized in bonds for the binding twinq
plant ' which the legislature just closed
made , come to $ : ? , S7S41. This eloes nojB
include . the temporary school funel dhf ;
tribution. The estimated receipts
this fund for the ensuing bienniuni
$ i234,173.24. ; Of this total $3,4(5 ( ,
IS approprisitfd against the general fifhdj
This , of course , docs not include tha
bond proposition. The total appropria >
tions in 1903 were $3.74.0,280.70 , ot
which ? 2S35,343.70 was against the jjeu3
erol fund. The special appropriation
Bre .7170,000 for the Morrill agricultufCM
pelu.-atieTlial anel university fund and .f4J ?
for the state normal M'hooi library ]
Deelticting J the ? aggregateof teniped-arjj
university anel other spee'ial funds the Ha *
bility for the bi'imium may be obtained
DII an estimsited basis anel that less the ?
estimated general fund receipts , . .SIS , " *
244.71. will give : i net ine-resise in tho
state debt , which is now VJ.jO,0 < ' 0.
* * $
No stsite printing for 'Nebrasksi just
now. Succinctly stateel , this is the report
'Jl f the spee-ial committee e n this subject
appointed ' in the house- . < Jerdisol
Richardson , was chairman of the com *
mitte'e' . His report stsites thsit the com. }
mitte'e found after some investigsitioQ
that the state could not do its
i wn printing sis cheaply as it e-oulel hira
it j done sind that therefore it would not
be the be'st business stroke to approprisita
money or take steps toward the estabi
lishment of this plant. The committee
stated , however , thsit it did not have tiica
to investigate the matter to the extent of
looking ino the results sichieveel by the > se
stsites having stsite printing plants. Thej
report was adopted.
* * *
The twenty-ninth session of the No *
Drasksi legislature adjourned sine die Sat-i
arday the sixty-fourth for the house and
sixty-fourth for the
senate. Merely a
handful of members were present in e-acl }
house to witness the finish. The enc/ *
came without ceremony or ostentation/ * "
ai comes the close of si natural day when
the sun winks out is sleepy existence !
and hides for the night behind the' hori
ton. The night previous the house ob
.erved the customary period of
{ Bud fun. adding this time ,
highly delectable feature in the form of q
premeditated castration f the press o <
the state which at times had dared e-om
ment unfavorably upon the deliberations
5f the se-spion.
* * *
There is joy in Phitte , doubtless , and
Kepresentsitive ' Zuelow is the csiuseof ifJ
Jiaving J > [ " succeeded in eloing what many of
his predecessors have failed in doing-2 }
passing the bill which provides that tha
Jtate ; shall pay for the construction e > 2
ane bridge ovenn < ; ( feet in le-ngth. wheref
Deeded , in each county in the state. Thej
bill went through the senate last week ?
nly touching the high places sis it wenl
l' long ' ( , entirely going over the head oj
the ' sifting committee and the committed'
f the whole. The bill iparticular
for the relief of PhitteCounty , whicfi
last year spentV2j,000 in fixing tip itf
bridge across the I'latte River. i
* * * [
"Aside from the appropriation bills , tad
Cady railroad commission and the Jun
kin ' anti-trust bill and the Sheldon billj
providing ' for a l-mill tax levy for th
liquidation of the state dobt , none oij
the bills introduced in the late legislature
fre < of special state-wide importance. No !
tegular ; railroad rate legislation was e S
fected outside of the Cady commission5
bill ; no material changes were made r3
he revenue hiw-T-the bulk of the billl
were of a. local character.
Just SO-1 bills were introduced iu tli8
legislature within the forty davs for tha
introduction of bills in the house and sen '
ate. The governor sent
up a couple fa
each house afterwards. Two years ajtV
total , exclusive of two or three sent
why the governor , was SOS. In 19Q&
bills were passed and signed by thjj
governor. The number , it appears wiy
quite that large this year. ' " |
* * *
Senator Bresee made the fight of bjfl
the other day and succeeded in tun } ,
two tricks which will be of interest' '
his constituents. One was to secufa
amendment to the appropriation bili
allowing 10,000 to pay wolf oourftj
claims and the other was to increase '
appropriation for the junior normals
IS.OpG from § 8,000. as left by the
mittee. " - .
* * *
The old flag which has floated over reffi ?
resentative hall throughout the
sesBie > S
bedonated to the Peru normal school
float over th.e chapel there. Scjjleyf
Dodge , made the motion which brbusbi
about this piece of beneficence ' -
* * * . . -P ? * &
The * report of State Treasurer M"oi
9 * tne condition of the treasury
mpnSh of M'nrch. filed with th *
, slipsvs that he hsis received"
that he has novremaining
sury $ CS7.0o' > . < ; 2. Of this i
in cash on hand > ' . ' ; .o-iO.G7 , and eii d
$ GGO,715.ur. . In the perhJS
funel there is at this ti ' '
in the temporary school fund
.best kinds of snuff are
* ;