Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 30, 1905, Image 7
SEVERE KIDNEY tr ARMY CHAPLAIN AND BLADDER TROUBLE CHAPLAIN D. L JAYCOX. HALF OUR ILLS ARE CATARRH. Thousands of People Have Kidney Trouble and Don't Know It is Catarrh. Mr. David L. .Tnycox , Chaplain Clarinda , 1. O. G. T. , and Chap lain G. A. R. , SO. ) Broadway , Oakland , Cal. , writes : "lam an oid war veteran. I contracted severe bladder and kidney trouble. I spent hundreds of dollars and consulted a host of doctors , but neither did me any good. S "Peruna has proven the best medicine I ever used. My pains \ are gone ; and I believe myself to S be cared. I feel well and would > not be without a bottle in J " ' : | ( ' ) of need for ten times it < cost. " * Hundreds of war veteran * have kid ney and bladder trouble. Impure dnnxwg vaster , slezpixz en the ground , and all manner of expo sures \vetandcold\veaiherproduced catarrh of the kidneys and bladder. THE NEXT MORNING I FEEL BRIGHT AND NEW AND MY COMPLEXION IS BETTER. My doctor flays it acts Rentlv on the stomach , liver and kidnryrt niut laxative. This drink is niado from herbs , ana is premn-d lor use as easily as t . It is called " .Lane's Tea" or LANE'S FAMILY MEDICINE AH drupciyts orij \ mail 35 cts. and t > 0 eta. Buy it to day. I.ILIIC'M J-'amlly JUrilieinu move * the lio\vcJ eurli lny. In order to Im henlthy tlusia iieceisary. Address. O. i * . Woodward , Lo Iloy , H.Y. Made $3.50 SHOES Men. "W. Ti. Douglas makes anil nells more Men's 9S8.5O shoes than any other manufacturer in the world. S1O.OOO REWAED to tny one who can cUiprove thli itattraent. TV. Xi. Donjjlas S3.50 Rimes arc the greatest sellers in tho world because of their excellent style , easy fitting and superior wearing : qualities. They are just as good as thobo that cost from S5.00 to 457.00. The only difference is the price.V. . L , . Douglas S3.5O shoos cost more to i mi Ice , hold their shano better , wear longer , anil are of greater value than any other 83.50 shoe on tho market today.V. . Li. Douglas guar antees their value by stamping his name and price on the bottom of each shoe. Look for it. Take no substitute. AV. Ii. Douglas S3.5O shoes are sold through liisoxvn retail stores in thcprin- clnal cities , and by shoe dealers every where. > 'o matter where you live , W. L. Douglas shoes are within your reach. EQUAL $5.00 SHOES. "I have worn W. L. Douglas J3.50 shoes for vears , and consider them final to any $5.00 shoe tioto on the market. Ttiei' have givtn entire tattsfaction. " H'/n. / / Anderson , Real Estate Agent , Kansas City , J/o. Boys wear\V. L. Douglas $2.50 end $2.00 shoes because they lit better , hold their shape and wear longer than other makes. W. L. Douglas uses Corona ColtsUn in his tS.50 short. Corona Colt ts conceded to oe the Jinett patent leather produced. Fast Color Eyelets will not wear Brassy. W. f. . Douglas has the largest shoe mall order business in the world. No trouble to net a lit bj mail. 25 cents extra prepays delivery. If rou deair * further Information , tcrtiefor Illustrated Catalegue of Spring Stvlts. W. t. DOUGLAS. Brocklon , Mass. TO THE FREE GRANT LANDS OF WESTERN GANADA Daring tho months of March nnd April , there will bs JCxeonionii on thn various line of railway to the Canadian W t. Hundreds of thotiftandx of the best Wheat and Grazing land * on the Continent free to the ettlar. Adjoininc lands way be pnrclmsed from i ailvray and land companies ( ilrenKOnnblp nricflti. us to routeetc , Apply for Infoi mat ion to Sore" Intend nt of Irnniigr& . tion. Ottawa , Canada , or to E. T. Holme * . 315 Jackson St. , St.Panl.Minn. , and J. M. McLachlun , Uox 116 , , Authorized Government Agent ! FMI * say Tihere you saw this advortiiemont. Don't always bo poor andshabhv when you can . maK 3 from $50 to S50J per mouth , flood , clean , j. honorable business. Plan explaining fully only $2.00. Japanese Puzzle and Catalogue JOc. Tho I Perry Brown Co. , West Soniprville. Mass. SCO F lr nicklo plated scissors ; eight papers of neeu.os and hanusoinu caUtloKtit ! . poslpiid. 20c. Great Eastern Co.J32 .Martense. Brooklyn , N.Y. Money Made Easily. Wife Where did you get so much money ? Husband Made it in a blind pool. : "What's that ? " "I equipped a lot of beggars with "Pity the Blind' cards , and they divided me. " They have d o c t o red with every c o nceivable drug , have c o n s u lied all schools of medicine. It was not until Peru- na en me in to use. how ever , that t Ii e s e old found n remedy that would actually f : ipe t'Kin. Mere cases of catarrh of kidneys szd bladder have been cured by Psrtws tlzzn all ether medicines com * bincd. Address Dr. S. I > . Uartman. Presi dent of The Uartman Sanitarium , Co lumbia , Ohio , and he will be pleased to give you the benefit ofhis medical advice gratis. All correspondence lield strictly confidential. A 480-ACRE FARM YIELDS 2 CENT PROFIT IN A YEAH. What a fiercer County ( Ohio ) Farmer Received from One Year's Crop. Extracts from an interesting letter from P. II. liynhard , of Starbuck. Manitoba. Canada , gives an excellent idea of the prosperity of those who have gone from the Ur.ited States to Canada. lie says : "I bought , August , 1003 , 4SO ncres of land , paying $12,000 for it. We threshed 2,973 bushels of wheat and between 1,200 and l.oOO bushels of oats and barley from 200 acres. But part of the wheat went down before filling and was not harvested except for bay. The crop was worth at threshing time ? ; ! ,000. Besides 120 acres laying idle except a timothy meadow which is not included in this estimate. Counting the value of the product and the in crease of value of land will pay me more than 23 per cent on the invest ment. Two brothers in the same neigh borhood bought 100 acres each six years ago. They have not done a sin gle thing to this land except to fence it and break and cultivate about one- balf of it. Harvested last year 28 bushels wheat per acre. This year 27 bushels per acre. They can get any day $25 per acre. These are only a few of many hundreds of such chances. It looks like boasting , but trutb is justifiable and the world ought to know it , especially tbe home-seeker. I know of quite a few farmers that Lave made fortunes in from 10 to 20 years , retired with from $20,000 to $100,000. Writing concerning another district in the Canadian West , S. L. Short says : "Dear Sir I have to inform you that I have just returned from the Carrot river country in Saskatchewan , where I located land of the very finest black vegetable loam , wbicb I am proud of , and will move in tbe spring. Farmers are still plowing there. A mild climate and beautiful country to behold. Cattle are fat and running outside. Wood and water good. Saw oats weighing 42 pounds to bushel. Potatoes large and well ripened ; also wheat that brought there 82 cents. Tlis country exceeded my expectations. Saw oats in stook , thicker on the ground than appears in many of the illustrations sent out in descriptive pamphlets. I have been in many West ern States , but tbe soil excels any J ever saw. " Tbe Canadian Government Agent ! at different points report that tbe in quiries for literature and railroad rates , etc. , to Western Canada are th greatest in tbe history of their work. The Trouble with Him. "I refuse to talk to you , sir ! " roared the indignant old father. "If you will come around when you are sober to ask me for my daughter 1 may consider the matter. " "When I'm shober ? Thash all right , old man thash all right. Glad to do it. Only I never seem to want her when I'm sober. " Chicago Record-Herald. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES. Itchine. Blind , Bleedine or Protruding Piles. YourdruBcist will refund money if PAZO OINT MENT fails to cure you in & to 14 days. 50o. Didn't Kneel. Clara Did he go down on his kneei when he proposed. Dora N-o , but I don't think he ought to be blamed for that. ' "Why not ? " "He was helping me over a mud pud die. " Mr * . "WlDBlow'a GOOTHIXO STBUP for Children tetbine ; ioft nt the Bums , reduces inflammation , al- lay pain , euros wind colic. 25 cents a bottla. Mr. Bigger , Mrs. Bigger and Baby Bigger , which of this interesting family is the biggest , and why the biggest ? Ans. Baby Bigger , because he is a little Finding it impossible to secure th early ratification of the Santo Domin go treaty , President Roosevelt consent ed to let the matter drop for tbe tirm being. Tbe treaty will be up for con sideratiou at the special session ol Congress next fall , when another ef fort will be made to secure its ratifi cation. Meantime , as a result of the Inability or unwillingness of the Sena tors to adopt any rational and intelli gent policy , the whole case of the na tion's relations w th Santo Domingc remains in a hopeless tangle. In ac cordance witb tbe award made by a court of arbitration last year the Uni ted States will continue to collect the revenues of the Dominical government in liquidation of the claims of an American company , but its status there will be vague and uncertain and It will be powerless to do anything to ward satisfying the claims of Santo Domingo's European creditors. In de clining to permit the President to form treaty relations with .the Dominican government and take full charge of its custom houses without first securing the assent of the Senate , the opinion seems to prevail that the members of that body acted well within their pre rogatives. However , they have failed to substitute any rational plans or out line any Intelligent course of action in the premises. The Senators simply have tied the President's hands and left him to muddle through tbe situa tion as best he can. Tbe Census Bureau has issued a re port on the condition of irrigation in the United States , showing 33,415 sys tems , with 59,311 miles of main canals and ditches , were irrigating 9,487,077 acres on 134,030 farms. Tbe amount expended in constructing all tbese sys- : ems was $93,320,452. The average construction cost per acre in the arid region was $9.14 and average per irri gation system $2,710. Tbe great ob- table of development of irrigation in Texas and New Mexico is tbe present rcaty between Mexico and this coun ty , which prohibits impounding ol waters of tbe Kio Grande. The use of the telephone In this louutry is increasing at a marvelous- ly rapid rate. In 1900 there were less ban 1,000,000 telephone subscribers in : he United States ; now there are ,000,000 or more. To provide for this jrowth requires the expenditure ol many millions of dollars each year. In he past twelve months the big com panies have spent over $35,000,000 in extending their service , a large share if this enormous total going to carry the telephone lines to small towns and .hrough rural districts. , * * One Sunday recently President Roosevelt stood in the pulpit of a Washington church and made an in- spiring address. On the following Sun day ex-President Cleveland was the chief speaker at a great meeting of the Young Men's Christian Association in Philadelphia. "Good preachers , good preaching , " is the comment of a religious paper , and it is gratifying to reflect that these , our most honored citizens , can with propriety , because wilh sincerity , direct our thoughts to the higher life. The final steps in the recession to the federal government of the Yosernite valley and the Mariposa big trees , so far as California is concerned , were taken the other day by Governor Par- dee when he signed the bill providing for the regrant. Specially prepared pens were made from quills taken from the eagle mounted in the Assembly chamber. At tbe conclusion of the cer emony only one of the pens was re tained by the Governor , and the other was presented to Senator Belshaw , au thor of the recession bill. * _ * " Secretary Wilson sets forth in his annual report that tbe total value of American farm products for 1904 ex ceeds $4,900,000,000 , and calls attention to tbe fact that the value of our farm produce during the past two years ex ceeded in value the output of all the gold mines of the entire world , since the discovery of America. The farmer is unquestionably the lord of creation. He is the man to whom Wall street and La Salle street have to doff their hats. _ * a There was a sharp contest in the House over the item of the naval ap propriation bill which authorizes the building of two battleships. An amend ment to authorize only one failed by a vote of 121 to 144. The Senate passed the bill In the form in which it came from the House. " t Dr. Wiley's "poison squad" Is to be placed on a diet of rich and luscious coal tar dyes. Thus the members of the squad will be rewarded for restrict ing themselves so long to boracic acid and other ascetic foods. * In reviewing the measures , seem ingly desirable , which Congress failed to pass , it is always a comfort to re member that the enactment of an un wise law is a mistake that it takes a long while to correct ; from the nature of our government machinery , some measures practically speaking can not be repealed. It Is hard , for ex ample , to take away a privilege once granted , to abolish a position once cre ated , and to close a public institution once started. What is Castoria. r ASTOKIA is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil , Paregoric , Drops and Soothing Syrups , It is pleasant , It contains neither Opium , Morphine nor other Narcotic substance , Its age is its guarantee , It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness , It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic , It relieves Teething Troubles , cures Constipation and Flatulency , It assimilates the Food , regulates the Stomach and Bowels , giving healthy and' natural sleep , The children's Fanacea Tho Mother's Friend , The Kind You Have Always Bought , and which has been in use for over 30 years , has borne the signature of Chas , H. Fletcher , and has been made under his personal supervision since its infancy , Allow no one to deceive you in this , All Counterfeits , Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment , ' - " trOVrrH" ) l titumtmti n il t AVege table Prcparationfor As - similating the Food and Regula ting the S tomachs and Bowels of Promotes Digestion.Cheerful- nessandRestXontains neither OpiumMorptiine nor Mineral. NOT NARCOTIC. RcapccfOldnrSAMUELPlTCHSR 4lx.Stnna AnittSttd Rpfsrnaat - Clarififd 'Sugar " vroen , flora * A perfect Remedy forConslipa- tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea , Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature o NEW 'YORK. I EXACT COPY Or WRAPPEB. I Time Thrown Aivay. Clara What's the matter , dear ? Dora It's too much to bear. Mr. Faintheart hasn't proposed yet. Clara But you told me you wouldn't marry him. Dora Of course I wouldn't. But , af ter all the time I've wasted on him , I think he might at least give me a chance to refuse him. "Dr. Darld Kennedy' * FoTorlto Remedy nTed mylifel I had dyspepsia and kidney disease. " Ex- Senator Albert Merritt. Park Place , N. Y. $1 a bottle. i The turkey market , as it walks into town , is one of the sights of a Grecian city. If the turkeys are brought from a great distance their feet are dipped in tar before starting to make them tough enough for the journey , _ Letters from Prominent Physicians addressed to Chas. H. Fletcher. I.M , Dr' F-GcraId _ , Blattner , of Buffalo , N. Y. . says : "Your Castoria IB good for children and I frequently prescribe It , always obtaining the desired results. " Dr. Gnatave A. Elsengraeber. of St. Paul , Minn. , says : "I havo used your lostorla repeatedly In my practice with good results , and can recommend It aa an excellent , mild and harmless remedy for children. " % Dr. E. J. Dennis , of St. Louis , Mo. , says : "I have used and prescribed your Castoria in my sanitarium and outside practice for a number of years and tlnd It to be an excellent remedy for children. " Dr. S. A. Buchanan , of Philadelphia , Pa. , saye : "I have used your Castoria In the case of my own baby and flnd It pleasant to take , and havo obtained excellent results from its use. " Dr. J. E. Simpson , of Chicago , 111. , says : "I have used your Castoria In cases of colic In children and have found it the best medicine of its kind on the market. " Dr. R. E. Eskilclson , of Omaha. Neb. , says : "I find your Cnstorla to be a standard family remedy. It Is the best thins for Infants and children I have ever known and I recommend it. " Dr. L. R. Robinson , of Kansas City. Mo. , says : "Your Castoria certainly has merit. Is not Its age. its continued use by mothers through all these years , and the many attempts to imitate It , sufficient recommendation ? What can a physician add ? Leave It to the mothers. " Dr. Albert J. Weston. of Cleveland , O. , says : "I have used your Castoria In my practice for the past eighteen years with the utmost success. " Dr. Edwin F. Pardee. of New York City , says : "For several "years I have recommended your Castoria and shall always continue to do so , as it has invariably produced beneficial results. " Dr. N. B. SIzer , of Brooklyn. N. Y. . says : "I object to what are called patent medicines , where maker alone knows what Ingredients are put in them , but I knor the formula of your Castoria and advise its use. " ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Haie Always Bought Use FOP Over SO Years. THE CCriTAUR COMPANY , 77 MURRAY ST. NEW YORK CITV. Even the best housekeepers cannot make a good cup of coffee without good material. Dirty , adulterated and queerly blended coffee such as unscrupulous dealers shovel over their counters won't do. But take the pure , clean , natural flavored LION COFFEEf the leader of all package coffees the coffee that for over a quarter of a century has been daily welcomed in millions of homes and you will make a drink fit for a Mng in this way : MOW TO MAKE GOOD COFFEE. Use LION C6FFEE , becanso to get best results you must use the best coffee. Grind your LION COFFEE rather fine. Uso "a tablespoonful to each cup , and ono oitra for the pot. " First mix It with a little cold water , enouch to make a thick Mite , and add white of an egg ( if egg is to be used as a settler ) , then follow one of the following roles : 1st. WITH BOILING WATER. Add boiling water , and let it boll THREE MINUTES ONLY. Add a little cold water and set aside live minutes to settle. Serve promptly. 2d. WITH COLD WATER. Add your cold wafer to the paste and bring It to s. boll. Then set aside , add a little cold water , and in live minutes It's ready to serve. ' O ( Don't boil it too long. " * { Don't let it stand more than ten minutes before serving. DONTS ( .Don't use water that has been boiled before. TWO WAYS TO SETTLE COFFEE. 1st. With Eggs. TJsc part of the white of an egg , mixing it with the ground LION COFFEE before boiling. Sd. With Cold Water instead of cgga. After boiling add a daah of cold water , and Bet aside for eight or ten minntes , then serve through a strainer. Insist on getting a package of genuine LEON COFFEE , prepare it according to tbis recipe and you will only use LION COFFEE n future. ( Sold only in 1 Ib. sealed packages. ) ( Lion-head on every package. ) ( Save these Lion-heads for valuable premiums. ) SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE WOOLSON SPICE CO. , Toledo , Ohio. Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year. THE FAMILY'S FAVORITE MEDICINE CATHARTIC BEST FOR THE BOWELS T X v - . t fWf , , - . _ WATERPROOF OILER CLOTHING JRBCEIVtDTHE' : ST POSSIBLE AWARD AWARDj. AT. j. In your town who do notsell pur < $ ood $ . and we will send you * * ] cok ! tion of picture * , in colorvdf. fomou * towers of the * woriv ! " * ft * . MEW < S8/'aJi : CAM PtAN CO. Ufarf. TOKMCTO SOUTHER' ] CONDITIONS AHD POSSIBILITIES. In no part of the United States has there been such wonderful Commercial , Industrial and Agricultural development as alotijr tho lines of the Illinois Central and the Yazoo' & Mississippi Valley Haiiroads In the States of Tennessee , Mississippi and Louisiana , ' within the past ten years. Cities and towns- ' have doubled their population. Splendid business blocks have been erected. Farm lands have more than doubled In valu * . Hundreds of Industries hare been estab lished and as a result there Is an unprece dented demand for DAY LABORERS , SKILLED WORKMEN AND ESPECIALLY FARM TENANTS. Parties with small capital , seeking an OJK portunlty to purchase a farm home ; farmer * ! who would prefer to rent for a couple of rears before purchasing , and day laborers la fields or factories should address a postal' card to Mr. J. F. Merry , Asst. General Pas senger Agent. Dubuque , Io\va , who will , promptly mall printed matter concerning the territory above described , and give clfic replies to all inquiries. 10,000 Plants f or I6e. More tranlen * and farms are planted to Salzer'a Seeds than any other Irx ' America. There Is reason t or thi * . IVo owa orer 5 , < XX ) acret for the pro duction of our warranted eeU . la order to induce you to try thein , > re make you the followlnif unpre- Sa cedented offer : for IB Cents Postpaid 1000 Karlj. Jlrriiam anil Lato Cakbifti , 2001) Flue JnlcjTcnlpi , IOOO nianehlng Cr'.erj , 20UO ! : lh > uUj Lettuce , 1000 Speo ! < Jid Unions , JOOO Kare I.uielou. Itsdishu , 1000 Uluriouil ; Brilliant Flowtn. Above seven packaces contain suffi cient seed to srow iu.000 plants , f ur- niahln ? bn h ? I r brilliant floive r * and lots and loU of choice vejjetable-i.tosretherwith ourgreafi catalog , tellinpr all about Flivera , Roses. Small Fruits , etc. , all for l&c in stamps nnd this notice. El JT 113-yage catalog alone , Ic. JQHH A.SALZER SEED CQ . La Croaae , WlQ. Please Read This If you are a male person between 13 and 40 years of atre and wish a luxuriant mustache or beard and have fuzz , clown or small hairs to form a basis for growth I will guarantee you a heavy mustache or beard or refund vour money. Send for Van Horn's Hair Phosphate. Price $1.00 prepaid. Address "NV. S. Van Horn. Dept. A. , Suite 1821 , 160 Nassau St. , : s"ew York City , X. Y. The finest and most delicious made. If j-our dealer does not sell them we will send you express prepaid 1 Ib boxSOc , 2 Ib boxl PALMER 6 CO. , Sioux CHy , la. - MAKE.R.5 OF PURE CANDY - WORTH A THOUSAND TIMES ITS COST. THIS IS > 0 OKpINAICT OFFEB-Send 10 eenUt J | day , before you forjtt it ; vto will miil you , portpild , the hus $ * I sonieitiud mot imluabl booklet ercr published. 'ItiptrM I ihine like diimondi and It Day lljht your path to rlchei. in\ cannot afford to b without one ; Bocey refunded If natpW.f f ectly satUJictory. StandtrJ Triiiuj Co. , 39 W. 31 t , TXirr l S. C. N. U. 13 1905 BEGGS'BLOOD PURIFIE1 CURES catarrh of the stomach. Y > PISO'S CURE FOR CURES WHERE All ELSE FAILS. Best Cough Sjrnp. TarteaGood. Use In time. Sold CONSUMPTION