Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 30, 1905, Image 6

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    Fallacy * RcKnrtlinj Bread.
The fallacy that the whiter the
bread the higher its quality , seems to
prevail all over the world , and the de-
'mamls for snow-white flour have been
answered by the production of a flour
which is robbed of considerable of its
nutritive value. There are various
ways of accomplishing this object , but
the and most novel process for
the purpose oomes from Franco. Here
the dough has been treated with ozon
ized air , and the effect was that while
the bread was much whiter than the
untreared the quality of tho bread
was vory much impaired. Both the
taste and the amount of nourishment
were very much inferior.
AVliat the Dentist , Says.
Toledo , Ohio , March 27th. ( Special. )
Harry T. Lewis , the well known
dentist of < 07 Suinit street , this city ,
is tflUng of his remarkable cure of
KidnA' Disease by using Dodd's Kid
ney rs. ; ; :
"I \v.s Hat on my back and must
say I had almost-given up all bopo of
ever getting any help , " says Dr. Lewis.
"My kidneys had troubled me for
years. The pains in my back were se
vere and I had to get up several times
at night I tried different medicines
but kept on getting worse till I was
laid up.
"Then a friend advised me to try
Dodd's Kidney Pills and in about two
weoks I started to improve. Now I
am glad to admit I am cured and f
cannot praise Dodd's Kidney Pills too
highly. "
If you take Dodd's Kidney Pills
when your kidneys first show signs of
being out of order you will never have
Bright's Disease. Diabetes , Dropsy ,
Gravel or Rheumatism.
Woman has always been a favorito
with pquity , and it always throws ita
.willing arms around her.
Many School Children Are Sickly.
Mother Griy's Sweet Powders for Children ,
used bv Mother Gray , a nurse in Children's Home ,
Nfw Vert , Break uu Colds in 21 hours , cure Con
stipation. Feverishneas , Headache , Stonmoh
Troubles. Teething Disorders , move and regulate
the bowels and Destroy Worms. Sold by all
drucpists or by mail. 25c. Sample mailed FREB
Address ALLEN S. OLHSTED , Le Roy , N , Y.
Their Steerinc Gear.
A learned but absent-minded pro
fessor has a small son who is very
observant and inquisitive , and a man
servant who has a fund of Irish wit
and good humor. One day the smr.ll
boy.was playing with a cat in the
stable while Larry cleaned the har
ness. "Larry , " he began , "why do cats
always land on their feet ? " "They
shtcer themselves wid their lail. "
"Well , how do rabbits steer them
selves ? They haven't long tails only
a stub. " "Wid their ears. That's
] 2 phwat they have their long ears for. "
1 "Well , how does a bulldog steer him
self ? He hasn't got long ears or a
long tail. " "Wid his bark. " The boy
looked doubtful and was silent Pres
ently he ran into his father's study ,
and in a few minutes came back to
the stable. "Larry ! " "Yis ? " "That's
true what you told me about bulldogs.
I asked father , and he read something
to mother out of a book about 'barks
that steer against the wind. ' "
I > utch Cure for Lazy People.
The Hollanders are not fond of lazy
people , and they have a very good
way of curing persons who can but
won't work. If a pauper who is able
to work refuses to do so they put him
in a cistern , to which a pump is at
tached , and turn on a stream of
water. The stream flows into the cis
tern just slow enough to enable the
lazy person by lively pumping to keep
the water from getting up over his
Medical Skill Had Almost Exhausted Itself
iu Vain Attempts to Kcllovo Her A
Remarkable Ilesult.
The recovery of Miss Gertrude L. Bull
Is of great interest to the medical world.
A very bad cough followed a severe at
tack of pneumonia. It seemed impossi
ble to break it up or to restore her
strength , which ha/l been sadly uuder-
miued. In spite of the best efforts of
the doctors and the use of several adver
tised modes of treatment" her condition
daily grew more serious. She finally
discontinued all medicine and gave her
self up to despair.
" "What was your condition at this
time ? " she was asked.
" My stomach was so weak I could not
keep food down. I suffered from cou-
.staiit nausea. My kidneys were ia ter
rible condition. My feet and ankles were
swollen BO badly that it pained me even
to stand on them. I was very bilious.
My heart was iu bad shape so I could
not go up and down stairs or stand any
exertion or sleep in a natural position. "
"Ifcseemsa wonder that you should
ever have recovered. How did it
happen ? "
"You may well call it a marvel , but
Dr. "Williams' Pink Pills wrought it.
None of my friends thought I could live
many mouths longer. My parents had
no Jiope. Just then a pamphlet adver
tising Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Palo
People was thrown in our door. It was
a great event for me. These pills saved
me from the grave. "Within a week from
the time I began to take them I felt bet
ter , and in three months I was entirely
well. I cannot praise Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills too highly and I dearly hopo
that my experience may bring good to
some other sufferers. "
Miss Bull , who was so remarkably
cured , resides at Union Grove , Illinois.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills act immediately
on the blood , purifying and enriching it.
In all debilitating diseases , such as
lung troubles , grip , fevers , and in all
cases in which the system is thoroughly
run down , these pills perform wonders.
They are sold by all druggists through-
oat the world. A valuable booklet on
diseases of the blood , will be sent free
to any one who applies for it to Dr. Wil
liams Medfcine Co. , Schenectady , N. T.
The "Skyscraper" Experiment.
rPEARAXCES indicate tbe Unite ; ! States
ill remain the loader , as it was the pioneer ,
In Hie erection of "sky-scrapers. " For tbe most
part foreign eonsorvatism continues to look
askance at the dizzy height to winch Yankee
irhitects have driven these vast frameworks of
steel enclosed by thin shells of Avails , whoso
power to support the structure of which they form a part
is practically if not wholly nil.
Several months ago certain German builders addressed
a petition to tbe Imperial Government , which has a hand
In regulating pretty nearly everything in the Empire , and
tbe burden of their prayer was that the law which re
stricts the height of buildings in Berlin to seventy-two feet ,
tniglit be amended or repealed. Tbe final answer given
was a refusal on the ground that very high structures were
likely to be unsanitary , that they would house too many
people , and that fires in their top stories would be difficult
to cope with.
As for tbe objection because of sanitary principles , that ,
of course , is nonsense , as everybody wbo lias gone through
a big modern oflicc building in the United States knows.
The average American who lives in a big city will be
disposed to reject equally the other criticisms. But it is ,
perhaps , just as well to bear in mind that , even with us ,
the fifteen or twenty-five story building is something of an
experiment , and that although It has so far stood the test
admirably , ultimate judgment on its safety and durability
can hardly be pronounced for a couple of generations yet
Philadelphia Bulletin.
Health in the Factories. -
T is significant that the findings In regard to
the health of workmen and the sanitation of
factories by the State Board of Health and by
Professor Sedgwick , the Lowell Institute lec
turer , working independently , should be the
same. It is a fairly conclusive demonstration
of the correctness of the findings , because both
Investigations on the subject reach the same conclusion ,
one being based upon an examination of actual conditions ,
and the other upon the researches of all the workers in
this field. The conclusion is that in all of the industries
which are regarded as dangerous to the health the opera
tives are largely to blame because they neglect simple and
obvious sanitary and hygienic precautions.
The report of the State Board of Health , which Is made
nuder a special resolve of the Legislature of last year , dis
closes a lamentable indifference of the workmen to their
surroundings. In those institutions where dust is created
in large quantities , and where the death rate from con
sumption is remarkably high , many of the workmen discard
the simple appliances which are Introduced to minimize
this source of danger. In one brass-polishing shop , for in
stance , where hoods connected with a forced draft are put
over the buffer wheels to take away the dust some of the
workmen had removed the hoods because "they were In the
way , " allowing the dangerous and poisonous dust to fill the
atmosphere. Spitbing on the floors in indiistrial establish
ments is exceedingly common , and one consumptive can
poison the whole atmosphere of the rooms , spreading death
and disease among his fellow-workmen. Boston .Tran
Regulating Marriages.
EGISLATOR STEWART has Introduced in
House of Representatives a bill to reg-
Lithe marriages. It provides , in brief , that be-
"fore a couple can secure a license to wed they
must produce certificates from a reputable phy
sician , setting forth that they are physically
sound and fitted to enter upon the marital
relation. It may become a law and it may not. In either
event it will not make the slightest difference. Marrying
and giving in marriage will continue to do business at the
same old stand , all laws and statutes to the contrary not
withstanding. Such a law would be a dead letter from Its
very inception. There could always be found a physician
who would give the necessary certificate for the asking ,
and few , if any , would be as punctilious as such a law
would demand.
There was a time when persons possessed of physical
deformities were forbidden to wed , for fear that they might
reproduce their kind , and the insane and epileptic were put
to death for the same reason. Happily , that day Is past
Our present civilization places enough restrictions about
On the plains of Tartary , the "Land
of Grass , " the struggles between good
spirits and demons often occasion con
siderable annoyance for the Ignorant
tribesmen and afford profitable employ
ment for the lamas. Peres Hue and
Gabet , French travelers who crossed
them three-score years ago , witnessed
the struggles of tbe learned men to
drive out one of the demons.
The aunt of the chief of an encamp
ment In the Valley of the Dark Wat
ers was ill of a fever. Her nephew
waited in patience , but she did not get
well , and at last he called In the lamas.
His worst fears were confirmed. A
demon of considerable rank was pres
ent in her and must be cast out a task
for which the lamas would need to be
well paid. Eight others were at once
called In by the first , and together they
made , from dried herbs , an Image
which they called the "Demon of In
termittent Fevers. " This image they
put In the patient's tent.
An hour before midnight the lamas
ranged themselves in a semi-circle in
one end of the tent , with cymbals , seu-
shells , bells , tambourines and other
noisy Instruments. The remainder of
the family made up the circle , while
the patient crouched opposite the im
age of the demon. The chief lama had
before him a copper basin filled with
millet and some little paste images.
The tent was full of smoke from the
hearth fire.
Upon a given signal the clerical or
chestra began a noisy overture , the lay
witnesses beating time with their
hands. The diabolical concert over ,
the Grand Lama opened the book of
exorcisms and began chanting the
From time to time he scattered mil
let to the four points of the compass.
Sometimes he would quit the regular
marriage without the necessity of adding to them by stat
ute. The average young man of to-day hesitates to take
unto himself a helpmeet unless he feels that he can give
her equal comforts to those she lias enjoj-ed under hei
father's roof. All our grandparents thought necessary was
mutual consent and $2 for the preacher. And when they
vl'd ' not have the $2 the minister had to wait.
Such a law would not reduce the number of marriages ,
nor tend in any way to bring about the rurvival of only
the fittest. Those who feared they might come within the
inhibition would trek to Iowa , Kansas , Illinois or Arkan
sas , where there are no such laws , and come back legally
bound together. And if the marriage was legal where it
was contracted , It would be legal here. There would
always be a way out Love laughed at legislators long
before the first locksmith was born. Kansas City World.
Defective Indictments.
USTICE has been defeated in its efforts to
punish the men indirectly responsible for the
Iroquois Theater horror. A Chicago judge has
quashed the Indictments against the owners
and managers of the theater on the ground
of insufficiency. The prosecuting attorney may
attempt to secure a relndictment , but it is
more than likely that the cases will be dropped.
When the fire occurred and It was heralded over the
country that over 600 human beings had perished In the
flames , there was a demand for vengeance , for the punish-
nienj ; of those who had neglected their sworn duty or
flagrantly ignored the law. It was made clear that if the
provisions of the building ordinance had been enforced ,
there could have been no such sacrifice of iifo , and the
grand jury hastened to fix the responsibility. Popular
Indignation was allayed by the manifest purpose of the
authorities to bring the guilty and the negligent to task.
But evidently some one has blundered and although the
fire happened over a wear ago , the courts are no nearer a
trial of the cases than they were then. Meanwhile the
catastrophe is only a memory , save In the minds of those
whose relatives perished , and public sentiment is no longer
demanding redress.
The country found some recompense for the useless
sacrifice In the additional strictures that were placed upon
theaters , but even these are now being forgotten in the mad
onward rush. It seems that we need something constantly
before us for a reminder of our duty as law-abiding and
Law-enforcing citizens. Toledo Blade.
Why Business Men Fail.
HE young man who contemplates embarking
in business will do well to study the rocks and
shoals upon which thousands of enterprises
are annually wrecked. An earnest understand
ing of these things will serve as chart and
compass and enable him , unforeseen disasters
being barred , to successfully weather whatever
storms may come his way.
The statistics for 1904 , just compiled , show that dur
ing the past year 10,417 individuals , firms and corporations
suspended , owing more than they could pay. The number
appears large until it is understood that it represents less
than 1 per cent of those engaged in business.
The causes of 77.1 of last year's failures were found
in the Individual , while only 22.9 per cent were traceable
to causes over which he did not have full control. The
greatest factor in bringing about disaster was lack of capi
tal , or its dangerous equivalent , the attempt to do a larger
business than the capital in hand justified. Behind this
was the desire to get rich quickly , and the result was that
to this alone is traced one-third '
one cause - of the year's
business casualties.
Next to that comes incompetence , due to poor selection
of vocation , poor judgment or management , or actual unfit-
ness for the business entered upon. From one-fourth to
one-fifth of all failures are attributable to this.
Thus , out of eleven heads , under which commercial
agencies group failures , two are responsible for more than
half of the shipwrecks , and both of these are found in the
individual and not in conditions that he cannot control.
The chances of success in business are rather dubious
when entered upon by a man not equipped with the proper
capital and the necessary understanding of the nature of
his undertaking. But these things being granted , and per
severance , hard work and good habits , the chances for
failure are so small as to be not worth taking into account.
Indianapolis Sun.
cadence of prayer and Indulge In an
outburst of apparently Indomitable
rage , abusing the herb image with
fierce invective and furious gestures.
When he had finished he gave a signal
with his arms , and the other lamas
burst into a tremendously noisy cho
rus , setting all the noisy instruments
to work at the same time.
The lay congregation , having started
up , ran out of the tent and three times
circled round it , beating it with sticks
and yelling in the most blood-curdling
all the while and then
manner , re-en
tered the tent as precipitately as they
had quitted it. Then , while the others
hid their faces , the Grand Lama set
fire to the herb image and carried It
from the tent into the plain , where he
watched it burn and anathematized It
In the tent the other lamas tranquilly
chanted prayers in a solemn tone.
The expulsion having been thus ac
complished in the finest manner , the
members of the family secured torches ,
and accompanied by the nine lamas ,
all making night hideous with cries
and beating of instruments , escorted
the patient to another tent , where she
fell asleep , to awaken later without
her fever. The incantations succeeded ,
to the amazement of the travelers , and
the illness did not return.
Is Most Desperately Savage Animal
Kver Kncountcrcd.
"When it comes to savage creatures
I will put the catamount against any
thing to be found in the woods , " said
an old hunter , "and I am sure I would
come out In the lead , with distance to
spare. Once corner one of these crea
tures and you will have j-our hands
full to come out with your life. In
the first place , they are well equipped
for fighting at close range. Nature
has provided them with long , curved
and pointed claws and extraordinarily
.sharp teeth. Their claws cut like a
knife , and if they could use a scythe
thqjr could not meet with more luccess
when it comes to mowing a pack of
dogs down.
"Dogs , for this reason , fight shy of
catamounts. They never let the trail
get too hot , beause they want to
keep reasonable distance behind in the
chase. The fact is I have known dogs
to quit the trail when itwas fresh
enough to indicate that the distance
between them and the catamount
could be measured in seconds. They
will scatter and scamper around to'
all sides of the trail , resorting to the
same circular course they describe
when they suddenly lose a trail. They
do not care to surprise a catamount
by rushing upon him suddenly. They
know what it will mean to them. Even
pups out on their first chase seem to
bo wise enough' instinctively to give
the catamount a wide range.
"They are desperate fighters , and In
the season when food is scarce , and
when they become lean and lank from
foraging they are especially desperate.
I remember an experience I had a few-
years ago , " says a writer in the New
Orleans Times-Democrat , "while-
floating down the St. Francis River
in a dugout some forty miles up from
the mouth of the river. I had a friend
In the dugout with me. Suddenly we
heard a limb above us swish back as
if relieved of a heavy weight , and In
an instant something fell in the river
at the side of the canoe. It was a
catamount The animal had tried to
land in the canoe for the purpose of
attacking us and had leaped from a
limb which hung out over the river
at an elevation of thirty feet
"There was no provocation except
the innate desperateness of the beast ,
for weN had no idea that a catamount
waswithin ten miles of where we were
quietly floating down the river. We
killed him. They are bad members
and you don't hare to corner them in
order to get a flght"
Girls , which would you rather be , a
grass widow or an old maid ?
Made , Because
This Statement Has Been
Askeo By
Modest Women Evade Questions
Male Physicians.
An eminent physician says that
"Women are not truthful ; they will lie
to their physician. " This statement
should he qualified ; women do tell the
truth , hut not the whole truth , to a
male physician , but this is only in re
gard to those painful and troublesome
disorders peculiar to their sex.
There can he no more terrible ordeal
to a delicate , sensitive , refined woman
than to be obliged to answer certain
questions when those questions are
asked , even by her family physician.
This is especially the case with un
married woman.
Is it any wonder , then , that women
continue to suffer and that doctors
fail to cure female diseases when they
cannot get the proper information to
work on ?
This is the reason why thousands and
thousands of women are now corre
sponding with Mrs. Pinkham. To her
they can and do give every symptom ,
so that she really knows more about
the true condition of her patients ,
through her correspondence with them
than the physician who personally
questions them.
If you suffer from any form of trouble
peculiar to women , write at once to
Mrs , Pinkham , Lynn , Mass. , and she
will advise you free of charge.
The fact that this great boon , which
is extended freely to women by Mrs.
Pinkham , is appreciated , the thou
sands of letters received by her prove.
Many such grateful letters as the fol
lowing are constantly pouring in.
Mrs.Ella Lee , Frankford , Ind. , writes :
Dear Mrs. Pinkham :
" I want to thank you forwhat your medi
cine has done for mo.
" Three years ago I had inflammation of the
ovaries and ulcers on my womb. I was under
the doctor's caro for about three months , and
the only time I was not in pain v/as when
under the iniluence of morphine. Tho doctor
finally said I never would be better , and
would be an invalid the rest of my life. I had
given up in despair , but one evening I came
across one of your advertisements and decided
to write you for advice. I did so and com
menced to take Lydia E. Pinkhamrs Vege
table Compound. I began to improve at once ,
and to-day I am a well woman , and I know
it is all due to your advice and medicine.
Mrs. J. H. Farmer of 2809 Elliott
Avenue , St. Louis , Mo. , writes :
Dear Mrs. Pinkham :
" I cannot thank you enough for what yonr
advice .and medicines have dose for me.
They have done me more good than all th
doctors I ever had.
" For the last eight years I have suffered
with female troubles ; was very weak ; had
nervous prostration , and could not
work ; but I am happy to say Lydia E. Pink- | '
ham's 'Vegetable Compound has made a
different woman of _ me. I am in perfect
health and have gained in weight from 98
pounds to 122 pounds. "
No other medicine in the world has
received such widespread and unquali
fied endorsement. No other medicine
has such a record for actual cures of
female ills as has Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound.
Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women
to write her for advice. She has ]
guided thousands to health. Address , f ' -
Lynn , Mass. . ' ' *
Ask Mrs , Pinkham's Advice A Woman Best Understands A Woman's ills.
Subservient to the Master.
Even in these days of gallantry , a
woman is constantly reminded of her
old inferior position in the eyes of
the "lords of creation. " The word
' "lady , " which is supposed to be so
complimentary , means "one who serves
bread" a waitress , nothing more nor
less ; so that when you address a
countess even as "My lady. " you are
simply saying the equivalent of "my
waitress.Vife" is another word for
"weaver , " the woman who weaves
her lord's and her children's raiment.
"Spinster" is , of course , a "spinner , "
a word reminiscent of the days when
a girl had to spin her complete out
fit of house linen before she was fit to
be a wife ; and "Mrs. " is an abbrevia
tion of masteress , the most flattering
description of all , and yet showing that
woman derives her position solely
Crom her master.
Cnticiira Soap , Ointment and Pills
Cleanse tbe Skin and Blood of Tortur
ing Humors Complete Treatment
' $1.0O.
The agonizing itching and burning
of tbe skin , as in eczema ; the fright
ful scaling , as in psoriasis ; tbe loss of
bair and crusting of scalp , as in
scalled head ; tbe facial disfigurement ,
as in pimples and ring worm ; the aw
ful suffering of infants , and anxiety of
worn-out parents , as in milk crust ,
tetter and salt rheum all demand a
remedy of almost superhuman virtues
to successfully cope with them. That
Ciiticura Soap , Ointment and Pills
are such stands proven by toe testi
mony of the civilized world.
Surely Stuck.
Billbrown Are you one of th stock
holders in the Bunko Oil Company ?
.Taysmith Well , I labored under the
delusion that I was for a time.
Billbrowu How's that ?
Jaysmith I discovered later that I
was merely one of the stuck-holders.
Chicago Daily News.
Efl'ects of Prosperity.
In tbe six years of the country's
greatest prosperity , from 1897 to 1903 ,
average prices of breadstuffs advanced
155 per cent , meats 23.1 per cent , dairy
and garden products 50.1 per cent and
clothing 24J. All these were products
of the farmer and stockman who
profited more than any other class of
tbe community by these advances.
The miner benefited 42.1 per cent by
that advance in the average price of
metals. Tbe only decrease in the aver
age prices of commodities in that pe
riod was In railway freights , which
decreased from .798 per ton-mile In
1S97 to .763 in 1903 , a loss of 4.4 per
cent. Tbe report of the Interstate
Commerce Commission shows that the
average increase in the pay of railroad
employes In that period was a trifle
above 8.5 per cent.
PIso's Cura for Consumption cured me
of a tenacious and persistent cough.
Wm. H. Harrison , 227 W. 121st street.
New York , March 25. 1901.
The use of the X-rays has proved a
valuable adjunct to peart fishing on the
coast of Ceylon. By this application it
is possible to discriminate between ralua-
ble oysters and those containing no
pearls. Oysters useless for the commer
cial purpose * are thrown back into * tht
Hours the Same.
Miss Budd When a man's engaged
to a girl his idea of "good hours" ia
to stay from 8 o'clock until any tima
after midnight.
Miss Oldun Yes , and even after
marriage tbe hours arc the same.
Miss Budd Indeed !
Mrs. Oldun Yes ; the only difference
is that in one case they're hours "with
her , " and in the other "away from
her. " Catholic Standard.
Curliest Green Onions.
The John A. Salzer Seed Co. , La Croase ,
Wis. , always have something new , some
thing valuable. This year they offer
among their new money making vege
tables , an Earliest Green Eating Onion.
It is a winner , Mr. Farmer and Gardener !
and they will send you their big plant and
seed catalog , together with enough seed
to grow
1,000 fine , solid Cabbages ,
2,000 rich , juicy Turnips ,
2,000 blanching , nutty Celery ,
2,000 rich , buttery Lettuce ,
1,000 splendid Onions ,
1,000 rare , luscious Radishes ,
1.000 gloriously brilliant Flowers.
In all over 10,000 plants this great offer
is made to get you to test their warranted
vegetable seeds and
providing you will return this notice , and
if you will send them 2Gc in postage , they
will add to the above a big packagt of
Salzer's Fourth of July Sweet Corn the
earliest on earth 10 days earlier than
CoryPeep o'Day , First of All , etc. [ G.N.U.J
Paying for Information.
"Say , me good man , " exclaimed tha
city youth , who was undecided wheth
er to buy shrimp or minnows , "what
do you catch fish with around here ? "
"Give me a quarter and I'll tell you , "
grunted the ruralite with the new-cut
"Here it is. Now , what do yon catch
them with ? "
"Hooks ! " Philadelphia Record.
S10O Reward. 9X00.
The readers of this paper will be pleased to
learn that there 1 at least one dreaded disease
that science has been able to cure In all Its
stages , and that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cura
Is the only positive cure now known to the mad-
Ical .fraternity. Catarrh belnp a constitutional
alseue. requires a constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally , actlnjr
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system , thereby destroying the foundation ot
the disease , and jrlrlni : tfio patient strength by
building up the constitution and asslstlne nature
In dolnc Its work. The proprietors have so
much faith In Its curative powers that they offer
One Hundred Dollars for any case that 1C falls to
cure. Send for list of Testimonials.
Address. F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , O.
Sold by DnipKists. 7r > c.
Hall' * Family Pills are tht bet.
Tired of English.
Husband You once told me that you
studied French , Italian and Spanish
while at school. Can you speak any of
them now ?
Cultured Wife All of them. Why ?
Husband I wish you'd do your talk
ing in one or the other of thorn until I
get throughwith this newspaper.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. AH
drueKtsts refund the money if It fails to cure.
E. W. Grore'3 signature U on each box.
A gutta-percha and rubber manufac
turing company of Toronto has made a.
belt for the grain elevator of the Inter
colonial Railway at St. John which i
on of the largest ever prduced. It Is
of rubber , and measures 3,259 fe t. IU
weight it nine tons -