Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 09, 1905, Image 4

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r i & * * " * % IT BI ft ft n fl T
-,1 . , * . ' , L-ditor and Propr.
Entered kt ifttf poet'offiCc it Valentine , .Cherry county , Nebr. . as Second
* t ' ' " * - - ' r-fic ! ) Mnttrr.
* ' Subscrlpnon " * r luO per year in advance ; SL 50 when not paid in advance.
' "
i Vtt-v
i ? * * - -
Display * A ( I vfrr life-ing 1 inch single column loc per issue or $6.00 a year.
" Local No'tictJrvObltuaries. Loil e Resolutions and Socials for revenue
Brands , ] 'nclie - $4 00 per voir in advance ; additional space $3 00 per
"year : cngrav. . b ocks extra S10Ueich ,
' ' ) ' ' " "id per ceijit aduitional to above rates if over 6 months in arrears.
* Parties livuru oul idef Cherry r.-junty are requested to pay in advance.
" < > ' * * * KoTices'of losses of stock free to brand advertisers
THURSDAY , MA ROM 9 , 1905.
i The farmer fools thit : the time
inthe country lo help hjm as much
as possibK for the country mer
chant d < 'ifiidup.m the farmer for
hi ; ; busiiif Sb and su jporb'
'Pom Wa has at last realized
that "unless vu1 ! ! together we
shall fail. Uiiie-- . * ach one of us
contributes to tu : ; success of the
movement , our opponents will
continue to ; ain easy victories uv-
er our divided ranks. " Tom nev
er thought 6""f .f&at duVing the last
. campaign.
Preachers who , so freely jiivo
their service. ty tho-H ) who die out
of tholjfurAivpreaching ? lengthy
sermons in ; $ t ? > irtt the many
virtues of ete c-i-iod , are put-
tiny a proi. " upon reckless iiv-
iflg * . -"Th'Vfi vn'aqc ' khii ehiirch
when jjyin sjj.uuiu .i-iw the church
refused them wheii . dead.
* . * '
Passes aVAnti/Trust Law ,
* *
* -
Tpjieka. Kn"Iirch 2. Tic !
davurii.irii Mously p-i- cd
i. " - bill to pre-
c ' trustsvithin
. "KhHir'i'.u'i'd i
the state. -Hir'i'.u'i'd pat
aitw.Uie--Texas''law and
terned - - H
in ti-tlw anti-dis--
similar jiurpose ) - -
criminatioft act alr yidv ja c5l by
both hetiVVijf th'P jrfslature ' It
attempt to $ ttf \ coinpctition in
business' * lvr < vi > ion is made for
the ex val lotfIV m the sttie of
any firm fcf&tru ! iy IKrsis.fc i.n vio-
latiu < r tliO law.
"One thin t'a time and that
done well i ji very irnod ralo as
many can ti'lTr" li'jt President
Koosex urfiti t'- ! abi ito do
many things : ; ji IJ.jLp Jo them all
quitewel * | U-Wsl ? " y/iS. The num
ber of } ) ig tliinu- ? ii l has onhi >
hands no-w-4s'too Irm to'name but
ions that ne l.tU' ' * T - -bt'iition" our
strenuou pn . - > id < nt. The overn-
nent pajd n.oos yQO lo the Xow
fork Oenirzd Ky. ' ' Co , last yo.-ir
"pr ( vaiT.\rn ; tlve-mail ' from 'New
- rk to C iea o and the Express
* viid ju t . 1,0 * ,000 for haul-
. x ir car over the same-terri-
7 t > '
- the .vimc lon th' of time ,
IsVt it about lime
tii . al.vas. . . Joo'-ied ' into ,
Mr. . ? 'Viair , Courier.
- IH 7.- - ; My Boy ,
"I * would lt ai ' be polite to ev-
- cry body. , , . " . . ' . - . -
I woflldrft 1ft dny other boy j fc
ahead of me in my studies.
1 wonM nnt , mlkcr ; fan of chil
dren who aVe not well dressed.
I would not jro in the company
of bad b.ovsvjjo ue Imd lan rua ' < ' .
' I would not gft sulkyand pout
whenever I could'.riot have my
. '
own way. . M
1 would s f * if I < * iil-l . not ir < > t
peoplo { o \ \ \ me by bein ; civil
tu ever.body. . t , :
I would keep rnv i'uce and hatnl- ;
clean and hnir bfji-.i 'd. wlth-nit
b'einjr t ld io dn - i
I wonlil trv j < > -re lhr > little
things thnt- I L-n-jId do to help my
Jrtbtlu'r and do ilu'm. wiihout being '
nolr . co'noludo thiib 1
t * ? *
knew more than my father before
i had reached my twenty-first
birthday. Ex.
How 1 o Succeed In Life.
Men who make a success of life
have a way of letting young men
und boys know of it that is very
commendable. ,
Andrew Carnegie has laid down
a few rules which contain good ad
vice , and might be read with profit
1. Never enter a barroora , nor
lei the contents of a barroom enter
2. Do not use tobacco.
3. Concentrate. Having en- '
tered upon a certain line of work ,
continue and combine upon that
line. i
± . Do not shirk ; rather go be- ,
yond your task. Do not let any
young man th'.nk he has perform
ed his full duty when he has per
formed the work assigned him. A
: mn will never ri < e if he acts thus.
Promotion comes from exceptional
work. A man must learn where
his employees interest lie ; and
push for these.
The young man who does this is
the young m-m whom Capital
n\juN for a partner and son in-law.
He is the young ma'n who , by and
by , reaches the head of the firm.
5. Save a litile always. What
ever be. your wages , lay by some
thing from them.
6. Never speculate. Never
buy.stocks or grain on margin.
7. Never indorse. When you
enter on business for yourself ,
never indorse for others. It is
dishonest. All your resources and
all your credit are the sacred prop
erty of the men who have trusted
you. If you wish to help another ,
iiive him all the cash you can spare.
Never indorse ; it is dishonest.
Ho ! Spring Times-Herald.
A New Movement ,
Somers , la. , Feb. 22 , 1905.
To The Editor :
The farmers of Calhoun and
Webster counties , of Iowa , held a '
meeting at Somers , Iowa , the af- ,
tcrnoon of Feb. 22 , for the pur- j
pose of org mixing themselves in
to a farmers' federation for mutual |
strength and benefit. Our newly
formed association declares that
every enterprise of any importance '
in the business world exceptfarm
ing is concentrated into a combine
or trust ; that if the ten million
farmers of this country can be or
ganized or joined together into a
federation , working as a unit , they
will possess a power and a force
gainst which nothing can prevail ,
nnd can then , and then only sue- !
Rcssfully combat the adverse in- ;
Huences which are combined a- !
gainst them.
Producersxhave no voice in de
termining the price they shall re
ceive for their products , and must
accept the price ollered at their
local station or haul their grain
jack hojne , while per contra , they
lave to pay the other man's price
for what they buy , or go without.
r ie farmer begins to think it a
p tor rule which does not work
3oih ways , and he hopes through
K'a HIizaiion to be able to have
5ome voice in managing his © wn
It is believrrl that the 10',0t0j000 ) !
'ar.iers of the United States can J
H ; successfully organized , begin-
nug in the townships1 , whidj
si-4 of 30 seetion ' ' land , or 0
school districts of W quarter sec
tions each. It should be possible
co thoroughly orgjinize a township
in a week. Organize all townships
in a county , joining them together
in counties , counties into states ,
states into a national organization ; ,
then let farmers use their most ef
fective weapon , ' the ballot , for
sending representatives to their
legislatures and to the national
body pledged to see that farmers
receive their just dues , the same
as every other business enterprise
receives , and the 50,000,000 farm
ers of the United States , who are
either directly or indirectly con
nected with agriculture will re
ceive what they are justly entitled
to , that is equal rights , and the
same treatment that any one con
nected with any other business re
ceives. That is all the farmer asks
for , but ask for it he does in a
stentorian voice , and he is going
to be heard throughout the length
and breadth of this land. He be
lieves that there is a dawn of a
new era for the farmer , and he is
going to look out for the farmer
in the future , first , last , and all
the time.
The meeting was addressed by
II. H. Carr , of Chicago , common
ly known as "The Farmers'
Friend.5' Great enthusiasm was
manifested throughout by every
one present. A farmers' organ
ization was accomplished hereand
it is believed that the little leaven
planted in this "nock of the woods"
will take root and continue to
spread until in time it will perme
ate every state , county , township
and school district throughout the
United States.
T. F. MOORE , Sec'y.
3Vul > 7-ooi Quill * .
David' Hamar finished shucking
corn last week.
The warm weather is appreciat
ed by the domestic animals.
The meadow-lark , robin and
blackbird are with us again.
Mrs Nels Polen visited her
daughter. Mrs. Ivy Haraar , Fri
Will Heelan from the hay flats
is hauling corn from the BurdicK
Mr and Mrs. C. P. Ilamar are
visiting relatives and friends in
this neighborhood.
Mrs. Junia Thompson and Mrs.
E. L. Hutchison were calling on
Mrs Hittle Thursday.
The laps full of eggs brought in
by the little maids , attest to the
quick response of the hen , to the
sunny days.
The ice went out of the river
the 3rd inst. It made a tremend- J
ous crashing nnd roaring as it went
grinding down to the Missouri. I
Theo Tillson is kept busy grind- j
ing feed nnd meal. This cold j
winter has been too rough for Mr.
Till < on. He is studying literature
from "Ole Virginny" now.
Frank Lowis took Geo. Hancock
to the Fo-t doctor lat week. Mr.
Hancock has a chronic form of
infljimatory rheumatism. With
the grippe added he has had a bad
time during the severe weather in
Mr. 0bourne and wife went to
town one day last week.
S. C. Gorden has been working
at the fort the past week.
Henr.v Grooms has constructed
a pond and will stock it with fish
this spring.
Aetna Breachbill , Dick Allen ,
Walter Johnson nnd Dick Ogle
wenl to town Saturday.
We understand there will be a
Spi'l'M'-\veb ' social at the church at
Spares Frida.night , Mar. 17.
J * . Swain took about 100 bushels
of corn down to Mr. Tillson's of
Ponbrook and had it ground.
Chester Grooms went down to
Norden lust week to consult DC.
D-v.\er f'hf b" ' has been nek
about all winter but seems to be
improving just a little.
An entertainment will be given
at the Highland school house on
Friday , March 24 , by the High
land Literary Society in honor of
Miss Starr for the good work done J
by her which seems to have' been '
highly appreciated by everybody j
throughout the entire community.
There will be a good program ar
ranged for the occasion , consisting
of dialogues , recitations , stump
speeches and some good singing.
We will also announce freeice
cream , of course the weather per
mitting. We will ask that all of the
young ladies bring a nice cake to
go with the ice cream , and we'll
also announce that there will be
no money making schemes in con
nection with this entertainment , so
come out and have a good time.
Program Committee.
Captain Kirkman Not Likely. ;
to Escape Punishment ,
Washington , D. C. , March T.
Captain Geo. W. Kirkman , 25th
infantry , who is being tried by
court-martial at Ft. NiobraraXeb.
on charges of scandalous conduct
to the prejudice of good-order and j
military discipline , has tendered
his resignation as an officer of the
army and the quesiton of its ac
ceptance is under consideration by
the president and the secretary of
war. The court engaged in the
trial of Captain Kirkman has tak
en a recess until May 10 in order
to await the receipt of certain
evidence from the Philippines.
In the meantime additional
charges of a serious character
have been preferred against Capt.
Kirkman and it is said to be un
likely that he will be allowed to
quit the service without punish
ment. World-Herald.
A full line of Pipe , Pumps , Cylin
ders , Pipe Fitting , etc. ore sold by
the Red Front Merc. Co.
Strayed from mj ranch about
Oct. 1,1904 , one roan hull coming
3 yaars old , branded T oxyoke con
nected ond ! eft hip and Y lazy D
connected on left side. 84
D. M. SEARS , Kennedy , Neb.
Now is the time to build that
fence around your farm. If you
want the best Glidclen & Baker barb
wire or good field fencing call on
Pied Front Merc. Co. They can
furnish you what you want for the
same and less money than you
would have to pay for cheaper
brands of wire fence.
The U. S. weather bureau re
port for the week ending March
8th , shows and lowest temperaturs
respectively as 72 ° on the 2nd
and 3rd , and 20 ° on the Sth , a
range of 52 ° and a mean of 44 ° .
The first spring rain gave only .04
of an inch on the evening of the
6th. The winds have been prin
cipally from the north and nw
with a maximum velocity of 24
miles from the north on the 7th.
The rapid gain in temperature
will soon restore the great loss ex
perienced in midwinter , as the de
ficiency is now only 174 ° .
A full supply of fresh new
garden seeds have just been re
ceived by the Pied Front Merc. Co.
Michael Anpreln's "Worlc.
Michael Augelo relic , ! almost entirely
upon form the form of the figure and
of the draperies. He told Pope Julian
II. , when the latter requested him to
paint the ceiling of the Sistine chapel
at Rome , that hewas not a painter ,
but a sculptor ; yet , after he had shut
himself up for four years from 1508
to 1512 and the scaffold Avas removed ,
a result had been achieved which is
without parallel in the v/orld. Very
wonderful is the vrork which Michael
Angelo spread over this vast area of
10,000 square feet. The fact that
there are G43 principal figures , many
of colossal size , besides a great num
ber of others introduced for decora
tive effect , and that the creator of this '
vast Bcheme tvas only , thirty-three
when he began his work all this is j
marvelous , prodigious , and yet not so
marvelous as the variety of expression
In the figures of which Jeremiah is on
ly ono figure in a small side arch.
Charles II. Caffin In St. Nicholas.
To , i-t with common sense according
to tl moment is the best wisdom I
know.V.'rlpole. .
* i
I * * M
Statistics prove that the chances of your dying of
Throat or LungTroubles , are 9 to 1.
Waste nc time , hut cure your Disease with
. -
the only strictly scientific Lung Specific in existence.
Positively guaranteed to help OP money refunded.
Saved tlie Prcaclier.
Kev. 0. D. Moore of Harpersville , N. „ , writes : "I I V'
had a fearful cough for months , v/hieh nothing would :
relieve , until I took Dr King's New Discovery for
Consumption. It cured iny cough and saved my life. 4"
Prices , 5Cc and S -GO i Trial Bottles Free
, ; ,
Contractors and Builders , Carpentering.
\ *
All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes
= ir"Work shop in ( Jharbormeau's blacksmith shop.
New Styles in Ladies Fancy Shirt Waist Patterns ,
Dry Goods g Notions
Special Prices on Winter Underwear and Hosiery ,
The Donoher Hotel ,
R , L , HALL , Propr ,
Valentine , Nebraska ,
Of Sole Agents for
I Ale and Porter , And FPED KRUG'S BEEP
Choicest Wines and Cigars.
i The Commoner
Mr , Bryan's Paper
Xow is the time to secure "Mr. Bryan's paper. All
democrats need the paper and Mr. Bryan needs the sup
port and co-operation of all true friencU of reform. The
Commoner has commenced to organize the democratic
hosts for 190S. Mr. Bryan's advocacy through The Com
moner of public ownership of railroad and telegraph sys
tems , the election of U. S. judges and U. S. senators by
popular vote , direct legislation , the overthrow of private
monopolies , tariff re-form and other issue ? , insures inter-
cstingand instructive reading a well as new life to the party.
Subscriptions received a'this off ice at 51.00 a year.
Come , wake up , and hand us your dollar
First Class JOB WORK on Short Notice
at tlie