Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 09, 1905, Image 3

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    oT tho Mohicans.
When the days are cool and clear
the tuberculosis patients on North
"Brother Island wrap themselves in the
blue blankets furnished by the city
and sit in the open air for a sun bath.
' A short lime ago , says tho New
/York / Sun , the health commissioner
conducted a party of peace delegates
to the island. They were from Eng
land , and had seen pictures of the
North American Indian.
"How interesting ! " remarked one
visitor , as the boat was about to land.
"See how peacefully they sit. Are they
the last of the Mohicans ? "
Doing Great Work.
Ward , Ark. , March (5th. ( Special. )
From all over the West reports come
of cures of different forms of Kidney
Disease by JDodd's Kidney Pills and
this place'is not without evidence of
the great work the Great American
Kidney Remedy is doing.
Among rl e cured here is Mr. J. V.
Waggoner , a well known citizen , who ,
in an interview , says : "Dodcl's Kid
ney Pills nave done wonders for me.
My kidneys and bladder were badly
out of order. I used many medicines
but got nothing to cure me till I tried
Dodd's Kidney Pills. Two boxes of
them fixed me up so that I have been
well ever since. "
"Tell the poor kidney and bladder
diseased people to take Dodd's Kidney
Pills and get well. "
No case of kidney complaint is too
far gone for Dodd's Kidney Pills to
cure. They are the only remedy that
has ever cured Bright's Disease.
The Real Thin ; ; .
"Say , " queried Singleton "have you
ever read Dante's description of the in
fernal regions ? "
"No , " replied Wcdderly , "but my
wife's mother lives with us and ray eldest
daughter is taking piano lessons. "
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
druueists refund the money if it fails to cure.
E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c-
Timely Advice.
When the financial panic of 1S93
broke out , the senior editor of a trade
journal published in the interests of
business men and financiers was on a
visit to a mining town In the fur
West Fearful lest his junior , in the
office at home , might give editorial ut
terance to pessimistic views and weak
en public'confidence still further , he
hastened to a telegraph office and de
spatched a brief message of advice.
It happened that the junior partner
on this particular day had just be
come the father of a pair of fine twin
boj'.s. While his friends in the office
( were congratulating him upon this
event , a messenger entered with a
telegram. He opened it , and read the
following message from the senior
partner :
"Dear George Things look blue , but
they will brighten up soon. Take a
cheerful view of the situation. Hi
ram. "
To Supplement Our Civilzation.
As a result of observation and re
flection during a long life touching
public men and measures in wide va
riety , "i would desire for my country
three things above all others to sup
plement American civilization ; from
Great Britain her administration of
criminal justice ; from Germany her
theater ; and from any or every Euro
pean country save Russia , Spain and
Turkey , its government of cities.
From Andrew D. White's "Impres
sions of the German Emporer , " in tho
Coffee Plays 011 Some.
It hardly pays to laugh before you
nre certain of facts , for it is sometimes
humiliating tp think of afterwards.
"When I was a young girl I was a
lover of coffee but was sick so much
the doctor told me to quit and I did ,
but after my marriage my husband
begged me to drink it again , as he did
not think it was the coffee caused the
"So I commenced it again and con
tinued about G months until my stom
ach commenced acting bad and chok
ing as if I had swallowed something
the size of an egg. One doctor said it
was neuralgia and indigestion.
"One day I took a drive with my
husband three miles in the country and
I drank a cup of coffee for dinner. I
thought sure 1 would die before I got
"back to town to a doctor. I was drawn
double in the buggy and when my hus
band hidied ! the horse to get me out
into the doctor's office , misery came up
in my throat and seemed to shut my
breath off entirely , then left all in a
flash and went to my heart. The doc
tor pronounced it nervous heart trou
ble and when I got home I was so
weak I could not sit up.
"My husband brought my supper to
my bedside with a nice cup of hot
coffee , but I said : 'Take that back ,
dear. I will never drink another cup
of coffee if you gave me everything
von are worth , for it is just killing
me. ' He and the others laughed at me
and said :
" 'The idea of coffee killing any
body. '
" 'Well , ' I said , 'it is nothing else
but coffee thai is doing it. '
"In the grocery one day my husband
was persuaded to buy a box of Postum
which he brought home and I made it
for dinner and we both thought lio\v
good it was , but said nothing to the
hired men. and they thought they had
drank coffee , until we laughed and told
them. Well , we kept on with Posluni ,
and it was not long before the color
came back to my cheeks and I got
fitout and felt as good as I ever did in
my life. 1 have no more stomach trou
ble and I know I owe it all to Postum
in plaoe of coffee.
"My husband-has gained good health
on Postiun. as well as baby and I ,
and we all think nothing is too good to
Bay about it. " Name given by Postum
Co. , Battle Creek ,
IVashington correspondence :
Theodore Roosevelt has been duly
Inaugurated President of the United
States. lie pronounced the oath of of
fice with impressive solemnity as he
stood before the white-haired Chief
Justice on the Capitol plaza Saturday
afternoon , and then reverently kissed
the Bible opened before him. That
was the final act of the making of a
President , after the people had ex
pressed their will at the polls more
than four months before , and the elec
toral college had declared the will of
the people in Congress three months
later. There were intermediate steps
and many formalities , but this simple
act of the taking of the oath to pre
serve , protect and defend the consti
tution of the United States was the
I culminating act by which Theodore
Roosevelt placed the crown of autlior-
i ity upon his head and became the chief
' executive of over 7G,000uuU people.
It falls to comparatively few people
to behold such a spectacle as that
which those on the plaza saw before
them ns the President took the oath
of office. In front , acres and acres of
humanity , with upturned faces. In
tives and upon the ornamental lamp
posts decorations of human form and
'shape. Clambering over the statuary
which graces the portico of the grand
est of all national statehouses. hun
dreds of adventurous youths and men.
High upon the noble dome , peering
over hazardous ledges , peeping out
from every porthole in the glass roof ,
still other representatives of Ameri
cans who will see or die.
In the background of this vast pic
ture the beautiful library of Congress ,
fit monument to the artistic and edu
cational instincts of a people who cs-
corted to the executive chair their
| twenty-seventh President in a little
i more than a hundred years of national
1 lift a library which takes first rank
hi all the world of beauty of archi
tecture and adornment. Surrounding
this building , the pride of the national
capital and m every direction as far
as vision goes , could be seen the glint
1of 1 steel , the flying mane of cavalry
i horses , the shimmer of the uniforms
' of the troops , Federal and State , alike
prepared to defend the common coun-
try , but waiting in patience to do es
cort honor.
The inspiring program was carried
out in all of its interesting details. In
j the swift panorama of the day fol-
i lowed in succession the stately presi
dential procession from White House
to Capitol , escorted by troops ; the in
stallation of Mr. Fairbanks as Vice
President and the new Senators ; the
taking of the solemn oath of office by
jir. Roosevelt on the Capitol front ; the
delivery of the inaugural address be
fore the great host of the sovereign
people ; the gorgeous parade through
Washington's avenues , spangled with
flags , and lined with cheering thous
ands , and the review of the marching
battalions by the President in front of
the executive mansion. Fireworks
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The most imposing , if not impres
sive , portion of the inaugural ceremo
nies undoubtedly took place in the
United States Senate chamber , and
was witnessed by 2,000 people. This
was the swearing in of the new Viee-
President and the inauguration of the
Senate for another term of Congress.
These ceremonies were very simple in
themselves , but the formality with
which they were invested , their excl3-
sivcness and the gathering of distin
guished men made it an occasion of
peculiar interest.
There were gathered all that is con
sidered great in a republic. There were
the representatives of the highest leg
islative bodies in the world , the Sen
ate and House of Representatives of
the United States ; there was the high
est tribunal in the world , the Supreme
Court of the United States ; there were
men who would hold the highest elec
tive offices in the world , the President
and Vice President of the United
States of America.
In addition there were the represen
tatives of every civilized government
the public is but little interested in ,
because a limited number can see
them. But the parade is for all. Many
saw it from the stands which were
erected along Pennsylvania avenue , on
which seats could be obtained at from
$1 to $25 each. These stands were so
numerous that a temporary sawmill
was built opposite the White House to
provide the lumber for them. One of
them had a seating capacity of 6,000.
But those who occupied seats on the
stands and in the windows were a
small number compared to the thous
ands who lined the curbs , and shouted
themselves hoarse. They had much
to look upon. Washington has seen
many splendid parades , but no such
variety of uniforms ever appeared on
the streets as was seen this year.
General O. 0. Howard and staff rode
at the head. Next came Squadron A ,
of New York , followed by the Presi
dential party and the escort of Rough
Riders. Then followed the military
companies , including regulars , militia
and independent companies. There
was similarity of uniform in the mill-
1I I
blazed gloriously at night , and in the
magnificently decorated pension build
ing youth and beauty , official power
and political fame united in the bril-
I liant inauguration ball as a crowning
This year's inauguration day was
perhaps the most notable and spectac
ular event of its kind in the history of
the nation. The popularity of Presi
dent Roosevelt was expressed at the
polls ; it was demonstrated in pictur-
esqueness and enthusiasm in connec
tion with his taking the oath of office.
It seemed fitting that a record-break
ing President should have a record-
breaking inauguration. In splendor it
eclipsed the best of the past and the
crowds were larger than ever before.
Every estimate placed the number of
visitors above 200,000. The highest
previous record is 130,000. The capac
ity of Washington to entertain a crowd
was taxed to the limit , and some
had to pay dear for their entertain
ment. Some rooms brought $40 for
the day.
on the face of the earth gathered to do
honor to the administration of the
United States. There were also gath
ered wealth , beauty and brains of the
country in the gallery. Distinguished
and noted men and women endured the
crush of the crowded corridors to be
present at this national event.
Outside the crowds surged around
the capital and filled the great avenue
loading thereto. Outside there was
cheering incessant over the statesmen
who passed and the military and civic
organizations that gathered , but in
side the capitol , beneath the { Treat
dome , there was an impressive silence
as the Senators gravely gathered in
the hall , for there is solemnity as well
as enthusiam in the inauguration of a
The great inaugural parade was. of
course , the spectacular event in which
everybody was most interested. It be
gan at about 2 o'clock , after the in
augural address had been delivered.
There are various ceremonies in con
nection with an inauguration whicxi
tia brigades and the regulars , but the
monotony was broken by the scarlet ,
gold , white , blue and buff of the inde
pendent companies. There were cadets
and midshipmen , the latter to the
number of TOO comprising the battal
ion from Annapolis. There were Fili
pinos and Porto Ricans in the uniform
of Uncle Sam.
The non-military section , comprising
campaign clubs and organizations
made up specially for this occasion ,
were headed by a band of To pieces ,
followed by the Conkling Uncomlition-
als of Utica. N. Y. . to the number of
ir > o. wearing uniforms of white and
black , and carrying silk flairs. In this
division were 30 miners , carrying their
miners * lamps and dressed in the garb
of the mine. They were from Wilkcs-
barre , Pa. , and represented the miners
who are enthusiastic for the President
because of his interference in the mi
ners' strike. Geronimo and his baud
of Apaches , Sheriff Builock. of South
Dakota , with a troupe of cowpunch-
ers and a company of converted ban
dits were in the same column with
bankers , lawyers , writers and every
type of genteel life as represented by >
political clubs from all over the coun
The inaugural ball was the leading
social event. It was briefer than usual
for it had to stop at midnight. The
fioral work was on a more elaborate
scale than ever before , and resulted in
making the ball as important , inter
esting and altogether enjoyable an
event as the muchly advertised parade.
Royal palms , with leaves 25 feet long ,
were brought up from Porto Rico and
challenged the orchids and roses and
smilax and ferns for the attention and
admiration of the multitude. On the
upper balcony of the interior court
were placed evergreen trees 20 feet
high and everywhere there was a trac
ery of greens , illuminated by tiny elec
tric light bulbs , of one caudle power
Overhead , instead of a canopy effect ,
the artists endeavored to imitate a
beautiful Italian sky. The color scheme
was bright on the first floor , to add
as much as possible to the effect of
brilliancy. The color was softened as
the decorators worked upward , until
by degrees it gave an open-air effect at
the top.
All along the balconies were strips
of laurel , caught up with wreaths. In
front of the first balcony , at the top
of the columns , Avere placed large
placques of azalias and other brilliant
flowers , with vines and greens radiat
ing therefrom. Here and there were
pendant baskets of ferns.
The Obligation Wiiich Mr. Roosevelt
Took Saturday.
The oath of ollice taken by the in
coming President of the United States
is the shortest and the simplest required
of any ruler on earth. It is prescribed
by the Constitution , and is as follows :
"I do solemnly swear ( or allirm ) that
I will faithfully execute the office of
President of the United States , and , to
the best of my ability , protect , preserve
and defend the Constitution of the United
States. "
This oath is slowly repeated by the
President-elect after the chief justice of
the Supreme Court , in the presence of
the public , upon a platform erected in
front of the main door on the eastern
side of the capitol. After the President
has taken the oath he delivers his inau
gural address. While the oath is being
repeated the President-elect and the chief
justice face each other and hold with
their right hands , between them , a Bible ,
furnished by some person interested or
especially procured for the occasion ,
becomes the property of the President
after it has been appropriately inscribed
and sealed by the chief clerk of the Su
preme Court. President Cleveland , at
both inaugurations , took the oath upon
a little red pocket Bible which was given
him by his mother when he left home as
a boy. President Harrison used a Bible
that had boon presented to him by a
Sunday school class iu Indianapolis.
At the close of the oath the President
elect bows his head and kisses the open
page of the book , and it has been cus
tomary for him or for his wife or a
friend to select some appropriate pas-
sago at which the book shall he opened
nnrl the verse upon which he shall press
his lips. Sometimes , when those inter
ested forsret or neglect to choose a pas
sage , the Bible is opened , at random , but
the clerk of the Supreme Court is al
ways careful to note and mark the ex
act place where the lips touched the page.
Mrs. August Krause , acquitted of the
murder of her husband at Worthington.
Minn. , has brought suit against the Mod
ern Woodmen for a death benefit , which
was refused payment owing to the pecu
liar death of
Federal Judge Anderson enjoined the ?
city of Indianapolfe from enforcing an |
ordinance recently passed to compel the
Indianapolis Gas Company to sell fuel
sas at 50 cents per thousand.
Woman Afflicted for Years by
Spells of Numbness
Jfucovers Perfect Health.
"When she was fourteen years old , Mrs ,
Ida L. Brown had St. Vitus' dance.
She finally got over the most noticeable
features of the strange ailment , but was
still troubled by very uncomfortable feen-
sations , which sue recently described as
follows :
" One hand , half of my face , and half
of my tongue would get cold and numb.
These feelings would come on , last for
about ten minutes , and then go away ,
several times u day. Besides I would
have palpitation of the heart , and my
strength would get so low that I could
hardly breathe. As time went on these
spt-lls kept coming oftener and growing
worse. The numbness would sometimes
extend over half my bod } * . "
"How did you get rid of them ? "
"It seemed for a long time as if I never
could get rid of them. It was not until
about six years ago that I found a remedy
that had virtue enough in it to reach my
case. That was Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
for Pale People , and they have since en
tirely cured me. "
" Did it take long to effect a cure ? "
"No ! I hadn't taken the whole of the
first box before I saw a great improve
ment. So I kept on using them , growing
better all the time.until I had taken eight
boxes and then I was perfectly well , and
I have remained in good health ever
since with one exception. "
"What was that ? "
" Oh ! that was when I had the grip.
1 was in bed , under the doctor's care ,
for two weeks. When I got up I had
dreadful attacks of dizziness. I had to
grasp hold of something or I would fall
right down. I was just miserable , and
when I saw the doctor was not helping
me , I began to take Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills again. In a short time they cured
me of that trouble too , and I have never
had any dizzy spells since. "
Mrs. Brown lives at Xo. 170. > DeWitfc
street , Mattoon , Illinois. Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills are without an equal for the
rapid and thorough cure of nervous pros
tration. They expel the poison left in the
system "by such diseases as grip and are
the best of tonics in all cases of weak
ness. They are sold by every druggist.
His Apostolic Majesty.
The title of "apostolic majesty" is
borne by the Emperor of Austria as
King of Hungary.
Hungary was ruled by dukes from
its conquest by the Magyars to the
year 1000 , the regal title being as
sumed first by Vaik , whose education
had been intrusted by his father , Gey-
za , who had married a Christian prin
cess , to Adalbert , bishop of Prague.
On succeeding his father Vaik em
braced and established Christianity ,
applied for and received from Pope
Sylvester II. the title of "apostolic
king , " was crowned as Stephen I. and
afterward known as St. Stephen.
The title was renewed by Clement
XII. in ITHS and , though abolished in
1S4S , was reassumed as "apostolic
majesty" in JSfil and restricted in
1SGS to the Austrian emperor in his
character as king of Hungary. The
privilege of being preceded by a cross
bearer was granted with the original
title. London Standard.
Up with n Terrible Itchinjj
Eczema Speedily Cured by Ctiticura.
"The C'uticura Remedies cured me
if a terrible eczema from which I had
suffered , agony and pain for eight long
years , being unable to obtain any help
from the best doctors , and trying nuiny
remedies without success. My scalp
was covered with scabs and ray face
was like a piece of raw beef , my eye
brows and lashe.s were falling out , and
I felt as if burning up from the ter
rible itching and pain. C'uticura gave
me relief the very first day , an < * made
a complete cure in a short time. To my
great joy , my head and face are now
clear and well. Miss Mary M. Fay ,
75 West Main St. , Westboro , Mass. "
A Prenlc ol Nature.
Not long ago Colonel Cody , better
known as "Buffalo Bill. " was relating
to a professor of ethnology some of his
many and varied experiences among
the Indians during his early days. The
Philadelphia Public Ledger tells of
the little joke which the scout played
on the professor.
"By the way , " asked Colonel Cody ,
abrutly , "did you ever see a red-head
ed Indian' : "
"Never did. and never heard of such
a freak , colonel , " was the reply.
"I saw one. a Cherokee , down oa
the Fort Scott trail. " quietly answered
O'odjThen he stopped , waiting for a
"rise. "
It came. "Rather an unusual sight
that , wasn't it ? "
"Rather : but you see , this Indiua
was bald. "
The advertising fiend has laid his ruth-
? ess hand upon the Poute Vecchio , Flor-
nee. a structure which has stood unde-
facod for fwO years. A protest is being
made to the city authorities.
Itchinjr. Hlind. Bleeding or Protruding Piles.
Yourdruujribi refund money if PAZO OINT-
T iailb to cure you in 6 to 14 days. oGc.
A long-winded Congressman , whoss
speeches nre distressingly wearisome to
his listeners , is described as possessing
"a good train of thought , but is lacking
iu terminal facilities. "
? ilr . AYInslovr's SOOTHING STEIT ? tar Children
tpethiug ; 5ofwns the Bans , reduces inflaiaiaaiioa. al
lays pain , cures vriad colic. 2 > cents a bottlo.
The mind is refreshed and invigorated
by distractions and amusements ; but
abuse of them leads to dissipation , and
dissipation to vice.
'l > r. David Kennedy' * Fcvorlte KemedT cared
my wife ot a tirrible ciiseasa. With rlouiare I testify
to ita marvelous eEcacy. " J. Sweot , Albany. 2i. Y.
Spirituous liquors form tin. ' chief ex
port of Germany to her colonies