Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 09, 1905, Image 1

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    rill ! V T i
L j .
As you all ready know , we carry a complete
line of Furniture such as the people want. „
"We will furnish your home for you
.as we have a great many others.
We hare pleased others , and we
can please 'you. Quality &
and prices guaranteed.
Below are some
the things we
Large Arm Rockers S 2,25 to S 7,50 to
Combination Case r ) , 15.00 to 20,00 toto
Bed Room Suits 1750 to 26.00 toto
Iron Beds / 3,50 to 12,50 toto
Dining Chairs rgjffl , " „ & ) per set 5.50 to 9,50 toto
Common Bow Back Chairs " 3,75 toto
We toto
also carry !
the largest stock to
and latest patterns 6&to
of Carpet , Art Squares , toto
Rugs , Japanese and Grass tote
Matting , Linoleum and Floor toto
Oil'Cloth. Csill in and inspect our to &
goods. Seeing is believing and we to
have something for you to see at
Warm Lined
Shoes and Suits !
iFur Coats
and Gentlemen. ;
3 a
lln all Branches.
Frank Fischer.
i - . Hardware , Furniture and Coal.
H FURNITURE , bed room suits , dressers , chiffoniers , ward-j
g [ robes , Iron beds strong and clean , spring couches and vr-ittres-
ysses , parlor stands and center tables , combination bookcases and
@ writing desks. Latest Designs and Lo\vest Prices.
8j A full line of hardware , cutlery and stoves of best makes.
f | A lot of useful articles that make house-keeping a pleasure.
Ooiiio an < l Sec Tliesii lor "Yourself"
Chartered as a State Bank h ir ori = d as H National Bank
Jun 1 , 1884. 12 1902 ,
The JPJ ] 11
Valentine , Nebraska.
( Successor tx > )
CAPITAL PAID rw A fipneral
JB25 000 BxchanRf. and
< WCTWX > .
Collection Busine.- *
C. H. CORNELL , President. J.T. ( MAY , Vice-President.
M. V , NICHOLSON. Cashier.
Ve Qua Satiify You U Qualttv Prici > and
_ . . . . .
tX7V l'J' * > TC"yiw V"yHir Vi * * J t * > IV * K * fL 9 .T TxTV XT ' X V. XT l V T TXTikJ XT > h
Mrs , Bessie Chandler
Commits Suicide ,
Mrs. Bessie Chandler committed
suicide at the Paxton hotel in Om
aha last Friday evening and died
early Saturday morning. She
was the wife of Lieut. Chandler of
Ft. Xiobrara from whom she had
been separated for six months
past on account of her association
with Captain Kirkman. Lieut.
Chandler had applied for a divorce ,
which was pending in our district
court. About two weeks ago
Mrs. Chandler returned from Bal
timore , Md. , as a witness in the
Kirkman trial which was in pro
gress at Ft. Xiobrara at that time ,
' he being tried by court martial for
misconduct as an officer on a num
ber of charges , one of which con
nected Mrs. Chandler with the
case. It is also believed that Mrs.
Chandler tried to effect a reconcil
iation with her husband , but being
again found in company of Capt.
Kirkman under compromising
circumstances , she finally departed
from here Tuesday of last week ,
going to Omaha where she com
mitted suicide. Xo reason has
been given why she stopped in
Omaha , nor for her delay there.
The Chandlers , both from promi
nent families , had been married
about four years and were living
happily together until Mrs. Chand
ler succumbed to the influences of
Capt. Kirkmau which is alleged to
have taken place while Lie.ut.
Chandler was at Ft. Riley , during
which time his wife remained at
. Ft. Xiobrara where she became
associated with Kirkman. Lieu.t.
Chandler went down to Omaha
Monday to accompany the deceased
back to her people at Baltimore ,
' Md. , and will also take the little
boy "Reese , " who meanwhile was
cared for by Lieut. Allen of Ft.
Crook after his mother's death un
til the arrival of Lieut. Chandler.
The World-Herald gives the fol
lowing account of the coroner's
inquest :
"Striking testimony was intro
duced at the inquest held Saturday
afternoon over the remains of
Mrs. Bessie Chandler-who killed
herself at the Paxton hotel Friday
night , and the verdict of the cor
oner's jury was to the effeet that
she had come to her death by a
gunshot wound inflicted by her
hand. She shot herself in the
breast and the bullet lodged near
her heart.
"The most important evidence
came from Miss Lucile Phillips ,
an attractive young woman work
ing at the hotel and whom Mrs.
Chandler took into her confidence.
The witnessed announced that she
sav the revolver used by Mrs.
Chandler as it lay under her pil
"At 4 : o'clock Friday afternoon
I was in the room to tidy it tip and
1 noticed that Mrs. Chandler was
extremely nervous. She walked
the lloor and told me she was
afraid. When 1 asked her what
she was afraid of she did not re
ply , and I assumed that she was
afraid of dying suddenly and
leaving her little boy without any
one to can1 for him. 1 supposed
she kept the revolver ready thru
a timidness which .some women
have while remaining alone at a
" 'I knew that Mrs. Chandler
was in deep distress about some- !
thing , for he told me as much. In
fact , she told me all about her
trouble. She said that her life had
been ruined by an officer at the
fort. a > Captain Kirkland. She
said her husband would not take
her back again and that she had
nothing to live for except her lit
tle boy.
" 'In her great desire to talk
with someone , perhaps as a relief
from her intense mental suffering ,
she detailed all the facts in con
nection with her recent life. I
retained only a vague impression
of what she said.
u 'I did pity the woman , though ,
, e
although she was a stranger to me.
She was on such a nervous tension
that every little sound disturbed
her , and when she clasped me in
her arms and cried , she-sobbed
like a child. x
" 'As 1 left the room to prepare
her bath she asked me if I would
do something for her. She want
ed me to take care of her little boy
in case anything should happen to
her. I promised I would , and ,
after turning on the. wate in the
bath worn , 1 heard a shot fired.
" 'When I went back into the
apartment of Mrs. Chandler I
could not see her body , for it was
hidden by the b0'1 ' - I knew that
she lay upon the floor , for I saw
one of her hands with the fingers
clutching at the carpet. I smelled
the odor of powder smoke and
knew some terrible thing had hap
pened. After going out into the
hall I fainted. '
"Other witnesses were Drs. F.
W. Lake and J. E. Sommers.
Both testified as tr ) the character
of the wound inflicted by the pistol
shot. Dr. Sommers told of the
death of Mrs. Chandler at the
Clarkson hospital. j
"The next witness was Ralph
Kitchen , manager of tin * Puxton
hotel. He told about lifting the
body of Mrs. Chandler from the
floor to the bed and described a
picture which she held in her hand. ,
It was the likeness of her little '
bov , and with the picture wa a
curl of his hair. On the back
of the picture was the writ
ten request that those pitiful
souvenirs be buried with her. The . -
photograph was spattered with
"On the tablo was a sheet of
paper with these verses copied
upon it :
Ah Love ! could you and I with Him
r < L'rnsp this sorrv Scheme of Things
entire ,
\V uiK. | e notjhitttr it to hit and
Remould it nearer to "the Heart's
Desire !
' Yon risingmoon that looks for us !
Row oft hereafter will she vax and
wane ;
How oft. hereafter rising , look for
Through the snme garden and for
One in vain ! "
Lieut. Chandler is highly es
teemed by his fellow officers and
everyone sympathizes with him in
his trouble.
P. II. Young rode in from his
ranch near simeon Monday night.
Will Piercy from their ranch
near Kennedy was seen on our
streets Monday.
John Neiss was in from his ranch
Friday. He says that his rattle
never looked better at this time
of the year.
Connie Utterback , from the res
ervation , was in town Monday
Me says the cattle in his vicinity ,
went through the severe cold j
weather in good shape.
Rillie Ritchio was a Valentine
visitor Monday. He s-jivs out of
Hght hundred cattlovinter.ul on
his ranch , he has only lo t three ,
which wo think is very good.
Dave Wishart was visiting
friends at Arabia Friday. He
went down on thp local froijrht in
the evening and returned on the
1:10 : pipn rpr. Dave < ays things
look good to him down there.
A. T. Tostev-in , Cherry county's
surveyor , arrived in Valentine
Monday night from Merriman.
He says there is enough surveying
to be done in this part of the coun
ty to keep him busy for about a
Henry Flineaux called to hand
us a dollar on subscription Tues
day. He had been to a meeting of
the stock holders of the Farmer's
and Stockmen's Telephone com
pany , and the following officers
and directors were elected : E.M.
Faddis , pres. ; J. H. Bachelor ,
vico4pres.C. ; S. Reece , sec. and
treas. ; P. H. Young and W. S.
Jackson directors.
We are the
Sole Agents for
Log Cable M ; pie Syrup ,
4 ?
4 ° Davenport & Thacher
Large stock of
Hamilton = = Brown Shoes
Just arrived.
All other shoes in stock sold at greatly
reduced prices for next 30 days. Como
and see us. We sell everything , and
at prices which are right.
* 19 9 J ! UltJt * JAft&SltJttAAA !
; Groceries !
oJ : The BEST for table use and at popular prices.
Our Stock is Always Fresh
; Dry Goods , Shoes , Mittens
; Hay , Grain and Feed
: ai * MasstEST
XXX < ! i
Fiivt c.lasline of S eak * . R. HRU ,
Dry Salt Me tj Smoke 1
Breakfast Bacon.
Highest Market Price Paid for Hogs.
T . W. bTETTEB , Vice Pros. ORAH L. BRITTON , Awft Caah.
Persons seeking a place of safety for their money , will profit by
investigating the methods employed in our business.
Suited to your taste.
Canned Goods Lunch Counter.
Are now at their best and All you want to eat at our
we handle the best grade. Lunch Counter
Home Bakery
g g
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