Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 02, 1905, Image 1

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    1 i Vi CRAT
1 'It. s ' \
And here is how you can save it , For the
W next two weeks we will give a discount of 10
? per cent from regular prices on all heating
stoves. We carry a complete line of heaters ,
some of which are
< ?
* The "Retort Jewel" to
4 ? The best stove made for all kinds of fuel.
4 ? fcfr
$ The "Coles' Original Hot Blasf
4 ? A fuel savor. Jjurns less coal and requires less attention it
4 ? than any other stove made. } Yc will guarantee this
4 ? stove to hold fire over night with cobs for fuel.
4 ?
? The "Oak Peninsular" ifr
Hot blast smoke consumer , provided with a double hot
4 ? blast system. Burns any kind of fuel. Au Oak stove
4 ? of quality , exceptionally strong , neat and attractive. &
4 ? ? We will furnish a written guarantee with each cf the
above stoves , and if not satisfactory let us know it
We also carry a full line of cheap heating stoves ,
4 $ as good for the money as can be bought any where.
4 ? Call in and examine our line : we can save you
money , time and much inconvenience1. : : : :
.Overcoats Warm Lined
Shoes and Suits ; ;
'For ' Coats for Ladies
and Gentlemen.
f +
t-fl ? S t If1 Eft l h ' )
TAILORING ii < ; | > MllfH3lflh
Sin all Branches. 0 * t8 > I iltliJJlPtJ
Frank Fischer.
Hardware , Furniture and CoaLfci
FURNITURE , bedroom suits , dressers , chiffoniers , ward-fe _
probes , Iron beds strong and clean , spring couches and vnttrcs-g
stands and tables combination bookcases and
ises , parlor center , g
writing desks. Latest Designs and Lo\vest Prices.
A full line of hardware , cutlery and stoves of best makes.
A lot of useful articles that make house-keeping a pleasure.
Come mill Sec YJie i iba *
Churl ryd us a Stat Bnn ) % hr c""d asi KatJonal Bank
Jun 1. 1384. A.-KUS-I 12. 1002 ,
Valentine , Nebraska
( Successor to
CAPITAI F j& . \ Hmural Kaufc-
H F.vlu.r.crp . aud
C. H' CORI ELL , President. J. T. J\AY \ , Yice-President.
M. V , NTmoT.Fox. !
Cnn Sati'fv Y * > l > Oitaljt Pn'rr
* >
_ _
Georger. . Keller , of Cascade ,
was up last , week on business.
A. II. Metzger , of King , and R.
E : * Fields , of Irwin , were in town
last Friday a short time.
Mrs. George Hornby went to
Lincoln "Monday to attend the state
missionary board meeting.
Cyrus Van "Meter brought in a
wagon load of potatoes Tuesday
which found ready sale at ooc.
Quarterly meeting was he'd ' in
the M. E. church last Sunday by
Rev. A. R. Julian , presiding elder
of this district.
Mrs. AV. II. Caton , of Rosebud ,
has been visiting her father and
mother , Judge and Mrs TWne ,
in the city the pastvoek. .
Clarence Sageser moved into the
Presbyterian parsonage this week.
The building was previously oc
cupied by Claude Jones and family.
A. VT. ( Irooms and daughter.
Miss Nellie , were in town Satur
day. Mr Grooms says ho intends
> take some more cattle to pas
ture the coming summer.
J. L. Ashburn is road overseer
for the road leading to the table
land northeast of Valentine and
has been working the big hill be
yond the mouth of the Minnocha-
duza , a much needed improve
ment. .
S. L. Ellis , of Simeon , called on
us yesterday while in town after a
load of freight and paid a § on
sub-cription. Ellis sa.xs he didn't
learn how to plant potatoes Tues
day night but learned ho\v to
speak French.
Mrs. A. D. Brown accompanied
Mrs. A. T. Carpenter to Omaha
Monday. Mrs. Carpenter goes to
the hospital to have an operation
performed , and Mrs. Brown to join
her husband in Omaha where they
expect to make their home.
licv. S. C. Stanhope , of Gordon ,
ca'iio ' down last Thursday to con
duct revival meetings at the M. E.
church. Meetings will continue
throughout this week and probahh
next week Considerable interest
is taken in the work by tho e at
Mrs. Dean Efner arrived thi
morning from Chadron for a vi it
with Mr. and Mrs. Efner and
friends in the city. Dean will
come down tomorrow and with hi-
wife expert to go to Springfield
to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Frank
for a week.
A. 0. Coleman , of McCann , was
in town Monday and called to pay
another dollar in advance for THE
DEMOCIIAT. He tells us that Clint
Anderson and B. J. Iloiricker had
a serious accident cro.sing the Nlo-
brara river near his place last Sat
urday evening. They attempted
to cross on the ice which was about
10 or 12 inches thick , but honey
combed by the recent warm weath
er until it was just a little harder ,
than packed snow. They drove
onto the ice and when near the
middle of the river the horses and
buggy went down , breaking-
through the ice into water T or 8
feet deep. One horse wis : rescued ,
the other wadrowned , going un
der the ice. The ice was hard
enough to hold up tho men and
they were fortunate in boing able
to save one horse and themselves.
The buggy stuck in the ice and
formed a gorge which broke up
the box some and broke the seat
but was pulled out with ropes the
next day in fairly good condition.
The harness was saved by cutting
ome parts loose. Mr. Coleman
got his finger hurt in helping to
lislodge the icegorge from the
RaHcy KrieiV * .
Flinch parties are the go in Bail
ey these dajs.
Elmer Probasco is feeding cattle
for F. T. Nelson.
A. D , Brooks is feeding 350 steers
for Goodfellow.
G. W. Polland was staying on his
claim last week.
Ralph Goodfellow is feeding shock
corn to his cattle.
John Seager went to Cody last
week for supplies.
John Senger has sold his cattle
to F. T. Nelson.
Alma Weede is working on the
Shatfuck ranch.
James Gartside nnd family are
visiting in these parts.
Cattle have gone through jihe in
tense cold weather pretty well in
this vicinity.
Til * ' B5ivr. .
. Shellbourn went to town last
Louis Taylor and son Alfred were
iu town Thursday.
Mr. Harpor put in a phone for
George Fobter Friday.
Misses Mary and Ella Polen are
visiting at home at present.
We hear Tom Spratt is going to
move on his place right away.
S.imuel Burget is putting some
improvements on his place.
A. W. Grooms and family spent
Sunday at Jacob Sanerwein's.
Miss Viola Brosius has been very
< ick for the past few weeks but is
A dance was given by Mr. Hudson
last Wednesday night and a nice
'ime is reported.
Charles Fowler anil Joe Hobson
weic through these parts hunting
for horses Monday
A. W. Grooms lost one of his 17
year old mules lately He will be
greatly missed the mule we mean.
Ice are a hard substance that war
water hefor it colleckted itself to-
Aether an' becum ice. It are pleii-
tyful an' free in the winter butt in
the summer it are owned by the
trust an' taik.s the p'ace uv koal in
thinnin' father's pockit-buk. Ice
are good to freeze ice-kream an' to ,
putt down girlz necks in skule. It
grouz on lakes , rivers an' side walkz
onhidi you will slip an' sprane yer
spinel canal if you doan't watch
out. Soft , ice comes from rane
water an' hard ice from hard water.
Hard ice are slippery on the top
side an' niaiks lotz uv fun for them
whot doau't fall clown. One day
mi fathir saw a old womm fall on
the ice. "What a funnie site" sez
he. Then he laffecl. The next
niinit his fete flue up , an' down he
ent.Yhat \ a funnie site" sez a
man behind him , and mi falhir sed
be was a lobster. Mi fathir come
lirnpin' into the house. "Foreman"
sez mi mothir , "where did it hurt
you ? " Mi fathir skowled , "Rite on
the sidewalk" he sed. "Ha , ha , "
S1 z i butt i hilled no nioar for mi
mothir putt me in the saime shape
as nii fathir was in.
MORALE : Boyes doan't gitt gay
with yer mother onless you have
got.t mine to run.
Card of Thanks.
We desire to thank our kind
friends and neighbors for their
assistance and sympathy in recent
bereavement , the death and burial
of our little daughter.
9 We are the
< ?
I Sole Agents for
ft *
ft *
ft *
F ft *
Log Cabin Maple Syrup , ft I * *
a *
I *
, . * ft *
ft *
ft *
ft *
Davenport & Thacher
Large stock of
Hamilton = = Brown Shoes
Just arrived.
All other shoes in stock sold at greatly
reduced prices for next 30 days. Como
and see us. We sell everything , and
at prices which are right.
iQ . roceries !
< s.
The DEST for table use and at popular prices.
Our Stock is Always Fresh
* .
Dry Goods , Shoes , Mittens
* Hay , Grain and Feed
* * 4r < rrrriirTrrrri r
First c.las line of S'eaks. Roasts ,
Dry Salr Me-ifo Smoke 1
Breakfast Bacon. e ,
Highest Market Price Paid for Hogs.
f . W. J3TETTER , Vice Pres. OKAH L. BKITTOK" , Ais't
Persons seeking a place of safety for their money , will profit by-
investigating the metkods employed in our business.
Suited to your taste.
Canned Goods Lunch Counter.//
Are now at their best and All you want to eat. at our .
we handle the best grade. .Lunch Counter.
Home Bakery
S ? g fc ar a . J I
i t
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