Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 23, 1905, Image 6

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The Tmportniirn that Attaches to tlm Care
of tho JMootl irono Want * Wright Jijea
and a Clear Complexion.
Every sensible woman naturally wishes
to appear attract ! vc. Sho knows the value
of brif'hr eyes , delicate complexion and
lively spirits. She knows also that
good'lioulth is nt tho basis of her charms ,
mid that good blood is the source of good
Miss iIn ie Con has
i- in way a complexion
which is thcmlinirution of all who know
her. Ahk ! < l if falie could make any sug
gestions 'Jiat would bo helpful to others
less furtuirite , she said :
"My Complexion would not have
pleased yon , if you had seen it two years
ago. It was then about as bad as it
could be , and it gave me a great deal of
disso.tihfm-.tion. If you want a good
complexion you must take care of your
health , . 'specially of the condition of
your blood My health was at that time
completely broken down. I was nervous ,
had frequunt headaches , a torpid liver
and a grwiL deal of puin in that region.
I suffered nlso from indigestion. It was
clear tlrtr. : uy blood was in bad condition ,
for pininltsH broke out. all over my face. "
"It is hard to realize that , for there
Isn't thy rilightesfc trace of such blem
ishes now '
"Ic other
vrtrt unfortunately quite
wise th'-u , indalong time passed before
I found anything that gave me any re
lief. I became very weak and listless.
Yho doHor's medicine did me no good ,
and I took n number of highly recom
mended touics with no better result.
As soon , however , as I began to use Dr.
Williams' Pink Pill.s for Pale People my
complexion cleared up , and after I had
takeu i w > boxes there was not a sign of
a pimple left on my face. My cheeks
became r isy , I gained flesh and have had
perfect iitsiKh ever since. "
Rov , * ohiiok * and sparkling eyes arc
merely .Mis of healthy blood. They havo
come : ) oliily in t lie case of Miss Con way , Irmio is at 12 11 East Eighth street ,
Canton , Ohio , but to thousands of
women f > r whom Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills bav > made now blood. There is no
surer 'v > y tor you to obtain them , than to
buy a bx : of these pills from any drug
gist ami try them for yourself. They cor
rect irrojjuhinties and banish weakness. ,
OsiJi'M Sensation in Airship. i
"It is } i singular fact , " says A. Roy
Knahonhie , according to the St.
Louis 'il'jbe-Democrat , "thn.t when one
is goini ; as much as fifteen or twenty ,
mile.s an hour in an airship one has
no M > ! > -itioii of moving whatever. The
nir bi'.s : in your face as 3'ou move
i. . ( nit it only creates tho impres j
sion ( one is standing still in a j
"Tu" ! ' are no objects Hying past
yon ns v/iien yon arc traveling on 'the
surface of the earth , and as 3'on must
keep your eyes looking ahead of yon ,
you ! ) s. ronly distant objects , so
distantcaiise ! of your high point of
view that you approach them appar
ently so slowly yon do not seem to
move ac all. I consider this ono of
the qMvst SPiisnlions in a trip
through the air , and the impression of
scan-ojy moving or of noi moving at
all is so slrong , even on the most ox-
perieiu'ed : ioronut. ihat it is probably
dun to this 5:0 many of them push their
motor to ( he extreme limit and it 'dies'
in consequence. When a speed gauge
is invented for an airship it will cause
fewer breakdowns of motors due to
crov.Jiug power/ '
Half Thin Man'sTSulTeriiijis Wonltl JIave
fviiJe ; ! Many a Person , but Doau'u
Cured Him.
A. 13. Spr.-iffuo , stock dealer , of Nor
mal. III. , writes : "For two whole years
I was duin nothing but Iniyinjj medi
cine to cure
my kidneys. I
do not think
that any man
over suffered as
I did and lived.
Tho pain in my
back was so
K V PPSimd uiat i c ° uid
% ff Kivwt\not si j > jit
fffi nisht. I could
v v\\ j not ride a horse ,
A. r. SPKAUTTE. and sometimes
Was unablo oven to ndo in a car. My i"
condition was critical when I sent for U-
Doan's Kidney Pills. I used throe :
boxes and they cured mo. Now I can
go anywhere and do as much as any
body. I sleep well and feel no discom
fort at all. " a :
A TRIAL FREE Address Fostcr-
Milburn < 'o. . Buffalo. N. Y. For sale IT
by all dealers. Price , GO cts.
° :
Noah Webster , the lexicographer ,
wjis. * might be supposed , a stickler
for sotxi I0ngli. > h. ami of ton reproved
his wif.-'s misuse of the language. t
On on * ' occasion Webster luippenod
to be aioin * in the dining room with Vf
their vory pretty housomaid. and , be-
inr snsv-'piible to such charms , put clr
his arm * around h-r Jind kissed her
Bqnarefy on the month. Y
.lust at this moment Mrs. Webster siO
entered M : . ' room , gasped , stood aghast , O
and. in : i lone of ho-rror , exclaimed : O
"W'iy. Noah. 1 a in surprised. " tlr :
Whor.'upon Mr. Webster , coolly and r
calmly , but with every evidence of dis a
gust , turned upon her.
"How many times must I correct
you on the uo of simple words ? " he
remarked "Yon moan , madam , that
yon are astonished. I , madam I am I
tho ono who is surprised. " s
Iti'imit ; . I'.Imd. Bleeding or Protruding Piles. i
YotirdiuiriMM will n-fund : oneif I'AXO O1NT- io
MKNT tuits to cure you in 0 to 14 days. 50c. ii
Compulsory Insurance. 5
A Fivwh ( feminine ) writer suggests L
that every couple before marrying LC
should compulsorily insure the future C
of their children. She suggests that 1
cent a day would be a sutlicieut prem t
A Fading Dream ov Empire.
OXTINTJED disturbances in the Russian cities
and the frequent ( light of conscripts to other
countries notify the Czar that neither the Gov
ernment as now conducted nor the war in the
East is popular with the Russian people. One
of the objects of the great railway across to
Asia , , with the seizure of lands and tl > e build-
' ing of cities on the shores of the Pacific , was to dazzle
the 130,000,000 subjects of Russia by the prospect of great
achievements in the near future. But that appeal to na-
! tional and racial vanity has spent its force. One of tho
costly cities that Russia reared on the coast of Manchuria
is in the hands of the Japanese. Its fleet in Eastern
waters has been destroyed. Its armies are burrowing in
the frozen earth behind intrenchments , all acting defen
sively , while the one at Port Arthur has been compelled
to surrender.
In defense of a principle the Japanese have made im
mense sacrifices and shown a high order of courage and
military adaptlveness. It is believed that Japan would
agree to liberal terms of peace , foregoing anything in the
nature of money indemnity. But it would require Russia
to leave Manchuria , as it agreed to do , yet , at the same
time , advancing its armies and building forts for a per
manent occupation. Practically , Russia seized Manchuria.
i nud there is no proof that it ever intended to let go. Japan
has closed the door with a naming sword and with fleets
| that clinch for battle as promptly as those of the greatest
fighting admirals in history. The Russian people are sick
of the war and of the autocratic denial of constitutional
government. A freer Russia would eventually be a greater
Russia , but one not given to such encroachment as that
attempted by the empire in the East. St. Louis Globe-
The Russian Debt.
NE reason why the French are desirous that
the war in tho Far East should be brought
to a spoody conclusion is found in the fact
that the loans of money which Franco has
made to Russia now foot up to an enormous
mount , and the French are naturally not
desirous of seeing the security for their loan
impaired by any falling off in the wealth of the Russians ,
Without counting the investments that the French have
made in private business enterprises in Russia , nor recent
war borrowings made in France , the amount of the Russian
Government debt held in France in 1900 was f.l2,7G3,400-
000 that is , considerably more than ? 2.100,000,000. It
would thus appear that more than half of the entire Rus
sian debt is held by the French , all but a small part of
this borrowing having boon made in the last fifteen years ,
as evidence of. the faith that France had in her Russian
ally. While the bankruptcy of Russia would not ruin
Franco , it would take away the savings of mjllions of the
French people : hence they are not desirous that the Kus-
sians should involve themselves in undertakings which will
make it impossible for them to meet their legal obliga
tions. Every day the war is prolonged adds to the burden
of Russian indebtedness. It may be easy for Count Cas-
sini and others to speak of the enormous resources of
Russia , but the resources of that empire are largely bor
rowed money , and those who have loaned it are feelLug
by no means overjoyed at the statements which come from
Count Cassini , and also from St. Petersburg , that the war
must be prolonged to the bitter end , even if it requires
years of effort on the part of Russia. Such a continuance
implies , so far as the Russian national debt is concerned ,
either complete or partial repudiation ; for if the Russian
people before the war , although taxed to the point of im
poverishment , could not pay enough money into the im
perial treasury to cover the then current expenses , how is
it going to be possible for them to subsist after assuming
the tremendous load of indebtedness which this present
war must involve ? Boston Herald.
Wealth and Longevity.
HAT the "simple life" favors longevity , that
luxurious living must be paid for by an un
timely death , is a common and not unreason
able opinion. Statistics seem to uphold this
jTTgaai uuj jamff
vicw though statistics are by no means con-
i-lusive. Sociologists draw impressive lessons
Q { UlQ rnvarls of the often involuntary and
reluctant virtue of plain living. Probably many who are
forced by oimimstance.s to do without costly foods and
drinks , soft bods and whatever wealth can achieve , would
prefer a shorter life and self-indulgence ; but having no
choice in the matter they boast of their expectant length of
There is measure . of comfort for the luxurious , hew-
ever , in some rocent English facts , which prove that a
long life is not incompatible with riches. Of 200 English-
men who died last year , leaving each an estate of more
than half a million dollars , six were over 00 years old , 1
fifty wore over SO years , and the average was 73 years , l
This is shown to be muoh above tho average of an equal !
group of poor people taken haphazard. It is specified that j
ninny of those long-lived rieh nioti inherited their wealth , |
and livo.l from infancy to death in luxurious circum- j
stances. Not one of this group had the benefit of a meager ' j
dietary. i
The late Professor Owon threshed out this question of i
wealth and longevity thoroughly. It was his conclusion !
that if it be true that the dietary of the rich is opposed to '
health , tho absence of worry , of anxiot } ' over the living of
themselves and their families , the absence of severe toil ,
and tho liko. more than compensate for any digestive
troubles they may ineur. Probably most rich people eat j
too much and fioir dietary is too stimulating , but this is '
less dangerous to life than is frequent hunger with over
work , anxiety and exposure. A happy medium , of course , I .
is tho suggestion of common sense and experience. Philaj j
dolphia Lodger. j
) j l
vw ;
_ of
Port Arthur , tho ancient seap.n't of Luehunohoni : . was
intil the war boteon China and Japan in 1S94 , in tho un-
lisputod possession of tho Chinese. Situated at the south
eastern : extremity of tho Liaotung Peninsula , the town and
liarbor are surrounded by hills , which make tho site easy of
left-use. - The harbor is cramped , but it has the groat merit
> f being just outside the southern limit of winter ice. and
s , therefore , open all tho year round a fact which made it
especially of great value to Russia. Let us now look for
i moment at the event.which led to its possession by Rus
sia. In the spring of IXH ! a revolution broke out in Korea.
The King applied to China for assistance. Troops were
lispatched , but the rebellion made considerable headway ,
uml Japan insisted that certain reforms must be carried
nit to prevent the continuance of such disturbances. China
n of used to act , and Japan sent troops to occupy the capital.
Various collisions between the troops of the two Powers
Hollowed , and a climax was reached when , on July 20 , a
in ; pa nose cruiser sank the Chinese transport Kowshing.
War was practically declared the next day. After suf
fering ( one or two minor reverses , the Japanese gradually
losed round the Chinese troops in North Korea. On Sept.
17 a great naval battle was fought at the mouth of tho
i'alu , in which four Chinese warships were sunk or de
stroyed and the rest of the fleet badly damaged. On land ,
sperations ] were hurriedly pushed on by the Japanese. On
Dct. 2 , ) the Yalu was crossed , Kiu-Iien-chaug was taken on
he i0th. ! and Feng-v/lmng-cheng on the 31st. The road to
L'ort Arthur was now open. In the meantime another Jap-
uiose : army had captured Ivinclmu and Talienwan. Then ,
in Xov. 1) , Marshal Oyama took Port Arthur by storm. The
who I3n a cI in Biibincss.
'Tis an old story that the kings of
Linvaria havo long derived a very con
siderable profit from their breweries
n : ilunieh , and now , from a neighbor
ing corner of Europe , come the details
y another instance of royalty in busi
ness. : Wilholinina. Queen of Holland ,
is : making money by selling milk and
As a child WilholmSua "kept chick-
ins. " Sho loved them doar * , had i > et
names for most of them , fed them to
the queen's taste ( literally ) , and , quite
incidentally , made pocket money out
( . hiiu'se wore boairn fi'Tain .ind aciii ) , and on April 15 , D1
l.S.i. . peace was signed at Shimonoseki. ' n1
By this treaty. Port Arthur , with practically tho whols
of the Liaoyang IVninsula and the adjacent islands , was
coded to Japan. No\v it was that Russia , always prompt to in
seize an opportunity , began to her
lay sehomes for pose [ ?
sessing herself of Port Arthur. Japan was warned by ar
Russia , backed by France and Germany , that the natural i mi
result of hor deserved success could not bo allowed , and ate
that hor troops must bo withdrawn from Manchuria until
China had paid tho war indemnity. Japan was. however ,
allowed to occupy tho fort and harbor of Wei-luu-Wai , and , l ) "
to keep the island of Formosa. It was useless for Japan pn
to insist on what she felt to be her rights. She had no ill
Power to whom to turn except Groat Britain , and that'ci
government had derided to remain neutral. In duo time Ity |
Russia began to squeeze China for the price to be paid for Sv
keeping Manchuria free from the Japanese. Consequently of
it was agreed , among other things , that Russia might conP"
tinue her Siberian railway through Manchuria to Talienjrc'
wan. Russia was also authorized to introduce her own 151
troops for the protection of the road. Thus began the i bill ,
Russian occupation of Manchuria. Tho Chinese inhabit- ! *
ants wore incensed at this invasion of foreigners , and in j an
November , 1S9T. occurred an event which precipitated mat- [
ters. Two German priests wero murdered in Western { sole
Shantung. Now we hear of the "mailed fist" for the first
time. Kiaochau was , as part of tho reparation claimed , i * t' '
leased as a German coaling station in perpetuity. Hardly ' * °
had this matter been arranged , when it was announced < then
tho Russians had obtained a lease of ninety-nine years of , * "
Port Arthur. I ride .
of them. With her accession to the
throne the barnyard was forgotten ,
but perhaps the royal stnto has become
a matterof course. " allowing the
queenly thoughts to travel back to the
more prosaic pleasures of r.thor days.
Whatever tho reason , not long ago
Prince Uenry bought for his royal
wife several cows , which are pluood
on the rich land adjoining the palace
at Loo. Those prospered so well , and
their milk and butter aided so much
to tho delights of the palace table ,
that the queen decided to engage in j
the business of dairying. The uiana-'i
. ' laws
ger of her estates has since visited all pei
of the famous stock farms of the
country , and has purchased 34 of the
: best cows to be had in all Holland ,
These have joined their fellows who tJ
led the way in the experiment and :
dniry products are now on sale under I |
the palace auspices , for the "ventttre" both
has proved far more than self-support ed
ing. Success Magazine.
/ . . ,
, , pn
As you grow older , you are surpu -
ed when you go to church to see bow Qr
many who are near your age fall t pc
asleep during sen-Ices. j of
The entire time of the Senate Satur-
day which was not spent in executive ses-
. sion was given to the Swayne impeach-
[ ment trial. Four witnesses were exam-
ined. All of them were from Pensacola ,
Fla. and for the
, they were introduced j
purpose of showing that up to 1000
Judge Swayne had not acquired a resi
dence in his district in Florida. In ex
ecutive session the arbitration treaties ;
were amended and ratified. As an out
growth of the investigation of the Gen
eral Slocum disaster the House passed a
number of bills amending the laws relat
ing to the steamboat inspection service ,
and making far more rigid provision for
the regulation and control of steam ves
sels. The House nonconcnrred in the
Senate amendments to the bill making it
unlawful to use the words ' 'United States
Assay" on articles of gold or silver maiu j
ufactnre , and agreed to the conference
report on the bill providing for the regis- j
tration of trade marks. A bill prepared i
by the Navy Department was passed an- i
tliorizing the President to roappoint three '
miclshipment dismissed from the naval
academy for hazing , and providing that
they shall re-enter at the foot of their
Tribute to the memory of the late Sen-
ator George Frisbie Hoar of Massachu- '
setts was the occasion of a special sesM
sion of the House of Representatives
Sunday. }
Mr. Hearst of New York and Mr. Sul
livan of Massachusetts indulged in heated
' personalities on the floor of the House
j i Monday as an echo of the coal freight
j hearing. Mr. Sullivan had been criti-
, cised in a Plearst newspaper and heaped
, abuse on the New Yorker , who in turn
) charged Mr. Sullivan , by implication ,
I with complicity in a murder. Speaker
Cannon ruled that such attacks were tin-
parliamentary. The Senate heard ten
witnesses in the Swayne impeachment
trial and devoted the remainder of its
time to the consideration of the agriculac
tnral appropriation bll. The major porrh
tion of the debate in connection with the
appropriation biil was based on an
amendment suggested by Mr. Bacon , prone
viding for semi-monthly reports on the
condition of the cotton crop , which was *
amended so as to cover the last five
months of the year and adopted.
The Senate on Tuesday passed the ag
ricultural appropriation bill after adopt- j
ing the Hansbrongh amendment which '
prevents the granting of a drawback in
the duty on wheat imported into theFi
United States for manufacturinjr Hour for '
export. The District of Columbia approJ J
priation bill was taken up. A bill defin- '
ing the boundary lines between South '
Dakota and Nebraska also was passed , i
The usual three hours were given to the '
Swayne impeachment hearinsr. The sec- !
'ond chapter of the Hearst-Sullivan epi- .
sode took place in the House , when Mr. i
Sullivan related the circumstances leadTal '
ing up to the indictment and conviction
of his father and himself for manslauijli- E.
ter. He avoided any further attack on !
Mr. Hearst. lie declared that he had ;
jheen guilty only technically , and had
never served one minute imprisonment or
paid one cent in fines. Later evidence. mo
he said , had
created a grave doubt of ani
Jlis father's guilt and he had JPOn parsur
doned. The naval appropriation bill was ser
considered. Mr. LittlefieM urging the !
Verity for keeping appropriations within "P.
the limits of '
the country's revenues. i
- : : - i nev
Tim question of what { he policy of jhl
the government should he lot
re < = pH't
to the upbuilding of the navy was again yoa
thrashed out in the IIou c WotfneMlav
'during the consideration of tho naval ap- '
propriation bill , the debate developing
much opposition to the proposed addition
of t\vo battleship- the naval ostablhh-
'inent. The defence < .f the Philippines
played an important part in the discus
sion , while the events of th < war in the
far East fivin a naval point of view
were given prominence by the advocates
an increased navy. The House met
an hour earlier than usual , and with
the exception of a brief period the entire
day was consumed by the naval bill. The '
Senate continued , hut did not conclude. I
consideration of the bill making '
priations fi.r the support of the govern- '
ment of the District of Columbia. While !
the bill was before tlie Senate Mr. ElltCl
kins took exception to an item for the J snza A.
construction of a local bridpe as in the ind
Jntercst of speculators , and made a pen-j Yo"
BKil plea for in the Irat
economy matter of j bottl
appropriations. The Sway IKimpeach - j
ment trial held the attention of the Sen- ,
for two hours- .
" "
Aside from two hours spent in routine '
LIK-IIH ss the Senate Thursday jrave its
entire attention to the Swayno impeach- '
iiieiit ! trial. Two hours and a half of the '
fime jriven to that case was spent behind
closed door' : considering the admissibil-1 urJ
\ of a statement made bv * .Tudce ! ? ? a
bwayne before a coinmittee of the House ! t cnd oni
Representatives. Tho j > .int was i
gned at length. The II .ii-e adopted
resolution declaring t'i" ' Senate amend-i t on
tnent ! to the agricultural appropriation | inds
, which abolishes the drawback ! Can
Clause in the Dinyiey hill on wheat itn- " linn.
ported and afterward exported as flour , i ' iea
infringement of the privileges of the
House , , inasmuch as the House has the
right to initiate revenue legislation ,
ordering the bill returned to the Sen-
The vote on the resolution was 2G1
r . The naval appropriation bill was
taken up for the 'UPcu'sion of
amendments. Biil * were passed to pro- w
a government for the canal zone and *
making applicable to tho canal zone all is
affecting imports and the entry of
In the National Capital.
The Supreme Court of tho United
States has taken a recess for three
Secretary Shaw has sent a letter to
houses of Congress recommending
refund of the duties paid on import
wheat when used for seed.
Senator Alirer introduced a bill appro- pM
priating $5.000 for the erection of a mon
ument to the memory of Captain C. V.
Gridley , who commanded Admiral
ey's flagship Olympia at the battle Cu
Manila Bay. U.H
< *
It Helps Women to Win and Hold
Men's Admiration , Respect and Love
. Woman's greatest gift s the power tc
inspire admiration , respect , and love.
There J is a beauty in health which is
more attractive to men than mere regu
( larity of feature. fl
f I
To be a successful wife , to retain the
love and admiration of her husband ,
should be a woman's constant study.
At the first indication of ill-health ,
painful or irregular menstruation ,
headache or backache , secure Lydia 13.
Pinkhara's Vegetable Compound and
begin its nse.
Mrs. Chas. F. Brown , Vice-President
Mothers' Club , 21 Cedar Terrace , Hot
Springs , Ark. , writes : '
Dear Mrs. Pinkbam : *
" For nine years I dragged through a miser-
.ablo Gxistetico , suffering with inflammation
and falling of the womb , and worn out with
pain and weariness. I one day noticed tfstate-
ment < by a woman suffering as I was , but who
had been cured by Lydia JE.Pinkham's Veg
etable Compound , and I determined to try it.
At j the end of three months I was a different
woman. Every one remarked about it , and
my ; husband fell in love with mo all over
again. Lydia E. Pinkiiam's Vegetable Com
pound built up my entire system , cured tho
womb trouble , and I felt like a now woman.
j am sure it will make every suffering woman
strong , well and happv , as it has me , "
Women who are troubled with pain
ful or irregular menstruation , back
ache , bloating ( or flatulence ) , leucor-
rhcea , falling , inflammation or ulcera-
tion of the uterus , ovarian troubles , '
that "bearing-down" feeling , dizzi
ness , faintness , indigestion , or nervous
prostration may be restored to perfect
health and strength by taking Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ,
Facts About ht. Petersburg. ;
Population ( census 1903) ) , 1,35-1,000.
Greek Catholics , S. per cent.
Protestants ( chiefly Germans and
Finns ) , 10 per cent.
Roman Catholics , 3 per cent.
Jews. 2 per cent.
Unable to read or write ( adults ) , 30
per ] cent.
Peasants , 40.7 por rent.
Burgesses ( householders ) , 20 per
Take Laxative Uromo Quinine Tablets. AH
druccisti. . refund the money if it fails to cure.
. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25o.
Culinary Diplomacy.
"Xow. Jane. " said the hoarding house
landlady to the new waitpess , "I want
yoi to look over the papers carefully
morning and evening and if they contain
any bad news make a note of it and bo
sure to tell it to the boarders before
serving them. "
"Very well , ma'am. " replied Jane.
"But what is the object , ma'am ? "
"Well , " explained the landlady , "bod
news always affects one's appetite , and
that little scheme enables me to save a
of provisions in the course of a
year. "
Cures Colds , Concha , Sore Throat , Cronp , Infln-
, V , hooping Cen h , Bronchith and Af-thma.
certain cure for Coa iimptlon in flrst utsjre *
a Bare relief in advanced ? fr. c ? . tse at once ,
" will tee tte excellrnt ffltc : after taking tha
dose. Sold by deaors everywhere. Larzt
* 25 centa and to cents
hnnnerforyi-Ms of W bent
and other erain *
14. 100,000 FAIUIKICS receive 5r..4)OO.OtH >
re ult o ? theirVivat Crop ulone. 1 he return *
romOHt * . Bdrlnjr ud
other Brain * , as well as cattl *
i.orhes. u.iu conntdtrablr to thi .
iecure a FREE Homestead
once , or pnrcliRRe from fome r .liablo dealer while
arn F-BMinic at. pruxpnt low prices. Applj for in-
Dnuimou to KuperinterMJent cf ltntuisraiton. Otuiirn.
anaila. or to E. T. Holmes. 315 Jncknon St. . St. Paul ,
. , nnd .f. M MrLnchlttn. Box 116. Wuwrtown , fco.
. Authorized Government Azbuts.
1'leace * ny where jou saw this mlvertiicment.
Positive , Comparative , Superlative
" l have used one of your Fish Brand
Slickers for five years and now want
new one , also one for a friend. I
would not be without ons for twice
the ' cost. They are just as far ahead
of a common coat as a common ono
ahead of nothing. "
Be sure you don't get .
one of the com.
mon kind this is the
mark of excellence.
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