More Local. John Cr. Si/on-r Wluicd last , Mis * Etta. Broun retmned from a visit at Lincoln Saturday ? Mrs. Frank M. Kline has re turned from a visit with relatives. L. C. Sparks is expected home the la-t of this week from Michi gan. Win. Lee and two or three oi ti ers'wore up from BrownWyps'er- ' ' day. Miss "Nellie Eusley has resigned her position at Davenport & .Thach- er's store. Jake Martin and wife drove in from their farm to do come t-a ) l- i D y psi'.MM In j. . Tho Simp-on bub.v , which ibo ; - ing cared fur l\v Mr1. Lon Bivens , is very ill xvii'j ' pneumonia. MrKlruore will go to Si. . Jus- ' epii Monday morning to purchase her spring stock of millinery. Mr ? U" . S Jackson rot u rued Sunday morning from a three weeks visit with relatives at Xeligh. Mrs Mabel Ilahn Morriss was visiting in town yesterday. She expects to return to her home in Iowa soon. Nels Rowley , of Kennedy , was in town ye.sterday after coal. The weather has been so severe that his supply was running short. Several people were in town from Kennedy this week , among whom we noticed Wm. Erickson , A. H. Stees and the Piercy boys. Horace Wallingford appeared in his contest case * before the U.S. land office Tuesday , with his broth er , J. R. , and Geo. Beachamp as witnesses. Mr. and Mrs. J. C.Vcbb de parted from here last Saturday morning for Omaha where Mr. Webb expe.cts to secure treatment in a hospital. The execution of Samuel Greason and Kate Edwards has been post poned 30 days by Gov. Penny- | packer. They were to have been executed today. Oklahoma and Indian Territory were admitted into the. union last week as a state. New Mexico was j also admitted as a .state. Arizona will have to wait. [ R. L. Mc.tca.If , for several years editor of the World-Herald , has resigned his position 'ind accepted a position as associate editor of the Commoner , the change taking place May 1st. i The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Charbonneau died Monday of pneumonia. The funeral was f held at the M. E. church yester day , the Rev. A. T. Carpenter .conducting the services. A girl at Chadron has won a ; prize for writing the best story in : , the children's story column of the World-Herald. Some of those who practice expressing them selves on paper will become an i author of renown. Geo. Veach was in town yester- day from Arabia to get some medi cine for ifiiftinienia and cold which he contracted by getting his feet , wet Sunday night in trying to clear j - the track at Arabia from ice and ! , water from the. overflow and leak- ! ing of the water tank at that place. e W. E. Marshall called at our of fice last Saturday while in town after coal and paid up a year in \ advance for THE DEMOCRAT. He ft and Clyde Pettycrew drove in ' from his place eight miles north of [ town in a sleigh and drove over ! four fences to avoid snow drift- , finally reaching town after con siderable difliculty After loading f his coal Mr. Marshall decided to' 8ta.y until morning in town and -1 ; take a new day for going home as it wa * bitter c < ltl and near night. ! Mr. Marshall's father died when ) he was five . > ears old and since that time he. has practically made , his own way in the world , working' ' for his board at first and later 1J earning a few dollars a month and * . ' though he has seen some hardQ ships and is somewhat disfigured , f he has made his way in the world 8 fair and square dealing. ! Old Pioneer Passes Away , Samuel E McAlevy died at his home near Kennedy last Friday , 1'Ybi ua'10. . . 1905 , of pneumonia , after a sickness of only a few days , at the age of 69 years. Mr. Mc Alevy has lived in Cherry county a number of years , most of which time near Kennedy potoffice. ! Funeral services wore conducted by Rev. Edgar D. Clark of the I Presbyterian church and the body laid to rest in the tho. cemetery near the Episcopal church at Ken- | . nody , services bains conducted at , the home. A wife and .several children sur vive the deceased , of whom we might mention , Alex B. and Sam uel Jr. . who are well known and hijzhly respected , worthy M ILS of an esteemed father. Another son lives in Iowa. Two daughters , Mr. . W. ! I. Kennedy , living near the Mo A levy home , arid Mi.s | Maud at home. Mr. McAlevy has lived for some time in Chorr.N county , coming here from Iowa j ears ago when the country was first being settled up. lie was highly respected by all of his neighbors , and in factal who knew Mr. McAlevy revered him and is said to have been without a single enemy in tho whole country , though well known by all the settlers for miles around. Our sympathies are extended to the bereaved family. Cherry county has lost another good citi zen who will be missed by his friends and their lives be made more lonely by his demise. The 'weather was cold and severe but numerous friends gathered for miles arwund to do honor and pay their last respects to the departed neighbor and counselor. Child Cruelty , Liitlc Joe Krauer , in a New York school , appears really to have died of heart failure a "broken heart , " as the old saying is as the result of grief and shame at the taunts of his schoolmates because he had failed to pass an examination. A word of bitter scorn was hurled at him , which cut him to the soul. He blanched , fainted , revived , went bravely on ; the taunts were renewed , and he fell lead. Maybe thlboy was unduly sen sitive. But this would be no reas on to other boys to spare him , but ulded reason r.o taunt him Boys are the most heartless of barbarians. The more sensitive and poetic a ih i Id is the more capacity he has for suffering , and the more cruel md constant therefore will be the ridicule heaped upon him. There is no tyranny in the world . o heart-breaking and despotic as hat of the bigger boy. It is not 3ften that the strong heart of i'outh actually fails under it or the ) uoyant spirit breaks , but the ) ther things that are killed in a f X.v who can measure them ? x Unless he is of the finest texture md has the bravest soul the child s apt to be molded into the worst kviys : by cruelty. To escape it he vill himself assume an air of -oughness and do the things that he mob admires Child cruelty nakes thou-ands of young offend-jo jrs and starts the.m on the road to 1 * jriminality. f What has broken the heart ofjh ittle Joe Krauer his ; broken the c : irier things in the spirit of millions . g > fbo.\sthe world over. Omaha's ' Daily News. iy 1 v % 'iulit nr.i F. | ( * ! ' p > LiMle Aiimi Sed acek is suffering Tom an abuedtj in the ? hroat. Miss Alice Orraenlwr is in Valen- ine caring for Mrs. Melrendorff. i We are informed thai , on of our " icighbors IB hauling lumber out to uild on his new horn-stead but is mving some trouble to liud it. School nt Niobr/ira Falls is sus- s jended for an indefinite time. The K .eneher , Miss Nettie Wilson , is Q mite sick at present , but her 'riends hope she will be ab'e to re * ' mine her duties soon. c Blake Fiske and Miss Addie EabI Monthly Meteorological Summary , STATION : Valentine , Nebr. MONTH : January , 1905. l"indicHifi l act--of i r.cipit tion ; ' - " ei. ) > vZMo ; C" p ir 1cl udy. JOHN J. McLEAN , Observer Weather Bureau. erly were married Feb. 6t at the home of John Adarason. Mr. Fiske is well known in this vicinity where he has spent most of his life. The bride is a comparative stranger here. We wish them a happy life. We must also add that although it was the first knot of that kind Mr. Adamsou ever tied he says he did a good job of it. BAD BOY. IV 11 brook Quills. Go' d old fashioned winter , Good < 'd fashioned fret-zf , Good id-ii8 lioned shiver , Good o d f.ishioned sneze. . G > od old fa-hioned tionrdent-ss , Good old-fdnhion d chill , Go d old-fash toned doctor. Good old-fashioned bill. Mr. llittle lost a cow last week. Mrs. Sorb.v went to town one day last week. Frank Grooms went to Sparks th j tail end of last week. Percy Sorb.v and Lee Hutchison were at Pi-nbrook Sunday. Win. Jordan , of Rosebud , was : iown in this locality last week. Sunday , Feb. 12. It was 42 ° below at Pen brook this morning. Dave 0VLUS brought 100 head of jattlo form John Neiss' last week. Mr. Allt-n's folks , from up tho river , have all bt-eri > ick with Liu- Mrs. Whetstone , who has been sick for some time is improving ai iiis writing. Eveybody seems to have the jrip and what's more they seem .o hung ri ht onto it. Oliver lloisington. of Hot Springs , S. D. , is spending tlu > vinter with Dave ! Iun-ir. \Ve h'-ar tint Mr. Bvnati' amily .nv. .ill improving exci'pf ilrs. Bowman who 'H quite sick ; et. et.D. D. A. Hancock h-is return d rom hitri > to Missouri anil n - mrts zero weather a-J far > outh as ilernphis , 'IVnn. Covering an area of no less than iO miles from east to west 'this ocality is without a doctor , and rom north to south we don't know low far. If a good doctor with apital enough to put in u f.iirl.x rood > tock of drug * and alteinl trictly to business , would locate ither at Sparks or Xorden he vould do a good business and be atronized by everybody. POKCCTINE. "Your mother-in-law never pays you long visit. " said one man to another. How is that ? " "She did once , but I got my mother o come on a visit at the same time. " 8Ban'M Accomplishment * . Mr. Hayrake Well , Susan must be itudyia' art. Mrs. Hayrake Land akes ! Mr. Hayrake Yea ; she says , "I- im writing this letter In my drawing oom. " Chicago News. Fourth Grace. Faith , hope and charity should crowd loser and make room for gratitude. ttcliison Globe. V eaihar Data The iollmvini ! data , covering L per ind if 15 \ tfirhav - been complied from the U'ea'her Bureau n C"rds at Valentine. Nebr. They nre issued to sho v the cnnditi ms tint have pre- vailer1. dunn f t ie tnoMth in qu 'H'io" , for the abuve period o \e > r . bur must titit bf ii airiifl a < .1 f rec . ! of the weatner conditions for th CO tiinif month. \1PEKATURS. . or normal 21 ° The warmt mont h wm that of 1S9R ; : an average ot 34 Tue coldest m > nt-i vv - < th it of 18HD with nn 'iver-ijjr ot si = Tne highest was G3 = on 27tn , 1898 : The lo vest wan37 ° on 11 , 1899 PRECIPITATION Average for month 0 H7 inc-ie- ! < A er-tjje number of d.ivs with , oj of an inch or more 7 The reatest month' ' ; orecipit-Jion wis 1 5.rj ' "C } * in 185)1 ) Tlie month'v ' prHcipit.iti m w.s8 0 15 inriiein 1 99 TH * jjri-.t ti--t imount nf pr cipit tion record ! in anv 24 con Ivurvas 0 88 i'u-.hes on 18. 19 < > l P'-e in i \ 24 o > . s-C-i ive 'uiur- ( n cord fXtendinu toviriler of 1884 8 * > on' < ) was 9 inches on 18. 19il ) Louns AMDVE.THER Avera-'e iiumb'-r of rlf-ar d jP , 1 ; | > irtl cloud v , S : rlond , S The pr - > li ' \i ni.s h tvneen fro'ii ts-e N A' Tite .tverij e inirl\ velocity > f "he wine i > 9 miles Tue "ithe.s' ; ve ocitvif the wind w s 60 milemm i hr X V n 4. 1899 JOU.X .1. VLEN , Ohsirvr Weather Btireiu. : ) Short Livctl Bachelors. "Do bacht'lor.s die younj ; ? Do thej- . die earlier than married men' : " asked a oinglc num. "It would sooin so. I was just readinjr a report which scorns to nrgue strniciy iu f ivor of t'.ic mfitn : riial idea. Tl1 ? rc\'t show ; V.i mortJiKty aaong I'liclu-lors fro.n t' age of thirty to forty-live years is : : . . : to bo 27 i or conl. while ; r.i\ir : m mou of the s.-.ine : i .e it ; - ; ] ' 5 e.c \ . For forty-one bachel > rsvho sittniji t ago of forty years there arc seven ! eight mnrriccl ir.c-ii who ntt.iin the s age. The dlfforonce is st'll nnre st : ' i : Ing In persons of advance 1 ajre. is sixty ye.irs of aire there re. . ! , in ' isn isb twenty-two bachelors for fj-tv- n married men. at seventy ye..r > - o b bachelors for twety-se-en M- tl tlCM men ani at eightyc . -s I.I ] M- ' CM lore for nine marric.l mon. Th.- . CMh CMV ures seem to indlc..te ib t tl h thing for a man to d i- ; t ? g % t . , - . Cl : wife and shake wen ring c "os of t - : : elorhood. We all wi ! f > ! ' > it as possible and ! ' < ' i > IT ITP Borne bachelors ; : * L ; , ; P But all of them are 'lot. G.I II Tliat's the proper e e-- " ' IIn IIP leans P tltl The Edsre of \VintZnturiii. . tl A curious example of low : sharp Ij tl the edge of a windstorm may be de fined Is reported , by the captain of : bark. When off Valparaiso , the cap tain says , a whirlwind came along am1 e : passed o or the stern of the vessel. A isf great sea accompanied the wind , and f ! every sail and movable thing on t ! . < - i after part of the shp ! was c.irrie Ta : away. The forward part of the vessel a , was untouched by the storm , which o : passed away in the distance , leaving a train of foam in its wake. Oirl - 01 iJ..l- . . ' ; "What t ! P deuce are you doing on j the top of I1 ! : : ! tree. Milce ? Don't you - know that it's being cut down ? ' ' Mike Yes , your honor. The list toirne ye had n tree cut down it fell oil top of ' ! me , and , be orra , Oi'll be safe this toime ! London Tit-BitR. ' - = Business % i stitH-Hx iinotT 'h's ' iH-artmif 5 opiit.JH I llni ; ! ' tn Ttlmi Atiinn , r-nilin muftpr , lO < % 'Plfl j Lace , 5 centper yard at Mrs. Elmore's. 50 The Bed Front MorcanMle Co. carry all kinds of shelf and heavy Hardware , Furniture , Harness and Saddlery goocln , quality and prico guaranteed. 4 High grade Galloway Bulls , 2 to f > years old , for sale. Also two ' For.further in Thoroughbred's. . formation inquire at this office. 13 Now is the time to get your in.- "durance on your buildings and stock. Storms ha veal ready begun : ' . - if you aro without insurance it \ \ ill be your neglect. It costs but a trifle to insure against fire , light ning and tornadoes in the best state companies. They are represented by I. M. Rice , Valentine , Nebr. FOR RENT 13 room hotel at § 30 per month , furnished. Inquire of 1 MKS. MASSIKGALE. When you need anything in the Undertaking line go to tlie Red Front Merc. Co. Thev carry all sizes of coffins nd do all kinds of under lain irg work 4 I have buyer for Nebraska farms. If youant to sell , list with me. or urito for particulars. 47 H -RACE GRANT , Ht-ist Bldg. Kansas City , Mo. Stailioa For Tmde. I will trade my registered stal lion for horses or cattle. He is doming 6 years old and weighs 1400 pounds. I have his pedigree mcl he is as fine a specimen as one would like to see. EDWAKD LEWIS , 4 Wood Lake , Neb. Of course you know the gronnd liog t-aw his shadow on the 2nd and ITOU know what that mean * ; six Liiore long weeks of winter. Better i.xamme our stove ad on another page and seebut , we can do for foil * Red Front Merc. Co. Worlc. Michael Anjjelo relie.l almost entirely npou form the form of the figure and 3i' the draperies. He told Pope Julian if.vhon the latter roqwsted him to laint tho coiling of the Sistlne chripol it Rome , that he was not a paintor. jut n si-uiptor : yet , after lie had shut iiimsoll' up for four years from 1. > OS to loll ! iind tlif scaffold AVOS rrmovtxl. i result had iH'en aclw-vod which is ivithout parallel in the world. Very tvoriderfnl is the work which MIrhael rVn elo .spread over tin's vast are ; ; of lO.WM ) sqnnro fept. The fact tiint Iicre arc 0-13 principal lijrunv , many f colossal size , besides a trreiit UUIM jcr of others Introduce ' for dwora- .ive CiTcct , and that the creator of this rast scheme was only thirty-three Then lie began his work all this is narvclous , prodigious , au'l yi't not. so nnrveious as the variety of expression n the tigurtvj of which .Tercmi.ih is ot- ; y one fiicuro in n small side arch. harlcs II. Cafiin la f < t. Nicholas. The Cruelly of Tatc < Jc Folc Craw. To c.jt pa to de fois gras is luxury , nit to prepare the delicacy for the table s prolonged torture for the goose. The lumanitarian league of England ha ? ssucd n. pamphlet on the subject. "We jehold , " says an eyewitness , "Innu- nerable geese in this torture chamber , ound fast to the table. They lie on heir backs as if cruciQwl. We watch- d how the women pressed some ne\v -ictirns against the Uibles so that the under parts should hang over the dgc. " Two months of torture for the oose are considered necessary before ts liver is sufiieientJy diseased to be narketable. The fowls arc fed to re- letiou -ith salted maize , and by this acans the liver is increased to the ab- lormal weight of two or even three founds. Strassbnrg and Toulouse aro he chief places of manufacture and he trade amounts to several hundred housand dollars annually. A Formula For Tho Frankfurter Zeitung has discov- TOJ a formula for marriage. Nothing more certain , it says , than that this brmui ! : is right. The question asked [ what age should a man's bride be ? he formula is : Let x be the man's gc. Then x-rl-fT ! = bridc's age. For xamplo. a man is 34 ; the half of his ge is IT : tlien 17 plus 7 is 24. The aide's a-e should be 24.For n man of l. tlicrcfov.-tlio proper age for his irlTe is I'l. .Take theman - ef 00.Kr = 60 -2 = 8-f.7. . . The man-of-00 must marry Avomau.of . ,7. For-the Juvenile-raar- inges of-.southern latitudes the formin ias. . ? .niKlJy valid. The ; hot bloode * ' 'atlliuu : T n'example , of 18V wishes to ri.rrfy. TVe.formula saj-s i18' 2 = 0 + -lo. 11- ' . - . - * . - ; - i- > r----.Id ! Irt ycaru old. Professional Cards Lonp Valley nemfer l Prince . 131013 AHd Curfr fttat LUHOftC bond of ueKL ; loe fitxid of Fowled Anxiety , Lord Wilton and tiatea la my I can flil orders tor bulls of nil RfK-a nC - ny time , ICancb tjur miles north-west of Browu- leo , Nebr. c. n. MILL PRICES FOR FEEDi PerCwt. Per Ton. Bran , sacked § * 85 § 1G 00 Shorts , sacked 95 IS 00 Screenings , sacked 60 11 00 Chop Feed , sacked 90 17 00 Corn , sacked 80 15 00 ( 'hop Corn , sacked S5 13 00 Oats , sacked 1 00 19 00 A. N. COMPTON Physician and Surgeon Office at Quigley & Chapman's Drug Store. Nights The Don- oher residence , Cherry Street. Robert G. Easley , ATTORNEY AT LAW. i Office over Red Front GENERAL LAW Wtloiitino , I G. H. Hall , M. D. rhyniciin and. Snrjjjeoil' . All calls promptly attended day or night. Drugs and Phar maceuticals furnished. Wood Lake. - H. DAILEY , Dentist. Offico over the grocery deparniont of T. C. Hornby's store. \Vill be in Rosebud agency July Hrd , Oct. 2nd and Jan. 1 , 1904. 1 1 JOHN F. PORATH Riege , Nebr. Tubular wells and windmills. * . M. CRAMER , City Deliyeryman , 'nnks : , valises and packages hauled to and from thf depot and all p ; rts of the City. C. M. SAGESEE Barber Pirst-r.lasp Shop in Every K * n df Quinine Hair Tonic , GoMon Star Ftalr rnn ( - TJf rjiipfde .ind OM'S D-indriT ) Oure. ry Forapeian Faco MasBp e Cream J. L. ASHBURN , Contractor and Build er in Brick or Stone Valentine , - Nebr , Everybody that writes Can use printed stationery. Abk to See our fine envelopes and paper. Your time is money. Mistakes . don't occur so frequently and it is a guarantee to the public that you' re a b usy man. THE DEMOCRAT , Valentine , - iNebr. 4 U' t * . * ! to Stt'in ji8 * " * < i ? i of President Rooiscv * It at Nortel-western Line.Ex1 tickets will be 'sold on Fefr- 58 ' .and . March 1 and 2 , limited byf jx ension to return until Mdroh IS , ncl isivf . Apply- agents Chicago ; . RV. ' ' ' 4'4 . " ' - . - The J. C. C. Corset , tho. "best - " Hruadevat"