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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1905)
ftis torical Society 1 T LENTINE VOLUME XX VALENTINE. NEBRASKA. FEBRUARY 16 , 1905. NUMBER 5 And here is how you can save it. For the next two weeks we will give a discount of 10 per cent from regular prices on all heating 4 % stoves. We carry a complete line of heaters , some of which are * > The "Retort Jewel" to toto * * The best sto e made for all kinds of fuel. to toto % The "Coles' Original Hot Blast" toto toto to JJ A fuel saver. Burns less coal and requires less attention 33 than any other stove made. We will guarantee this 4 ? stove to hold fire over night with cobs for fuel. toto | 'The "Oak Peninsular" to * i Hot blast smoke consumer , provided with a double hot blast system. Burns any kind of fuel. An Oak stove toft J of quality , exceptionally strong , neat and attractive. ft 43 We will furnish a written guarantee with each of the ftft < ? above stoves , and if not satisfactory let us know it ftft We also carr.v a full line of cheap heating stoves , ftft $ \ as good for the money as can be bought any where. ft Call in and examine our line ; we can save you money , time and r uch inconvenience. : : : : ftto I RED FRONT MERG CO toto 6 * [ .Overcoats Warm Lined 1 ' * Shoes and Suits j for Ladies and Gentlemen. ! TAILORING J In all Branches. Frank Fischer. i W S'iE'O LIifS Hardware , Furniture and Coal. FURNITURE , bed room suits , dressers , chiffoniers , ward robes , Iron beds strong and clean , spring couches and xiv.ttre.s- ses parlor stands and center tables , combination bookcasvs and writing desks. Latest Designs and Lowest Prices. A full line of hardware , cutlery and stoves of best makes. A lot of useful articles that make house-keeping a pleasure. Come and See TIicui Ibi * " 1 Frank Fischer. JS5G ChHrU-red as a State Bant Chartered as a National Bank Tun 1. 1884. August 12. 1002 , FIRST NATIONAL BANK Valentine , Nebraska. to ) of PAID 0V 25 000 and &V\JW. C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-Presidont. M. V. NinnoLRON. Cashier. GET DDTTVTnTTTVTAT THIS SattPRINTING OFFICE * Can Satt TALK OF THE TOWN t Chris Hoist of Irwin was in town again Tuesday. George and Martha Washington will receive at Bethel hall on Feb ruary 22. Mr. Hartigan's next band con cert will be assisted by six of Mrs. Hewett's pupils. Mrs. R. A. McQuade returned Sunday week ago from her visit to her sister in Iowa. Join the crowd and go eat Chick en pie at Bethel hall on Washing ton's birthday from 5 to 8 o'clock. Rev. Geo. W. Isharn , D. D. , Field Secretary of the Weslcyan Univer-ity Place , will conduct the services arid present tin1 work of th1 school ni'Xt Sunday at thef. . E. church , both morning and eve ning. George Beachamp came down to Valentine Tuesday with the Wallingford brothers on real es tate matters and called at our of fice while in town. He lives about S miles from Newton and near the Snake river. Leonard Charles Anderson , son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. An derson , died Sunday morning , af ter a lingering illnoss , at the aye of 1 year , 9 months and 5 days. The Rev. A. T. Carpenter con ducted the funeral services at the home Tuesday afternoon' at three o'clock. The "Cautious Catering Com pany" will cater to this community at Bethel hall on Wednesday eve ning , Feb. 22 , for a certain . . con- * I ? J.T. : st6eration for commodity consum ed. Children as well as adults are cordially invited to convene on said occasion. COMMITTEE IN CHARGE. Frank Higgle returned from a visit buck to his old home in south ern Illinois last week. He says the people are Uving well in com- fortaMe homes back there with plenty to eat and have good farms. Some of them are small , but pro ductive. Mr. Riggl says the timber has been mostly trimmed out and people burn coal mostly , which costs them § 2.25 per ton We intended to tell you this last veek but forgot. We clip the following article from a paper published in the in terest of the business men of Oma ha un ler the title of "Commerce of Greater Omaha. " Wm. Maier is the contractor who built our court house and with his family lived in our town about a year. "Wm. Maier , located in room 529 Paxton building , is a contractor > f several years' experience. Mr. Maier is a gentleman who has al ways stood high in commercial circles and is widely known for integrity and ability as a con tractor. He is always ready to furnish information and his know ledge of building cannot be ex celled by any. " Capt. Carter ij. Johnson , of the 10th cavalry , plead guilty before Judge Towne Tuesday morning to \ an assault upon Frank Fischer and was fined § 5 00 and costs. Capt Johnson was in Geo. Hershey's saloon Monday afternoon when Frank Fi > cher was introduced to him by Dad Hershcy and they chatted good-naturedly until Capt. Johnson inquired the nationality f Mr. Fischer and uponexplain - ng that he was born in He.sse , Germany , the Captain seemingly Became enraged , and perhaps t.hinking the Revolutionary war > vas not yet ended he thought it iis.dty to strike a blow at the ; Hessians and struck Mr. Fischer in the face. Mr. .Fischer.-filed a a complaint against the Captain with the above result. Six Noted Indian Chiefs To Assist at Inauguration , Washington , Feb. 2. The In auguration Committee today ap propriated $2,000 , or as much thereof as may be necessary , to pay the expenses of six noted In dians in coming here to partici pate in President Roosevelt's in augural parade. The Indians , who , according to the present plan , are to rendez vous at the Indian School at Car lisle , Pa. , and who are to be ac companied by 350 cadets and a band'and six attendants or inter preters , are Geronimo , the old Apache chief , now at Ft. Sill , Ok. ; Qiianah Parker , a Comanc'ie ' at Anadarko , Ok. ; Buckskin Charley a Uie , at Durango , Colo. ; Little Plume , a Pregan or Blackfoot , at Browning , Mont. ; American Horse a Cheyenne , at Rushville , N br. , and Hollow Horn Bear , a Sioux , a. Valentine , Nebr. TI.e-e Indian warriors will ride Indian ponies in the parade. St. . Louis Republic. By The Wayside. O. D. Carey was down last Wedne-day to bring Mr. Boyer down. Mr. Boyer is one of the employees at the Rosebud board ing school , who has gone away on his vacation. J. M. Clarkson and wife are spending a few days at their daughter's , Mrs. G. M. House on the north - . table. _ BUSY BODY. Down The Kiver. Louis Taylor went to town last week. Mrs. Brosius is visiting relatives in Iowa at present. Mrs. James Ashburn has re turned from Itiverton , Neb. Messrs. Taylor and Brosius spent Sunday at Martin Beckers. Messrs. Grooms , Sh * lbourn and Becker went to Valentine last week. Mrs. Martin Becker and her daughter Miss Lyda were in Val entine Saturday. Feeding cattle and building fires is the chief occupation in parts during this cold weather. There will be a necktie social at the Beaver Creek school house , Feb. 10 , in charge of Miss Milton. A. W. Grooms and Louis Tay lor each recently got'a bunch of cattle of Mr. Stetter to keep the remainder of the winter. Wm. Brosius is sick and we un derstand Walter , his brother , is taking his place doing chores and taking his place at Mr. Beckers. Well this has been very dis agreeable weather we have been having the past two weeks but we have hopes of better weather from no A' on. The telephone line is kept busy these cold evenings by music given mostly by. the graphaphone at Mrs. Brosius' . enjoyed very much.- Hello Porcupine ! We are glad to hear from you again. ' I Had' abo'ut come to the conclusion" that you and'your mule had left , the country. I guess ; you did go away and came back again , but I would not be surprised ofhearing.of you going away again as it must seem Very-cold.'after. ' being in' the sunny south. YOUNGSTER. I We are the * | Sole Agents for Log Cabin Maple Syrup , Ji 4IS Daven port & Thacher Large stock of Hamilton = = Brown Shoes Just arrived. All other shoes in stock sold at greatly reduced prices for next 30 days. Come v * - ' and see us. We sell everything , and at prices which are right. MAX E. VIERTEL CROOKSTO NEJWASKA * t f f f ft f t Groceries ! ! 3 The BEST for table use and at popular prices.i i 3r r Our Stock is Always Fresh * Dry Goods , Shoes , Mittens * t i Hay , Grain and Feed 5 i * W. A , PETTYCREW , GENERAL MDSE ; HEAT if [ I y FRESH FRUIT AND GAME ff IN THEIR SEASON. 3 ! First rlasline of tveakt * , Roast" " * , Orv Silr Me its Smoke 1 Breakfast Highest Market Price Paid for Hogs. FLiED WHITTEMOBE , Pros , CHARLES. 3PARKS , Cachitr. r . W. aTETTER , Vica Prea. ORAH L. BRITTON , Aia't Cash. Persons seeking a place of safety for their money , will profit by investigating the methods employed in our business. . . . Iu I CONFECTIONERY ' Suited to your taste. ' . 'M " . ' tin' IV. T u Canned Goods t Lunch .Counter. . , Are now at their best and All you want to 'cat-it our , we handle t the t best grade. . . " . . -launch Counter. V. : y. , \Home \ . v 'Bakery , v ; s Read the Advertisements ,