Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 09, 1905, Image 5

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    jprsr .T5r y/K.Tfr.q' irfzsrs < r .IT .c j
1-3S . . JLJ$2iii U'-ii' iJb'J&TJS'-b'Jbf Jlii J&J&rJSfiSJE S C&KtfJi
H. 1C liiinsford was duvuifrou.
Nenzel Monday.
Thorc has been consklernblr
sickness the past few weeks.
Geo. ll rshe.v is home the past
week' and is .vp > rt < 'd very ill.
A. II. Stees was in town the
first of the week from Kennedy.
Chas. G. Anderson has resumed
work aguin after a spell of sk'.k-
II. S. Savage has been at lion c
sick the pastveek with .stomm h
Albe.rt Elliott returned lust week
from an extended trip over tie !
Cl.\de IVttycrew U again home
after several months abroad see
ing the country.
T. W. ( Cramer called on us the
other day and set his subscription
.date to TUB DEMOCRAT a year in
took break
Thirty-five persons
fast at the Donoher hotel last Sun
day. Forty-five took dinner there
that day.
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs.
Northrop ha-i been very ill for the
pa t week. Evart was also sirk
with grip.
Snowing nearly every day and
sleighing has hren good. lYe
Hi tie boys go c- > ating behind teams
and have a good time.
"Rasmus Anderson came
fro-n Ro-ebd Tuesday andisiied
friends around town and looked
af or hii-ines matter * a couple f
day- .
Chris Hoist , of Irwin , spent
Sunday in town the past week and
attended the. M. E church. He
wa * down on real estate bn-ines *
we.uppose. .
tl. II. Sears and wife and Mr.
Searlm iher have again : Ti
charge of their hotel , ivlio\ing
Mr. Hall who is now proprietor
of the D. nohcr hotel.
The Ft. Niob.-ara Minstrels gnve
a performance last night in the
court house under the auspices ol
the St. John's church for the bene
fit of the rectory which was rec
ently built.
Mr. Johnson , the new stenog-
'rap'ier ' and clerk for W. E. Haley ,
is from Fremont and habeen ; at
work the past couple of weeks.
He appears to be a polite and ef
ficient young man.
J. CWebb was brought , up
"from the hospital at Ft. Siobrara
yesterday in the ambulance and
taken to the Chicago hotel , lie
ha > been growing weaker of lau *
fand at present is very low. lie
habeen sufiVring intensely uith
pains from locomotor ataxi.t , of
which desease he has been aiHieted
for se\--ral years.
Born to ilo.vard L-iyport and
wife , Tuesday , 31 , a baby
boy. This is LI ward' * third bab.x
and eaeli is a boy , and each was
born on Tuesday. Howard was
waalso born ou Tuesday. How
ard kepi , out of sight last week a-
msich as possible for he doe n t
likit < > ' > e. > etting up Lhtcigirs all
the time .n b..ys. .
Deliuh S. Cole and several in
mates of her buildings in the we.-t
part of town were arrested Ia > t
week and taken before Judge
To-vile , Aunty Cole to answer to
the charge of renting and keeping
houses for the purpose of prosti
tution , an 1 the girls to answer the
charge of the practice of prosti
tution in the housesand for dis
orderly conduct. They pleaded
not guilty and were bound over to
the district court.
C. P. Viltsc , of the Newport
Republican , and II. Flaherty of
Newport called on us this forenoon
while in town on land-office busi
ness. Mr. Wiltse is thinking of
going to Portland to take in the
Lewis & Clarke exposition this
summer if the state editorial as
sociation m-ikes arrangements for
the editors of the state to go.
# w
Ed I'an.N his been quite
the past week but is recovering.
Mr. and Mrs. TIall took posses
sion of the Donoher hotel on Tues
day evening of last week for sup
per and from that time their hoine
has been much the same as a few
years ago when everybody met
there to visit and enjoy a good
meal or to rest from the cares of
the world. Mr. Hall has nnde
sr > ne clnnges in the office of the
hoi"l which seems to have been
overlooked in the past but now
ni' re ro mi and flu * moving
the room i > gre.'uly facilitat
ed so that those who wish to sit
down and rest or talk will notl bo
continually moved or jarred by
those coming and going. Call on
Mr. Hull and make his hotel your
headquarters while in town.
The U. S. weather report for
the week ending Feb. Sth shows
the highest and lowest temperature
to have been 23 ° on the Sth and
-86 ° on the 2nd , a range of 59 °
and a mean for this period of-7 ° .
Suiderits of weather phenomena
are claiming that the winter so far
is t.he most severe in 17 years.
'I ho.nowfall has also been un
usually greajt but locally it does
not make over .08 of an inch rnelt-
s.J. The snowstorm beginning in
tV evening of the Sth was very
lieav.x and thick for a short time ,
iccompanied by a northwest wind :
that attained an average of 36 to , '
K ) miles per hour. A cold wave
irder was received from Wash-
i igum List night which has already
jren veiified , shoxving a fall of
2.i0 in 12 hours.
JudgeValcott and his sister-
.11 laxv , Mi > s Mamie Noble , xvere
Dut driving in a sleigh yesterday
ind the .Fudge wanting to mike a
jal ! left Miss Mamie holding the
; eam xvhich became frightened or
mxious to lie going and started to
o xvithoul the Judge. Mi > s
Mamie couldn't hold them and
; hey came doxvn Catherine street
'mm theve. . t part of town on the
* un , keepuiJI the road pretty xvell they shied at Mark Cyphers'
uilk xvagon near Hoxvard Lay-
port's , and in turning out to miss
ihe milk xvagon ran onto that cake
> f ice laying in the middle of the
street xvhich over-turned the sleigh ,
Jumped Miss Mamie out and
5.nashed txvo of the runners of the
sleigh , which xvas a buggy with
ihc top ou and runners supplied
of xvheels. The horses were
rauglit near the Red Front as they
ivent up Main street by Charh s
Lfrcen. No one xvas hurt and it
iiia.x have been fortunate for Miss
Mamie that she xvas dumped out
so nicely. Someone ought to re- :
move that block of ice from the
street belore someone runs against
LL in the dark.
Mrs. Hedvig Arnnt , of near
Merriman , xvas taken suddenly in
sane Monday of last week while
lier hul aiid xvas down here on
ival estate bu > ines * . On Tuesday
\vheii Mr. Arnnt arrived home he
found her wild and uncontrollable. ,
She had killed their dog with the
notice mill but had done no other
iippaivnt harm Eignt children
anin the > an i the olde > t
but 13. Mr. Arumsent for her
brother , Peter iJeU > rson who lives
south of the Sn.ike near ihe C Bar
ranch , and later when it became
evident that they could do nothing
xvith her they sent for Sheriff Lay-
port xvho xveut up Friday night
and brought her to Merriman Sat
urday xvith considerable difficulty ,
as she xvould scratch , bite and slap
at persons xvho came near her.
She had to be held all the time.
After reaching Valentine Sunday
morning it was necessary to have
j ome one hold her constantly. The
insanity board hastily passed up
on the case and Monday morning
hhe xvas taken to Lincoln by Sher
iff Layport and his wife , and Mr.
Arnnt , her husband. The doctor
at the hospital at Lincoln says that
it is very likely only a temporary
spell and she xvill probably be well
School was dismissed la t M"n
dsi.morning for a half day on a < -
ount o ! the floor.s not ben
li.x from bcrubbing on Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. S. QSpain de
sire to thank their friends and
neighbors xvho assisted them dur
ing the sickness and burial of theii
Milton Nicholson has been very
sick xvith appendicitis the past
xveek but is better and xvill prob
ably soon be up again if he con
tinues to improve as he has the
pa".t couple of days.
An old man by the name of
Reid , father of E.V. . Re d the
carpenter , died last Saturday ou
the Niobrara and xvas brought to
town Sunday and buried in Mount
1 lope cemetery. The o'd ' man had
been in poor health for several
years and at one time was taken
to the insane asylum by Sheriff
Layport , but recovered later and
xvas living at the home of his son
xv hen he died.
Chester Spain , the S year old
son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Q. Spain
of Kennedy , died at their home
Wednesday night of last week ,
Feb. 1 , 1905 , from the effects of
catching cold while he had the
measles. The boy xvas 8 years ,
2 months and 1 day old at the
time of his death. Chas. Pole and
A. 11. Stees brought the corpse to
town last Saturday , accompanied
: > .v the father , S Q. Spain , ; ind
[ xrant Spain. The.reached . toun
Sunday afternoon and laid tl e
Dody to rest in Mount Hopeceme-
; er.v.
A Roral Accomplice.
One day when Francis I. was In his
shapel attending masswith several of
iis noblemen a well dressed pickpocket
ivent and stood behind the cardinal of
Lorraine and abstracted his purse , but
jnable to do this without the king per-
: elvlng It he put up bis finger to inti-
nate that the latter should keep sl-
cnce. The king took it for a practical
loke and said never aword. . But aft-
> r the service he asked the cardinal
what be had done with his puree. The
) relate , not being able to find it , was
rery much annoyed and took the king
: o task , who greatly enjoyed the fnn ,
ind at length ordered the purse to be
stored to the cardinal. The thief
lid not , however , cocie forward , and
; he king discovered too late tliat he
lad l en tricked.
Sana Co t * Money
When Fanny Kercble spent r * r ijnra-
nere in Massachusetts she engaged a
lelghbor to drive her regularly about
: he country. On their first excursion
le began to discuss the crops and the
ilstory of the people , when Mrs. Kotu-
> le said in her dramatic fashion , "Sir ,
[ have engaged you to drive , not talk. "
Ihe farmer kept his peace and when
: he vacation wns over sent In his bill.
What is this item , sir ? " she asked.
'I do not understand It" With equal
gravity he rejoined : "Sasa , ? 5. T. dn't
) ften take it. but when I do I cha e ! "
Che bill was paid , and it Dimle a Urm
friend of Mrs. Kemble evei
Christian Register.
The Anterl * ct. * " . ! „ * < . .
Our baldaeaded eaple , so calif. , , be-
: ause the feathers or the top a : his
lead are white , was called the Wash-
ngton eagle by Andubon. the groat nat-
iralist Like Washington , he is brave
ind fearlessmd as his name and great-
aeSvS are known the world over so can
the eagle so - to heights beyond others ,
rhe eagle was adopted as the emblem
f the United States in 17S5 , since when
t has been used on the tips of flag-
joles , coins. United States seals and on
the shield of Liberty. Washington Star.
Her SmnffKled Necklace.
Women who are the soul of rectitude
ta all other things will not hesitate to
svade the law when It comes to sraug-
jllng. For some reason or other they
lo not consider smuggling dishonest ,
hut rather as an exciting sort of game
to play. Every woman who goes to
Europe spends hours of her preparation
to return in devising means of bringing
things in without paying duty.
Men are much more honest about the
things they bring In , and not long ago
[ heard of a case in which a man hu
mored this smuggling tendency in his
laughter , but took good care that she
should not be discovered evading the
law.His daughter had purchased a valua
ble diamond necklace In London and
announced her determination to bring
it in without paying one penny of duty.
There was no reason in the world why
she should have chosen to do this , as
her father was a very rich m and
could have paid the duty wltbo. not
ing its absence from his bank account.
But she wanted the excitement , and
tier father agreed to let her bave her
awn way. She brought the necklace in
In d small brg. which her father asked
her to let him hold for a moment or
two , and it was not for nearly a year
that she found out her father had de
clared the orur.ment and pnid the drty
on it At any rate , she hail had her
t New York Foist ,
has tii _ assurance tl at h's il.f'e csnmt le i
utn. litre Is alsoluu / 1.0 picssicr' . i
fc.Tl.\ . A. ; Ucy loo i ri f.
Tnm j rlz I I. snd for t. tir jarti ti' r i
/siti.e.y Li.CitcI cJ. No i.unucr , t vn , tf
AITD cuo c-jr ?
. . . . . . . . . . .
hare been adc tea In ( .icurcacctu * ! u. .v. % v < <
STEVENS F I R. E , A K 1 '
src fioM by all spfrtm ? poM ? an I hir-Itnrc ' ' " '
Ask ttwrn for o T i a.e insist en'f n , ; it. I
, " 1 . 1 e'
jiutoiTttith sonet in ? "J stssco
btevtns Arms sr ; ( , V A It A' . ' T L - JJ r < '
shouM prompt > ua to Lc i-ie tJ spc . . /
wo sc. stamps for Cte-.ens Hooi in I F. "o ? -
P. O. Box 4092
Chicopeo Falls , Mass. , U. 5. .1.
Business Notices.
Votlres mirier this hoadini ; 5 oonts per lini
i-acli tiiHfrrioii. Aniniiu n-urtinu mutter. lOcent1
ii"r MIIH PMf
Lace , 5 cents per yard at Mrs.
Elinore's. 50
The Eed Front Mercantile Co.
jarry all kinds of shelf and heavj
Bard ware , Furniture , Harness and
Saddlery goods , quality and pric
guaranteed. 4
High grade Galloway Bulls , 2
0 5 years old , for sale. Also twr
Plioroughbred's. For further in-
formation ituiuire : it thioffice. . IS
AOW is the time to get your in-
-urance on your buildings and
stock. Storms have already begun
mdifyou are without insurance
t will be your noglect. it costs but
1 Mi Me , to insure against fire , light-
nng and toinadoes in the best state
mnipaniL's. . re i > n ted
i.v I. M. Rice , Valentine , Nebr.
.o room hotel at § 3U per month ,
urnished. Inquire of
\\hen xoti need anything in the
JndertnKinglmegi ) to tlie Hed Front
ll re. Co. Thev carry nil sizes of
i ifins nd do all kinds of under-
work 4
I have buyer for Nebraska farms.
! f youant to sell , hst with me or
vr 'e for piirtictibirs. 47
leis-t bhig. KJUI Imy , Mo.
The J. CC. . Corset , the b. st
lor.set made , ut Mrs. Elmore's.
I'oyou Know our price for but-
er fat , last half o ! January , is 28c
Do. \ ouKnothi - mean1.12
o - 1.25 per htindu' ' ! Tor inilK ?
Do. \ ou Knoilur'.n tin * inter
f 190 v\e puiil as high , \ - 27c for
) uttt rt'at : and 2c in 1903 ?
Do you know theare better
iric ' than dair.v nn-n oj \ - \ \ York ,
AVcoiihin , ami oihr old dairy
tate > who follow dairying exclu-
iivel.v . are realizing for their milk
M'ouuccd on farms worth § 100
md more per acre ?
Do you know this beats raising
lollar wheat or fifty-cent corn ?
Do . \ < > u Kno\v repaid more mon-
. . olcbraKa in
y 10 the i.tnncr.ol \ -
1901than ail other
- - creamery com- operating in the slate ?
Do you realize what you are los-
ng if you are not the owner of a
Je Laval hand separator , and one
f our patron.- ?
Do . \ ou know tint ue s .ll the
Je L-ival , the best separator on
jaith ?
Do you know that out of a total
f 20JOO ( separators u > ed in Ne-
jraska 15,000 are De Lev.U ?
Do yr u knoxv , if you are not one
) f our 20,000 patron-s , that it A'ill
De to your intere > t to call on our
'epre > entative and talk this over ?
We sell separators on easy terms.
\ . F"Veljl Loeal
WANTED a good all around
'arm hand on dairy farm. Mar-
ied man preferred. Steady work.
House furnished.
! rofBssonal ) Cards-
pJR _ Mruwmer , N br ,
-ffj | Prince BoabdeJ
" 131COS nnd .Curly
r it 1 12-261 at b ead
of herd Tlje blood
of Fowler. Anxiety.
l-onl Wilton ami Sir
( Ihi'tstone pwl 'mi
nutes ID my herd.
I in tl 1 r lers fi bulls of al- r-PS Ht any
linitRanch lur mdws north-west of Brown-
leu , Vebr
PerCwt. Per Ton.
Physician and Surgeon
Office"at Quifrley & Chapman's
hrug Store. Ni htP The DOTI-
nher residence. C'he.rr } * Street.
Robert G. Easley ,
J&TOffice over Ked ront
G. H. Hall , M. D.
I'h ifimi ami * iirg"Oii.
All calls promptly attended today
or night. Drugs and Phar
maceuticals furnished.
n over the grocery deparment
of T. C. Hornhv's store.
ill In- in Hoselnid agency July
rd , Oct. 2nd and .Ian. I , 1904.
< . Xrtrr. *
Tubular wella and wuulniUli.
City Deliveryman.r
rrunkfl , vHliftea and packa baul d to
from th * dMpot aod all port * T the Cttf .
First-class Shop in Every Re p ct
Quinine Hair Tonle , GoM n ftw Batr
TonJn. Hnrplclde and Cokr > 'g D&ndmff Cor * .
Try Pompeian Face Ma § ftgeCrem
Oon tractor and Build
er in Brick or Stone
Valentine , - Nebr.
that writes
use printed stationery. Askto
our fine envelopes and paper ;
time is money. *
don't occur so frequently-
and it is a guarantee to the
public thatyou're a busy man. t : .
Valentine , - Nebr.
Statistics prove that the chances of your djinj of
Throat or LungTroubles , are 9 to 1.
Waste no time , but cure your Disease with
: s
the only strictly scientific Lung Specific in existence.
Positively guaranteed to help or money refunded.
Saved llie Preacher ,
Rev. 0. D. Moore of Harpersville , N. Y. , writes : "I
had a fearful cough for months , which nothing : would
relieve , until I took Dr King's New Discovery for
Consumption. It cured my cough and saved my life. "
Prices , 5OcandI.OO Trial Bottles Tree
The Commoner
Mr , Bryan's Paper
Now is the time to secure Mr. Bryan's piper. All
dem > cr.its need the. piper and Mr. Bryan noeds the sup
portin I co-operation of all true friend of reform. The
Commoner ha5 ? commenced to organize the democratic
ho > ts for 1903. Mr. Bryan's advocacy through The Com-
m in.M' of p iblic o rnrir-ihip of nilroi-1 anl telegraph sys
temthe : election of U. S. judges and U. S. senators by
popular vote , direct legislation , the overthrow of private
monopolies , tariff re-form and other issueinsures inter-
estingand instructive reading as well as new life to the party.
S jbscriptions received at this office at Sl.OO a year.
Come , wake up , and hand us'your dollar-
First Class JOB WORK on Short Notice
* . * * * . *
at the