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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1905)
I1 Society tfisto * / * w THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT VOLUME XX VALENTINE. NEBRASKA. JANUARY 20 , 1905. NUMBER 3 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 4 ? * Pocket Knives , Fancy Scissors and ] $ ' Shears , Skates and Silver "Ware , 49 4 % AYe carry the most corn- . 49 plete line of cutlery shown Jin the town , including < 8 Simmons' "Keen Kutter" 49 Pocket Knives and the J | ' * Clauss" brand Shears. < ? Both lines are fully gnar- ? * 49 anteed to be the best , and Sif not found satisfactory 45in every way , are ex- . _ f * * i ii i .m ii fr iBJM iiM-fMTMrgrTM $ changeable. AVe also carry a complete line of "Klipper Klub" Skates , all sizes and prices , Skate Sharpaners , Skate Straps , Skate Ba s , etc. , etc. Call and inspect our line of Rochester's famous Xickle 49 Plated Copper Ware , including Tea Pots , Tea Kettles , Cuspi- 3 , Trays , Baking Dishes , Chafiing Dishes , etc. Also our of Silver ware. Be 49 sure to make us a call be- J ? fore purchasing your holi- 43 day gifts. Remember. 7 Come to the iRED FRONT MERC. CO | B Warm Lined ; Shoes and Suits ? iPur Coats ! for Ladles and Gentlemen. ! TAILORliNG I In all Branches. } § _ Frank Fischer. Hardware , Furniture and Coal. FURNITURE , bed room suits , dressers , chiffoniers , w robes , Iron beds strong and clean , spring couches and mt.ttresip ses , parlor stands and center tables , combination book cases and writing desks. Latest Designs and Lowest Prices. A full line of hardware , cutlery and stoves of best makes. A lot of useful articles that make house-keeping a pleasure. Ooiiic and Sec Tlicm fox Yonx-sell" Frank Fischer. Eg&SE Chartered as n ntn Bank Chartered as a National Bank 1 , 1884. August 12. 1002 , FIRST NATIONAL BANK Valentine , Nebraska. ( Succ.espor to ) \7"a.loi3LtiTi.o. . * A CAPITAL PAID IK l A General Banking Exchange and Collection Business. 0. H. CORNELL , President. ' Ji T. MAY , Vice-President. N. V , NICHOLSON , Cashier. GET AT THIS PRINTING YOUR OFFICE * Vc Ci& SatUfr You io Quality Price aad WorkmuuUp . * * "L , ' * t m * " : _ fe Li'iSJ - . 52S TALK OF THE TOWN . , WtTXXT ? V 'VVTiwVK.WVS - " -fT - " - * liT dTT dll da dil Dr. McChesney , of Rosebud , re turned last Saturday from his trip to Washington , D. C. R. P. Gillaspie spent several days in town last week. He Dought a buggy to take out home with him. Mrs. John Heelan , of Arabia , who wont to Omaha some time ago for medical treatment , has re turned home in good health. John Greene and family went down to Albion , Boone county , Wednesday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Greene's mother who died Monday. John Britt came down last Thurs day evening to bring his brother- n-law , Pat Kelley , to the train , who has been here visiting with Mr. Britt and family for a couple of weeks. He expressed himself as favorably impressed with our county. His home at present is [ Westover , S. D. Deputy U. S. Marshal Belden jrought Dick Murray and Charley Campbell down from Rosebud la < = t Friday and took them to Dead- wood to answer to the charge of drunkenness and taking whiskey onto the reservation. Several In dians went along as witnesses with Wm. Thunder Hawk as interpre ter. For the benefit of St. John's rectory , The Fort Niobrara Dra matic Club will present a comedy in one act , entitled : "Second Thoughts , " followed by a farce in one act , entitled : "French Spoken j Here , " in the coui\t house in Val entine , on Saturday evening , Jan. 28 , at eight o'clock. Music by the Fort Niobrara orchestra. Re served seats on sale at Eliott's | drug store. Adults 50c. Children 25 cents. O'JNTcill 3Icns Xirip Sioux City , Jan. 21. O. J. Moore , president of the Commerc ial club , today received a letter from the O'Xeill , Xeb. , Commerc ial club , stating that a delegation of twenty-five from that club will visit Sioux City January 25. It is stated that O'Neill is com ing to Sioux City to find out what the Great Northern plans are. O'Neill is interested even more than Sioux City in securing an ex tension of the line terminating there to a connection with the B. & M. at Dunning or Alliance , giv ing a direct outlet to Denver. Norfolk Daily News. 5 .Tolcc jMnj * Irovc ITnlul. Chadron , Jan. 21. Two men , Fred Harris and Curtis Jackson , ! ; indulged in a friendly scutHe herd i on Thursday night about midnight j and during the fun a bystander , , proposed that Constable Gay lord ' bo sent for , just for a joke. One man ran to Gaylord's home and roused the officer from his bed , ' telling him that there was a fight down town and that his presence was necessary. The officer hurriedly dressed and was soon on the scene. When he entered the place where the "fight" was in progress , Jackson , in a joking way , made a rush for Gaylorcl. Gaylord was knocked down and he immediately drew his gun and fired , the bullet penetrating Jack son's lung. * Gaylord was arrested and is now in jail. He will have a prelimin ary hearing today. Jackson is home and is in a precarious con dition and his chances for recov ery are not very flattering. Oma ha Daily News. AI Thacher Dead. Albert E. Thacher died last Friday morning at G o'clock of sclerosis of the liver and the com plications which resulted from liv er trouble. Mrs. J. M. Thacher , his sister-in-law , had been here a couple of weeks , and friends all knew that Al's life was soon to end unless some change could be wrought. Mr. Thacher did not expect to live long when he re turned from the hospital at the Fort and expressed then that he wanted to come back home to die amona his old time friends. The above is copied from a rec ent photograph which was thought to be a good likenesslof Mr. Thach er in summer dress. Mr. Thacher has not been in good health for three years past. Each sick spell seemed to bring him nearer death's door until fin ally he succumbed to death\s call at a time whenj ho became tired of life' ' and was ready to take his de- ' parturc from this life. Rev. Wells was called from Omaha to conduct the funeral ser- vices which were held in the M. E. church , Saturday at 10:30 : a. in. The stores and business houses were all closed from 10 o'clock un til noon , during the funeral , and the church was $ vell filled with people who gathered to pay the last tribute of respect to their de parted friend and neighbor. The casket was covered with floral tributes , and the ceremony was impressive. The body was taken to Phila delphia by Mrs. J. M. Thacher , starting Sunday and arriving in Philadelphia Tuesday. Funeral services were held there Wednes day. Two brothers , both older , sur vive Mr. r. The death of Mr. Thacher , though not unexpected , brought sorrow to our community. Many admirable traits of his character and his good will to everybody will long be remembered , as well as his pleasant smile and joyous greeting. He was one of the early pioneers to this part of the west and was for a number of years the 'owner .of THE DEMOCRAT office material and staked several of the early editors of this paper witfe funds to run the paper. He has also been generous and liberal in donations to charity. A. E. Thacher came to Ft. Nio brara in September , 1SSO , to enter the employ of J. M. Thacher & Company , post traders , of which his brother was senior member. He remained in the employ of said firm in this capacity until some time in 1891 , at which time he came to Valentine and entered into part nership with E. J. Davenport , in . which business he continued up to 'the time of his death. " .Hq. yns. born in Philadelphia , January 19 , IS-iO , which at the time of his death made him fifty- six years and one day. He was among the first residents of the county. Remnant Sale. | After our annual inventory , which is now taking place , we will have an assort I * ment of odds and ends , which will be sold at fabulously low prices. These will in clude Men's , Women's and Children's Wearing Apparel , a great many remnants of Dress Goods , Laces , Notions , etc. Already a great many of our spring goods have arrived , and in order to make room for thcoC , we are willing to give you the advantage of a liberal discount on all our present stock of merchandise. WATCH FOR BARGAINS. Davenport & Thacher i * * Large stock of Hamilton = = Brown Shoes > Just arrived. * All other shoes in stock sold at greatly reduced prices for next 30 days. Come and see us. We sell everything , and at prices which are right. MAX B. VIERTBL CROOKSTON XE1MASKA JAfcJLt JW.AJ * A 4 AJMttAJMA . i. The BEST for table use and at popular prices. Our Stock is Always Fresh Dry Goods , Shoes , Mittens Hay , Grain and Feed W. A. PETTYCREW , GENERAL MD8L M'fflM nWl-Mil IMS * ' * * * , * -VVl FRESH FRUIT AND GAME * l IN THEIR SEASON. 03-a First chis line of S'eaks. Roasts , ' Dry Salt Meats Smoke I ' $ rjikfi ; < t Hucon. Highest Market Price Paid for Hogs. I1 RED WHtTTEAIOHE , Prj CHAS. SPARKS , Cashier. , T. W. STETTEB , Vice Prej. OB.1H Ii. BBITTON , Asa't Cash. Persons seeking a place of safety for their money , will profit by investigating the metl-.ods employed in our business. &iXK2Z2X2itt'2Z&xz : ZSZi : CONFECTIONERY Suited to your taste. I Canned Goods Lunch Counter. Are now at their best and All you want to eat at our we handle the best grade. Lunch Counter * H pme / Bakery. * * - v * - . ' * -V" Va - ' * vfT-'sv7'vxTv ' ' * ? 3S2KK52 S25SKE5C2S J VTC3 Vifx - y'rtfjviraarJOrvM * - - - - - - - - M At Read the Advertisements. § ' - <