Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, January 19, 1905, Image 8
THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT I. K. RICE EDI10R Matual coaipaniefl payJoraefl in full , to diicwint I. M. Rica , Agent. A MATTER OF HEALTH POWDER Absolutely Pure HAS MO SUBSTITUTE I NOTICES. In tlie County Court of Cherry Coun ty , Nebraska. In tfce matter of the adoption of Joseph Mou- ro Hndson , a minor child. All person H intereHted nill take notice that on 3end day of December.l904.JameB M.Hudson wife lied their petition f < r th adoption of Joseph Monroe Hudson und that matter will bo beard by ih County Court at thei-ounty Court Room in said county on theanth day of 1900 at 10 o'clock a m. . at wnioii time place object kins to aaid proposed adoption b beard. It It further ordered that ervl * { thw notice be haw by publication of the same each wvek for four successive weeks in the ValetitAne Dem'tcrat , a newspaper printed in Uri cuuaty. Witneca my hai d and official soal this 5th day of Januwy , 1003. SEAL W. K.TOWXK. -r 014 County In the Dietrlct Court of the Fifteenth Judicial Difitrict , in and for Cher ry County , Nebraska. la the matter of the estate of Tims , / Order to Show Causo. Tayl r deceased. Tbis cause cams ou for luring upon the po Utl n of Henry Taylor. administrator of the staid of Titns J. la ) lor , deceased , praying for Alicense to eell the. Southeast one-quirt er of > vvtlon 23. Tp. S3. Range 27.v , or a sufficient ftBOimt thereof to brinic the sum of SlSO.ftjfor tho payment of tbo oents allowed against said estate and the costs of administration , there n t being sufficient personal property to pay said debts and expense * . It is therefore ordered that all persons Inter ested in said estate appear before me at Rush- ville. KebroskaO ou the 18th day of February. I9ffi. at ten o'clock a. to , , to show cause why a license should not bo K ; anted to said adminis trator to sell to much of thu anovc described real estate of said deceased , as shall bo neces sary to pay said aebts and expenses ; that a copy of this order be published for four weeks in tuB Valentino Democrat , f newipaper of min eral circulation , in Cherry County , Nebraska. Dated this 4th day January. 1903. W. H. WKSTOv-ER. Judge of the District Court. H. D. Clarke , attorney. 511 Order to Show Cause Why License Should Not Be Granted to Bell Real Property. In the District Court of Cherry County , No- tiraska. IB the matter of the petition of Joseph Scollette for license to ell real estate. Now , on this SOth day of December. 1P04. tbli caone eauie on for hoarinu npou the petition aaderoatb of Joseph Nollotto , administrator ef Julia Anna Nenzel. deceased , praying for li cense to bell tho following real estate of the said Julia Anna Neuzel , to-wit : NW of Bee. 21. Ti . 34 , K. 83. belnjr 18) acres more or less , and all "f theN-.y ef the ICEJ * of Nee. 17. fp 31 R < 52In Cherry uounty , Nebraska , except the townsite of Nenzel an * the right-of-way of tbo Fremont Elkborn & Missouri Valley Railway , the famo being ten acres , more or less , for tho payment of debts al lowed against said estate and allowances and oo3ti of administration for t e reason that there is notaBumeloBt amount of personal property in possession of said Joseph Nollrtto , adminis trator , belonging to said es ate to pay said h debts , allowances and costs and for further reason that said above described real estate is not productive of any Income to said estate. It ii therefore ordered that all persons inter ested in said e. tato appear before me at cham ber * In the city of Hu-hvillo. Nebraska on tho 18th day of February , 1905. at the hour of ten o'clock a. ni. to fho-v cause , if any there be. why a license should not bu granted to Joseph Nol- ( letto , administrator , to sell above described real estate of said decedent. It is further ordered that a copy of this order be gervert upon all persons interested in said estate by causing the same to be published once each we k for four socoesblte weeks in the Valentine Democrat , a Bewipaper printed and published in aaid coun ty of Cherry. , W. II. WESTOVER. 614 Judgo of the District Court. Notice to Non-Resident Defendants. IS THE DISTRICT COURT OF CHERRY COCNTV , NEBRASKA. A-SIA5 J A B. Hon.VnACK. Hllmill- latratnx of the estate of M H ; HorutmcJi , ( iecO'tsed. riaintiff. , C.C. and JESSIE j M. STISCHCuMft , I Defendants. J Tbo above nuraet" defendants will take notice ttoat on the 14th day of January. 1H03. the above Bowed plaintiff Died his peti'Iou In the District Court of Cherry county , Nebraska , the ooject and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain trust deed executed and delivered by C. O. fitlnchcomb and JeR.sle M. Stinchc mb to M E. Hornback on the 8th day of July , 1893. and re corded in Book "i" of Mortgages , patre 247 up on the SB of Sec. 34. Tp. : ! 4 , B. 23. Cherry couutv. Nebraska , tasecure the payment of tho proBiIflsorr note dated July 8,1898 , executed and delivered by C. C. Stinchcotnb and Jessie M. Btlnchcomb for the sum of $500.o < > with Interest tto reon at the rat - of seven per cent per annum from January l , 1899. upon which there is now < * ao plaintiff the sum of 424.3.9 and Interest from the IBtli day of January. 1905. for which plaintiff pr < ys that an accounting may be h > 1 of the amount due plaintiff upon xnid note and trust deed and for a decree of foreclosure ex- cindiDjthe defendants and each of them from all right of title , Hen. claim and interna or * < julty of redemption In and to said premises. daid defendants are required to answer lai i petition on or before the soth day of Fobnury , 1W5. fc AMANDA n HOKNHACK. Plaintiff. Dy Walcott & MorriMsey. 1 4 Her Attorneys K-I'P-A-N-8 Tabulea Ft Dw.tors find A good prescription No For mankind on occgs tbo mIJy bottla , (4D ( of Estray Notice. Taken tip by * he anders'gnd ' at my place on the Nlobrra River , about nine mites southwest of Valentino. Nebraska , one dark red ht er , four years oM past brande on right side , blotched. Dated at Valentine this 22nd day of Decem ber. 1904. B , JOHN 8KD ACEK. ( INCOKFOKATKD. ) Live Mteek Cmmmlulom Meichaat * . USION STOCK yABDS , SO. OMAHA , NEB. TO SHIPPERS-We will be pleased to send with our compliments our market re port or tho Journal-Stockman to all parties who contemplate shipping stock this seaHon. Write to u and we will be glad to keey you posted on the market. By good sales and courteous treatmen our customers have be come our best solicitors. Shipments to u § receive most careful attention. Oite us a tnal and become convinced. Signed : K ALSTON A FOX DA , ( Incorporated. ) Low Bates to Agricultural Association Meeting , Lin- coin , Bfebr. , Via the North-western Line , will be sold at reduced rates Jan. 14 to 19 , inclusive , limited to return until Jan. 25 , inclusive. Apply to agents Chicago & North-western E'y. 518 THE NORTH-WESTERN LINE Only Double Track Kallroati between JlittMottri Kirer ana Chicago. Direct line to St fattl-JHinnettp- oil * . Direct line to Black Hill * . Apply to neart-ttt agentor rate * map * and time card * . B , S , DEPARTMENTJJF AGRICULTURE , Weather Bureau The following data , covering a per iod of 15 years , have been compiled from the Weather Bureau records at Valentine. Nebr They are issued to show the conditions that have pre vailed , during the month in question for the above period of years , but must not be construed as a forecast for the weather conditions for the coming month. JANUARY TEMPERATURE. Mean or normal temperature 17 ° The warmest month was that of 1000 with an average of 31 ° The coldest month was that of 1890 with an average of 11 ° The highest temperature was 68 ° on the 30,1802. The lowest temperature was - 38 ° on the 24 , 1894. The earliest date on which first kill ing frost occurred in autum , Sept. 12 Average date on which first killing frost occurred in antum , Sep 18 Average date on which last killing frost occurred in spring , May 9 The latest date on which last killing frost occurred in spring , June 21. PRECIPITATION ( rain < r melted snow ) Averaire for the month 0 57 inches Average number of davs with 01 of an inch or more , 8 The greatest monthly precipitation was 127 inches in 1889. The least monthly precipitation was 0.00 inches in 19"0. The greatest amount of precipita tion recorded in any 24 consecutive hra.wae 0 37 inches on the 31,1894. The greatest amount of snowfall recorded in any 24 consecutive hours record extending to winter of 1884-85 only ) was 37 inches on the 15-16. 1901. CLOUDS AND WEATHER Average number of clear days , 15 ; partly cloudy , 8 ; cloudy , 8. WIND. The prevailing winds have been from the NW. \BX \ The average hourly velocity of the wind is 10 miles. * The highest velocity of the wind was 00 miles from the NW on the 7 , 1903. J. J. MCLEAN , Official in charge Weather Bureau. ALONZO HEATH Postofflce address Cody Nebraska f * * * * * * -ur % * On left side. Hor tst ses left . shoulder. Range north Cutcomb Lake A T DAVT8 Poxtofflce address HyannlB , On right side horse * mi left nt shoulder i also cattle on right side Range 16 miles north of A'len ' A SODS Nlobrara. Brand retfstero 870 Horses branded leit bip Ranee , Nlobrara river 12 miles eas VtooUo * MILJib'BKt * Weinman. ' N h'r < ; aniuand dor xeti oranded on lett sirtpor shoul aerBrand Brand pl 10U1 Range southwest of Merrlman on the Nlobrara river. A , Benson. AddrtM Arabia Range North oJ N'lobrara river. J. W. Stettor , Valentine , Nebr. OiKier brands : 3X I + - branded : I , < or + on lelt shoulderO lpft thieh. Ranf-r n BoaniRiaH , Gordon. Snakw and Hand Creek. P II. Yonng. Simeon Nebr Cattle branded as cut on left side left Jaw f V Qr M. Range on Gordon Cre k north of Sand } Merrlmau. Nobr. Mostly on left Hide. Some on right side. Homes same on Inf t. shoulder Range Lake : r > ek. vS. I ) . D. A. Hati ock MarHhall , Mo. or Slruoii. Nebratikh Cattle branded on left .sideis oil cit , also 16 * n left aide with . en left hip of somr rattle ; also S ou right side Horse brand , rake a'.d it on left < hoiilder m hiZ n left Jaw Horn'ranch ou Lake. Range ou Mobrara River , east 01 Port Niobrara : aH in Ch rrj Co-.mty. Nebraska St. FrancLs Mission Postofflre address : Crookston. Nebr , or Hosebud , 8. D. Cattle branded as in cut , some cattle In S f ) branded only on left hip. R"ii2e : North of the Minnecha- duza , 8 miles weft lot Crookston , and 'on Brill Creek. Any information rejj-Anling cattle branded as above will be thankful ! ) rc > elved by f\m. Skelly. CropkPton , Nebr. ; or St. Francis Mission , Ko < - Xnd. 8. D. J li. l.orfl Neh Stuck branded as cut back t rH ht shoulder an < * on rljiht hip Ranffe ow rlu Mot > rar Valfentlue. Cattle branded as shown "in cut on left side , h > in or hip. K'-inge between the ( Cordon and Snake south of the Niobrara river J B Wallingford Kennedy , Neb. Cattle ' branded same as cut ; also some branded on lefthip C. P. Jordan. Rosebud , SD Horses and cattlt slime a * cut ; als < r , ) BK I.I on rijrM hip. liange on Oak anrt Butte creeks. A liberal reward f o r information leading to detection of rustlers of stock bearing an v of these brands G.fL. Cuitlebnind-.d a § on on lefl side , hip d shoulder , hors. * ame Hnake Creek on J. J. Peck. Cody , Nebr. On both sides. Horses on left thigh. Range Head Pa s Creek. B. D Parme'ee Cattle Co .H. H 'attle hraiiden as cut on left side will ) ntnp" under tail Range ou Soldier creek. Garner Brothers. Cody , Nebr. Horses on shoulder. eNo'rti - F. T. Brackett Rlege , Nebr. Brand Registered { 01490 Brand right side ir hip Horsetsame op rijrht shoulder Range , Niobrara i miles ontb of fl I Merriiimn On both side hip. Herd mark rlewlap. Horsea same mi left , shoulder. KautreLake ( reek and LHtJe Riv r. lienneit Hlmeou Neb Q Stork branded with 7 on left hip itoo name as cut Range between ordon and Snake Teaks and ou l.ln S'lnhrara river Frank T Le < j Browulee. Neb Cattle 0& , 'eft ' side ; horse1 * sai.-f ou left shoulder Range Four miles northeast of Rrownlee. D MJHUI . KeniiKdj. Nebr ( "attle branded ; is on cut.Ieft side Some OH left hip Horses same on eft shoulder. Range Square Lake. Chi Psi Cattle Co Edward Lewis , foreman. Wood hake , Nehr. Cattle branded as in cut un richt stdo. Range ; 6 miles'east of Simeon on fronin ranch. oodlake Neb .lohu Koan's P' ivtae If left W E. Haley Valentinw Neb Brand registerec \o200 Range in tiharp > Kancb and G rmai' precincts 6 mJ-'e south of Kilijore C. II Little. Mernmau , NeVr On either side Horses same on hip Also Range Lake Cre k 3D WILLfASl KEAMKR Gordon , N Cattle bran dec same as nit 01 le.ft side. Horses ? ? % branded j" on left shoulder. Range 6 mile * south of Irwln. JULniS PETEIISON Postofflce address Gregory , Neb Branded as on cut Range two miles north of Gregory F. C. & M. O. Metzger. Merriman Nebraska. Cattle branded on left side : Horses Dninded on left thigh , some art * t > rnitde.d Somca 'irnuCed ) ( on on loft si URange Snake 35 miles south of Merriman , Others raniro 8 miles n .rthwHst of Merrinmn. ' Charles Richards. Merriman. N-b Jmi t'attle- MI left - < id > Horses J3 " " < eft jaxv Range i he Siobrara \Teriicint1 I-i N. S. Kowley Kennedy , - Nebraska. 'tome a < rut - > n lef * side and hip. anil mi left shoulder of hor ses. AlsoKSV on Ml .side- hip. v l u left side in 'eft 'de and on left hip. p ou left jaw and left shoKldur of horses. LU on left hip of horses R M Paddis& Co Posrnftlflp addressValentin' - or Kenned } Some bran d "n eft thigh on right thigh or shoulder. J P OAllDINEH 'o.stolli < ; o address ( "ody , Nebraska On 'eft side of cat tle : horses O right nrmRin Rin e , north and south of N'iohrara ver,12-iniles south of Cody Frank Rotnleutne.r gSW Postotiice " "friM KilgereNeb. Cnttlu branded on side as on cut same Inn Some on left A George F pyn - Cody. Neb Brand reglstereo N1027 Horses branded or : eft shoulder Kami ? uorth and aoutk of Cutcomb in Cherry Co G. W. McFariand , Nebr Cattle branded as in cut on left sido. sido.old old stock 2Y ttHtigefour miles east of Fort Viobrara , north rind south of Merry b-idge th C. E Wright Valentine Nebr. Brand registered N'o 374 Brand n rleht side O. Hniv S D Cattle branded ou left thigh or hip same as cut Horse braud same on the left shoulder Morey & Hewett Gordon , Nebr. Brand registered ZJK. On left hip of cattle. Horses same left should er , also 940 left side. Kange - South of Snake 35 mile" s of Cfor.'on Robert Qui QuiPostofflce Postofflce address Simeon , Nebr. left hip on \ cultle. Horses same on right shoulder. Haniru on Snake itlver. Jos. Bristol Valentin . Nebr Range on Nio brara river four miles east of Ft. N'lobrara. Hnrsps ; iu 1 rattle br nd d H connected on 'eft hip or jidis shown in cut on Albert Whipple & Suns Rosebud , S , D. Cattle branded 80S on left side OSO oji rlehtside Some cattle also have a 4on neck Some with A on left shoulder and some branded with two bars mnm "n'rid fntr | : cattle branded e Oun lelt sidl'and'somc left side. i norses branded SOS on left hln. Some au branded AW bar connenr d on both sides and fr bin nf hnrqps Pat Peiper Simeon Nebr. Ca Cat n of ! tr Sawyer Bros. PostofHce address. G K Sawyei has cliarue of these cat- tie Horses Ow on eft shoulder Som sto v iv vfr side H r * _ _ leftThieh Ranue on Snak c t tA1S A1S < iclt Rantle south of ofthe man the Nio brara PIKF BROb PostofflceaddreM Uokston. N fc Cattle branded PX on Cither bip or right side. Horses PE on left shoblder. Range On Mlon - liaauza 5 milM east of crookstoa. SWEKi'KBROS Post'itnct address { I'll ! man , Neb i Cattle bnuiMed asou cut ; horses branded same a.s nttle except reversed See block and Sitjptenaon Lakes and South , S300 reward will be paid to any person for In. formation leading to the arrest and conviction of any person or person' ; stwilluc with th KUANK 5IOGLE Postofflc address Cody. Nebraska on either side cattli herdinark left ear clipped and rltrht ear splithdrsus ; andet same on left eh ouldtr . . .Range on Nio am Maud MedK" D. Stinard. Valentine , Nebr. State Braud reg- i t re < 5 1554 t attle aiu : branded b.une. - * -ut on left hip ige 2 Jiile ? of Ki. Land and Feeding Co. artlett Richards Pres Will G Conistock , V. T. Chas r lamison Hec&Treas Cattle branded eft any part of mural ; also th brands : hrand e3tl lame Range betwi Gordon on the FJi. &M V.R. R. ami ijannis on B. & M KB la Northwegtara Nebraska A < ! dress HARTI.KTJ KTHHAIUM. - " * - - Ellsworth Bros. . Kins > pf * rherry Co Branded on left side and rhifih. Earmark , squi-re rop right ear Hfir .fs have Maine brand on left rhi h. liJinue. OH Gor- don Hud Snakejis r * | frePks , J ffeii-fmt of 425f > will be paid to nrson ' for information leading to thp arrest aad Una' " nvioti.on of tinr person or persons steal ing cutlle with abo\e brand. G. W BEAMEK. Gordon , Nebf . Cattle branded on leftside a ib cut , 6-inch boi und2inchclrel Branf ! re i 875. br ed if'ft SllOU der. inch o'rcle box Registered 87G. Range 6 miles south of Irwm on Niobrara river. H A BUCK PostotKce addre I'rundcd on lelt aids Ran e eighteen miles north of Hvannis A J Pl.UMKic % PostotBco Flyannis. N ri ht side and trip have stook branded riaht side and hip on right hip Range-Southwestern Cherry county J. A. Y A RYAN Pullman , Nobf Cattle branded JT on rightslde Horses branded JY on right shoulder Reasonable reward for any information leading to the r - covery of cattle strayed from range. J.P. Swain. Sparks , Nebr. Cattle branded on it side as shown cut. ' Pvange South Sparks on Nio- trara ; river , \