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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1905)
F UFFOEO SO COMMON IN WINTER. m mw wv-tw K * s ANriSV/lLSOH A PLAIN TALK On a Plain Subject in Plain Language. The coming winter will cause at least one-half of the women to have catarrh , colds ' , coughs , pneumonia or consump tion. Thousands of women will lose theirlivesi _ - ml tens of thousands will acquire some chronic ail- KEEP im nt from which they will PERUNA never recover. IN THE Inless you take the noc- HOUSE oss.iry precautions , the are that you ( who read this ) will be one of tho unfortu nate ones. Little or no risk need be run if I'ernna is kept in the house and at the first appearance of any symptom of catarrh taken as directed on the bottle. Peruna is a safeguard , a preventntive. n specific , a cure for all enses of catarrh , acute and chronic , coughs , colds , con sumption , etc. For free medical advice , address Dr. S. li. Hartmnn. President of The Hart- man Sanitarium. Columbus , Ohio. K to IJoaht Of. Bifkins 1 rion't think much of Mrs. Googoo's ability as a manufacturer. Mifkitis Why , what do you mean ? Bifkins Googoo told me the other day that his wife made him what he Is. TO CURK A COT.D IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Druino Quinine Tablets. All drimirists retund tlie money if it fails to cure. E.V. . Grove's i > iinatuie is on each box. 25o. Gold of i he Vatican. It is said that the gold contained in the medals , vessels , chains and other objects preserved iu the Vatican would make more gold money than the whole of the present European circulation. IVIEXICAN Liniment cures Sprains and Strains. UNITED STATES CET A FIII : HOMESTEAD IN v. KSTKKN CANAUA r ! > uy some of the best lan-U un the rontincnt. and tecouie a IT l > ucr III * average . VI of ! . it this > e r ! * ill be about \\KNTV r-JilJ. * TO 'I Hi : At'Ki : . the oit mid ti rlo > rr < ' | \\ill alto yiel J tbuiid ntly Splendid llliuate , gouJ irhools Jlia churchestxccleut ! tuui ketmg iaclutic * j [ Ar'plj" f ° info tnntiou to Si po int-nd nt of Imra c n- lion. O tawH , Cnnndu , oto L. . 1. il. Irai" . 315 Jii.-kt-oi. 1 Pt. . St.l'uul , M i. . . und .1. M. ! . Hr.x JIG. Witertowii.'o.I > kotii. Authorized doveiun nt 1'leaso aj wiiere j iu eaw thiH udvurtitemout. 'SvJ.- } ' -C3i _ _ _ fii _ _ _ /r ? < , t ) \ \ A $ jf > , - ' & < * / A&3 ! ! i I 1 i It Cures Colds , Coughs. Sore Throat , Croup , Influ enza , Whooping Coujh , BronclrM MK ! A titna. A certain cure for ronsmmitmn in liml etuije * , tnd a sure relief in advanced Hta ei" . I -e r * otire. You will ace tlic exciOU-nt onVct after inking the Urst do c. Sold by dea'ers ' evcrywi.eje. Largo bottlea 25 cents and 60 could More pr.nlenH and fat tun are ) > l u.u l to . . Halzer's Seeds than any otlu-r in 'AmericaThere is reason for thi * . "We own over000 aL-v for the pro- | ductlon of our xvjirriintcil cda. . \In cider to Indues } ou to tr tlu-in e < = maUe ou tJie followintj unpre- f3 ccdented oflor : For 13 Gsr.ts Fosfpafd k 1O4IO L'arlr. B4Lra at" ! Lit" LnbLigej , J'JO'JO Fine ia\c \ ] liirrli , I Blii ehlfif Crlrrr. SKU I'.leh SnltT Lettucf , y IOOO SpIfD ld Onions , / 10110 Knrf > Laiclau * Kidlibei , JCOD Clurleotlj BrlllUnt rioxen. Abovo f oven packages contain zufTS- clcnt seed to srrow 10.000 plnnts. fur- uliiin ( ; l > n hel of brilliant floweraand lots and lotsof choice vegetable.together with onrsreat catalogtelling all about Flowers , Rote * . Small Fruits , etc. , all for 16a In stamps itntl thl * notice. Biff liO-iiaco catalog alone , 4c. JOHN A , SALZER SEED CO , cvn La Croaae , WIs. MRS A COLD ON THE LUNGS THREATENS TO BECOME SERIOUS. Pc-ru-na Brings Speedy Relief. Mrs. II. E. Adiuns. ex-President Pal metto Club , of New Orleans , Li. , writes from 110 Garfii'ld court. South Bend , IH. . as f < Hows : "lam pleased to endorse Peruna , as I took it about a year ago and it soon brought me relief from a cold on my lungs which threatened to be serious. "The lungs were sore find milaiiu'il , I roughed a couple of hours every night , and 1 felt that something must be done before my lungs became affected. "Peruna was suggested by some of my friends who had used it , and acting upon their advice I tried it and found that it was able to bring about a speedy cure. You have my highest endorsement and thanks for the good it did me. " Sounding the Praises of Peruna. Mrs. Frances Wilson , 32 Nelson St. , Clinton. Mass. , writes : "Had yon seen me at the time of my illness and now , you would not wonder that I take delight in sounding the praises of Peruna. "My ailment was a severe cold which attacked the bronchial tub < * and lungs. " / followed your special directions and after using six bottles of Peruna , 1 was on my feet again. I think Peruna a wonderful medicine. " The Welcome Wa . A gentleman was walking with his youngest son at the close of the day and in passing tne cottage of a Ger man laborer the boy's attention was attracted to the dog. It was only a common cur , but the boy took a fancy to him , and asked his parent to buy the animal for him , relates the New York Times. Just then the owner of the dog cauio home and was demonstratively met by the dog. The gentleman said to the owner : "My little boy has taken a fancy to your dog and I should like to buy him. What do you ask for him ? " "I can't sell dat dog , " said the Ger man. "Look here , " said the gentleman , "that is a poor dog , but as my boy wants him I will give you a sovereign for him. " "Yaas , " said the German , "I knows he is very poor dog , and not vort much ; but der ish von leetle ding mit dat dog I can't sell i can't sell de vag of his tail ven I comes home at niglit. " The U. S. Dept. of Agriculture gives to Salzer's Oats its heartiest en dorsement. Salzer's New National Oats yielded in 1904 from 150 to 300 bu. per acre in 30 different States , and you , Mr. Farmer , can beat this in 1903 , if you will. Spcltz or Einmer , above illustrated , gives SO bushels gram and four tons Imy besides per acre , it's wonderful. Salzer's seeds are pedigree feeds , bred up through careful selection to big yields. 1 Per Acre. Palzer's Beardless Barley yielded 121 bu. Salzer's Home Builder Corn. . . 300 bu. hpeltz and Macaroni Wheat. . . . SO bu. Salzer's Victoria Rape 60,000 Ibd. , Salzer's TVosinte Fodder 160.000 Iba. Sal/er's Billion Dollar Grass. . . 50,000 Ibs. Saber's Pedigree Potatoes 1,000 bu. Now Hiich yields pay and you can havo them , Mr. Farmer , in 190o. SFXD IOC IN STAMPS and this notice to the John A. Salzer Seed Co. , La Crosse. Wis. , and you will get 'their big catalog and lots of farm seed samples free. [ C. N. U. ] Kmer prise. La Montt 1 notice every one on this street looks out when an automobile passes. Ln Moyne Yos. and tho fish peddler got onto it. Now he toots an automo bile horn instead of a tin one. Hare used Piso's Cure for Consump tion nearly two years , and find nothing to compare with it. Mrs. Morgan , Berke ley. Cal. , Sept. 2 , 1901. Cremation establishments , under the I'niitrol of the government , are to bo found in the chief cities of Japan. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of TELEGRAPHY and RAILROAD ACCOUNTING Eniorwd by 11 raflroadt. tti. 20 jtui. Poiltloni fturictetd : termt ewr ; writ * ( oreaLHOBKE COLLEQ , Cl . clun tl , 9 , I * CTMM * Wfc. MOO to $1,800 One of the most serious problems before Congress is the question what , if anything , can be done to regulate the operations of great corporations for the protection of the public with out interfering with the legitimate de velopment of capital or coming into collision with the reserved rights of the States under the constitution. Com missioner James R. Garfield of the Bu reau of Corporations , in his first annu al report , recommends tlie adoption of a sj'stein under which all corporations which do an interstate business should be required to have a national fran chise or license. He would make con formity with all necessary require ments regarding corporate organization and management a condition to the grant of such a license , and the mak ing of all required reports and returns a condition to its retention , and would shut out from interstate and foreign commerce all corporations which did not hold such a license. He argues that some such system as this is need ed to correct existing abuses arising from the practice of chartering cor porations in States whose laws are lax to carry on business in other States to the laws of which they cannot be held accountable because of their incorpora tion elsewhere. Professor HarveyV. . Wiley , of \Vashington , is one of the most notable chemists in America , and he has made excellent use of his knowledge. None of his efforts to diffuse knowledge , however , has made such a firm impres sion on the public mind as have his experiments to de termine the effect produced on the hu man system by the Preservatives used ir. w. WILEY. by manufacturers of canned goods. For the purpose of accurate observation Professor Wiley organized a "poison squad" composed of a dozen healthy young employes of the agricultural department , wlio were fed on suspected foods for a certain length of time. The claims of manu facturers and others that these goods were harmless have been disproved by the "poison squad's" experience. The members of it were all made ill save one , and he "had rheumatism' " It is possible without straining the system of government or subverting any of the vital principles upon which the republic is founded to lengthen the second session of the retiring Congress in order to administer the oath to the President at a season when an outdoor pageant is possible and safe and when great numbers of the people can , with out danger to their lives , assemble to witness tho supreme act of free gov ernment. Considering the volume of sentiment on this subject , the urgent practical reason in favor of the change and the utter lack of reasonable objec tions , the marvel is that the necessary amendment has not long ago been adopted , relieving this country of a four yearly menace. " The Senate's youngest man after next March promises to be Representa tive Burkett of Nebraska , who has thirty-seven years to his credit. His prospective honors may be taken away should the State Legislatures that elect next month pick up some 'young colt not now in tlic1 public eye. Although the Senate is supposed to be composed largely of old men and although tho oldsters are .still very numerous , three score and toi being no distinction whatever thero , young men are rapidly gaining the seats. Mr. Ilemenway , AVho will be the next Senator from Indiana , is 44. lie and his colloague , Senator L'everulge. who is 4 : ! . will be among the youngest men in the Senate. But Senator Dick of Ohio , who suc ceeds Senator Ilanna. an old man , is only 4t > . Seaker Cannon is wielding a gavel made from a piece of dogwood which grew on the farm where he was born , near Guilford , N. C. John C. Fox , of that place , presented it to Mr. Cannon. "Uncle .loc " was delighted to get the relic , and assured Mr. Fox that he would take the he-4 of care of it. "But you know , " he added , "the life of a gavel in the House of Representatives is a short , merry and dillicult one. It has a rough road to travel and Is sub jected to a great many hard knocks. It doesn't lead the simple life , by a considerable sight. " j . . . _ . _ _ j While tho American Congress is con sidering bills admitting the last of the territories as States , the Canadians are planning to carve two provinces out of the North west Territories , with self- government similar to that enjoyed by tho other Canadian provinces. Naval estimates for the fiscal year ending June ' 30 , 10015 , aggregate $114- ftfO.MS , an increase of $17,372,448 over the last appropriation. The estimate for the Navy Department proper is $708,010. The estimate for the pay of the navy is an increase of ? G75.907 over tin1 last appropriation. President Roosevelt gave the first state dinner of the season at the White House. Eighty guests were present , members of the cabiu ° t. bein the guests of honor. PROP. . _ ' / / STATES. Oklahoma , Territory , Netr Alexlco uiid Ar 'coriii Seek Admission. With the admission of Oklahoma and Arbwna to statehood , it is probable that j the story of their population , wealth and resources will come as a great surprise to the general run of Americans. The story will surely be told , because the granting of State rights to the last of continental America , barring Alaska , is bound to attract widespread attention. Usually territories have been admitted when they approached the dignity of ex isting States in population. In thec ase of Nevada , Congress did not even wait until statehood size hud been very seri ously approached. The four territories that seek to be admitted as two States seem to have been kept waiting until long after the time when they were qual ified for the honor. Unbiased men in Congress admit that the new State of Oklahoma will have a population of 1.000,000. Some of the more enthusias tic advocates of the new State that is to be declare that its population will be nearer 1,500,000. For Arizona it is claimed fchat the population will be be tween 500,000 and 000,000. High Rank in Resources. In railroads , banks , business and re sources Oklahoma and Arizona will take high rank among the States. In the Indian territory there are only about 70,000 Indians and more than 400- 000 white men. About two-fifths of the latter are from the south. There is loss illiteracy than in many of the States. THE PKOPOSED NEW STATES. This map shows the proposed new State 11 Arizona , b'orm. cl by combini K Arzoni/imi New Mexico , nrt the proposed State i > t Okla homa , taking in Oklahoma and Indian Terr try. . Immigrants are descending upon the ter ritory in a great Hood , and its resources arc being developed at an amazing rate. The territory is declared by somo au thorities to be the richest section of the Union. Its soil is so fertile and climatic conditions so varied that crops varying all the way from cotton to wheat can be raised within its borders. There are mineral deposits that have hardly been touched , but are already yielding great wealth. This is true par ticularly of the coal and oil lands. The Indians , as a rule , are intelligent , as tho result of excellent schools scattered through the territory. They are engaged in farming and mercantile pursuits. A man getting a letter from one of these Indian chiefs is liable to find that it is- | typewritten and has been dictated to a stenographer. In point of territory the new State of Arizona will comprise 235,000 and Okla homa 70,430 square miles. Their Kailrond Facilities. Every county in Oklahoma has somt railroad mileage and several cities have from three to eight lines. The assessed valuation of the railroad property ex ceeds $11,000,000. Flour mills in the territory have a capacity of 11,655 bar rels per day. The capacity of the wheat elevators is 3,525,000. Returns made by the assessors this year place the taxable property in the territory at $90,009,073 , but Gov. Ferguson estimates that tlu true value exceeds $500,000.000. Deposits in the national banks of Ari zona exceed $5,000,000. The copper pro duction last year was 250,000,000 pounds. The territory is rich in agriculture as j well as mining and irrigation will soon ' add by many thousands to the acres ol tillable lands. New Mexico shipped last year 200,000 head of cattle and 30.000,000 pounds of wool. It is traversed by three transcon tinental railroads. The territory is rich in coal , iron and lumber , as well as the more valuable minerals , and it is claim ' ed that when the waters now wasted are U COMPARAT1VK SIZE OF NEW STATE. Dotted area shov.'s tho oi'-tlinos of tlie proposed State of Arizona , while the black lines are the boundaries of the btate of Texas. finally utilized for irrigation the area under cultivation will exceed 20.UOO.OOU acres. The territory produces over 1.500.- 000 tons of coal per year and a lumber plant capitalized at ? S,000,000 has been established at Albuquerque. ( Will Change the Flnjr. The admission of Arizona and Okla homa will cause a change iu the United j States flag by the insertion of two new stars. There are now forty-five stars arranged in six. rows of sevengid eight stars , alternately. The two stars cannot be added to the present arrangement without destroying the symmetry. But there is no.arbitrary rule for arrange ment in rows. Cjrcles and even star ar rangement of the stars have been resort ed to in the past. Originally , a stripe as well as a star was added for each new State. But , in 1818 , the number of States having reach ed twenty , Congress reduced the number of stripes to thirteen , to typifjr the orig inal States and enacted that "on the ad mission of every new State to the Union , one star be added to the union of the flag , and that such addition shall tako effect on the Fourth of July next suc ceeding such admission. " H. C. Egan , the Chicago golf Cham pion , was elected chairman of the Har vard senior class day spraad committee , oat of the highest honors of the college. 'Mrs. ' Anderson , a prominent society _ _ woman of Jacksonville , Fla. , daughter of Recorder of Deeds , West , who witnessed her signature to the following letter , praises Lydia E * Pmkham s Vegetable Compound. t " DEAR MRS. PINKHAM : There are but few wives and mothers who have not at times endured agonies and such pain as only women know. I wish such women knew the value of Lydia E. Pinkliam's Aregetii7olo' Compound. It is a remarkable medicine , different in action from any I ever knew and thoroughly reliable. "I have seen cases where women doctored for years without perma nent benefit , who were cured in less than three months after taking your Vegetable Compound , while others who were chronic and incurable came out cured , happy , and in perfect health after a thorough treatment with this medicine. I have never used it myself without gaining great benefit. A few doses restores my strength and Appetite , and tones up the entire system. Your medicine has been tried aiid found true , hcnco I fully endorse it. " MRS. R. A. ANDERSON , 225 Vfashingtoii St. , Jack sonville , Fla. Sirs. Heed , 2425 E. Cumberland St.Philadelphia , Pa. , says : "DEAR MRS. PiNiamr : I feel it my duty to write and tell you the good I have received from Lydia E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Com pound. "I have been a great sufferer with fomale trouble , trying different doctors and medicines with no benefit. Two years ago I went under an operation , and it left me in a very weak condition. I had stomach trouble , backache , headache , palpitation of the heart , arid was very nervous ; in fact , I ached all over. J find yours is the only medicine that reaches such troubles , and would cheerfully rec ommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to all suitcring women. " Whenwomen are troubledwith irregular or painful menstruation , nesjs , leucorrhrea , displacement or ilceration of the vromb , that bearing-down removes such troubles. The experience and testimony of some of the most noted women of America go to prove , beyond a question , that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound will correct all such trouble at once by removing the cause and restoring the organs to a healthy and normal condition. If in doubt , write Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn , Mass , as thousands do. Her advice is free and helpful. Xo other medicine for women in the world has received such wide spread and unqualified endorsement. No other medicine has such a record of cures of female troubles. Refuse to buy any substitute. FORFEIT if Tre cannot forthwith produce the original letters and signatures of Oft above testiaionJala , which ill prove their absolute genuineness , yf Lydia E. I'inkliuin 3Iedicino Co. , Lyzm , Maes. ELEGTRIG BELTS S. C. X. C 3-100:5 FOR RHEUMATISM-LUMBAGQ-NERVOUSNESS BECGS' CHERRY COUGH SYRUP If ONE BETTER MADE cures coughs and colds. TWO STYLES , $8 , $10 SUU Sizt , Lidtei or Gents. CIIICAOO CEX'L HUPPI.T CO. . S017 > 'o. Winchester CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS , A > enue , CHICAGO , ILL. | Best Couch SJTUD. Tastes Good. U3C < In time. Sol < ] by rtrusKists. ITMC GREAT KI f > N C T AN3 LIVCFI CUPC Fl DAVID KENNEDY'SFAVORITE . . , RR , GM EDY "aril 7 oicuj. ril ( or fr.t P . _ b iu. urbi giNXKors SOKI ROMDOUT. a i [ eet the special requirements of the Fanner , Miner , Lumberman and other working men who need strong , well made shoes. Made from the best upper leather obtainable for the purpose and heavy tough aoles. Will not grow hard or crack with ordinary care. Ask for Mayer shoes and look for the trade-marsr on the sole. For a Sunday or dress shoe wear the "Honorbilt" for men. F. MAYER BOOT & SHOE CO. MILWAUKEE , WIS. Sale Ten Million Boxes a. Year. THE FAMILY'S FAVORITE ( SECICiKE CANDY CATHAR.T1C lOc , 25c , soc. " * Ull * * " < ! : mvi" * "M * * * * * 5" * B B > * iznaas * * AB BEST FOR THE BOWELS _ - - -