Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, January 19, 1905, Image 5
More Local. Mrs. Clarence Sa eser is verj ? ill the pa&t few days. Mrs. Carpenter has been quite ill the past two weeks. Dr. Lewis is recovering from pneumonia and today was able te sit up. Mrs. Claude Jones and baby have beeii ill the pa&t week but are bettor. Frank Fischer is suffering some from a cold and soreness m his side and back. Mr. 13eatty's concert is > aunounc- for Wednesday night , Feb. i , at "the M. E. church. Al I'tiacher is still unable to be up and aboul and is reported about the same or possibly weaker tiiau last week. We want corre&poudeuts who will be as laithtul in sending in the news as tuose we have now. It anyone knows of ail item of news bend 1C m. Peter Porath of Eiege called last Friday while m town to order the Democrat sent to Porath Bros , and also paid subscription of his father and a , sister. The Meistersingei'o sung to a good aiidieucw at the church last Friday night. \ \ e regret that we did not Know ot their cummg soon enough to notify our readers a week m advance ot their coming. Al ii. Metzgar called on us Tuesday , while in town iroin his ranch south of Merrimau. Mr. Metzgar drops into our city only about twice a year aud has ao many ihiugs to attend Lo tuat it keeps him pretty uusy wmle here. There will be a joint installation of olkcers 01 the M. U . A. and the Ko allNeignbor&next \ \ ediies- 4&y evening , i'here 11 be a little Ceremony ior the-ilo aixNeighUora have been practicing their parts aud * the brotiiers aud sisters will allsear tiieir smiles upuii tiiat oc casion. Tiiere 11 be sumettimg to eki when ou re hungry. While some of the boys and girls were out sleighing last Saturday evening the sleigh tipped over aud John ( jrould nad ins arm broken by .the lail. Several were shaken up a little but Joim is the only one .who will remember the accident real well. He is carrying his arm ii a sling. Allan Gould is still carrying his arm in a sling as a rlsulc of cutting off the end or his thumb and Mr. and Mrs. Gould are conducting a hospital. Wni. 11. Carter and father Hen ry ? Carter came down from Cody Monday , Win. 11. returning the ne'xt day and his father remained ioi a few weeksis.t \uth his daughter , Airs. Shore. Vm. . il. CSi'ter is still carrying his arm in ailing iis result of his spraiued wrist but is looking well and his wrist is getting some better , lie will probably lose the use of ins thumb and one finger lor some time as he at present has no feel ing m them. L. L. Anderson took a lay off from his work last week , and a week ago suuday went back t > his old home at Modale , Iowa , to visit hi-i parentslio are living < m the old farm and in the same comfoi t- able house that his father budt J7 yeaJ * > ago. Mr. Anderson's father is & 3 > ears old now and his mother 77'.years of a e. A week's vi it wasn't very long but it was pleas ant to be at borne again , after four years of labor. Mr. Anderson re turned Monday of this week. Washington , Jan. IS. Con gressman Kinkaid has introduced another bill amending his lOOi measure , providing that home steaders on Nebraska lands may relinquish to the government their 160-ucre claims and re-enter claims not exceeding GiO acres , lie ah-o presented a bill granting to Chas. H. Cornell the right to build a clam across the Niobrara river and to build telephone and trolley lines across the military reservation at thaji-point Omaha Daity Xews. if f W. H. Hooper hauled in a load of shoies 8 months old , averag ing 250 pounds each , which he sold to J. H. Quigley yesterday. Mr. Hooper raises corn good enough to fatten hogs for market in as short a time as anybody back east and always gets a fair yield. Like many of the farmers on north table he raises a crop of potatoes and other farm , products which makes a comfortable living and ho doesn't have to work too hard to enjoy life either. His subscrip tion is always paid in advance. The U. S. Weather Bureau re port for the week ending Jan. 18 , 10 < > 5 , shows a rather variegated climatic condition , the highest temperature being 45 ° on the 18 , and the lowest26 ° on the 13 , a swing of the temperature pendu lum of 71 ° . During the hree days of low temperature there was very little wind and the weather was not uncomfortable except for people who had long journeys to take. There was no precipitation and the highest wind velocity was 22 miles per hour from the north west on the ISth. Kev. A. T. Carpenter reports the death of Mr. Dickson , lately from Illinois , at the home of a neighbor , Lewis Wilson , about 50 rods from the former's house , 12 miles south of Johnstown , last Tuesday evening of heart failure. Rev. Carpenter , in company of Mr. Heerten had stopped at the Dickson home a short time prev ious and they had gone up to Wil son's to look at some fruit which Mr. Dickson and Mr. Wilson , who had latley come from Illinois , had brought with them. Mr. Carpen ter and Mr. Dickson's little girl had just returned from the celler , each with an apple when Mr. Dickson , who was sitting on the bed , gasped once and fell over dead. All efforts were fruit.To-s in trying to revive him. The fun eral will be held at Ainsworth to morrow under the auspices of the Masonic order at 1:30 : p. m. Rev. Carpentt-r goes down to preach the funeral. Mr. Dickson leaves a wife and child , a girl fo'ur years old , to mourn his death. The winds art never silent , The vaves are never still , L'sie n-.itrrs are so violent , They toss the ship at will. My soul like the sea is restless , Like the wind is full of woe ; Mv heart like the wave is fearlesp , For each beat there is a foe. BEUMCE KIEF. Everybody that writes Can use printed stationery. Ask to our line enclone. . - , and | ipt-r Your time 5iiioijey. . Mistakes don't occur so frequently and it is a guarantee to the public that you're a busy man. THE DEMOCRAT , Valentine , - Nebr. "When I look yon into partnership , " said the intlitfiKint father. "I expected you to le untiring in your devotion to the Interests of the business. " The son took one foot down from the desk long enough to strike a match to light his cigarette. "I think I have been , " said he. "Yon never have . .oticed me tire myself yet , havoj'ou , pa ? ' ' Gnnlcn of the Soul. Each bud flowers but once , nnd each flower has but its minute of perfect beauty , so in the garden of the soul each feeling has , as itwere , its flower ing instant , its one and only moment of fxpansive grace and radiant kingship. Brilliant. "Did my diamonds call forth any commentV asked Mrs. Cumrox. "Yes , indeed. " answered Miis Caj-- mne. "I heard several people refer to you as the human chandelier. " Wash ington Star. Dear Thlnx * . Mifis Shugger What a self possessed woman Miss Passay is ! Miss Pepper- Yes , and I don't imagine she'd ever get a chance to dispose of the property. Condition * TTint Unfit For Ma.rlafe. The low paid employee today can suc ceed as well alone as with a wife , which his ancestors could not do. At the Earn * , his selfish enjoyments arc greater without her , for he may live irresponsibly , without a motive to save and with all his surplus available for wayside pleasures of an antisocial sort. The disintegrating forces of a great city upon homeless youth are too obvi ous to need emphasis. The wage earn ing girl , on her par.t , Is likely to acquire the taste of fragmentary , pointless and unproductive spending. Both form Jiabits harmful to the altruistic mo tives of group living < > t , the home idea. A man who goes from the saloon , street corm-r or cheap pleasure club , a girl who leaves the dance hall and pave ment glitter to make a home for him , the bare necessities of which are hardly met by his wages , are not qualified by their experiences to bring to a success ful Issue the supreme test of character that makes stable a high standard. Professor Simon N. Patten in Inde pendent A Soft Answer. It was in 387U that ( leorge Chesiuore Bromley , author of "Long Ago and Later On , " became n member of the Bo hemia club of San Francisco and POOH found himself "Sire of the Low Jinks , " which occasion he vividly recalls , and ! especially his arrival at hcjme after ward , lie writes : "My dear little wife awoke at my entrance aud inquired the time. I looked at my watch and re plied , 'Ten minutes p * t 10 , ' and then laid the watch on the mantelpiece. Having some doubts us to the correct ness of my reply , the little woman arose nnd looked for herself. 'Wliut time did you say it was ? ' she asked again. 'Ten minutes past 10 , ' said I. Ten minutes past 10 ! Why , it only laqks ten minutes of 2 , ' said she. Ts that BO ? ' said I. 'Why , bless my soul , how time Hies ! I had no idea that I had been home so long. ' This was an other occasion when I realized that 'a soft answer luraeth away wrath. ' " "With the Spaniard. When Walter Williams , from Colum bus , Miss. , was in Spain in the sum mer of 1003 he called upon a provin cial editor in the interest of the St. Louis exposition. The next day ( ho paper had the following : "Walter Wil liams of the United States purchased the state of Louisiana and next year j will give-a celebration , to which he in vites his fellow journalists of Europe. ' ' Mr. Williams again called upon the CHI- itor and thoroughly explained matters. The editor apologised and printed this correction : "Governor Francis of Mis souri has purchased a large tract of land in the Great American desert , and Walter Williams is here to luvltc the Journalists of Spain to a show which the governor will give next year. " Mr. Williams fled the place , fearful the oil- itor might explain Homo more. i'.i Atrfcl It was nt one time arranged that Dante Gabriel Kossetti , his brother William and Swinburne and George Meredith should live together in a certain house. Meredith happened to see Dante Gabriel Kossetti at break fast and changed his plans. Meredith himself tells the story. "It was past noon , " says he. "Rossetti had not yet risen , though it was an exquisite day. On the breakfast table on a huge dish rested five thick slabs of bacon , upon which five rigid eggs had slowly bled to death. Presently Rossetti appear ed in his dressing gown , with slippers down at heel , and devoured the dainty repast like an ogre. " That meal was too much for Meredith , and he sacri ficed three months' rent rather than see it repeated. The Sphinx's Kiddle. The riddle Avhich the sphinx pro pounded to the Thcbans and the solu tion of which she made a condition of her withdrawal from the state was r.s follows : "What animal has one voice , at first four , then two and at last three feet ? " CEdipus discovered the answer to be "man , " who in infancy , from using his hands as well'as his feet in walking , may be said to have four feel ( all fours ) , in after life employs but two , and in old age to these he adds a staff , which may be reckoned a third. Upon this solution being given the sphinx is said to have thrown herself headlong from the citadel. The Simple Life. In my wanderings on foot when 1 walk through the provinces of Europe nnd talk to the people and fish an.l learn I find that what people lack most in life is simplicity , the poor man as well as the rich. It consists not ii plain dress , but In plain living , in sim plicity of heart , of personal beliefs and respect for the beliefs of others. Rev. Charles Wagner. Prepared nesn. Begin the morning by saying to thy self , I shall meet the busybody , the un grateful , arrogant , deceitful , envious and unsocial , but I , who have seen the nature of the good , that it is beautiful , and that of the bad. that it is ugly , can be injured by none of them. Mar- tus Aurelius. For Sorrow. Brown Smith is down with brair. fever. Given You don't say so ! Brown Yes. The doctor says if he recovers his mind will be a blank. Green- Well , I'm sorry to hear that. lie owes rtfe $10. .Spitcfnl. Kate Do you think it's true that people catch anything through kissing ? Madge Oh , I don't think so. See how often you've been kissed aud you've never caught anybody yet. lie who brings ridicule to bear against truth finds in his hand a blade without 8 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c. flpnclJnj pctrh ! rto c"-'ntlon Anyone ? a : ana mnj I qnloltly nsrertHin our opinion free v nether nn mvontion la prohibly pntentahte. Cunimunlrn- tioiisHtrlctlyconlldentlnl. Handbook on Pateutt ucnt free. Oldest njrency for sccunnp patents. Patents taken through Jlunn & Co. receive tpccial notice , without chnnte. iu the Scientific JhtterKatt. A handsomely il'na'rrtfo ' < ! n * < Sc 7 T irsf" ? rir- culiitioii of any KCIC > M if f u u ) . " i-tnia ? : > C year : four months , 1. ? J ' ! * * ' > . - ' > p " " Vfinoh < > ! TV- < > FRANK RANDALLS fjSsH ity Delivery To and from all parts of the city. Trunks , valise , packages , coal and heavy draying done on short notice. : : : : : : A. F. KAN PALL , Phone { A. Valentine. Neb. AAI\/Df\r\V/ tsr-s nns n eiiuip1" ; ! . AIMYbUUY vi h i . : , TL ! _ ; : , t hns tl.i. .i M.r.ini e It * t l'is . hr i C > T.TI t I f ' j rove 1 i ujn. ll trc is .it - . lu.i j i'u i'Mcv > v i rX i 1 1 ti - I S TjLLA N ; l t- ! * < rUI t 1 T : t ntilt ' fiyl I , an I 1 r ti.i r | irti 1 1 ir j nu. . r jKaiti\e. > uiic ttlu 1. No \ > uauir , , tt A17D CHOTGUI7S ha\c been adopted i.i j reference toall others tl.e world around ! ST * tr * v r . . . . T. c T * T r . t * A tt . M * * 1 JL > V Iv > A1 i I- * j /i is. O STC P"M ! / r 1 s -i : r - ' 5 r.n 1 Vtr'w-re r' - 'e 1. AsV. t I.TI f r r i . t i i l a > : it 1 t > Jut i vu i < ; : " i . . i - i' . 1 < f ' I | K.Killl'l If t , oJ ti I C S.rO t J EJl'.i. t. .j ll.iIC" h * ri re 1 i r n ' . StnUt..oB . .bt..r'f en- ; r.or.r.J Ui".c Tu-re. ! , STEVENS A MGOTOCI , CO. P.O. Ec < 093 . . U. o. A. Business ft < I otices ' . rM \in > i . ! Laeo , o cents per yard at Mrs. Elmorc's. 50 Some good work horses , saddle horses and some good } omig mares Terms ( o suit purchaser. Inquire at Bishop 'n l\vry Imrn. 23 \V. T. MI > H..L. . High grade Galloway Bulls , 2 to 5 years old , for sale. AKo two Thoroughbred V For furl her in formation inquire ; it thi > ollicc. IH Vo\\T is lh(5 time to jet vour 5n- iI " Ul' ' * ? ' ' ! ! ' ll ld I > i2 ' ! ? Joek. li--i : ! t ! \ c , lr -i. iy , and if you aiewithout insurance1 it will bo your neglect. It co tshut a trifle to injure mrain t fire , Iirht- ning and tornadoes in thebe -stale companies. The.are . represented by I. M. Tuce , Valentine , Xebr. FOR R.-.NT 18 room hotel at & 'K ) jer month , furnished. Inquire oi : 1 1 us. "MASSIXOALB. J have buyer for Nelmi-ka farms. If youir.t \ to sol ! , l.sK uith me or write for pnrhVulnrs. 47 HRCI - : Gn-xr , H Hl'ijz. LvHii.fiVv ( , Mo. 300 per InKf . -u On ) 10) ) His in a hale , or > 5 5' ) pei < to-i. AniuiiAM J"SEPii , or 52 A. John il Co. FOR SALE DR LEASE , N4NWSoc } 14. To. : ; : . M HO. ThK SO ln runninjf aler \ \ lite ELMKIJ K. CASS , : Ib-lme-ave. , Minneapolis , Minnesota The J. C C. Corset , the best corset made , : itfrs. . Elmore's. WAXTKD a good all around farm hand on dairy farm. Mar ried man preferred. Steady work. House furnished. 52 MARK D CYPHERS K.rr 7 ' c / -y. . . 'rofesssonal ' Cards. L'-ip Vallm U ere ford Ranch Hrowme * , Ncbr. Prince Bo.ibdel 131693 and Curly Coat 112331 at head of litTd The Wood of Fowler. Anxiety. Lord Wilton iiud Sir Gladstone predomi nates in my herd. I can 1111 orders fot bulls of all apes at any lime. Kuuch fwtir link's nortu-wcbt of Brown- lee , N'enr C , II. KAUMIABKIt. I MILL PRICES FOP FEED , PerCwt. Per Ton. Bran , sacked § 85 § 1600 Shorts , sacked 95 IS 00 Scn eninjrs , sacked 60 . 11 00 Chop Feed , sacked 90 17 00 Corn , sacked SO 15 00 ( -hop Corn , sacked S5 1600 Oats , sacked 1 00 19 00 v. N. TQMPTON Physician , and Surgeon ice at Quiirley it Chsipman's IIJT turi' \ 5 rhti Tht [ > on- i i > c.i > ii > ! > . * t > i hiMT\ tv 'i t. Kobert G. Easley , \TWK\KV AT LAW ' irlirr- .i\-r Kerl Front ( JKNEKAL LAW I'RACTICK G. H FTall , M. D. ; f All calls promptly attended today ur night. Drugs arid Phar maceuticals furnished. H DATLEY , ' . MittHUM t lip grocery deparment < if T. C. Hornby's store. til \w \ in Rosebud agency July ' ! . Oct. 2nd and Jan. 1 , 1904. JOHN F. POKATH Kicge , ] X ibr. Tubular wells and windmills. H. M. CRAMEB , City Deliveryman , Trunks , values and packages battled to and from thf ilepot and all parts of the City. C. M. SAGESER Barber First-class Shop in Every Respect Eau de Quinine Hair Tonic. Ooldon Star fialr Tonln. H > rplcid and Toko's Dandruff Cure. I ry Pompeian Face Massage Cream Jnmc.s A. Church. Laundry Agent. Basket leaves Tuesday 8:00 : p. m. Re- tnrna Saturday morning. Work call ed for and delivered at your c oor. VALENTINE , - - NEBRASKA. J. L. ASHBURN , Contractor and Build er in Brick or Stone Work. Valentine , - Nebrs TIMETABLE \ < r at Northe at O'lieill , CJoinK East , GoiiiK W-isr. Leaves 10:10 a. m. Arrive ? ! : fiO p. m. Passenger , daily except tfuwUy. 'onnections with Elkhnru tnlns fist and westbound from all points west of r'Nelll. shortest route to Slonx City and bojoml. Through connections far Sioux Falls , Miuu - is , St , Paul and nil points north aud west , v local ti'kets to O'Neill. KKKD ROOEISS. n , v. A. City . fi wi Statistics prove that the chances of your dying of Throat or Lung Troubles , are 9 to 1. Waste no time , but cure your Disease with G8NSUBPTISH , COUGHS &KO GOLDS the only strictly scientific Lung Specific in existence. Positively guaranteed to help OP money refunded. Saved tJie Preaclier. Rev. 0. D. Moore of Harpersville , N. Y. , writes : "I had a fearful cough for months , which nothing" would relieve , until I took Dr King's New Discovery for Consumption , It cured my cough and saved my life. " Prices , SQcandSI.OO Trial Settles Free RECOMMENDED , GUARANTEED AND SOLS BY I The Commoner i * Mr , Bryan's Paper N"o\v is \ \ vtime to secure Mr. Bryan's piper. All ilen ; wits ne'i I th-.i pipor an I Mr. Bryan needs the sup port in I -opfiation of all true friendor reform. The Corn.m > rmr has commenced to org.-inize the democratic hosts for 19 ) S M' ' ' Bryan's a-lvoc-icy through The Coni- m ' i of p ib-i.i > va , - ' ! > of riilroi I an I telegraph sys tems die election of [ J. S. judges .and U. S. senators by popular vote , direct legisl ition , the overthrow of private monop dies , tariff reform and nthtir issues , insures inter- estingand instructive reading as well as new life to the party. i 3 ibscrip ions revived at this office at SLOO a year. G 3m : , wak * up , and hand us your dollar , First Class JOB WORK on Short Notice at the j c * - jMtatT / * " OORAT hHCE ,