Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, January 12, 1905, Image 8

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IT *
i , : I
Absolutely Pore
Koticc to Creditors.
I TATH Or * ( RnRJLl A I _ . ID tb County
Ov r cotr > TT. f Ceart.
. uotiifd.TkHtl
_ C * t Itooot la VaUntiu * IB laid county1 ;
It * Mih 4 y et January. I8 * l 1 ° o'clock a
wiUi tl W to their adii toi't and
Tb time United tor tn K * B' *
_ afalntrt naid e at * in b U dur of
X O l 0 * and the time HnalM > 4 lor put-
t t 4M U oi year from atd Utb ( U ) of
my hand ANtf thf KM ) f < * ld
.v laH. W. E T < WMC ,
* County Ju4f .
la tke Dirtrlct Court of Cherry Coun
ty , Nebraska.
TB tk M tt r of the adoption of Joseph Mon-
rocHu < 04i , minor chlid.
All p r on inter * t % d wl I take notlcv that on
Uir-fc&ul daof lV * tnrirr.lW4 ; J 'nea M.Hurlsoi
nl vtfe tl 4 thf Ir f titi > n rr ib i a'ioptlou o
MM b Monroe Uud m arid tmut
& * rd Irjr bCount > Ourt at the < ouniy
B OK ID said county.u th 3Kb tUy of
6 at 10 o'clock a m. . nt wnion tlm
objection * to > ald proposed Adoption
* nl. ft 1 farther ordered tiit servi
I thui notloe be LaJ by publication of the game
v k lor four nucco-mivc weeks in the
IwDiocrat , a newt > paper printed iu
WU e e my hnn4 and official eo&l tbla 3th day
fill County
virtue and jKotlrr
fvr ftrttlrairnt of Arr MBt.
It Conn of CLcrry fouaty Neb-
O rrrr or CKBKKT
? Mb kelrt and toaU persons interentcd in
i0 t of Mary A. Met trnmtt , deceased :
petition of Frnnris McUrrmott
imal settlement and allowance of bin
tl-4 m Uiii court ou the XStk ay of
H to ) Mt br order < vi that you , and all per-
is eid matter , may. aad do. p-
w 1fc tJtinty Court to be ht-ld m and for
3Himtynnthe 14th day of January , A. D 1P03
( H ' lfk . m. . to Bh-iw cauRe. W any ther
W. vly tWpia > er < f the petitioner pbowld not
> < r int4 , ftr.ti that notice of the pendency 01
HrioB and that the bearing thereof be
11 persons inUirdsten in s ild matter bj
nnr-iHb-na ! * copy o this Order in th * Valentine
t , a * epkl7 newifupur printed in said
for thr e Buco Shue tvi-eks prior to said
Notice tt Fon-Resident Defendante.
, * . ftnllard. s A. Ramplln , Jtn. H. \
and B J. O jnorp ( fi-.nt and rial namtfl de'endauti :
T * . and each ef yon. wilt take notice th t on
IIB lth day m Drcomber , 1804 , Adell B Cnrti .
i herein , filed her petition in th district
[ of Cberry county , Nebraska asaintt Ktelia
H B 'iirrl. ) .H. \ . K.impin. ! Mrs. > A. Kanplin.
1 H. 3. fJnynorp , ( firm and r-al i > ames unknown ) .
U04 Bron. aad Wi lum Mull , trustee for LouN
Ktidl. defendant * , the object and pnr
f vlufh are to forecloKo x certain tnnrt-
- xtcutd bj Stephen L. Jamnj
Vlrjml * Jna-s upon ot Four and thf
. < juat rof the Soufiwest quarter of
Kin { een and lot One and tb i Nortn-
; quarter of the Northwest quarter uf fc-ctlou , aU In Township Twi-iity-flve. uorth , of
Base Tiiiny-two west of the 6lb P. M. Iu Cher
ry r ftiy. Ncbrtuka. whih -rtruKe wa > u veil
te ancure thr pttym nt of a c. nalr. promi-xory
yfc 4aW4 Noremtfer flrxt. ISitf for ike mm of
> . * o4ae ji diay bf ] Lui HtuU"r ordr
J * u ry tr > t , liitt. wina not * * and Bortrgt {
t a y a-jljiied uy the s ld IXNIIH fttiu iu
tb > r. Utft > i Wxrd&Cobb anrt by tlu-uu
au * traniferred to 1'riHcUU Brown
thr after wan by hertraniferrrd to the
fcreta. who IH now td Hole owner r f
MKd tndehK'dflHHB and the mort sce weurine
s . That Iu order t > protect tbo fuild
teB lieu the owtier of said note i/d niort-
cut r the tainlened and ai e.v i'd
ff.-UAKt MUd p nmi r for the ye'irs 19M. : s9i.
! JMt 1 Wt and IHW. and that uy virtu - of iud tit-
laid note and mo > tKann tbe said
toeanM the owner of all rights obtaia d
) rlruw of ( he payment of Mid tare * , and
wMffc tarn am also secured by ald m-.rtg.i c.
Ti tthert 1 uow due upon Kaid note and
nortffftc * and for taxes tke sutu of Kizbt hun-
xM tweko and thuteeii-liundreth dollars , for
which um with inrebt from Ii-c mber 15th ,
1P04 tn plaintiff prays M decree that rif-
fondants bn - red to the th
rt-qu pny < tmf ; > t the
IntWfBi or lit-n- e ch and ail of x id flelt'nd-
a ta fouml to bo junior and nift-rlor to th t
ot the plaiiitifl ih tt ihe pr peodinKH upon whn-h
v o M < d ritnlla H. Bollard ci.ums title to said
pruraUes n dc-'larod to be TO d 111 .so a tho
ITIO may affect the rights of said plamtiu" ; and
that if the in ei eat or lieu oi s.ud telu * . Bui-
be found to be superior to itiat of plaintiff.
U thlsi-lhlntiff ii permitted to redeem the
p m * . And iu uas the Amount touud ti ho due
lfci plaintiff with Interest and coBts la not pa.d
"tt " a tinio to bo fixed bv the court that said
Tr nilfi'-s bo fc . i' to satisfy tho .mount found
° u , And each ifvm .iro rt-qulie. } to answer
M itci on ou or b-iore the 30 li d.iy uf J uu-
1 ! '
'al"'l Dcf'ir"'or IPtli , J ? < > 4.
By W. W. Yoirvd ,
* ? < Her Atlornoy.
IM-P-A-N-S Tabulea
Doctors find n
A gooi ) prescription V
For mankind
pirk.igo rnnueh tor USUA ]
Tht fftinlljr bottle ( CO cent ) contains rli
of r
"Ip f
Tak n npbj-th * unders' nd at my place on
U e s'obr-.ra River , about nine mi ssnu'liuest
n Vrilrntlno. Nebra ka. < mc dark red t er , for
3 irn hmii'li' ' ! ! rl tit side , blot-hod
Oat ' t Valei.tine this 23ml d \ of HPIU -
b r. 1K)4 405 J"IN ! HKD ACKK
I * ItAF l )
TO Kill PKK8will l c pli-a-rd to
with otir comf ilir.mtf onr iirirKet n-
pon or tho Journal-Stockman to all parties
who contemplate shipping stock this Boa6on.
Write to ns and wo will be glad to keey you
posted on the market. By good sales and
conrtwis treat rrwn onr customers have be
come onr fcwfc Bohcitorfl Shipments to mi
K * iv Ko t careful ntwnUoo. Give us a
fcrtel a 4 traeeora eonrtBced ,
Syied : K ALSTON A FO3DA ,
( Ineorporated. )
Double Track
RalTnmtt brtirreii JiiKftonri
and C/iiraffo.
Direct line to St I'tin
Direct line to Stack Hill * .
Apply to nrar"t tif/ent ftrr ntter-
map * and time curdm.
Wtather Bureau
The following data , covering a per
iod of 15 years , have been compiled
from the Weather Bureau records at
Valmtlne. Nebr They are issued t i
BOOW the conditions that have pre
vailed , during the month In question
fi r thr above period of year ? , hut
munt not be construed as a forecast
for the weather conditions for 'he
ceding month.
Mean or normal temperature 17 °
The warmest month was that of
1900 with an average of 31 °
The coldest month wan that of 1890
vith in average of 11 °
The highest temperature was 63 °
on the 30 , 1892.
The lowest temperature was - 33 °
on the 24 , 1894
The earliest date on which first kill-
Ing frost occurred in autum , Sept. 12
Average date on which first killing
frost occurred in antum , Sep 18.
Average date on which List killing
front occurred -pririg , May 9
The latent date on which last killing
frost occurred in spring , June 21.
PRECIPITATION ( rain or molte.i snow ;
Average for the month 0 57 inches
Average number of days with 01 of
an inch or more , 8
The greatest.monthly precipitation
was 1 27 inchee in 1889.
The least monthly precipitation
was-0.00 inches in 19"0.
The greatest amount of precipita
tion recorded In any 24 consecutive
hr .wah 0 37 inches on the 31.1894.
The greatest amount ot Bnowfall
recorded in any 24 consecutive hours-
( record extending to winter of 1884-85
only ) wae 37 inches on the 13-16. 1901.
Average number of clear dag , 15 ;
partly cloudy , 8 ; cloudy , S
The prevailing winds have been
from'the NW.
The average hourly velocity of the
wind ii > ,10 miles
The'highest velocity of the wind
was 60 miles from the NW on the 7 ,
J. J. M CLEAN' ,
Official in charge Weather Bureau.
i.itofllve address.
Cody , Nebraska
On left
ses left
, Nel
liranded on loll s\i\f \ \
Kanjfe eighteen mll
north of Dvannls
t Klobrara.
s branded
ileft hip
Kanne. Nlobrara
ver I ? mllo *
Mil l ,
! JMippNorth ot
Nioorara river.
J. 'VT. Stetter ,
Valentine , Nobr.
o * > r brands :
I +
FIorspbranded :
I , - < orf on
leJt shoulder ; O 1'ft thiirh. Rangp OB
EoaniKun , Gordon. Snaku and Rand Creek.
P II. Ynnng.
Simeon Nebr
as cut on left Bide
< ome M
a * n left Jaw o !
V horses.
Rang on Oordo * Crpk north of Hlmen ,
M rrlman.
Mo < My OL left
Hide s.niip on
rmht side
Horses sunn * on
ipft shoulder
It-time Lake
l rppk. S. I ) .
D. A. Hancock
Marshall , Mo. or
Simeon. Nebraiika
Cattle branded on
Ifft side s on cnt ;
HtMO 16 On loft SKtt
with on left hip ol
mintattl * : also J
on riant ilde HOP. .
or.uid. rakti < i
ill ) l * it hwiM .
liip Z on left jw
u ranch 01
v iake Rantco on Niobrara Kiver. tast
t'ort Nlobmra. all 5n Chern County. Nebra. < k
St. Francis Mission
Postofflceaddress : Cmokston. Xebr , or
Hosebud , 8 D.
Cattle branded
as in rut.
some rattle In
> u bran' " . 4 mil ;
> n Ipit hip
K n % ? : North
of the Minneeha-
duza , 8 miles wt-tt
ot Crokston , an
'on ' Rnll Creek.
Anv information rt-iranliiiK cattle branded a
shove will be thankful" , reelvd uyVm 8k-lly
( 'rooKpton , Nebr. : or St. Hands Mission , Rose
bud. S. D.
.1 H Lord
8r ick branded
a cut buck a *
rijrbt shoulder HIH'
-J on rit'ht hip
" ' * Range on thf
i-ef" * \trS Nlobrara
F \ \
. Vehi
Cattle branded H *
sliovrn in rut on
left Hide , loin or
Ittntre Ot-twern the 'rordon and . uaU
-ourli ol the Ninbrara riwr
J R VVillinford
aame as cut ; also
Koaebud , 8D
Horse.s and catt !
* arae a * cut. aN
C.J RK / . on
ltaiik ! on oak
Hutf creeks.
A liberal reward
for information
leading ro dtttectlon
nt ru.stlen * of stock
odv. iVenr.i-k
.it'i brand. d aa on
ut > r left side , hit
e. Snake Creel'
01 r
J. J. Peck/
Cody , Kabr
On batk alder
AGO Horws on
Range He d Pass
Cnvik. M. 1 >
Parmelee P ;
Ho-i-hiKt.S d
" * " \ ' Ht'U Onttlllxl
tx cut I'll l 'ft111'
j ' f ] | \V > l -tl | - . 'Ml , . !
f'l / ? ' " '
F. T. Brackett
Ricge. Nebr.
Brand Registered
Brand riKht side
r hip
Horse- : * S.'Uilf ot >
i iith of
Merrimaii. Nehr
On both side and
hip Herd
lloise : <
tl shouldei
Kanue I ake
'reek and Lit'
. VV. lie
Sto < Is branded
with Ton left hii
Uso name as out
Range between
t onion and 8nak (
rivi > r
< 'at titon Iffl
tide horses sam <
ijilles north jat
Chi HM ( ttlo Co
i pwis. foreman.
Wood IaktVebr. .
y C-ati" b amlf.1 a
in out 'M rlifht side
J of Mnii'dii on i ronin
s < ts
tli ranch.
i\oodlak Neb
lohii Koan's
p ivtatmarl. . ju |
II- ) f tt "M.T
K Haley
Valenru , , . Net ,
( \ il
Merriniirj , NH ,
in either Side
hiiANo p >
- .
SJ >
V.1I./ !
Gordon , N tn
us nit 01
"it si-e.
Horses f" ' . '
br.tiiiled , f
U Si on Mr l ZPi
f/Vl shouiiit-r * & } & *
K : utt ,
soiiho ( <
'OHtollicf ad Jns
( fregoo. Nt-b
nui'ied 'is on cut
ttango tvro nue ! >
orrh of ( iretrorv
F C. & M. O. Metzger.
Metriman Xebraska.
Cattle Branded on
leftside ; Horses
branded on left
' rinded ? on on i
ioft si e. Hi
> SnaKiR5 miles s > , tn of Mi-Tim in. OMiere br
mLr8 miles u nh * . * isf if Mprnuisui. tot
Charles Iiioharcls.
werrlman. Neb
, \ Id XV 1 1- t
* * i on left side
OX o- < ft do inl
on left hip.
p ou left Jaw and left shoulder of horses ,
LUQ on left hip of
K M FuMiv i' . ,
PMS-I ) ! ! ( rt'tdri0 V < > ! fM.titior K
Sum *
i ustiitfiet *
' ody.
UD < eft side
rle hoist-s
inn . Sv
Uanmuorrh : iud ,
south of
, _ -mile > > smith # $6
* itttli- un
ide a- >
gw a it hip
tw ?
George H eyrie
Cody , Neb
Brau < )
Na 10 7
} I
ft shoulder -s
Kuiiire north and sS \
south of Cutoomb w I
l.ake ir-
0 W ,
CiTy : ) hrauded .
, , i ri.
n * i mr i"
as In cut on left
side- . ; : s 5S
' I l ' .fork QV & - j
- '
\ Zfe- .
of KDII V „ , - -
Of. H . , J | .
-iHJ - *
> * * v 1 r
k'-- . >
. * V aletitlucNior. .
} >
f\4&s I N'9 ; ; < >
iv. aJ ; JirJiud anywheT.
J " " ' " " " " "
- -
* r
> .
tf f. , :
Ii t .
* t * *
y > On
i "itirlf H ir e
-e address
. N'clu
'THIN nr ft-ur
ivnt I nnt" ! ! , Kt of ft
k *
B > ' . . ,
" - - - -
Wt Vv5 " V xV * / J i t-i * \ . , j i
fc J.p ! il fj
H1 -
" " " " " > < MI1
2 on
Albert phj & Ron
, S , D.
Cattle branded
? ? on Jf ] f'ft sjte )
0.-.0 or riKlit side
S O -purne i-uttle also
brtv.-a j. on ne.k
n ? l ° lv.with . .4 on
. and . f
I t
VA - ' e branded
' V * 'Ul ' l 0 -ar *
ill If bran. led ft
left side.
rses branded SOS on left ? ih > . Home I
iiii' ii AW bnr conno'ir rt or. both sid'-s anc ! t
IT ' > fo nt hor pt > '
Pat Tei
Simoon Xe Cat
un n cE
of ?
J ( I tli"Jt
I ' -
OttAlb # $ 1
i eft * * J1 A
sn i.i r % > -rrf fe
llli.l ' .i . ! i" l\U ) s
JT , ( , * .
VV r' i'
on iini-i or
ntrh' ' I'd- .
Kari e-Oii
. -r\\rrt ; will itv { " : to .tny person for III-
in , Uoh Vaditiito n > " rr - < ind jiitioB
% & $ % ? & C < l3. NYhrn-ka
1 ? li 3 u.1tlitjr aide c.Utl9
4S.M ' , ark-Iert eat
S ? A C < e"H \5 'iTTOr . . . . r
< llie ! ( ! an "
: ; , S
vstmeof : left shu Idflf
, knis c on N"m ara
aJ"4 % 5r ! ! ' > ' > " ' > PVOD
V-hrHfKi ; Lind .i'il Fi't' Sinr Co.
Hfi-har * : ! ! I're- V , ill ; c'nm-irofk. V. P.
Ji ' artle ttrniuititl o
S ! ? * \ npA r * > t r nijnalj
iN"tli > - fi.i.owin E
i . . r-j. ; IB I S
' - . - - M,4 fc-4 u
-t- M- ,
" i _ . . . . " ' . . . .
7" * * , f , J / > V .V l Av.
IO.-H-S . - ! . . . . . . ! tl
V \ ini"
'V ini"K
< * iT-o * . j ; . * " 4 K JE
rirv / ! "r ' . ' / ' " " - ' " ' "c to the iir't aa Ti
O. V ? . li ISAM Kit.
( Jo ; don , .N'
on leftside a , u
cut , rt-fucli bo.
b of
n > : , Mobrat.i r >
xTnfliretirtdr - w ' Ss ?
nt : ' t sidb.indhiu
t : . f < . s
un riu-ht htn
lo-e-ffoutnv/edteru O
I.A. . r.X
) lVn.tB.Nebr
V.t ? ? 1 f'J . f.randed .ry
X > -j " n it jdt-
H-s.-s hraud d JT
on ri hr shoti'der
/ Ior.-n\
J riir to the
' of
r'USB/ *
J.F. \vaia. .
Sparks , Nebr.
itle branded on
cuo as shown
Sparks ou NJ
ra river ,