Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, January 12, 1905, Image 7

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"Largeit Seller In th World. "
Our Toial Population.
The total population enumerated by
the twelfth censusvis 7 < V5US7. : but
while the area of enumeration covered
Alaska and Hawaii it did not include
Porto Kico. the Philippines , ( Juani < .r
Samoa. The population of th-'se new
ly acquired is'a"ds Ins , however , been
"ascertained partly by ivtliiritis and
partly by special censuses. Including
tlusi. ' estimates , the t , tal population of
the United States and its outlying po.s-
Bissious in IDOO was * us follows :
Area of enumeration 7GoOnP.S7
Philippine Islands 0,1)151. ) : ' > : ] ' . )
Porto Kico { )724 : \ : \
Guam 5)OUU )
Samoa 0,100
Total 81/JJU.OOU :
The only countries surpassing the
United States in number of inhabitants
are the Chinese Empire , the Brit Mi
Empire , the Russian Empire , and prob
ably France , with the inclusion of its
African po.-siscions. From Hon. W.
R. Merrianfs "Noteworthy Results of
the Twelfth Census" in the Century.
Veteran Joshua Heller , of 70(5 ( South
\Yalnut street. Urbana. III. says : "In
the fall of ISD'I. after taking"Doun's
Kidney Pills I told
the readers of this
paper that they had
relieved me of kid
ney trouble , dis
posed of a lame
back with pain
across my loins and
beneath the shoul
der blades. During
the interval which
has elapsed I have
had occasion to re-
fiort to Doan's Kid
ney Pills when I
noticed warnings
of an attack. On
each and evi-rv oc
casion the results obtained were just
as satisfactory as when the pills were
first brought to my notice. I just as
emphatically indorse the preparation
to-day as I did over two years a so. "
Foster-Milburn Co. , Buffalo. X. Y. ,
proprietors. For sale by all druggists.
Price uO cents per box.
The Little Boy's Men.
The little stars are out so late
lu fields of blue they roam ;
I wonder why the mother moon
Don't call her children home ?
I know they're sleepy in the skies
Just by the way they blink their eyes.
Atlanta Constitution.
Wo offer One Hundred Dollars Reward tor
aiiv oa e of Catarrh that cauuot be cured by
Hall's. Catarrh Cure.
F. ,1. CHKNEY R CO. , Props. , Toledo. O.
We the miderMuru'd have known F. J. Choney
for the last l.i years , and believe him perfectly
honorable in all hnMiie < $ Iran-actions and finan
cially able to carry out any obligation made by
their firm.
WE.VI &TP.UAX. Wholesale Drafts , Toledo. O.
Dmxtribts. Toledo. O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally , actlnc
directly upnu tho blnod and invfous surfaces of
the svstosn. 1'riee 7..c. per bottle. Sold by all
ujxlst * . Tt'sUnwbtlfree. .
Hall's Family Pllla are the best.
"Topping" a toiMivu II-IH : moans
breaking off tlu > upj > T eid : of the stem in
order thnt the Mn-i th of I'tc ' plant in.iy
all he concent rated in thp lojivcb rather
than in flower * : in l < < . ' - .
cures Cuts , Burns , Bruises.
* HW
> UOiiuv
The 1W 000 Funn'-f from the United Sia < M. who < ! urnf tS
pitl se\en years h te * .no tu Can oa , p rticiQiU ! In U > i.
flioL'inted Ftt J - > ! ! ' son lirrorrf en Im/iortej1 f VThevt.
urrh > f..rtu Western faim * ! * ,
Get a fr t 1 * nttateat ! or | A in
n.j burudu on of X ! . " v niio will teli frmlcra it.
Applrfo Info matioiitoS nin ) T. < \ ntof Jl.iu K n-
tioii , O tawj , C iiH < : i > , or 10 1'I. . II ir.T > 31j . 'in k on
h' . . r t. 1'anl. M in . . ami .T. M. ' -L.u-nl n I.ox 111' .
I'lecso saj .theru yu saw this aO
VaudevHEeSongste !
A sonpboolt vorxhod , ' want . It's Coo 1 , "
"You're Weicoisi' * : i > tli" Irl < nv < rs in May" and
forivothor nw s niL's. J'hr < 'n' rentta'iiiih
* i wiU'lmy it. A < Mr < - I-\ 1 . DKAX. SJlEEi
. - I MUSIC STOJJi : . lfiX : Cl 1 Y. IA.
In.lori-1 ly 'l . . I
l..t . . \iOK-K X I.I.
cliinatl. O. I.u Cro .c , to 91,200 a
A Japanese Y/ar Story.
La f radio I learn , the American wri
er resident In .Ja ; : tn , .said in a recent
etler apropos of the Japanese war :
"My friendd here have no fear of
ilnssla. The thought of war excite. ?
: hein to pleasant laughter. Over our
saki the other ni ht , your old acuaint- ;
ance Mutsu told a Japanese war story
that von may think interesting.
"The third son of a .samurai ( h ?
said ) boasted of his prowess.
" 'What deeds did you do In the
last battle ? ' asked his friends.
" 'I went up boldly to one of the en-
ernyV the young man replied , 'and cut
off his feet. '
" 'His feetr said the friends of the
samurai's son.Vhy his feet ? Why
did you not cut off hLs head ? '
" 'Oil , ' said the youth , 'that was off
already. ' "
K-peeially for Women.
Champion , Mich. . Jan. n. ( Special. )
A case of especial Interest to women
is that of MI-H. A. Wellatt , wife of a
well-known photographer here. It is
best siven in her own words.
" ! could not sleep , my feet were cold
and my limbs cnitnped , " Mrs , Wellatt
states. "I had an awful hard pain my kidneys. I had to get up
three or four times in the night. I was
\ery nervous and fearfully despondent.
" 1 had been troubled in this way for
five years when I commenced to use
Uodd's Kidney Pills , and what they
caused to come from my kidneys will
hardly stand description.
"Hy the time I had finished one box
of Dodd's Kidney Pills I was cured.
Now I can sleep well , my limbs do not
cramp , I do not get up in the night
and I feel better than I have in years.
I owe my health to Dodd's Kidney
Pills. "
Women's ills are caused by Diseased
Kidneys ; that's why Dodd's Kidney
Pills always cure them.
No Siore Old "Women.
There are no old women to-day In
the wide world of fashion.
Not many years ago dressmakers de
signed special dresses for women who
had passed the sunny side of life.
There were caps for old women and
wraps and bonnets and shoes for
them. Everybody called them "grand
ma , " and their greatest pleasure was
in sitting by the fireside and telling
of the good old days.
Now all this has changed. If to
day you should seek to draw a. dis
tinction between the dresses of your
grandmother and your mother you
would find it an exceedingly difficult
matter , for in the fashionable dress
making establishments of the city no
rules of age prevail.
In the swellest of the dressmakers'
shops the other day three women wore
selecting and ordering their drest-es for
the fall and winter. The eldest of the
trio was probably < ; . " > , the second 4L' ,
and the youngest HO. The choice of
goods thej' made was practical- !
same , with the possible exception that
the eldest woman selected colors a
trifle more subdued than the other
two. Bvit this difference was so slight
as scarcely to be marked. The women
were grandmother , mother : uid daugh
ter , but one fashion plate answered for
One Cake of Ctiticura Soai > ami Osie
Box of Cuticiira Cured Usihy'd Awful
"When iny sister was eighteen
months old a humor broke out on her
Rhoulder. extending clear across the
back. For two years it caused her in
tense suffering. It would scab over
and then crack open and a watery
matter ooxe from it. Then the scabs
would fii'I off and it would be raw
for a time. We had several different
doctors and tried everything we could
think of. but without effecting a cure.
Then we got one cake of Cuticuru
Soap and one box of Cuticura Oint
ment , which cured her completely and
without scar or blemish. ( Signed ) Li- ;
luChase V'alker , 5 Tremont St. ,
Wood fords , Me. "
I'hc Secret Out.
"Why is it. " asked the youth , "that
of all the people who coiue to you for
advice none ever appear to go away dis
satisfied ? "
"That's easily explained , " answered
the sage. "When a man comes to nw
for advice I find out what kind he wants ,
and ffive it to him. "
I can recommend Piso's Cura for Con
sumption for Asthma. It has given tu *
ureat relie' . W. L. Wood , Fannersbur .
InJ. , Sept. 8 , 1Q01.
lleniarliablo Do s.
First Liar 1 have a dog that ruus to
a doctor eveiy time ho gets hurt.
Spc-ond Liar Smart dogs are plenty
enough , but 1 have one with : i sense of
"i gue s not. How does he show it ? "
" 1C very time he sf es a tailor he
pants. "
Take Laxative Krouio Quinine Tablets. AH
dru-rurists rerund the money if it fails to cum.
E.V. . Grove's siunatuie is on each bos. .M.
SheJlfciilrs lor Him.
Johhcrtvok Yoar friend McekerUm
appears to be a 111:111 of very derided
Dinglebatz Yc > . did you ever meet his
wife ?
.Tob'nprwok No. I believe not.
Diiuru r atWell , when you do you
will understand why he has them.
yr VfJLJ - v - y - v"f - - v - " % ' . v-v . . . . . > MT -v ? . y - 7-ViJ .i K
From cold , hard labor or exercise ,
relaxes the stiffness and the sore
ness disappears.
The Old Monk Cure Price , 25c. and 5Oc.
kUULUU * ,
r.- < ' *
Ifc life t.'orth living ? How can you
Look up into yon skies of blue
In heaven's sunshine smile and bask.
And t > uth a question dare to ask ?
At hlo wc m .ime , how can j'ou hear
I'.lithe messengers with notes , high , clear
From branch and bough proclaim lib
Without u thrill of glad delight ?
How can you know the gentle press
On cheek and brow of wind's caress ,
And not within 3'our bosom feel
An earnestness , a new born zeal ?
IH life worth living ? How can you
Gaze lovingly in eyes o true ,
And not within their depths behold
The light that blends each hour with
gold ?
How can you , the ones who wear
the crown of motherhood , bright , fair ,
Bc-query thus , when 'gainst your breast
Two little warm , red lips are pressed ?
Xew Orleans Times-Democrat.
dingham lay in the big four-post
bed , stricken down i.y a relent
less disease. Around him gathered a
number of re4atives , for in his hard
life he had accumulated a large for
tune , and each wanted it.
Mrs. Fox ley , his eldest sister , a
plump and gorgeously dressed matron ,
sat near the head of the bed , her eyes
full of a tender concern.
"Dear Geoffrey , " she murmured , "I
hope you are better now. Please allow
George to bathe your forehead with
that bay water. "
"I won't , " growled the interesting
invalid , quite tartly.
"My dear and venerable cousin ! "
snuilled n tall , cadaverous-looking
young man , in a while neckcloth , "if
u chapter out of Nosey's sermons "
"Xo ey be hanged ! ' ' sharply uttered
old 'Squire Mardir.gham , with an
emphasis which proved that there was
yet some vitality about him. "Clear
out , the whole tribe and generation of
you ! If I'm to go into the other world
I won't be badgered out of this ! "
"If there should be any aid I could
give you in your legal affair ? , ray dear
cousin , " began a fat man with sleek ,
black hair ami keen , ferret-like eyes ,
"I am sure any little knowledge I pos
sesswill be at your service. "
"Get out of my loom , every one of
you ! " sharply ejaculated Geoffrey
Mardingham. "Let me have a min
ute's peace and try to sleep. I tell you
your chatter makes me mad ! "
"And leave you alone , brother ? "
remonstrated Mrs. Foxley , sweetly.
"Naomi Bruce shall stay with me , "
paid the 'Squire , a little impatiently.
"She understands my ways she
doesn't lill my ears with senseless
clack ! Come here , Naomi , and sit by
my bedside ; yon , at least , can keep
still. "
The assembled relatives glanced
with unfriendly eyes at Naomi Bruce ,
a slender , soft-eyed girl , in a much-
worn suit of some coarse material , as
she advanced to fullill the old man's
"A pert upstart and only his third
cousin nt that , " said Mrs. Foxley ,
"Presuming minx ! " muttered the
starched maiden lady , "with no more
experience than a gosling ! "
"Ah , " sighed Lawyer Lennox , roll-
Ing up his eyes , "it's much to be
feared that some undue inllucnce * '
Then the door shut off further coin-
All that night the relatives sat iu
the adjoining room Availing to hear of
their rich relative's death ; but old
'Squire Mardingham had more endur
ance than they had any idea of. lie
rallied , and for this time they went
home outwardly rejoicing' , but in real
ity sorely discomfited. Naomi Bruce
alone remained by tho old man's side.
But even this arrangement was not
for long. Geoffrey Mardingham had
always led a lonely life he preferred
"Go bark to your work , my dear , "
he said dryly. "You've been a good ,
attentive girl , and yon will not lose
anything by it ; but I shall do very
weli by myself now. "
So Geoffrey Mardingham was left
alono. And one day they shut the old
sun-warped shtiftrrs , and hung som
ber streamers of black nvpe on the
tloor , and when the relatives arrived
the funeral was over , and a little old
lawyer , with a rusty red wig , blue
spectacles and a grizzled beard , was
Kitting at the further end of the par
lor , with a japanned box labeled , "G.
Mardingham , " on his knee.
"I suppose you are all ready to hear
the will read , ladies and gentlemen , "
he said in a cracked voice. "Please
excuse the bandage on 103face it's
neuralgia ; and I find of late that with
rheumatism and ague I don't grow
any younger hee , he ! "
Mrs. Foxley put her handkerchief
to her eyes.
"Poor , clear Geoffrey ! " she sighed.
"Oh. go on , Mr. "
"Mr. Peckham , of the firm of Peck-
ham & Marble. "
"I thought Mr. Peckham was a-
Foung man , " said the disciple of Rev.
Kehemiah Nose3\
"So he was ten years ago , " said
the cracked voice lawyer. "Ahem !
Shall I proceed ? "
"By all means , " said Mrs. Foxley's
Smsband , "unless , " with n severe
jlance at the corner where poor
Saomi Bruce sat , "that young woman
nronld prefer to defer the proceedings
L little while longer , while she cries
t out I do despise such affectation. "
Naomi shrank back. Poor child , she
had but few friends , an.l stern old
'Squire Mardingham had been good to
her in his bluff way.
Mr. Peekham read out th < > preamble
of the will in his sharp , high pitrlu-d
voic * . . Mr. Lennox no.hkd approval
the while , and the room was tilled
v\ith an atmosphere of breathless
silence as he n ared the important
words , for which all listoiud so in
"I Geoffrey Mardingham , do give
and bequeath the whole of my fortune
and estate , real and personal , for tha
founding , erection and endowment ot"
an asylum for fools , idiots and insane ,
that my name may be remembered
and honored after my bones have turn
ed to dust , " the lawyer read out ,
slowly and impressively.
Mrs. Foxley fell back in her chair ,
uttering a hysterical , gasping sound ;
there was a sudden babel of voices ,
bursting into discord.
"Oh ! oh ! oh ! " shrieked Mrs. Fox-
ley. "Not to remember me , that al
ways did so much for him. "
"Fools and idiots , indeed ! lie was
one himself , " cried Mr. Foxley , grow
ing purpJe in the face.
"I always knew he was an old
blockhead , " cried Mr. Lennox , jump
ing around the room as if he had the
Sc. Vitas dance.
"An unregenerate sinner ! " groan-d
the pious young man ; "think how the
sweet utterances of Nehemiah Nosey
would have been completely thrown
aAvay on him ! "
"Old fool ! " cried Mrs. Foxley , sud
denly emerging from the tide of her
hysterics. "Oh , Foxley , Fo.xley , you
always told me he hadn't any brains ,
but I never gave credence to you. "
The maiden lady tossed her head in
the air.
"I wish now I hadn't worked those
slippers for him , " said she ; "an un
grateful , unprincipled , hoary repro
bate who "
But Noami Bruce ro-.e up among
them , slender and pale , yet instinct
with womanly dignity.
"Hush ! " she ejaculated , uplifting
her slender finger. "How dare you
speak so of the dead ? Uncle Geoffrey
was good and generous to all of you ,
as he was to me. What right have
you to expect aught else ? His money
was his own to do as he pleased with ,
and I for one , shall not sit mutely by
and hear his name decried. "
There was an instant of astonished
silence , and then Mr. Peckham , of tho
firm of Peckham & Marble , jumped
briskly up , tore the luxndage away
from his month ami chin , pulled off
the red wig , false beard and goggles ,
and rising to his full height , confront
ed the astonished audience old Geof
frey Mardingham's self , alive and
veil !
"Well met , ye hypocrites , " he said
slowly and distinctly , "I can scarcely
express my gratitude for this oppor
tunity , which has given me such a
clear insight into the characters of ev
ery one of you. 1 am not dead and
buried ; no , nor likely to be at pres
ent , but I have learned a lesson for
the future. Come here to me , Naomi , "
he said , his face softening as he held
out his hand. "You , who were the
only one to defend the dead old man.
shall be his adopted child for th i
present , his heiress for the future. As
for the rest of you , I only want to
have iny house cleared of your odious
presence ! "
There was no gainsaying his stern
words and sneering lips. One by one
the expectant relations , now , alas ! so
woefully disappointed , sneaked out of
the room and house Mr. ami Mrs.
Foxley , the lawyer , the old maid , and
the "regenerate" youth , together with
the lesser satellites.
For they had no more hopes from
Geoffrey Mardingham's will , and tho
little Naomi Bruce was now a a
heiress ! Indianapolis Sun.
A Plan thnt Pronisesto Work Socio
logical Ucucfita.
TVhile I stoppwl at Killings , Mont. ,
George II. Maxwell , the executive
chairman of the National Irrigation
Association , addressed a meeting of
the people at Avhich he unfolded a
plan for putting people on land , which ,
if it can be worked out , will become
one of the most important sociological
movements of the times. He said that
if tiie people of Billings would take it
up and co-operate , he would undertake j
to secure subscriptions suilicient to a > - i
tablish at the outskirts of the town an '
acre farm colony , where 1UU acres
could be secured , with a good irriga- j
tion supply , and divided up into oae-
acre tracts and provided with compe
tent farm instructors , so that men in
the Eastern centers who had saved a
iittle money and wanted to get a little .
country home could come out and stay
[ > n one of those acres for a year or two
: md be taught how to farm and to ir- '
rigate. Then thoy would fc l confi
dence in looking about the buying a
five or ten acre farm and making their
uome upon it.
The working out of such a plan , Mr.
Maxwell said , would furnish a supply |
> f ideal colonists for any new country ,
ind it would at the same time tend to
relieve the congested centers in the ' ,
E asr. That it was not a chimera of
liis brain , he stated that one of the
Southern transcontinental railroads
lad already started the system in Ari- '
cona , in the irrigated Salt River YalI I
ey , ami was now dividing up a 1GO- '
icro tract into acre farm gardens aii-1 '
md engaged one of the best fanners i
n Arizona as an instructor. North-
vestern Agriculturist. ;
Jokemaker's Complaint. j
Laugh at another man's Jokes and )
le will laugh with you ; spring one of j
; our own and you laugh alone. PhUI I
idelphia Telegraph.
Mrs. Fairbanks tells how neglect of
warnng symptoms will soon prostrate a
woman. She thinks woman's safeguard is
Lydk E * Pmkham's Vegetable Compound *
MRS. PIXKHAM : I. norance and ncglcc-t arc the cause of
untold female suite rinjr , not onlyvith the laws of liealth but with the
chance of a cure. I did not heed the warnings of headaches , organic
my acnes and pains
appeared , and I a iin felt the glow of health tlirough my hod } ' . Since
J have been well I have heenmore careful , I have also advised a number
of my sick friends to take Lydia E. Piziklmm's Vegetable Com
pound , and they have never had reason to he sorry. Yours veryinly ,
MRS. J\LAY FAIKKANKS , 216 South 7th St. , Hiinnenpolis.iMinn. " ( Mrs. Fair-
hanks is one of the most successful and highest salaried travelling sies-
\vomen in the West. )
When women are troubled with irregular , suppressed or painful menstru
ation , weakness , Icucorrhoca , displacement or uloeration of tbe womb , that
bearing-down feeling , inflammation of the ovaries , backache , bloating ( or
flatulence ) , general debility , indigestion , and nervous prostration , or are
beset with such symptoms as dizziness , faintness , lassitude , excitability , " , rri-
tability , nervousness , sleeplessness , melancholy , "all-gone' ' and " vrant-to-be-
left-alpnc" feelings , blues , and hopelessness , they abould remember there is
one tried and true remedy. ydia E. Pinkhani's Vegetable Compound
at once removes euch troubles. Ilefuse to buy any otber medicine , for you
need the best.
" DEAK IMjis. PINKIIAM : For over two years
I suffered more than tongue ran express with
kidney and hladdcr trouble. } , Iy physician pro
nounced my trouble catarrh of the bladder ,
caused , by displacement of the womb. I had a
frequvint desire to urinate , and it was very pain
ful , and lumps of bloodwould passwith tha
urine. Also had backache very often.
" After writing to you , and receiving your
reply to my letter , I followed your advice , and
feel that you and Lydia K. Piuklmm's Vege
table Compound have cured me. The
medicine drew my womb into its projier
place , and then I was well. I never feel
any pain now , and can do my housework
with ease. " MRS. ALICE LAMON , KuicaU , Miss.
! K o otlier medicine for female ills in thevorld has received
such widespread and unqualified endorsement.
Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for advice.
She Las guided thousands to health. Address , l < ynn , Mass. '
FORFEIT if wo cannot forthwith produce tho criminal letters and signatures of
abovo testimonials , which will prove their absolute p ( n imiipsi .
I.vilia K.T > inUlinm > .I i > i < > fi * > f'n . T.Tnn.
in Paper.
It is not a pleasant thought that
the brilliant white note paper which
your hand rests upou may have in It
the fiber from the filthy garment of
some Egyptian fellah after it has
passed 1-hrouirh all the stages of decay
until it is saved by the ragpicker from
the gutter of an Egyptian town ; and
yet it is a fact that hundreds of tons
of Egyptian rair.s are exported every
year into America to supply our paper
At Mannheim on the Rhine the
American importers have their rag-
picking houses , where the rags are
collected from nil over Europe , the
disease-infected Levant not eicepted.
Our best papers are made of these
rags , and our common ones of wood
Itching , Blind , iiecilin : < ; or Protrmlinjr Piles.
Yourtlruj-'srist will rfun l money if P AZU OINT
MENT tails to cure you in ( i to 14 ( lays.
The lioilak Fiends.
Beryl Why docs Ktlu-1 always wear
that silly smiling expression on her fact-
whenever she promenades the beach ?
ybl She suspects thnt every person
0:1 tho beach has n camera concealed
on them to take n snapshot of her in
bathirc : costume and have it published in
papers. Baltimore Herald.
"Such weather ! " exclaimed Mr. Henry
Pock. "I'm free to say this ' '
"What's that , Henry ? " interrupted his
"Beg pardon , my dear , " he began
nsrain , meekly. "I mean 'with your per
mission I'm free to say' this is the
: lirnate un < l T ( lie CIIH. "
Kussia has almost three times the pop
ulation of Japan.
It Cures Coals , Conc'-s. Sore Throat , Cronp , Inf.n- , Whc"'ini } ; Cotitrh , Brr.tu N.I t nn-1 A thma.
A ccrti n cure for fon < nmpt..n in flrst * ta < * i ; .
and alire r Iicf in a'lvanrul ra-'c , ? . Vse nt once !
YouviI ! gee the oxrlent ( -fr rt after takiii" tha
flr t dopf. ? . , ; < ! bv ( Seam everywhere.
bottles ii5 cents * inl 50 ceuta
S " 5 "i ? *
: . .r. r.-fd S'lpenor to
. . : . "jtker made
Tio stIts , So and 310
Chic o Gen'l Supply Co.
3017 No Winchester AT ,
Chicago , II ! .
iHatnaTMt CUCAT xir > f cr AND Liven cunt.
lf' cR REWEDY , > - ' - wtf ! r . . , t
> . r.
Ifaiiiiciedvfiih Thompson's ' Eye Water
sore Fycs , usa
S . u. i :
cures coughs and colds.
\g\n \ \ CUt6nfLhEA L Lb FALS.
Ecst i oueb rup. I"a.t3 o < xt. Use
in t-rap. * t.c bv i * " ' r ; N g.
. .
- - -