THE VALENTINE I , M RICE EDIT . January 12. y.3t/rw t tf * Pont-ottto- Valentin * . - * * „ advance ; H.8B Dtoptey a4v rttolBff l lac * tn l ootaam 1M 98.10 - year. Lteal NotkM , Obltuartet , Lodge Reeofadoa- Wi H el ifl f r R renne 0e per line per tune. PIBBA * . IK lodes W. 00 per yew in adraac * ftd4lttoMl * 3B p r Inch per rear ; eotr Te4 Mock * extra ; fl.ta raeh. r&rtiM Itrlajc outride Cherry county not per tentHy known are requested to par in advance 10 per cent additional Co abore ratea If orerfi ontht la arreari. i Kottots of tones of stock tree to bra&d adrer * i The reports from Lincoln on the eve of tho convening legisla ture read more like tho meeting : of some railroad convention than i body of men elected to repre sent the people of Nebraska. Charger and counter charges are being made claiming the organiza tion of both houses is controlled by the Burlington or the Union Pacific-Northwestern combine. It is a shame and a disgrace that our itate should be the prey of the railroads who use the representa tives of the people like so many pawns in a game checkers. This is not mere bluster of the demo cratic press but is openly admitted by such good republican authority as the Omaha Bee and other pa pers of the state. It is very hum iliating to the people but they have no just grievance as they . have tolerated such domination for years. Perhaps , some day they will awaken to a truo pn e of the situation ami will en i a halt , but the Timrs confesses ( . .tat day seems far remote. Pa- pillion Times. More Local. The J. C. C. Corspf. , the best i corset made , at Mrs. Elmnre'p. ; W. H. Wilkinson of Kenned.v is in town on business. I N. A. Bullis and two daughters of Bonhomme county , S. D. , ar rived in our city last Friday night for a few weeks visit with hie elder brother W. T. Bullis and family. C. C. Thompson callod today and cheerfully paid in advance for THE DEMOCRAT. This is his cus tom as it is with many of our sub scribers to pay in advance at the end of each year. He never says stop it for he always takes it , and speaks a good word for us all through the year. He W. S. Jackson'of the Red Front' . he Merc. Co. of this city , started this j &a morning with several persons from IT1 t L l O'Neill on a western trip to be gone j ' tle ; two or three weeks. He goes to it Seattle , Wash. , and other places j m along the western coast , and will llr" probably visit his sfcter , Mrs. tk Bryan , in California before re Cl' tor turning. leg Mrs. Lena Lillie hu . Margaret was ftO taken the Lin to penitentiary at bat coln Tuesday to serve a life sen tence for the murder of her hus band , Harrey Lillie , at 0iid City in October of 1902. SheA as convicted the following spring but has been kept in the Butler county Q&3 jail all this time while her Iav.en . have exhausted every moans to tlr pr secure her release or a new trial , rsc but were unsuccessful. The U. S. Weather Bureau re id port for the week ending Jan. 11 , L 1905 , shows the highest and lowest pa temperatures to have been 33 ° and15 ° , giving a range of 48 ° tnd a mean of 10.1 ° . Snow Hur md erg ries on the 6th gave a precipita CR tion of .01 of an inch , and the lavE storm of tlie 10th and lith gave E fcr .26 of ap inch , a total of 0.27 for will willIf the week. This last storm was the If heaviest of the season to date. tas on The wijids have been generally mck from the north and northwest and bat the highest velocity was 32 miles In t dth hour from the northwest per on Dot the 5th. Shortly-befoTc sunrise lag morning ( the' 12th ) the tempera broi tri. ture went down to20 , the'low- ' eel cf tiio setsou * Fire at Nicholson's. A fLe occurred at thp npw rr i- drncp of M. V. Nicholson last Sat diu urday : mnrning , caused by a dr- fcctive burner of a gasoline stove fcw which was boing uspd in thp base ment to heat water for laundry work. In gpnprnting , the flame burnpd up around thp supply tank bt and ] melted the top of the can of ! and : furnished abundance of fuel for a blaze that filled the basement fcai and came near destroying the building. At the time of the out break of flames Mr. and Mrs. John Harden were in the base ment. Mr. Nicholson had fillpd the supply tank and carried his gasoline can outside and upon re turning turned on tho oil to gener tiat the gas by lighting it when thp flash ocurred which surrounded the stove and drove the occupants from the basement of the building Tho fire department got out and in a short time put out tho fire but not before it had burnpd thp interior of the basement black and charred thp joists nnd fl orinjr clal above , a half inch in places. Col. C. P. Jordan was down from Rosebud the first of the week. I have buyer for Nebraska farms. If you want to sell , Lst with me or write for particulurs. 47 H < RACE GR-NT , i Heist Bldg. ( aty , Mo | ' Ij w lint t - Aj r -itlt > ' AH * ri lion " * . I. r iH $ . X * r . Via the Norf h-westaru Line , will In- j sold at reduced rates Jan. 14 to 19 , inclusive , limited to return until Jan. 25 , inclusive. Apply fl tfN ' ) . J\ . tf- - > l \\f-Tm. \ ltll > F > r S 30 < j ; per bale from 90 to 100 in H bale , or $5.50 per ton. ABRAHAM JOSEPH , or 52 A.John & Co FOR SALE OR LEASE , Xi NWi , Sec 14 , Tp. 3'2. K This 80 has running water. ri ELMER E. CASS , 3136 Holmes flv Minneapolis , Minnesota. 1 WANTED a good all around farm hand on dairy farm. Mar ried man preferred. Steady work. House furnished. 52 MARK D d PIIEKS GOVERNOR MICKEY'S MESSAGE Nebraska's Executive Says Lobby Should Be Utterly Banished. Lincoln , Jan. 6. Governor Joan H. Mickey was inaugurated for the sec ond time as governor cf Nebraska. took the oath in the hall oi the bouse ! of representatives aiid imme diately afterward the olhor state oa jbQ rs were sworn in. The governor read his message. He reviewed orkincs of the new rsvenue law length and recommended only OJlnor aaicmiincr.ts. He urged econ- oinf , upon the legislature , the condl- of the r 's SnincRs bsing sucbj ' ' * * pri isc.-i. He de- ' - ihonlJ be ut * , . . upon * .he ? -vroJ bad whiia It vor ny ijitiufnand that It sjrvef fdod D"r" N " of th/ / j Jn --coa.rnende/ | ha of E..CAPES/ ast ' TT'J Jii U.t Of Tho in Neb. Jan rec 8ul ; i.ii ( or m. ssated ts have been doiectou ar- rscT5 arc out for Cate & T ! „ . ; BU aavc broa conauc ng a i reg ar. ! D-J - of : -ra aat to get ! : > a , Case was cisocvared to be i : , tho lousa of LesVy Dotsoa anj ity lac8 ( the officers * iiproaciietJ as d ur- qui ' ojcded , bi. as tfrev did iu Lee d i-'G Pre lew barci'aotc-i out of a Bali male his escape. A poasc as dep rgacized al o&v'G asd went * /ter / fcdd oe. He Joft ! ii3 boots behi&d , last laving tiaic to gp.t them. eell Del TStennston left some time ff ° Missouri , hut requisition pa " tho be iaaued and he returned. cn is said that the flim of bulc * for seme time past been : ai the rango by night , picidn one- cattle as they neecedP" " oi : mtchering tbem and selling the/ , ; u > their nhop , and shipping tho 2 ] tho brand mark cut out. if otson , in whose hc-iae Case 8 concealed , was arrestei , , ml irought to the city and con tion . A charge of ab.ettipg tb tka itet-ns will likely b filaU tnd "in i 'lit : fl ; f \C. 5 Pr.OMPT AO J-- : , r. rt-ETJ CHAFT BLL ! Ira - " , . - -uc : c Overhauled Along Conservative Lines Will Fight Hard for A Law Regulating Railroad Rates. Washington , Jan. 11. President Roosevelt lavora the earliest possible action looxmg to a ruvIeTon by COB- ot ti.o tan2. Ha so imormea tb.9 uenai-i aau representatives who wero in coiuerence with him at the whito house last Saturday , and ho has maue piam his posuion to olners since that cout'erence. He will call the uiiy-n ntn ccng ess into extrtor- ! dinaiy sess.on. as toon as the com- ' mittees have indicated that they are pr--Tared to suainit a tantt measure for passage. Qne of those present at the ccnier nce on Saturday said , in of the many contiictmg stories published regarding tue meeting , tnat the president informed them thav while ho uiu not believe in any sweep- ling revision of tne tan < Y , andouia ' abooiucely by the judgment oi tho tuo lioaac oi ccusre s , in a mat- \ ter that i-ia.ed ( so particularly tt , yet1C dla thick tne time hau when the schedules should be thoroughly examined auti taere shouiu be a readjustineijt as to certain oi Ibe president addpd that hi * OWL Aas that the special seaeion a plaat tlie earliest data at wi.i' 1 : ihs cL-aaiiitaes of the two houat-s t'iulj rcjn : $ t ( ) an agreement as tc a. It nil ixa-Jed that tfl2re IE not th * least project oi differences so rad- : s. : . ; between the president . -can iG-iaers in : i - - congress 'ove : * ( be .ut qiiftapion as to cause t. spli' b- v arty. Wiue ) | h.e preai- deM Is ct-viy in carnast in bis de- * ; r : jor laiifl revision , he regard ! that qfeU. a as one oi expediency It * which no great principle is at stake. On another question , however , that of legislation relating to the inter- st-te [ freight rates of railroads , hi& ir I- v ' r or : ap. He wiil flgb ic J % d fight ha- n * " - ' irom cocgresi 5 < J . regarding tuai liic.a'if- i- . . iz * i-:3tont ; , bu if hftidces nut be will bring the sub ject a.n before congress at the pro- poaeii extraordinary session and v urge 'i'-- ' ! all hia po-wer the crystalli- zatloj l3ix > law of tho recommenda- tiona p already has made to congress on pat question Tho freight rate Q * * > r i - 'ocr not regard as one < . : ' .p y. He holds that it i < - 1 J : \ t . . 7/hich a groat moral prln- 1 'p la ; r.vnl-ved. end one very near toTll t ± c ! ot the country. He js it. in iart , as the paramount e at this 1The president cordially approved o' disporlcion of congress to hold ap-rorlatGnr ; ! Gown to the low- et pcsc.l : - > , but he urged very .rwiicly t. at the naval appropriations ic-uld no be materially disturbed. i ' ' jr-l r-n tors contend steadfastly .I' .lty for tariff re- If n : .1 ; : bo borne by the e. % v . 'lisenite will join in ik.r'ecl . , iac. : I ? iilar.on as rcay b 's Provided ! an cra session is callod py the pp.I-ent : , and a bill be passed 's y the Lcuoe. N. Fr-w --f.tors ars to bo found who pro wKin. ; to n'scuss the matter for ch .r . > . b * ; ' " ' siyir rhat if a J0 sC3ion is oalled , it should not held before autumn , to be con y vened in October preferably. ; There is a livc'y exchange of views land gossip ro arding the tariff re vision su.-ij on * n the house The only app.vch to a poll of members lie n the fiLjTt io that > vhich was com- edi 'plete i l > y IV present rve Tawnay Oi bei Minnesota , the -ubcan ! "whip anc before tLt : Lolilay recess. Mf "faw Lir ney found a decided sentiment in fa pei of an Investigation by the proper one committee of the house of changes City Industrial condi'-'ons which ma SUE have trV-i" place sinre the passage ma the D.n \ < 7 bill. v.-th the view i wh ascertiirii * the n c' rty ! or other- eta w'se of { ' . " -Tes in il.e schedules bar result o : : f < 5 inquiry was placed filci the a : dof rh-3 president at the recent disc'i.-sJnn of t.Tl views , and tinjIoubtetJly had its weight in the dis- cuscJcn. men oth Run n h'sw York Sank. Ing KIM York , Jan. 11. A run on the Mir Btaie 'oa : - . iu Grand street began er ibout uouii and continued until the rosi regu'ar ' 1.0jr ior closing. Tae news \r. the 111:1 spread aad there were bro Lhousaiiv.r. c : depositors in the vicin wei of Ue bank. The police were re % t luired to induce them to go home. President O. L. Fuciiard of the bank S thai the withdrawals by anxious L lepcsltcrs au.o inted to ? 25,000. He wea idded tlia h ° tne run woui I tJnu several Jajs. The bank is in ox j 8O.U . sellent condition , he said , and its de- ' < dntl posits.mount to $10,50,000. He , lurf the actionvhich Die Amer- Baaking asrociatlon is taking iga'n&l miny small banks on tlie > ' siderou h which , it is alleged , sro - : " 'c.ositcrs have suffered east i 1 t"t people to grow r.g poious of all banks. 2rc , stii Made Ambscsador. Vr'ashington , Jan. 11. The preaiG sent to the senate the nominarr > of David E. Thompson of Nebrastho to be ambissador extcaordlnarr Chu plenipotentiary to BraalL ere- f i rr > n * iu C.I i tniih Mtntllte Kl..rd Near Norfolk and Trains to c'onestcel Are De'a/cd. Nor'ol . : xeb. jln. 11. ax cars of freljiJ ra.a Xc. 11 wore ditched eght miles north of Norfolk and the debris BUM flogs tha track , delaying the Boncs'ecl Om a passenger trait * i many hours , t'aascngcrs are stalled at Pisrce Ncl-ndy was killod. the ugh j Q number of ittlo and hogs wero crushed to death. Two cars of corn were scattered over tho prairie , the I fars being utterly splintered. A I broken flange caused the wreck. The cattle were turned upside down , and trampled on one another fearfully , killing many and breaking many aeclcs. E" > that shooting was neces sary. The train had Just cleared a ieep bridge. Many feet of track wert torn up and hurled into the ditch. NEPiiEW CHARGED WITH CRIME Char'es Blanford Is Accused of As- eaulting Mel Slaughter at Colfax. DCS Moines , Jan. 11. Charles Blan- ford , a nephew of Mel Slaughter , the Colfax young man whose life was mysteriously attempted , was placed under arrest , charged with the crime. Blanford's mother , a daughter of Ja cob Slaughter , a wealthy land owner , was . practically disinherited upon the death of the 1 man , and a bitter . feeling was engendered between the Slaughters and the Blanfords , devel oping into a feud. An anonymous let ter was recently received by young Slaughter in which a certain Bum of money , placed at a certain point and ppon an appointed time , was demand- id , tho penalty for failure being the young man's life. Tragedy In Alaska. Seattle , Wash , , Jan , 11. "Word was received here of the killing of Will iam Dippe by Robert Ball on Fox isl and , in southeastern Alaska. The principals to the tragedy were friends and associates in some marble prop- ' rtiea located close to the soeno of .he shooting until a few months ago , when they had a business disagree ment , which resulted in a personal en counter in this city , in which Ball was worsted. Since that time fliey hsre * een bitter enemies. Ball was prcsi- ifnt of the Great American Marblo company , a concern capitalized at 0,000,000 , until last October. H csme to this city from Iowa , where a BumbtT of relatives are now living. But Seven of Crew Survive. New York , Jan. 11. Seven surviv ors of the ill-fated Norwegian ship Marpesia , which was wrecked at sea on Christmas day by an exploslo'n of naphtha , resulting in the death of eleven members of its crew , arrived here on the steamer Trinidad I-om Bermuda. They had been rescued by the Danish steamer Gallia , which hap pened by just at the moment wien the Marpesia was blown into a shape less mass and the seven men who sur vived the shock were taken from tho sea , where they had sought tlie only refuge that remained to them after the explosion. Says Officers Embezzled Cash. Kensett , la. , Jan. 11. Cashier Hatr- hen of tho bank of Kensctt was made oint defendant in a suit instituted jy the Farmers' Mutual Live Stock association to recover $26,000 , whicn alleged to have been einbozzled by sfflcers of the association. Hatigen a nephew of Congressman Gilbert . Hat'ghen , who is also president of thf Ken * tt bank. The petition chargeo ; that about $26,000 of the as- jociafion's < funds has been misappro priated by the officers , and spcciQcal- claims that part of it was lost on he Chicago board of trade. Mrs. Lillb Taken to Prison. Lincoln , Jan. 11. Mrs. Lena M. Lfl- of David GVy , youthful and highly educated , convicted of the murder of husband to secure his life insur ance , it was charged , was brought to Lincoln to enter on a life term at the penitentiary. The Lillie family was < of the most prominent at David , and the trial of Mrs. Lillie , con suming several weeks , furnished many sensations. The evidence on which she was convicted was clrcum- itantial , her story being that her hus band was shot by a burglar as he lay Bleeping. Four Killed In Mine Shaft. Houghton , Mich. , Jan. 11. Four : were instantly killed and two Jthprs injured at a shaft which Is be- sunk at Rockland by the Victoria Wining company for a hypraulic pow- plant The dad : William Pen- , two Austriana and one Finland The accident was due to thn jroaking of a cable while six men coming to tho surface in a skip the i mxm hour. Snow In Southeastern Nebraska. Lincoln , Jan. 11 Following zero yeath r. snow began falling and con- Inurd throughout the nifht over .outneaFtein Xobraka Tlu ro is litle and no driftng Thr Tempera ri * continues low. 1 Large Less at DInthe. Olathe , Kan. , Jan 11Fire dn- 1I troyed the bii inf .s bnJdin s on the sideof Hit' public square , iiu-lu'l , thf tpl' phone an J tp' ° grajjl : of- ' I ! and the posto.Ticu ' 1 he Ics * ih , stimatrd at 31" ) ' .000. j Dr. Edmund J. Wolfe Dead. j Gettysburg. < Pa. Jan ll.--Thp Rer. j Kdrnund J Wolfe. prsitier.t of ' goncral synod of the Lutheran hurch * of America , died at hie hooaa - HBNKV TAVLOK. OH A XT BOYER. TAYLOR Contractors and Builders , Carpentering. AM kind1 ? of vofid n-ork dnno Inos-d.-r. St' 1 : tank * , njndiin nil sijj Zz * \ \ ( .rk . i n VALENTINE NEBRASKA. A JOHN g % , J - < / I 3 f f DEALER IN Dry Goods g Notions CAXDIES AND FKESII FRUIT TOBACCOS AND CIGARS Special Prices oa Winter Uadcrv/car and Hosiery. OLD POSrOFF'C = BU.'LDHQ. VALENTINE , NEBR. W. B Hammond. C. H. Bullis. H. S , , . . * k _ . , , W © fWJ if * v-fc ,1 j-y fi t - * " " " - f ? ? gr y tfj ra iC" * " * iii B % / ] y m X _ V . J j4 fijL y v > r C JL. ji _ M V y & koops the firi-fc ritrs and bit - -t teams of an.v livery of Oaialia. If you want your learns to et fat arid look slick put thorn up at the CLUB FEE ES when ever you come to Valentine. JENTAL WORK A SPECIALTY , PHOHE II- : ELECTRIC LIGHTS. RATKB KKABO JLMJI. THE CHICAGO HOTEL R , L. HALL , Propr. Valentine , s Nebraska , HORACE WIXTIKSTJ-EN , Clerk. TELKPHONE Xo 10. FRKE SAIIPLK Koeif. -'Tf T- " ' . - - ' VT'-C ? JAMFS B HULL riyc ' W A TAYLOR. 5 ? > ? v Sole Agents for HERALD PUKE RYE WHISKEY Ale and Porter , And FRED KKUG'S BEEF Choicest Wines and Cigars. VALENTINE A NEBRASKA for 3" S Vf A I TR e& -V - i , , < _ b a- HK cS. , T' . ? Vu. V M * ? v The famous snd American Cameras. Genuinely good in every detail. Film or V/ilh Double Plates as you choose. Plate Holder Absolutely new models. Our facilities enable us to furnish cameras of the highest grade at prices which cannot be met. Send for illustrated catalogue telling all ! about our 27 styles and sizes. Free. AMERICA * CAMERA MFG. CO , 956 St. Paul Si. , R-ochcsier.N. Y.