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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1905)
s\ T \rr " , t V i -i n , lUtuj Kf1 _ / t * H J&A. PM ; ! . L J _ S a ? XI2 AI KNT1NE NEKRASEA. JANUARY 12. 1905. XT iBEE 53 1 hr Pocket Knives , Fancy Scissors and " & ' Shears , Skates and Sliver Ware , V * We carry the most com plete line of cutlery shown I in the town , including Simmons' "Keen Kutter" Pocket Knives and the "Clauss" brand Shears. Both 'lines are fully guar # anteed to be the best , and if not found satisfactory in every way , are ex changeable. We also carry a complete 'jneof ' "Klipper Klub" Skates , all sizes and prices , * - -u Skate Sharpeners , Skate & Straps , Skate Bags , etc. , etc. & > Call anJ inspect our line of Kochester'.s famous Nickle fi Plated Copper Ware , including Tea Pots , Tea Kettles , Cuspi dors , Trays , Baking Dishes , Ctafiing Dishes , etc. Also our & line of Silver ware. Be sure to make u < ? a call be- - fore purchasing your holi day gifts. Rernernber. Come to the Jps3 * * * f. FRONT C. CO kfr- t I'lV ' * § s&T i3T . srjasci5rjr&w t Warm Lined t. \ Shoes and Suits' i for Ladies I and Gentlemen. s 1 n TAILORING & 3.- X T5 iflJ 63fF / & ' n O * \ In all Branches. i * % * * m < B Frank Fischer. i Hardware. Furniture and CoaL& FURNITURE , bed room .suit , dre siM-s , chiffoniers , ward-jP | \ robe1 * . Iron beds strong and clean , spring couches and inattres-j&j | es. parlor stands and center tables , co.'ubinati'Hi bookcase * arid w writing desks. Latest Designs and Lcmcst Prices. full lino of l u'dwancullcr.v . and lovt of b st niak * A lot of useful articles that , n.ake . housc-keopinjr a ploasure. mj < m -Si ' * V Jiucl K < M' TTlEO i foi' " Frank Fischer. 3 Chartored as n Sta e Bimfc ( Jhartertid as a JSfatiorxal Bank Jun- , 1884. August. 12. 1002 , rSTS iiie 1L BAN Valeitine , Nebraska. > r JA-PITAl , PTD Ilv - A Hun- ) r { ; $25,000. and C. H. CORNELIPresident. . J. T. MAY , Vice-President. M. V. N7rrrnT.woc. ( "In Mf ? oL FEINTING OFFICE AT THIS * 25 'ATZ TALK OF THE TOWN B Elden Sparks is down from Cody. Pr A. Lewis is very sick with pneumonia. John Neiss is down from his ranch on the reservation. Gu t Carlson is feeling pretty well a ain , after several weeks as an invalid. John G. Stettcr has been down from Hot Springs , visiting ' 'his family the past couple of weeks. Miss Cunningham , the trained nurse , has been taking care of Al Thacher the past week during his illness. The contract for furnishing the j county officers with piinted sta tionery for the year 1905 was awarded to I. M. Rice. Mrs. Bessie Shaw went up to Hot Springs Monday. Little Chester Uolsclaw , her nephew , accompanied her for a few weeks stay. Gladys More.v , the. daughter of Mr , and Mrs. Sol Morey , who has been staying with her aunt Mrs. L. Bivens for several months , ac companied her aunt Mr H. Mo- Kane back to Dead wood last Thurs day morning. J. O. Beatty has had a chorus , ; practicing for his concert which was to be given next Wednesday night , but because of needed prac tice has decided to postpone the concert until a week or two later. Watch for further announcements. Mr.s. , J. M. Thacher arrived from Germantown , Philadelphia , Pa. , Monday night to see her j i brother-in-law , A. E. Thacher , ! I who is very ill and has been grow ing worse during the past weeK , though at times he appears to be. improving. The ground is covered with snow this morning as we look about us. ' j The thermometer was 20 degrees' j below zero as we went down after t i the mail , but the wind is not blow-1 ing and it did not seem as cold as when the thermometer was 50 do- ; ! grees higher and the wind blow- , i ing. As the day advances the | thermometer rises a few degrees and but for the snow and people ' walking around in overcouts and caps , one would think in looking about , of spring time. An ideal climateliere the range of the i thermometer , like the range f the cattle , seeni unlimited , yet so 1 harmless when it is cold , for the j the wind never blows hard when it is eold. The only evidence we seem to have of cold here i < the thermometer and the freezing of i water. Ice is 15 to 16 inches thick. The C. &XV ttmorn \ \ I ing begin to put up ice , taken from 'Lake ' Minnechaduza , and used from Omaha to Dead wood and other roads of its system The fir.e t ire in the world , cut froui a laUf of pun1 spring water , H i.ot to bo taui everywhere , but here is open to inspection. A switch , running down to the mill on the | banks of the Minnechaduza , is used to load cars by means of a chute or ice track built from the ; Jake to the track and e.levated along the track so that no lifting is re quired. Teams hitched to huge ice hooks pull the ice through thei chute from the lake to the cars. ' Some men saw ice , while a team or one horse and a man lays off t the ice with an ice plough , cutting down deep to make less sawing. Others with prod poles steer the ice along channels of water to the beginning of the ice chute where 15 to 20 teams ply up and down the hill from the lake to cars or to , .J - - - B.v The Wrtv John ClarUwn has been serious ly ill , but is better at present. i IMrs Keelihas been staying : on their claim , about 15 miles south of town. "Mi pt ; Tvfnrgaret and Alice Til ler and their little brother Henry 1 were visiting in town SUurday. Wm. Walters , who is staying at Mr. Tracewell's is seriously ill at Wm. Clark son has-'commenced putting up ice. The railroad company is pulling up i e. , 35. I S { "S84 A Broun ionic a load of li.-iy to tov.n huteek. . Tr. Novak has luih an iddtion to his granary. A. Brnjul hn iled a load of corn to Brit i Snlurd.My. J W. F. Bulbs had Mr. Ki grind some gram for him last. Sat urday. Don Ee l ; /g is over on 'he ' reser vation * this week , , bimiig horse- * and cattle. j Mr. and Mrs. Sinner's child has recovered from a ' .severe sioge of sickness. x- Several of the boyte have been en joying themselves iho past week , on Drcrpell. . \V. F. BulliB went o town Sun- dato visit his nucl B who recently came from Springfielql , S. D. \ Several tramps were sean in this part of the country recently. Quite cold to he trumping alround during a snowstorm , 1 EYES. 'The in ( ] . r < newr M Th TMP iv itrs ; mso violin t Thito the ship at vH Mv > < ul like th * ' = i H -V'e s. Like t'u'vi cl i fu'l > 1 voe ; , . \1 \ li- rt likf i % e vvrt v For M h I't- i tin ftU UKRNlirn KIKF. The Meistersin rs Canto. . . ( S DNewsThe ) \ Meis- ritieiN pave ihe lie t - \ umber of , the high hcho > 1 lecture icnurso nfc Armory h ll , Wednesdiy icvening , to > lurge Htidience , Ev ei yl number was heartily encored , andvjien the curtuin fell after tlie last number , ' a belt-r please I audience Lias sel dom left the bill. \ Yanhtou ( S 0 ) Pi ess andPako - tan rJaze'p : The XfeiMerstiMgors ga\ea mo-t onj' > y ; < ble ent | itam- ment. They delighted both olKl and vonng. The pent lemon havti \ fine voices which show the most , tjhor- ough training. In fic they uluil ho r nain'3 mp'ies ' nlnd f he hti-rd to Sgt- apptecia nil. The management should be C'ii- ) gratulated on securing such supei : - ior talent for the lecture course. , The [ eistcrsin ers ( master sinn - ers ) Male Quartette ent rs up < .n it 3 second 'our of theest with a'l tie prestige of a well known organize - tion , having unquestionnhly a mrs r Attractive personality in individu j ) | meuiber > hip ' ) nd collectVH ! > a pe- fec'eil wh ) le Is d stmgui-hm * { twork in en-emhle sii-igni i is i f bnlLancy. A cUto on Meistersing- | ers will convince you that they are' ' all their name implies that they are master singers of tlie highest rank. Atf. . E. church Friday evpninp , : s Fancies ! We are carrying a full line of Xmas Groceries We wn'nt your trade. Call in and get price * . Raisins in fancy clusters. ] N"cve Yovir Apples , best quality. V ) TVurs. Almonds , Pecans , Brazil Xuts and English Walnuts Canclio , mixed and fancy , special price given in pail lots Concliziionts. Chutney , Tobasco Sauce , Catsup , India- Relish , etc. Preserves We have the finest line of Preserves en the market , including the famous Gordon and Dil- \vorth brands. New York BuckwIiealFlour. Chase & Santa Coffees Davenport & Thacher Large stock of = = Brown Shoes Just arrived. All other shoes in stock sold at greatly reduced prices for next 30 days. Come and see us. We sell everything , and at prices which are right. MAX E. VIERTEL CROOESTO NEBRASKA The BEST for table use and at popular prices t K Our Stock is Always Fresh I Dry Goods , Shoes , Mittens Hay , Grain and Feed * : W. A. PETTY CREW , GENERAL MDSE. FRS : : i FRUIT AXD GAME H JN THEIR SEASON. Fir-t i-l as HUP of S oaks lrSalr Me ts Smoke ! Higiiasl Market Price Paiu for Hogs. P'KED WHITTEMOBE , Pr-s. CHAB. SPARKS , . .T.V. . HTETTBR , Vice Proa. OKA.H Ii. BBITTON , Ass't IWsons seeking a place of safety for their money , will profit mvesti ating the methods employed in our business. 5 : CONFECTIONERY Suited to your taste. 1 Canned Goods Lunch Counter. i * Are now at their best and All you want to eat. at onr V we handle the best grade. Lunch Counter Home Bakery the Advertls&aeRts.